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Rogue: Genesia, October monthly Dev-Blog

Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog!

Modding Context Extension

Modding contest duration got extended by an additional month. The reason is that there is simply no one who entered the contest yet. It is also likely I'll have to extend it further too if necessary.


As many may have noticed, I was very quiet in the last two months, both in terms of communication (with the missing September Dev Blog) and in terms of updates. I had to go through a difficult part of my life. I'm not going into details since it's not the place for it. But since I know there are many developers that eagerly read my dev blog, my best advice would be to not neglect the people around you. It's sure important to work on your game, but there is a time for everything. [spoiler]Since some people thought it was the case on the discord, it is not about a dead relative[/spoiler] There have also been a few more positive things that took my energy/time, like preparing the marketing for the future 1.0 release, setting up a company for my next game that will be developed with a friend, or the fact that I've recently signed with a Chinese publisher that will take care of their own region.

Chinese Publisher

As many likely know, I just came out of a very bad publishing deal. So I was very careful and reluctant to deal with another publisher. The new publisher is "GamerSky"; their role is to handle marketing and translation in a part of Asia (notably China, Korea, and Japan). I know that the marketing and translation in those regions/languages has been a weak point of Rogue: Genesia and something that I simply cannot handle by myself. Regions/languages outside of that will still be handled by me.

0.10.1 Beta

0.10.1 beta has started a few weeks ago. It won't be a big update, mainly focusing on a few medium-sized features that I wanted to implement before 1.0 or things that I think need to be taken care of now.

Dynamic difficulty

While I believe the overall difficulty of the game is in a right place (accessible for everyone, but can still provide challenges to the most expert of players), the moment-to-moment difficulty is not properly balanced for everyone, and that's especially true due to the exponential nature of player's scales. I firmly believe the way the game scales is also an important selling point of the game, that the game gives a ton of freedom, and possibilities for the players to break the game in many ways is not something I want to remove. But ultimately, there are situations where players can get frustrated or bored, where the game quickly becomes too easy or too hard and they weren't able to scale properly. After a lot of time thinking of a solution, implementing a sort of dynamic difficulty scaling is the best way to solve these situations.

Before I start to explain it, I want to point out what ARE NOT the goals of the dynamic difficulty.

  • This is not to make the game harder.
  • This is not to nerf the player if they overperform in the game.
  • This is not to make the game easier either by allowing any build to perform.

What is the goal of the Dynamic difficulty?

Dynamic difficulty has 2 goals at the moment. The first one is to prevent boring situations when the player simply doesn't see any enemies on screen (I know it happened a lot to experienced players when B-rank got released), by making sure the game still gives a bit of stimulus to the player. The second goal is to avoid situations when the player's damage slowly gets out of scale with the enemies' health, and you end up in a sort of soft-lock. I also want to reassure that dynamic difficulty can be disabled anytime in the game options if players prefer to simply steamroll the game. As of now, the dynamic difficulty only affects enemies' health in a "naive" way based on how long they stay alive. but there are 2 issues at hand in the current way: [olist]
  • It simply makes investing in damage not worth it, this could be alleviated by increasing some other stats of the enemies to make sure this is not a viable strategy (by increasing their damage, for example).
  • If you outscale the enemies, it also prevents you from overkilling enemies, which is also not the goal of this. For this, I could make the overkill requirement stay at the original enemies' health, or have a lower requirement depending on the health scaling value. [/olist] There is still lot of room for improvement and for tweaking, and this will likely be the case for the upcoming weeks.

    Achievements improvement

    Another aspect I got suggestions on that I wanted to improve is to give a tip to players on what to do next for achievements. This is particularly the case for Secret and Super secret achievements that simply don't have any hints on how to obtain them. A change for that is a small list in the main menu that displays the 3 achievements that the player is closest to completing. This will always display normal achievements first, then secret achievements, and then super secret achievements.
    Another change I want to make is to change the description to display a hint instead of the actual description when the achievement is not completed, and make secret/super secret achievements be displayed in the achievements menu in a similar way.

    Mass Equipment Recycling

    Nothing much, but you can now select multiple equipment items inside the forge to recycle multiple of them. Mass recycling ignores favorited items.

  • [ 2024-10-16 16:08:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Modded Challenges Contest

    Hello. I want to officially start the first modding contest of Rogue: Genesia.

    The theme of the mod creation contest is:


    (No secrets there, I've already talked about it previously)

    The contest is open until Sunday, 6th October at 6pm GMT/ 2pm EST/ 11am PDT

    To participate:

    publish your modded challenge on the workshop and fill out this google form with the link to your mod: https://forms.gle/kBb42DDeXUxqpYM68 No limits on the number of entries.

    How are the winners chosen

    The contest will have 2 categories, "Normal challenge" and "Hardmode challenge." Normal challenge and Hardmode challenge will be judged on:
    • How fun they are.
    • How they push the player to change their way of playing the game.
    • How balanced they feel (Hardmode ones should still be possible to complete).
    • How original they are (surprise me).
    Following feedback from the previous Monthly Devblog, there won't be any cash prize to win, and the contest is there for people to have fun!

    If you need help on mod creation,

    [ 2024-09-17 11:56:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Fixed loading screen being stuck on SteamDeck

    Sorry for the huge delay on fixing this issues, it took me multiple day to properly track the source of the issues (and also finding someone who have a Steamdeck to properly run multiples test)

    [ 2024-09-15 20:36:19 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fixes Stage selection visual Glitches and Missing damage number glitches introduced in Hotfix

    Sorry for the last 2 buggy patches

    [ 2024-09-12 06:48:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Revert to

    Reverted the game version to until it can be properly fixed. The game engine seam to causing a ton of issue out of nowhere, It is better to revert the public game version until I can properly fix all the issues

    [ 2024-09-12 05:58:59 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fixed Graphics bug in Dream Forest & Manors of everlasting memories

    (For the curious one, this bug was caused by unity semingly nuking one of the shader for no reasons, having to delete all the shaders caches (and recalculating them) taking a few hours to process)

    [ 2024-09-11 22:27:58 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Launching the game after removing mod that add challenge would lock the game during loading.
    • Fixed modded card from json not having StatsModifier causing initialization error.


    • Mod source creation now reference Unity.Localization from the game install.

    [ 2024-09-11 14:28:05 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Clicking rewards not properly working

    [ 2024-09-06 15:20:32 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added Projectile tab on Sun sword
    • LagRog reduce stage requirement by 35%
    • Changed scaling on Dwindling fire after level 90 to no longer become negative
    • Arcade now banish Blood Spirit
    • Reduced Flying candle experience gain
    • Greatly Increased Health from monster inside the manor
    • Pressing shift while clicking challenge level change button increment/decrement it by 10 Pressing shift and control increment/decrement it by 50 (Yes this is a placeholder so doesn't work on gamepad), I'll work on a better solution for next bigger patch
    • Once modifier crafting unlocked, boss will drop their respective equipment material. Goblin shaman will drop Goblin Alloy This should greatly help late game player have a steady source of early materials that can easily come to miss after a bit of time


    • Challenge stacking navigation issues with gamepad
    • Multiple challenge confirm button not being accessible with gamepad
    • Removed % under enemies name in stage selection
    • Blood transmutation effect wrongly used capped health instead of uncapped health.

    [ 2024-09-06 14:38:40 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Bosses soft locking the game
    • Missing translation for explosion opacity

    [ 2024-08-29 02:52:51 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Equipment can be set as "favorite" in the forge, preventing them form being recycled
    • Added an option to reduce Explosion's opacity This is multiplicative with projectiles opacity Know issue: Missing translation
    • Ouroboros's Necklace and Phoenix totem now display a buff icon when active


    • Added a "light armor" variant to adaptive plate Appear in the same way as adaptive plate
    • Made phase skipper achievement much easier to obtain


    • Challenge level above level 5 not properly allowing to select challenge at much higher level

    [ 2024-08-28 16:25:57 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Material in crafting menu can be hovered to display a bit of information (like how to obtain them)
    • Added confirmation in soul-shop in case of a save is already active, warning the player of the lost of the run progress This can be disabled in Game options
    • In challenge that don't increase ranks when leveled-up and above level 5, you can increase the challenge level to max completion level + 5, to reduce grinding


    • Equipment sometime no longer generate negative modifier (10% chance) this is increase to 75% until you have unlocked modifier crafting
    • Reduced option kill count requirement scaling
    • Knight's pendant can be recrafted to change the weapon Cost 1 Goddess tear as well as 5 Empty souls
    • Shop keeper health in Defend shop-keeper objective now scale with player's health


    • Player's collision detection from discrete to continuous Should prevent Out of Bound Bugs
    • FPS dropdown not allowing to be scrolled correctly
    • Loadout dropdown not allowing to be scrolled correctly
    • Fractal modifier being equipable on katana when it does nothing
    • Holy Conversion description stating it remove corruption (when it actually increase it)
    • Sage leaf's FX should now properly fit the duration of the artifact
    • Monster hunter & Red Bear Fang not updating their value on game loaded until something increase it's value
    • Minimum dash capped at 0
    • Talent charge cost being marked as negative modifier
    • Wind and Gale stone inverting Dash cooldown and attack speed value inside forge
    • Restarting some challenge would stack some effects multiple time (mainly corruptions related ones)

    [ 2024-08-26 15:05:42 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Crystal sword consecutive attack now increase with projectile count
    • Having 100 level or more at once, should no longer automatically display the level-up screen
    • reduced Flying Scout kill's requirement for summoner's weapon unlock from 8k to 3k
    • Overgeared no longer prevent end of stage card selection


    • Summon having issues attacking elite/boss
    • Lunar inferno description not display the right value
    • Being able to pause during death
    • Health regenerating after death

    [ 2024-08-16 08:06:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Whats the plan?

    Hello everyone!

    This news will replace the usual dev-blog for this month (since there is not much to talk about for a dev-blog). The update was much more intensive than I expected, especially as some last-minute fixes introduced a few bugs, and some content wasn't properly play-tested in the last few days (damn you Rune of Necromancy and Spectral Dagger!). Sorry for all these patches and the number of bumps on the ride.

    What's the plan?

    Now that most of the urgent matters have been taken care of, I would like to take a few days off and then return to do one or two last hotfixes to fix some of the last issues reported.

    modding contest

    After that, I would like to make a modding contest on the subject of modded challenges. I'll talk in more detail about it, and I'll need to make a proper modding guide on challenge creation. You are more than welcome to ask all the questions/things that are not clear to you so I can properly respond to them in the modding guide. I'm hesitating to add a small cash prize (about $100), but that would also mean having to make sure everything is fair and no one feels cheated, so having a proper marking scheme, which I absolutely don't know how to properly make for this sort of event. There is also the idea of keeping modding "healthy/sane" and adding money into that could also lead to a bit of toxicity.

    Game OST

    At the same time, I want to focus on creating the Steam page for the game OST to finally start selling it, also adding a sort of "deluxe" edition of the game that would contain the game + OST + the two pet DLCs (that would be "free" in the bundle).


    Once all that is done, I'll focus on a medium-sized patch (0.10.1). Here are the currently planned things for this patch, with a target release in September (so may move around).
    • Twitch integration (if it's not too long, otherwise, pushed to 1.0)
    • Missing sprite & animation for Manor's enemies (Hope to have them finished by then)
    • Add a menu where players can re-read tutorial text
    • Add tutorials for shrines, altars, buffs, Quickmode, and equipment
    • Search bar for equipment modifiers
    • Adding secret achievement hints when all other achievements are completed
    • Making super secret achievements visible with a hint when all secret achievements are completed
    • Listing the 3 achievements that are closest to completion in the main menu
    • Cursor option menu rework to properly display the size with a gameplay image as background
    • Searching for options in game options
    In the following week, I'll start making a "Community Feedback" round on the Discord to discuss QoL suggestions, the possibility of adding a manual attack option (or a dedicated avatar), and some minor ideas I want to explore.


    After that, the work for 1.0 will finally start. I expect 1.0 to be much smalled than 0.10, but that's also what I said for every previous patch... So far, I'll need to properly test the idea of a talent skill tree to see if it's a good idea to implement, especially since the equipment system adds a lot of complexity to the game's meta-progression. I don't know if adding even more on top of that is necessarily a good idea. Otherwise, the plan for an alternative zone to the cave should be fulfilled, along with the addition of the final World-Tier, A-rank (Sorry, no S-tier planned), with the addition of the 6th and final biome. There are a few surprises that I want to implement, but that will be discussed later.

    [ 2024-08-14 17:10:04 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Soul-shop position reseting when upgrading/selling an upgrade.
    • Worm's gland causing freeze of gameplay

    [ 2024-08-14 06:01:21 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added 2 new framerate option (165 & 240)


    • Potion pick-up range now follow the player pick-up range
    • Summoner's flying summon now properly fly over cliff in Behemoth Graveyard
    • Optional objective Killcount, start at lower value early in a zone, but scale much more aggresively with stage count


    • Added FSR upscaling
    • Fix a major Fractal's memory leak
    • Contact shadows is now disabled on Medium quality
    • Reduced number of shadows cascade on Medium quality (from 4 to 2)
    • Depth of field being more expensive on medium than on ultra
    • Main menu no longer ignore Motion blur setting from options Those 4 last change should overall improve performance on medium quality without affecting visuals significantly


    • Goblin's Ear providing it's passive effect when equiped as active
    • Fire stone, Fiery Stone, Moon Stone, Lunar Stone, Stelar Stone description error and inconsistency between tooltip and forge
    • Pause menu in Stage selection using right stick instead of left stick for navigation
    • Menu navigation work on rebinded controls
    • Challenge toggle not being selectable on gamepad
    • Boss Skipping work on rebinded controls
    • Ending a game at the start of a Time Paradox run no longer give soul-coin
    • Worm Boss' telegraph staying behind after it's death
    • When switching between soul-shop tier, the scroll bar wasn't reset to the top



    • Cooled steel's experience malus

    [ 2024-08-13 18:54:08 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Modifier that are not yet known are much more likely to appear depending on how many modifier you already know The more modifier you know, the more likely unknow modifier are to appear)


    • Learnable modifier count in encyclopedia modifier tab using all modifier (even non learnable one) instead of only learnable one
    • Pause menu & Game menu opening/closing hiding the gameplay UI


    • Reduced particle count for main menu intro animation

    [ 2024-08-12 10:54:15 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added a smart aiming option in Game options > Gameplay When enabled, the character will auto-aim when no aiming direction in inputted instead of aiming in the movement direction (gamepad only)
    • Steam Deck will now use the non-pixelated font by default to improve lisibility This only affect new players
    • Corruption slider now display the gain of quality it provide


    • Cooled steel experience loss no longer scale with the challenge level
    • Left impairment challenge will now remove Behemoth Graveyard in the zone selection when active


    • East button on gamepad not working in Pause & Game menu to close them
    • East button on gamepad not closing achievement in pause menu
    • Leaving Encyclopedia on gamepad not selecting any button
    • Opening the pause while inside the encyclopedia actually keeping it open
    • Pressing pause when a card/artifact is hovered will now properly hide it
    • Fullscreen toggle resetting to On when changing scene
    • Card filtering now use the displayed name for zone limited card (instead of internal name)
    • Hero-mode record value not displaying the old record
    • Survivors mode displayed rank multiplier being x5 per rank instead of x3
    • Selecting an artifact and leveling-up at the same time kept the game slown down
    • Adaptive equipment description
    • Cooled steel challenge disabling active talent when it shouldn't

    [ 2024-08-12 06:01:51 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Improved Main Menu loading (especially after leaving the soul-shop) (TO TEST)
    • Reduced Video memory usage by 3Gb in stages This bug is likely present in the game since update 0.8.1
    • Reduced Video memory usage by 800mb in Dream forest stage selection
    • Passive Pike talent causing memory leak


    • Martyr cloak description (definetly this time)

    [ 2024-08-11 10:56:49 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Blacksmith now sell both weapon and weapon modifiers
    • Increased Cooled Steel soul-coin reward from x15 to x30
    • Red skull, weightless crystal and Goblin's hand now has the projectile size tag
    • Shaman's Attack now has a projectile spawn cap to avoid lag Projectiles spawned above the cap are counted to increase it's damage)
    • Slight reduction to explosion FX
    • Explosion FX become less performant heavy if projectile visibility is set to 5% or less
    • All component of explosion FX are properly affected by projectile visibility


    • Brawl Damage description
    • Goblin's Hand active talent causing summon's projectile to multiply to super high value and causing both lag and possibly crashes
    • Ref Bear Fang actually reducing piercing multiplier by 100%
    • Martyr's cloak using Town Hall registry description

    [ 2024-08-11 06:54:27 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Gambling event can be repeated up to 4 time during the same event
    • Reduced Golden Altar Event chance to appear early in the run
    • Golden Altar Event given gold is now added to the money that can be stole


    • Knight Pendant giving evolved weapon (sorry for those that exploited it)
    • Artifact rerolling in reward screen will no longer unselect and force the gamepad player to use mouse
    • Red Bear Fang's affecting base exp gain instead of Defense piercing multiplier
    • Pausing at the start of a card selection and then unpausing not correctly slowing down time and causing the game to continue playing during card selection
    • Concentration range reduction description being inverted
    • Arcane beam talent description

    [ 2024-08-10 16:28:16 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added Card numbering
    • Improved Foliage spawning position to avoid "diagonal" pattern


    • Procedural object placement ignoring world-rank limitation (Like shrine of Nera spawning at F-rank for example)
    • Rune of Heaviness description mentioning -50% attack speed instead of the actual -33% attack speed applied
    • Trade-off using Fire tag instead of Wind tag
    • Thunder Vial not affected by project visibility
    • Having a reward screen on the last boss even when equipment wasn't unlocked
    • Talent notification when Talents wasn't unlocked yet


    • New command "loadSteamAchievement" Load Achievements from Steam to overwrite your profile achievements Require to have "dangerousMode" enabled before activating it

    [ 2024-08-10 06:43:15 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Card Requirement not displaying required level when no card are required
    • Made with unity screen
    • Trial version text on linux

    [ 2024-08-09 08:19:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

    "Trial Version" Text fix

    Sorry for the bug. This was caused by my former publisher removed my unity license without warning. There is still the made with unity screen that I'll remove next patch

    [ 2024-08-09 00:37:01 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Grealy increased Adaptive Unique equipment drop-chance (x5)


    • Rune of Necromancy important performance lag
    • Spectral dagger causing lag and gameplay freezing

    [ 2024-08-09 00:12:43 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • fix that If you quit/lose when an altar was active (but no completed) it prevented future altar from being activated until you restart the game

    Help required

    I know some user have HUGE Performance and freezes issues. However I need additional data/information. if you encounter these, Could you please share you log and profile folder located in %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/HuardOuadi/Rogue Genesia send them at roguegenesia@gmail.com Thank you in advance for your help in fixing it!

    [ 2024-08-08 16:52:24 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Removed Modifier crafting from gods' stone (as no modifier could be crafted on it)


    • Anachronistic removing Balista Siege mode
    • item in reward not displaying tooltip when not using a mouse


    • Added a new "Optional" bool to challenges so they don't need to be completed to unlock hardmode

    [ 2024-08-08 10:29:38 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Ignore steamdeck setting for input (in case you are playing on Steamdeck with keyboard&mouse)


    • Anachronistic removing Immovable Object effect
    • Giant Worm interphase being pushed around

    [ 2024-08-08 04:38:18 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Soul-shop navigation between tier
    • Being able to reach locked menu in pause menu suing left/right button on gamepad
    • Only a single altar can be activated at once now
    • Duplicate achievement (killing C-rank necromancer)

    [ 2024-08-08 02:07:14 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Challenges adding bonus artifact not having their description displayed (like Plexu's sadism)

    [ 2024-08-08 00:45:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Chicken statue, Sheep statue and Golden goblin hand artifact description
    • Item on shop not displaying tooltip when not using a mouse

    [ 2024-08-07 13:15:29 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Small error at the end of stage screen with summoner
    • Warning spamming inside cave due to enemies spawning


    • Planar reflection's quality in Boreal Pinewood and Manor not scaling with game quality and causing important performance issues for Steam-Deck and low-end pc users

    [ 2024-08-07 11:31:01 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fix Text localization bug

    [ 2024-08-07 09:11:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Blood & Steel update Patchnote Part 2


    • Shrine spawn chance are now affected by card tag drop chances modifiers Challenge shrine is affected by Dark tag
    • Zealot halve Moon tag drop chance per level This should also greatly reduce Luna's shrine appearing chance
    • Ice Spirit buff Doubled the effect of slow-down
    • Flame-Thrower buff Increased Angle covered by the weapon
    • Collectibles spawned inside terrain collision will slowly move toward a walkable area
    • Changed how Anachronistic work internally This is to fix issues like particle effect now being affected by time slown-down and becoming innacurate (like crystal sword) Post-process now have a small transition when activated/disabled instead of being instant
    • Duelist Buff Weapons modifier can be attach to one additional weapon
    • Fractal Buff Damage from sub-projectiles increased from 25% to 100% Lifetime from sub-projectiles increased from 50% to 75% (up to 2 sec)
    • Weapon Aura is now a Weapon Modifier and got reworked Increased max level from 2 to 3 Increase the weapon damage by 150% per level Increase weapon defense shredding by 50% per level Increase weapon defense shredding by 100% per level Increase weapon projectile piercing by 15 per level Decrease projectile count by 3
    • Katana no longer prioritise enemies over crate, and it'll randomly attack enemies or crate in range
    • Rogue Avatar now have +50% Wind tag card dop-chance
    • Nerf to Necromancer damage
    • Buff to Lava titan damage
    • Huge buff to lava titan defense piercing
    • Health Transmutation now scale on Uncapped pre-post health
    • Reduced exp from splitting boss in cave This caused a too big surge of experience and made the rest of the zone give almost no exp in comparison
    • Goblin shaman "bullet storm" (the one with the aiming laser) will no longer instantly lock on the player There is now a bit of rotation speed
    • Greatly reduced Necromancer summon spawn count
    • Reduced Heroic weapon talent kill requirement from 100K to 50K kills
    • Reduced Epic weapon talent kill requirement from 50K to 20K kills
    • Reduced Price scaling from Shop-keeper's shop based on level
    • Already owned artifact, or artifact that are banished will no longer appear in shop when they are locked from a previous shop
    • Reduced Tactical Soul Kill requirement from 10 Million to 5 Million
    • Castle required card level increased from 0 to 20
    • Steel required card level increased from 0 to 10
    • Slipery skin required card level increased from 0 to 20
    • Sub-Sonic required card level increased from 0 to 25
    • Hyper-Sonic required card level decreased from 50 to 25
    • Absolute focus required card level increased from 25 to 50 (to be on par with Average)
    • Silk edge tweak required card level increased from 10 to 100 Increased conversion rate from 3% to 5% per silkedge level Increased conversion rate from 2% to 2.5% per player level
    • Armor-less, Zealot, and Metal transmutation now all require card level 50
    • Moon Shield rework Can Appear from level 5, it's purpose is to serve as a rail to target metal transmutation Rarity increase from uncommon to Rare Only has 2 level Increase Moon tag chance by 25% per level instead of 5% No longer reduce attack speed Reduce power multiplier by 20% (compound) per level
    • Divine shield now require Light armor instead of Moon Shield Moon shield was anti-build of Zealot, and didn't make much sense
    • Clover now increase Hunt tag drop-chance by 10%
    • Yeti Heart buff Increase Wild tag drop-chance by 20%
    • Fairy in a bottle buff Increase Wild tag drop-chance by 10%
    • Lepreuchaun Hat Tweak Changed tag from void to metal Increase Metal tag drop-chance by 10%
    • Concentration is now a weapon modifier Increased the bonus damage from 10% per level to 30% per level Area malus decrease from 15% per level to 10% per level Can only be applied to weapon with Area tag
    • Increased distance the necromancer spawn the skeleton summon from the player, so it no longer spawn on the player position
    • Killing necromancer summon slightly reduce it's invulnerability state (by 0.01s per kill when out of the charging circle, or 0.1s of circle charge per kill while inside the circle)
    • Increased Shop-Keeper return challenge "most stats" bonus from 100% to 200%
    • Increased Shop-Keeper return challenge soul-coin gain from x1.50 to x3.00
    • Ice Nova Tweak Increased Ice Nova sub-projectile piercing Increased Ice Nova projectile spread
    • Holy Conversion nerf Reduced Power ratio from 25% to 10% Increase final corruption instead of reducing it
    • Change to Hero's soul Challenge now limit the soul-shop to the current rank of the shop So you can only access F-rank soul-shop for F-rank challenges
    • Improved Dual minigun stats Improved base Attack speed and Attack speed scaling to be more inline with HMG Slight improvement to damages Major improvement to defense piercing
    • Singularity Gland tweak Blackhole damage tick now happen 5 times per seconds Damage falloff is now limited to 25% (instead of 10% previously) Reduce Singularity gland damage by 75% (to compensate with the increased damage ticks)
    • Reworked Arena stage camera They are now less zoomed out, but the camera follow the player up to a maximum distance (25m in each direction
    • Angel beam no longer explode when hitting enemies but when killing them this is to save on performance The explosion damage got doubled to compensate for the rarer procc
    • Negative defense equipment modifier now slightly increase level requirement instead of reducing it
    • Lunar inferno is now unlocked by "Moon is on fire" achievement Reach 1000 or more defense
    • Area Conversion cap now start at 40% and gain 5% cap per level
    • Stage Tooltip no longer display enemies spawn rate It wasn't very useful, mostly inaccurate, and made the tooltip noisy
    • Talent charge rate is now affected by the player timescale
    • Flying crystal summon now automatically reposition themselves when one is dead, they also respawn even when not all are dead
    • Modified Balanced assault achievement unlock requirement from 99% crit chance to 90% crit chance
    • Crit-strike infusion is no longer unlocked by default
    • Added a new Achievement, that require you to reach 99.99% crit chance (or higher) that unlock crit-strike infusion
    • Slight change to flying scout in Crystal Depth (zone 3) Decreased their spawnrate Increased delay between projectiles Decreased projectiles lifetime Increased projectiles velocity Increased damages No longer stop moving to attack in B-rank and higher
    • Reduced budget cost of enemies in Crystal Depth This mean that more enemies will spawn
    • Tainted card drop-rate got slightly changed and is more uniformised 0.25 weight for 999 level card 0.15 weight for 99 level card
    • Added an unlock achievement for RogNGesus Lose 3 gambling events in a row
    • Quick-Game is now disabled when started FastPass challenge
    • Reduction to enemies Movespeed especially in early zone and lower difficulty Looking for feedback on this change
    • Increased corruption effect on move speed The scaling is now multiplicative instead of additive (x1.5 per OoM after 10 corruption instead of linear +50%)
    • In Notice board, The hardest choice with 2 artifact, no longer appear in F-rank I noticed a lot of new player tend to go with this choice and die in their first run
    • Wind stone (and upgrade) now increase attack speed instead of increasing dash-delay
    • Fire stone now increase Piercing scaling instead of attack speed
    • Portal shard no longer appear on GunSlinger (since his attack are not affected by portal shard)
    • Tweaked a few enemies scales and size
    • Thunder spirit will try to target more diverse enemies simulataneously previously, when the "thunder" was branching, it had the tendency to target the same enemy with multiple branch, mostly leading to a single powerful thunder, instead of a dispersing array of thunder jumping from enemies to enemies)
    • Thunder spirit jump will be faster at higher level this should increase thunder spirit dps overall and reduce the time where you wait for all the jump to be procc
    • Many projectiles now collide with wall They are either destroyed, bounce back from them, or ignore them
    • Most of Summoner's weapon are now unlocked with achievements. Achievements require you to kill a certain number of each monster with the necromancer This affect the following weapons: Dried mushroom, Goblin's Hand, Hard leather, Light crystal, Long Nail, Pharaon Mask, red skull, weightless crystal and Wind feather
    • Fiery dash is now a synergy between brawl and Fire spirit


    • Crystal sword talent FX not following the player when the damaging area did
    • Vine CD reduction being displayed red instead of blue
    • Shrine of Reconstruction bugging the game when having an active talent
    • Sola's Lance afterimage not having defense shredding
    • Banished artifact list not properly cleaning itself when starting a new run
    • Prevent stats from being saved as infinity or NAN(they are replaced with the float max value)
    • Lava titan hand taking damage from certain source during titan invulnerability phase
    • Collection book increasing power instead of Damage
    • Defense piercing being multiply twice by the player defense piercing
    • Dash during anachronistic having the player timescale applied twice
    • Evasion description
    • Pet not being able to follow you during cripple challenge
    • Anachronistic should no longer make projectiles movement feel choppy
    • One of Throwing Knife stats not being displayed correctly
    • Time Survived not displayed correctly
    • Shrine of disorder (and likely other shrine) causing error and removing cards
    • Fix navigation issues in shop
    • Fix button click issues in shop
    • First reward not being correctly selected and causing navigation issue on gamepad
    • End of game screen Soulcoin from monster killed displaying the wrong value
    • End of game screen Mastery from monster killed displaying the wrong value
    • Having "Legacy Music" checked on in zone that don't have legacy music would bug the objective of a stage
    • Pike talent not working
    • Loading an outdated mod will no longer corrupt your save files
    • GiveCard command now properly set the correct level
    • Multiples issues with Rift and Interdimensional rose not working correctly
    • Humility actually reducing damage taken by elite when faith was low (and even reducing it to 0 when faith was at 0)
    • Player sprite becoming invisible when trying to move during cripple challenge
    • In hero's soul, soul-shop limitation of challenges due to the profile gamemode are not displayed in the challenge description
    • Stack number actually disabling Overkill bonus
    • Talent overflowing out of text
    • Gunslinger's weapon reload time not having a unit of time
    • Enemies Animation sometime not playing (especially worm boss)
    • Default power in stats panel is now properly affected by "base power multiplier" soul-shop upgrade
    • Opening artifact encyclopedia showing default value instead of the first artifact.
    • Explosive vial (and Thunder Vial)'s sprite sometime being in the wrong orientation and becoming invisible
    • Auto-aiming using the vertical position of enemies for aiming when it shouldn't and causing minor visual glitches
    • Explosive vial having a full-sized explosion for a frame before the explosion started
    • Some projectile sprite not being affected by Projectile opacity
    • Player no longer collide with singularity gland's blackhole
    • Fixed Altar spawning out of reach in Risk of Storm challenge
    • Loading a game for the first time loading the wrong RNG state
    • Level Generating in the wrong place in quick-mode in certain instances
    • Card dropped as boss reward ignoring biome limitations
    • Some missing feedback when taking damage Player and healthbar wasn't blinking on taking damage
    • "blue screen" when sometime when fighting the lava titan
    • Thunder vial projectils spawning at various height and sometime being hard to see
    • Profile loading often causing issues
    • Explosive vial talent colliding with enemies at any height
    • Cursor scale option navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • Audio options navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • Video options navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • General Stats navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • Weapon Modifiers navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • Stage Tooltip displaying monster that couldn't spawn on the active difficulty
    • Profile Gamemode description not having the right tooltip
    • You can no longer skip more than 1 boss phase at a time
    • Game not loading in case the save file was corrupted (it now automatically load a backup)
    • Low Health FX option being ignored
    • Summon defense being ignored when taking damage
    • Scavenger card having 0 chance to appear after level 1
    • Summon having issues with buff
    • Loading screen issue when starting the game with no saves
    • Some synergy card not telling which card are component in their description
    • Pressing escape during the first profile creation would lock the player
    • Thunder spirit having highly stacking damage over multiple jumps
    • Thunder spirit ignoring the cooldown when used on summons
    • Explosive vial talent not working with explosive bow
    • Arena stage and Risk of storm challenge creating bug together
    • "Increase World Rank" of challenges not updating correctly on max level
    • Passive talent giving card at set level on loading that was lower than the saved level
    • Challenge description not correctly updating the value on different level This affect challenge with "custom" modifier like Vild's Curse
    • Error relate to fire ring active talent in rog's mode not properly cleaning it's reference to existing explosions.
    • You won't be able to level-up once your required experience reach "infinity" or "NaN" if you've reach those level, leveling up is likely becoming annoying as you've emptied the card pool That also mean there is technically a max level
    • Creating a new profile not properly refreshing bestiary
    • Animation looping on run animation
    • Some text not using the right font in non-latin alphabet
    • Shrine of reconstruction when no active talent were equiped
    • Fractal description
    • Guided projectile (like Magic Wand or Arcanist's Staff) having weird/shaky/laggy movement
    • Explosive vial's talent having issues with Angel prism evolution
    • Elite, Champions and player healthbar not being properly centered (sorry)
    • Enemies health bar now more accurately follow them
    • Fixed some weird offset between an enemy and their healthbar
    • Some enemies staying immobile
    • Revolution requiring Fire spirit to drop
    • Foliage on ground sometime changing position when moving
    • Mushroom jelly description
    • Slide Show (Lag rog unlock) achievement being triggered during loading (so very often).
    • Preventing profile name ending with a "." causing some issues
    • Monsters in bestiary having "0" damage
    • Anachronistic tooltip not displaying right binding if it was rebinded
    • Level-up background fx being misplaced when the zoom-level wasn't at 1


    • Reduced maximum enemy count during red-time down to 200 when the game is run on Steamdeck to make infinity more doable/less laggy
    • Removed lag spike when new music are loaded
    • Added an Projectile Cap option The projectile cap is per type of projectiles This greatly improve performance in late game when a lot of projectile is active at the same time.
    • Upgraded game loading time (from 1-3 min to 15 secondes)
    • Improved Thunder vial FX performance


    • New Command "dangerousMode"
    • New Command "downgradeProfile" (Require dangerousMode)
    • New Command "upgradeProfile" (Require dangerousMode)
    • New Command "startRun [RankID] (Seed)"
    • New Command "listUniqueEquipment"
    • "InfiniteStamina" (Require CheatMode)
    • "SpawnMonster [MonsterName] [MonsterLevel]" (Require CheatMode)
    • "listMonster"
    • "Kill"
    • New Command: GiveEquipment [EquipmentInternalName] [EquipmentTier] [EquipmentLevel] (Require dangerousMode)
    • New Command: listEquipmentModifier
    • "giveGold [Ammount]" (Require CheatMode)


    • New Event - OnOverkill(Monster, DamageInfoRef)
    • New Event - OnCardConstructed(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCard)
    • New Event - OnCalculateCollectibleSpawnWeight(FloatValue, Collectible)
    • New Event - OnProjectileSpawned(DefaultProjectileAI)
    • New Event - OnSummonSpawned(Summon)
    • New Event - OnSummonLaunchProjectiles(Summon, FloatValue ProjectilesCount)
    • New Event - OnSummonTakeDamageStart(Summon, DamageInformationRef)
    • New Event - OnSummonTakeDamage(Summon, DamageInformationRef)
    • New Event - OnSummonDeathCheck(Summon, BoolValue, DamageInformationRef)
    • New Event - OnSummonDeath(Summon)
    • New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionThreshold(FloatValue OS_HealthMultiplier)
    • New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionDuration(FloatValue OS_Duration)
    • New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionCooldown(FloatValue OS_Cooldown)
    • New Event - CalculateItemQuality(FloatValue ItemQuality)
    • New Event - OnWeaponSelection()
    • New Event - OnMonsterDropExp()
    • New event - OnCalculateMonsterLevel(Monster,FloatValue)
    • New event - OnGenerateMonsterAbility(Monster,IntValue,GeneralMonsterAbilitySO[])
    • New Event - EquipmentRequiredCardLevel(AvatarData avatar, Equipment equipment, FloatValue requiredCardLevel)
    • New Event - EquipmentRequiredCardLevel(AvatarData avatar, Equipment equipment, FloatValue requiredCardLevel)
    • New event - OnHoverKeyword(string,string,TMP_LinkInfo)
    • Change to Event "OnCalculateCardLevelGainAtOnce()" to use "SoulCardScriptableObject" instead of "SoulCard" Class
    • PostUpdate value of Damage is now applied after every multipliers
    • Removed "AttackDelay" player stats internally, as only "AttackCooldown" was display to the player, and there is no case where one is affected but not the other and lead to both duplication of code, but also useless complexity to many systems
    • DamageInfoRef now have both the current damage Info and the source damage info (before defense and other damage boost)
    • Projectiles and DamageInfo now have a reference to the weapon it is coming for (if there is a weapon source)
    • Change to OnStageEnd Event to add a boolean to know if the stage has been completed or not (like due to the death of the player in casual)
    • Added "GlobalMessageManager" class that allow to display message at the bottom of the screen You can either manually display/hide a message using "DisplayImmediateMessage()" function or add a message to display in a queue using "DisplayMessage()" function
    • Added a new overridable function to StageObjective Class, "AddEnnemyToETK(Monster)" This is used when adding a target enemy to the objective (like champions)
    • Stats modifier can now be of type "AdditionalPostUpdate", which allow to easily change the add to the post-update value without a need to make custom cards
    • Changed internal name of XPMultiplier to XPGain
    • Changed internal name of GoldMultiplier to GoldGain
    • Changed internal name of SoulCoinMultiplier to SoulCoinGain
    • Changed internal name of MasteryGainMultiplier to MasteryGain

    [ 2024-08-07 07:57:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Steel & Blood Update Patchnote Part 1

    [MAJOR FEATURE] Equipment System

    The biggest feature of this update is the equipment system.
    After playing the game for a little while, you'll unlock the equipments system, and as you continue to play, you'll unlock more and more part of it Once the equipment system is unlock, you'll be able to found during your run, item that you can equip.

    Item Upgrading

    Equipment you own, possess both a level and a tier. Level start at 1 and can be increased up to 10 using Soul-coin. Once your equipment is level 10, you can use both Soul-coin and crafting material to increase it's Tier. Tier start at F. An increase in tier greatly increase the strength of a modifiers effect.

    Modifier & Recycling

    Each item have a main modifier, and a variety of secondary modifiers, both positive and negative. Modifier can be learn by recycling a pierce of equipment. Learnt modifier can then be crafted on any compatible equipment that you own. Depending on their modifiers, an item will have an "Soul-Level" requirement before it activate during a run. Strong modifier tend to increase this level, while negative one will reduce it. Recycling item will refund all the soul-coin you invested in the item and additional crafting material, used in modifier crafting and item upgrading.

    Unique equipment

    Upon completing certain challenge, you'll found Unique equipment, which are powerful item that have defined effect. They are usualy stronger, but lack the flexibility of normal items.

    Equipment Loadout

    You can have any number of loadout of equipment as you wish, this allow to quickly and easily swap between very different build without having to equip & unequip all the item you need.

    [MAJOR FEATURE] Weapon Modifier

    Another big feature are weapon modifier. They were already partly added into the game, with Soul-card like Ice-spirit or Fractal, but they were general modifier. Now, they are equipable of some specifics weapons. To compensate the fact they no longer affect all weapons, thay got greatly buffed (Projectile that originate from fractal now deal the full damage of the original projectile Weapon modifier equiping is done in the Game-menu, inside the Weapon tab. They are equipped on your most efficient weapon by default (depending on the modifier effect and each weapon Kill/DPS/AVG damage stat) For example, Thunder spirit will be equipped on the highest avg damage since it doesn't scale with attack speed, Fire spirit will equip on highest DPS, divine smite on the highest kill count, while ice spirit will attach to the highest attack speed weapon by default

    Major Change

    B-rank World

    5th Zone - Manor of everlasting memories

    New avatar - RogNGesus

    An weird creation from RIven that embrace the chaotic nature of the world. When starting a new game, the drop-change of every card tag are random. At the start of each stage, Roll a dice that will decide on your fate.

    Zone 2 Variant - Behemoth Graveyard

    Variant for the Amber dune

    Attack speed attribute is now related to Wind instead of Fire

    Active talent can now be equiped as passive talents

    • Kunai Talent Has 6/7/8/9/10% chance to remove an enemy positive defense when it take damage
    • Fire Ring Start the game with Fire Spirit at level 1/1/2/2/3
    • Ice Nova Start the game with Ice Spirit at level 1/1/2/2/3
    • Thunder Staff Start the game with Thunder Spirit at level 1/2/3/4/5
    • Throwing Knife Start the game with Dash (card) at level 1/1/2/2/3
    • Death Aura Increase your Area size by 25/30/35/40%
    • Magic Wisp Increase Power damage scaling by 70/90/110/130/150% Multiply additional projectile multiplier by 0
    • Pistol Reduce Ammo cost by 20/27.5/35/42.5/50%
    • Worm Gland Increase Defense Piercing damage scaling by 50/75/100/125/150%
    • Explosive Vial Greatly increase artificer potion spawn chance by 50/100/150/200/250% Increase artificer potion duration from 30sec to 40/45/50/55/60sec
    • Crystal Sword Increase damages by 30/35/40/45/50% to enemies in close range Range: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6m
    • Thorn Upon taking damage, give invincibility frames for a short duration (0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 sec)
    • Crossbow Increase projectile damage by 5/6.25/7.5/8.75/9% for every enemies pierced, up to a maximum of 200/400/600/800/1000%
    • Bow Increase damage by 2/4/6/8/10% for every meter of distance between you and the damaged enemy.
    • Shuriken Increase Defense shredding by 3/4.5/6/7.5/9% for every enemies pierced
    • Magic Wand Increase projectile lifetime by 15/22.5/30/37.5/45%
    • Pike Overkilling an enemy apply 30/35/40/45/50% damage to the enemies behind in a range of 6/7.5/9/10.5/12m and an angle of 30/35/40/45/50
    • Shaman Staff Weapon with "Magic" tag get their damage increased by 15/20/25/30/35% and projectile count by 0/0/1/1/2
    • Arcane Beam Weapon with "Area" tag get their attack speed increased by 15/20/25/30/35%
    • Cleaver Increase damage and projectile size of weapon with melee tag by 15/20/25/30/35%
    • Wind Blade Projectiles have 15/20/25/30/35% to have their lifetime increase by 50/75/100/125/150% and have infinite piercing
    • Spear Critical Projectile have infinite piercing and increase their defense shredding by 10/15/20/25/30% (additive)
    • Katana On overkill, permanently increase your base experience multiplier by 0.05/0.075/0.1/0.125/0.15%
    • Swordrang On Projectile's first kill: The projectile has 4/8/12/16/20% chance to spawn a copy projectile if it can be splited

    Casual Profile Mode no longer make you Unkillable,

    in Rog's mode, Instead it take you back to the stage selection screen (and heal you to your max health) when dying You die normaly in survivors mode Decrease One-Shot protection requirement to 20% of your health (instead of the 95% value in normal mode) Also Addded a new Profile Mode - Ultra Casual (which was the previous casual mode)

    Card requirement now use cumulated card level instead of player level

    A big issues with card requirement using avatar level is that it wasn't a correct representation of the player progress, especially with challenge that removed experience gain, or Shop-keeper that had a much lower level than other avatars. The current card level of your player can be viewed in the stats menu at anytime

    Changed Talent mastery gain formula

    In Rog's mode: Gain per player level : from 1 per level to 2 Gain per stage: from 5 per stage to 7.5 Gain per Zone: from 75 to 150 In Survivors mode: Gain per player level : from 1 per level to 2 Doubled Mastery gain from time survived gain 1 mastery point per 1000 monster kill instead of 2000 monster kill

    Change how Hyper-Crit damage are calculated

    Instead of multiplying the damage by the number of critical stack (x1 > x2 > x3 > x4), it is now multiplied by the 2^stack (x1 > x2 > x4 > x8) (Yes, this is a big buff)

    Stackable Challenges

    You can now select multiple challenges and complete them in one go Only challenge of the same rank can be selected together Some challenge cannot be stacked Leveled challenge can only be stacked at level 1

    Artifact Reroll

    Artifact can now be rerolled once in the reward screen


    Certain item can now be locked in the shop during a run. This allow you to guarantee something to appear in the next shop even if you don't have the money to buy it now

    Major QoL

    • Improved Grass rendering to better blend with the ground

    • Added onboarding when discovering a new mechanic for the first time

    • There is still some improvement to be made on it, but it's a first step in the right direction to help new players to learn the game

    • Added color variation to the first biome depending on the difficulty of the run (world rank, challenge, challenge level and hardmode challenge affect this)

    • Added telegraph to many attack that would be hard to dodge otherwise
    • Boss now sometime has a secondary bar that depend on the boss
    • Main menu visual will vary depending on the selected world-rank
    • Added Lighting variant to the main menu depending on the result of the last game you finished
    • Added marker on the health bar to have a rough idea of your max health There is small mark every 20hp, disapear arround 400 max hp A medium one every 100 hp that disapear arround 3K max hp A large one every 500 hp that disapear arround 20K max hp Final one every 2.5K hp, disapear arround 50k max Hp Higher than that, marker wouldn't scale and you have the good old health bar Added a green/cyan line to display the OS-Protection requirement
    • Added 2 button in profile that allow to load backup (one for achievements, and one for persistant data (since they use differents file and have differents backups)
    • Projectile tag of a weapon will now tell you which stats affect the weapon
    • Added a shield FX on boss when they are invulnerable
    • Separated "Pause menu" and "Game Menu" Respectively escape (start on gamepad) and Tab (select on gamepad) Had to changes a few gamepad default bindings: Level-up menu is no longer on "select" but on "North Button" Keyword menu is no longer on "select" but on "left Trigger" West/North/East/South aiming button are unbinded by default You can bind all of these button back to what you were used for
    • Added a small animation to make objective much more obvious to new players
    • When starting the game for the first time (no profiles exist), it now ask the player if he want to disable a few setting that can help reduce incomfort of the dizzynes feeling


    • Survivors mode will now loop through multiple track available in the zone to lessen the repetitivity of the tracks
    • New OST for Cave elite stage
    • New music for Elite and boss stage for boreal forest
    • New soundtrack for Desert elite fight
    • Worm Boss now use his new sprite
    • Worm boss now tell how many worm you have to kill
    • Added a small FX to display katana's range Also improved collision detection for katana
    • Steam achievement will now be displaying In-Game instead of when closing the game
    • Card type is now displayed on the card It can either be Weapon, Stats, Weapon Modifiers or effect
    • Camera zooming now update even when the game is paused
    • Statistic page in encyclopedia now display more stats (notably the shop-keeper discount)
    • Added Keyword for Limit-break
    • Profile will also display your soulcoin networth (actual soulcoin + price of all upgrades)
    • Added a warning when trying to create a first profile in hero-soul mode
    • Added a warning when creating a casual profile
    • Tooltip should no longer become smaller with high resolution
    • Added an option to scale the tooltip size, from 50% to 200%
    • Added camera shake in the game in multiple situation This can be configured in option, from anywhere from 0% up to 200%
    • Added camera shake when taking heavy damage (more than 50% of your health) This can be disabled in option
    • Improved Many stages visuals Added an option in Visual to change how much of "ScreenFog" is present during stage
    • Increased Card detail scale in card list menu when playing on Steamdeck Increased scale by 20% to improve lisibility
    • Now handle all input field for Steamdeck
    • Increased Achievements tooltip size on Steamdeck
    • Improved Equipement navigation with gamepad & Steamdeck
    • Improved Visibility of selected option in game option
    • Improved Slider with number in game option You can now directly input the number value
    • Improved Fire ring explosion FX
    • Improved all common explosions FX This could also lead to some performances improvements for certain weapons as the collision check has changed
    • Windows Confirmation for refund in Soul-Shop
    • Rework of the Keyword menu for gamepad added a key prompt when keyword are available No longer display a list of keyword, but you can now "navigate" through keyword and a tooltip for them is displayed
    • Added tooltip to why challenge are not available
    • Ground Foliage amount is now independent from "Visual Effect" setting, and now affected by "Foliage Multiplier" Option in Game Options Visuals (from 0% to 200%)
    • enemies and Player's healing are now displayed as stacked number
    • Enemy Outline is "ON" per default now This only affect new players
    • Renamed "Game stats" to "Game info"
    • Weapon tab improvement Weapon in weapon tab now always have the modifiers slots open by default, this can be changed with the "WeaponModifierFold" option in Visual UI.
    • Added a "new" in game to warn the player that he has a new weapon modifier
    • Added a small text in soul-shop to indicate that soulshop upgrade affect every world rank
    • Added a "new" to soul-shop tier to better indicate a new soul-shop tier is available (same in main menu)
    • Altars now have a visual indicator on how charged they are
    • Added a "Game Menu" button in the pause menu
    • You can now use the "Card Detail" key inside the weapon tab
    • Corruption keyword tooltip now display the change in corruption effect
    • Boreal Pinewood has improved visuals
    • Tweak how feature are displayed in the play game menu to tease the player on feature he hasn't unlocked yet
    • Added an option to disable pixelated font
    • Added a small text to indicate the requirement of some event choices
    • Opening the command console will automatically open the pause menu should be less prone to error as input would be bugged otherwise

    New Challenge

    • New C-rank Challenge "Left Impairment" You cannot go to the left.
    • New B-rank Challenge "Mortal Soul" Disable Equipments Disable Active Talents Disable Passive Talents
    • New B-rank Challenge "Dwindling Fire" Your damage get reduced by 10% (multiplicative) per stage Your defense piercing get reduced by 8% (multiplicative) per stage I'll likely have to tweak those value
    • New B-rank Challenge "Arcade" You only have 3 Health points Every damage you take are 1 damage Health regen is capped at 0 Disable Healing on Level-up Disable Healing in shop Replace Chicken by Heart that heal 1 health point Banish: Love&Hate, Pyromaniac and Revolution Banish Saint's Shinbone and Saint's Pelvis Start with Luna's Cross artifact
    • New B-rank Challenge "Time Paradox" Skip the first zone Enemies are imune to anachronistic Enemies level are much higher than they usualy are
    • New B-rank Challenge "Overgeared" Equipment ignore level requirement No Soul-shop bonus Card cannot be of higher rarity than Tainted Maximum weapon: 2 No shop nor blacksmith No artifacts No Evolution Reduce Exp gain by 99%
    • New B-rank Hardmode Challenge "Cooled Steel" Equipment ignore level requirement No Soul-shop bonus Card cannot be of higher rarity than Rare No shop nor blacksmith Reduce Exp gain by 99.9% Damage and Defense Piercing are reduced by 20% per stage Start with Cold Touch Disable Passive Talents

    New Artifact

    • Luna's Cross - When taking damage, for 0.25sec, make you immune to all damages. Banish Sage's Leaf
    • Salamander Hide Once every 4sec, Protect you from one hit and then emit a powerful explosion that damage ennemies arround you based on the number of FireTag card that you own.
    • White bear Fang Increase your piercing by 0.1% per elite killed, 2% per Champion killed, and 25% per boss killed
    • Witch Doll Every 3 seconds, trigger your "on take damage" effect
    • Gold Idol Unlocked and obtainable in the golden altar event Guaranteed Ascended card on your next card selection Each Ascended card increase your gold gain by 5% and exp gain by 20%
    • Stone heart (yes finally properly added in) Unlocked upon defeating the lava titan (retro-active) Increase max Health by 400% Increase Damage multiplier by 25% Decrease health regen by 90%
    • Destabilizer - Increase damage dealt to enemy inside your pick-up area by 100% (after defense calculation)
    • Molten Core Gain 5% damage multiplier for every second you stay at less than 50% of your health Capped at +200% When you health is above 50%, you progressively lose the bonus Reset when you enter a new stage


    • Removed God Stone talents Player who upgraded their god stone will receive the equivalent stone as equipment

    New Talents

    • Monster Hunter Increase your base defense piercing for each monster you killed (1 points is about 2K monster killed, Elite are worth 100 monsters)
    • Weapon Specialist Increase Weapon modifier drop-chance by 50% (+10% per level) Decrease Weapon drop chance by 50% After level 5, Weapon Modifier can be equipped on one additional weapon
    • Blood Syphoon talent Active: Drain 30% health of all non-elites enemies arround you Range: 8m Heal 10% of your Max Health (+ 1% per enemy hit) (Have no effect on elites and bosses) passive: Every second, decay 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1% of the maxhealth of all enemies in a range of 4/5/6/7/8m around you when decay is active, you lose 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1% of your health per second as negative health regen If you health is bellow 40%, disable itself until you reach 70% of your health
    • Lightless crystal respawn all the flying crystal Each flying crystal will shoot a powerful beam in the targeted direction
    • Light Crystal Spawn many small golem far from you converging to your position
    • Dried Mushroom Active: Spawn 1/2/3/4 big mushroom, that explode in 4/5/6/7 smaller explosing mushroom Passive: Every time a summon die, heal all other summon for 6/7/8/9/10% of their max health
    • Goblin's Ear Active: Summon the goblin shaman, Buff all summon arround him Have 10/14/18/22 time the health of a normal mage goblin Last 60/80/100/120 secondes Only one goblin shaman can be summoned. Passive: Summons have 20/25/30/35/40% chance to shoot double projectiles
    • Goblin's Hand Active: All goblin summon become berserk. Increase their Damage by 100/140/180/220% Reduce their Maxhealth by 90% Last 15/20/25/30 secondes Passive: Melee Summons gain 4/5/6/7/8% damage everytime it damage an ennemy
    • Runic Stone Active: All golem summon become adamant. Increase their Defense by 1000/1500/2000/2500% They obtain One-shot protection Slow their movespeed by 30/27/24/20% Last 15/20/25/30 secondes Passive: Summons gain 4/5/6/7/8% defense everytime it take damage
    • Light Crystal Active: Spawn many small golem far from you converging to your position (already there previous patch) Passive: Increase Lifetime of all summons by 10/15/20/25/30%
    • Long Nail Active: The "On Take Damage" of your summons is activated every secondes for 4/6/8/10 secondes Passive: Upon dying, a summon deal 5/7/9/11/13% of an enemies health as damage (ignore armor) Only deal 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% to elite Doesn't affect Boss
    • Pharaon Mask Active: All Desert summon now curse the enemies they touch. Cursed enemies get their damage reduced by 50/55/60/65% for 4 secondes Last 15/20/25/30 secondes Passive: Reduce damage taken by summons from elite by 30/35/40/45/50%
    • Red Leather Active: Gain a fire aura, Continuously burning all enemies arround you. apply 50/100/150/200% of your Damage Stats every seconds. Last 11/14/17/20 secondes Passive: Start the game with Fire Spirit at level 1/1/2/2/3
    • Red Skull Active: Instantly summon 6/9/12/15 skeletons Passive: Every time a summon die, Increase damage of other summons by 6/7/8/9/10%
    • Suspicious Eyes Active: Doesn't do anything yet Passive: Increase Move speed of all summons by 10/15/20/25/30%
    • Weightless Crystal Active: Respawn all the flying crystal Each flying crystal will shoot a powerful beam in the targeted direction Passive: Summons's projectile have 20/25/30/35/40% chance to ignore enemies defense
    • Wind Feather Active: Doesn't do anything yet Passive: Increase Knockback of all summons by 100/150/200/250/300%

    New Event

    • Snow Village notice board Boreal Pinewood equivalent of the Notice board event, there is 4 quest available
    • Jald Temple (Only appear once in Ember Dune) The Corrupted option artifact is from the Boss pool)
    • Mirror of Truth (Only appear once in Manor) Allow you to fight a (boosted) boss from previous zone again


    • New Achievement - "Phase Skipper" Skip a boss phase by doing enough damage in a single frame Don't unlock anything yet

    New Weapon

    • Blood Syphon Continuously drain health from enemies in the aimed direction While draining health from enemies, you gain 1% (+0.05% per enemies) of your max health per second
    • Corrupted Shaman Staff Evolution of Goblin's Ear, Goblin's Hand and Fairy in a Bottle
    • Giant Worm Scale Evolution of Wind's Feather, Hard Leather and Gigantification
    • Necromancer Staff Evolution of Weightless crystal, Red Skull and Necrotic bone

    New Weapon Modifiers

    • Rune of Heaviness - Epic Increase the weapon damage by 50% (+12.5% per level) Decrease the weapon attack-speed by 33%
    • Rune of Alacrity - Epic Increase the weapon attack-speed by 25% (+12.5% per level) Speed-up the time-scale of the enemies hit by the weapon by 25% Maximum of 4/6/8/10 undead simultaneous
    • Gigantification - Heroic - Behemoth Graveyard Increase damage and piercing of projectiles based on their size Increase projectile size Weapon modifier that can only be equipped on weapon with projectile size
    • Rune of Consolidation - Heroic Greatly increase the damage of the weapon by 50/62/75/87/100% for each additional weapons Reduce the attack speed of other weapons by 50% Can only be equipped on a single weapon
    • Blood Spirit - Heroic Damaging enemies with the weapon slowly heal you
    • Rune of Necromancy - Ascended killed Enemies are summoned as undead. Summon stats are based on the monster's own stats on death Undead cannot use any of the capacity of the monster it originate from.
    • Rune of Luck - Ascended Reroll your critical chance when it missed, Increase critical chance on the second roll.


    • Colossal Strength - Epic Card - Behemoth Graveyard Increase Power by 40% Decrease Move Speed by 10% Decrease Attack Speed by 10% Decrease Projectile speed by 10%
    • Thick Skin - Rare Card - Behemoth Graveyard Increase Base Defense by 5 Increase Damage Mitigation by 5% Reduce Defense Piercing by 20%
    • Dense blood - Common Card - Behemoth Graveyard Increase Maximum Health by 10% Increase Health Regen by 5% Decrease Move Speed by 2.5%
    • Wisdom of the Forgotten - Ascended Card - Behemoth Graveyard Increase exp gain by +300% Banish and remove all exp gain related cards (with the exception of void spirit and Wisdom of the Forgotten)
    • Antique Moon - Heroic - Behemoth Graveyard Increase you defense by 2% for each level of card with the "Moon" tag
    • Temporal Lens - Ascended - Manor of everlasting memories Increase your Time scale by 5% (+2.5% per level)
    • Vine of Time - Synergy - Manor of everlasting memories Synergy between Eyes of truth and Vine Every 20 seconds, create a sphere of anachronism, that Increase your timescale by 30% and reduce enemies & projectile timescale by 80% The sphere is unaffected by time-scaling
    • Suspended Touch - Synergy - Manor of everlasting memories Synergy of Cold Touch and Temporal Lens When Taking damage: Time scale of enemies damaging you is reduced by 90% (50% against boss) for 3 seconds Increase Player's timescale by 30% for 3sec
    • Queen's Blood - Heroic - Manor of everlasting memories Increase you Max Health by 2% for each level of card with the "Wild" tag
    • Eyes of Truth - Synergy - Manor of everlasting memories Synergy of Wisdom of the Forgotten, Queen's Blood and Necrotic bone Unbanish all cards, Evolutions no longer remove cards Set Corruption to 0 Multiply Bosses health by the corruption you should have Multiply Bosses Damage by 10% of the corruption you should have
    • Thermophobia - Rare - Boreal Pinewood Reduce defense by 25% Increase power by 25% Increase Fire tag drop-chance by 15%
    • Blade Skin - Ascended - Manor of everlasting memories Max level of 1 Reduce final damage you take by your (uncapped) power value (reduction capped at 90% (95/97.5/99 depending on how overleveled it is))) Require Card Level 500
    • Unity - Epic Increase the damage of all your summon based on how many summon is alive Summoner only card Unlocked by Summon upgrades - Kill B-rank Shaman
    • Brawl - Epic Inflict contact damage to enemies during dash
    • ContagiousFire - Synergy of Fire spirit and Scented Jar Enemies that die while affected by Fire spirit will also spread it to nearby enemies
    • Lucky Frost - Synergy of Ice spirit and Clover everytime you slowdown an enemy, increase you critical chance by 0.1% for 10 secondes
    • Electric Corruption - Synergy of Thunder spirit and Necrotic Bone Corruption increase the strength of Thunder spirit
    • Rifting Thunder - Synergy of Thunder Spirit and Rift When thunder jump from one enemy to the other, teleport them at the mid-point between each of them and inflict 1% of their max health as damage
    • Synchronous Brawl - Synergy of Brawl & Temporal Lens Also Inflict contact damage to enemies during anachronistic
    • Spectal Daggers - Heroic Upon overkilling an enemy summon Dagger thrown in the aimed direction Damage scale by the overkilled enemies health

    New Soul-shop upgrades

    • D-Tier - Artifact Reroll Allow artifact to be rerolled once in reward
    • E-Tier - Shop Lock Slot
    • D-Tier - Equipment inventory page
    • C-Tier - Shop Lock Slot
    • C-Tier - Damage Multiplier from Faith
    • B-Tier - Rarity Reroll
    • B-Tier - Piercing Scaling
    • B-Tier - Limitbreak Level cap
    • B-Tier - Equipment inventory page
    • A-TIer - Shop Lock Slot Allow you to lock one additional item in shops
    • A-TIer - Anachronistic slowdown Increase the slow-down of anachronistic
    • A-TIer - Hyper-Crit Stack
    • A-TIer - Equipment inventory page
    • A-TIer - Base Power
    • A-TIer - Mastery gain
    • A-TIer - Reroll
    • A-TIer - Dash Duration
    • A-TIer - Weapon per Weapon Modifier

    [ 2024-08-07 07:57:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Blood & Steel Update Date Announcement (Update 0.10)

    Hello Everyone

    The next major update, "Blood & Steel" is coming out on

    August 7!

    [previewyoutube=-I9Q0MTkOI8;full][/previewyoutube] (I initially wanted to have a very different trailer, but sadly things didn't work as intended and I had to settle for an update of the previous trailer.) This is the biggest update to the game yet, even bigger than 0.9 (which was already HUUUGE). The changelog doesn't fit in a single Steam announcement, so it'll be broken down into two parts (similarly to 0.9).

    What are the big changes of the update ?

    • Equipment System

    • Weapon Modifiers

    • B-rank world & Manor of everlasting memories

    • Behemoth Graveyard - Variant for the second zone

    • Weapon talent can be equiped as Passive talent

    • Locking item in Shop

    • Artifact Reroll in reward

    • New Avatar

    • Challenge stacking

    • Improved Grass rendering & Dynamic color variation for Dawn forest

    • Main menu variation based on the selected World-Rank

    • Main menu lighting variation based on previous run result

    • (Optional) Projectile cap

      option to cap the number of projectiles, this allow to greatly boost performance in late game when there is a lot of projectile.
    • Attacks telegraph

    • And so many more things

      Those were just the "Big Changes", there is so many other small change through all the game!

    What didn't make it

    Sadly, while I could undefinetly push back the update, I want to move forward, and some things would simply delay the update too much.

    New enemies' sprite and animations

    The biggest thing here is the sprite and animation for the new ennemies added in this udpate. Most of them will either use placeholder, or will be missing animation. I really wanted them to be done for the update, but that mean delaying the update by at least one additional month (with no guarantee it would still be finished), and while it's an important part of polish, they are ultimately not that important to the game, especially as the game is still in EA. I've just recently found a very talented animator, so the animators issues I had for the last [strike]few months[/strike] last year should greatly improve!

    Twitch Integration

    Another thing I originally wanted to implement for this update was a integration with twitch. After having spent a few say on it, I simply couldn't make it work at all, I could never make the twitch client ID being validated, and the documentation of twitch is very outdated. I don't know if this is something I'll find a way to implement later on, but I prefer to post-pone it rather than blocking the game developement for this.

    [ 2024-08-01 06:33:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, July monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog! To start this month's dev blog, I have an important news to share:

    Rogue: Genesia is no longer published by iolaCorp

    After months of dedicated effort, I have successfully ended my partnership with iolaCorp. This is effective as of 1st of July.

    Isn't that a bad thing?

    Sadly, iolaCorp failed me as a publisher. At first, I was fine with the publishing deal, especially as I owned a share of the company. However, disagreements appeared over time, notably in the sharing of expenses. I ended up doing most of the work that a publisher is supposed to fulfill: marketing, finding workforce, translation, community management. While continuing to share 50% of the revenue of the game. Earlier this year, around March, I finally consulted with them to reach a friendly agreement with iolaCorp so I can retrieve the full rights of Rogue: Genesia. I am no longer part of iolaCorp, and we'll be walking our own way.

    What does it mean for the game?

    Not that much, the plan I have for the game won't change. The main change is that I'll be able to spend more of the revenue on the development of the game. That also means that, if the 1.0 release of the game goes well enough, I will be able to hire someone to continue working on the game beyond that, but it's still too soon to make any concrete plans for that. Finally, that also means I can properly invest money in marketing, reaching a bigger audience. Now, let's get to the work done this month

    Month progress

    Contrary to previous dev-blogs, there is not that much flashy stuff to show. There are two reasons for that: First, I was busy with the whole publisher stuff, and it took a bit of time off development. Secondly, since we are getting closer to the release of the 0.10, I'm actually more focused on polishing, bug fixes, and finishing all the content I need for the release rather than doing big changes or improvements. So it mostly consists of hundreds of small changes/improvements that don't really fit well in a dev-blog. There is still a few cool stuff to show, but it won't be as big as usual or as new as usual.


    New music also got added in the game. I've also started to take a look around to make and sell the OST on Steam. It'll likely come a few weeks after 0.10 releases. This is the fight theme during the Manor stage: [previewyoutube=ob8u4P2KMHo;full][/previewyoutube] And the elite theme inside the Crystal Depth: [previewyoutube=96wBadkccFY;full][/previewyoutube]


    This month I've worked on adding new challenges. There are still a few challenges missing to feel complete. Here are a few:

    Equipment loadout

    A major QoL improvement done this month is the addition of equipment loadouts. You can at any moment either create a new loadout or copy an existing one. When making it, I had the choice between two ways of doing loadouts. The first was to make a classic loadout system, where you put your equipment in your inventory and then save the loadout so you can load it at any time. The second way, which is how it actually works: Was to start the player with a default empty loadout, and that any equipped item is considered equipped in the loadout, so every time you swap an item, it is effective on this loadout. This is more of an automatic loadout, where the first version would require a bit more manual action from the player (saving/loading loadout). Items can also be equipped in multiple loadouts. There is no limit to the number of loadouts you can have, and you can name them however you want.

    Unique Equipment

    My current focus as of now is adding a variety of unique items that will complement the procedural ones. Unique items can only be found when fulfilling certain conditions (for now, they only drop in certain challenges) and having Unique modifiers. Here are a few of the already made unique equipment:

    There is quite a lot left to make, and the icons take a huge amount of time, so expect a few placeholders for the 0.10 release.

    Balance change

    It's a minor change overall, but the base move-speed of many enemies got reduced a lot, especially for the faster ones at higher ranks. Along with the reduction to the speed, I've changed how corruption increases the move-speed of enemies, now having a multiplicative scaling based on OoM instead of linear (so every X10 corruption, the enemies get x1.5 times faster, instead of gaining +50% move-speed). Another change is that attack speed now belongs to the wind tag instead of the fire tag. This also changes how the Fire stone (and upgrade) and wind stone (and upgrade) affect stats. Moving the attack speed of Fire stone to the wind stone, and adding a piercing scaling to the Fire stone.

    0.10 release date

    I know that last month, I targeted July as the release date, but it's clear that the update won't be ready by then. The new release target is August 7, but it'll still be hard to meet and may be pushed back by a few day. I'm currently focused on finishing the update, doing the missing sprites, and those damn animations are still delaying the whole update (sorry). There are also a few bugs I have difficulty fixing (very hard to reproduce). While they are not game-breaking, I would prefer to fix them before the release of the update.

    [ 2024-07-16 21:55:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, June monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog!

    First and foremost, I'm looking (again) for a pixel artist animator.

    So far this is the main bottleneck to the development of the game, and I'm looking for an extra animator to speed up development. If you are interested, send me a mail at roguegenesia@gmail.com Thank you.

    Equipment System

    Since last month, the equipment system got totally implemented and could be tested. There has been interesting feedback so far from players in the beta. [olist]
  • Not impactful enough

    This is the main feedback that got back to me, is that item don't have enough impact and are too timid. There has been some interesting suggestion on how to improve that without making equipment too strong. I also think that for now, most equipment drawback are too strong, especially for a new player when they unlock their first item. This is being worked on, but I'm still listening to feedback about that.
  • Equipment Modifier Collection

    From feedback, the collection of equipment modifiers looks to be fun, this makes sure that even items that you don't like can still allow you to progress/unlock new modifiers by disassembling them (as well as giving crafting materials). I may also want to improve the drop chance of the rarer modifiers, some players that I expected to unlock almost all the modifiers are still lacking a good amount of them. [/olist] There have also been some good QoL improvements to the Equipment system, like the new equipment tooltip
    Finally, God stone talent no longer exists (fire stone/wind stone). I always had an issue with these talents simply being stat boosts, which to me is much more fitting as equipment. The god stones that you already own and their equivalent level are converted into equipment (accessory slot) with the same stats. In addition, there is finally the addition of Storm stone, an upgrade of both Fiery stone and Gale stone. (Icon is just a placeholder) https://i.imgur.com/TEeVzlN.png

    Main menu variety

    Another thing I spent a bit of the month working on is adding more variety to the main menu. There is now a version of the main menu for each world-tier.

    The lighting also changes depending on the result of your last game (but it's been in the beta for a bit of time now).

    Improved visuals

    The first major change in visuals is improving how the grass blends with the ground, as well as reworking the ambient occlusion values to help with that. This is how the game looked:
    And this is how it looks now:
    Another thing that started as Fernanda's suggestion and where she did a bit of work on is a variety of color schemes for the forest. Grass, ground, and tree colors will now vary depending on your location, world rank as well as other difficulty settings in the game.

    I've also worked on implementing "Screen Fog", which adds a bit of fog to the top of the screen that depends on the zone you are in (The intensity can be changed in the options menu).

    Summoner's Talent

    Another big chunk of this month was spent working on adding talents for the summoner. Each summoner weapon has related talents, with their own passive and active effects. Passive effects mostly affect summons and allow for some interesting combo/builds, while active effects can often vary, from summoning the goblin shaman to emitting a fiery aura around you, and even one that greatly increases the defense of your golem summons.

    Other Stuff

    New Weapon

    Blood Syphoon (Temp sprite) is a new weapon added recently, that could be summarized as an aimed Death aura, that also heals the player. The healing is a percentage of the player's health per second, it starts at 2% and increases by 0.1% per enemy drained.
    Blood Syphoon talent passive talent also has a particular effect. I'm not yet sure how players will use this passive effect, but I'm sure it can find its place in some builds.

    New Cards

    Behemoth Graveyard and the Manor now both have their biome-only cards, here are some of them:

    Casual mode change

    Casual mode no longer makes the player unkillable. Instead, dying in casual mode simply brings you back to the level selection screen, giving you any tries you want to complete a stage. I think this is a good way to still make a run "challenging" without any frustration for players looking for a casual experience.
    I've also added a new game mode, "Ultra Casual" which is basically the old casual mode. There is a warning screen when you create a profile in casual mode to make sure you don't accidentally make a save where you are unkillable. (I've seen negative reviews because the player couldn't die and didn't understand why)

    Marker on health

    Small QoL I wanted to add for many months, the player health bar now has small markers that help to know how much max health the player had. There are 4 levels of markers, each corresponding to a bigger and bigger amount of health, but only 2 can be visible at once (lower tier markers slowly get small and then invisible when you have a lot of health to not clutter the health bar).

    New explosion FX

    Nothing much, but I've also reworked the explosion visual as the existing one was pretty ugly (and always placeholder) https://twitter.com/RogueGenesia/status/1791644962636943599

    0.10 Release date

    I still cannot give a clear date for the 0.10 release, but I believe I should be done with everything on my side for a release in July. I just hope animations could be finished by this time, but this is also why I'm looking for an extra animator. If it's not ready by then, I'll make an open beta, and focus on the content for 1.0

    Updated roadmap

    Before ending this dev-blog, I've updated the roadmap (which is now quite short, but hey, better late than never)

  • [ 2024-06-12 13:21:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia 20% Discount & Steam Endless Replayability Fest 2024

    Hello Everyone

    Rogue: Genesia will be on a 20% discount during Steam Endless Replayability Fest 2024.

    [ 2024-05-13 17:02:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, May monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog!

    Equipment System

    This is something I've talked with a lot of precaution before, and I'm still not 100% sure it'll stay, but outside of major negative feedback from players, it should be included and be a major part of the 0.10 update. I've seriously started to work on equipment for the last few days, and it helped me properly refine the idea, find what could work both on a technical and design standpoint. There are a few things that I definitely wanted to avoid while designing the equipment system: [olist]
  • Heavy and frustrating RNG

    When first asking players about how they envisioned the equipment system, the main fear of players was that it would become a super grindy, RNG source of frustration system. It was very clear to me that making an equipment system similar to Path of Exile or Diablo wouldn't fit the game nor please most players. This is also something I've seen and experimented with in the first version of Death Must Die, where equipment became a major source of frustration since it was the only way to become stronger and it led to a lot of RNG and stalled progression.
  • Simply be a more complex Talent system

    Another feedback I received is that most of what could be accomplished with equipment could simply be done with talents, and it fitted very similar roles (limited slots, important bonuses), which pushed me to change some minor things in the final design of equipment to make it clearly different from talents.
  • Make Early game too easy and Useless in late game

    It's another thing I want to avoid: having equipment be "+X Stats" and simply making the whole game too easy. Multiple ways to counteract that were:
    • Having some multiplier modifiers & having effects that scale with the player level. This made the effects lower in the early game, and still relevant later on.
    • Having "Soul Card Level" requirements depending on the modifier of the weapon before the equipment has an effect. This will play a super important role in the design of the equipment system.
  • Become a development hell

    Something else I wanted to avoid was having an equipment system that would add too much additional work to the point where it would greatly hinder the overall progression of the game. This is the main reason I mainly went with a mainly procedural equipment system. This doesn't exclude having a few handcrafted items, but they are extra flavors that wouldn't require a lot of work. The equipment system is code-wise very separate from the rest of the code. The main reason for that is that it was created with the question of whether it would be kept in the game. And there are like 5 or 6 points in the game code when the equipment system interacts with the rest of the game. (Actually, there is even a switch in the game code that allows to disable equipment very easily in case modders want to modify it.)
  • Mod unfriendly

    The last of my worries was to make the equipment system almost impossible to mod. But the design I finally went for is highly moddable, with even equipment slots being easily modded in. [/olist]

    Final idea of the equipment system

    Each character has multiple slots, each slot designs themselves what their positions and size in the equipment UI. Each "Procedural Equipment Object" has a list of slots they can be equipped in (this allows for multiple accessory slots, or having light equipment being equipped on heavier slots, for example). Those objects also have a list of "Main Modifiers" that they can be equipped with. Each "Main Modifier" has a list of valid Negative and Positive secondary modifiers, and each modifier has a maximum count of maximum positive and negative modifiers. Each modifier has a "Card Level" variable that increases or decreases the item card level requirements (negative modifiers reduce it while positive ones increase it). Modifiers don't have any randomness in the value of their effect (so not having a +1% Attack speed where you could have +5%, but you were not lucky). Different Modifiers have a set "Rarity"; higher rarity has better effects but also increases the card level more than lower rarity ones. Rarity also affects the odds of having them in an equipment, as well as the minimum Tier of an equipment for it to be generated on. Equipment have both a "Level" (that goes from 1 to 10) and a "Tier" (from F to S (even more with modding)). Power of the modifiers is only affected by the Level and Tier of an object. Equipment are rewarded as a reward of a boss stage; the Level of an object depends on the zone the equipment is dropped in, while the Tier depends on the World Difficulty. (there is a bit of randomness in there). Equipment can be leveled up to level 10 in the main menu; it'll cost Soul-coin depending on the tier of the item. Equipment, once they reach level 10, can have their Tier upgraded in exchange of soul-coin and crafting materials. Equipment can be recycled and will refund all the soulcoin invested in the item and give crafting material of the corresponding tier. Later in the game, the player will unlock a new tab that allows them to customize their equipment: Equipment recycled will have all their modifiers saved in a "Modifier glossary" where they will be marked as "Learned". In exchange for a certain price, the player will be able to change/remove/add any main modifiers and secondary modifiers (up to the limit defined by the main modifier). This is where the positive/negative soul card level plays an important role, where the player could create very powerful equipment that is only enabled in late game, or make equipment with tradeoffs that can have an impact super early on. Equipment will have a "Rarity", but it's just a visual thing, based on modifier rarity (50% from the main modifier alone, and 50% by the average of secondary modifiers). Equipment can be equipped/unequipped during a run (in the pause Menu). I know this is a lot of information, and that it's changed quite a lot compared to the usual equipment system, but I believe this a system that both adds depth and involvement in it.

    What has been done already

    So out of the whole idea, what is already implemented? Code-wise, almost all of it. UI-wise, it is very, very barebones at the moment, and I focused on the minimum to make it work. The save/loading of equipment is also working well. Here is how it looks like right now:
    Recycling and upgrading of items is also functional.
    A lot of the work left is also in the content itself. I've already done more than 144 Modifiers, but there are still many left to add all the slots I would like to make.

    What is left to be done

    The modifier crafting is still missing. The whole process of learning modifier is there so modifiers from recycled items won't be lost. There is also a lot of work to be done on the UI/UX. Item tooltips are the bare minimum, with no comparison. You cannot drag and drop items yet, nor can you see only equipment specific to a single slot either. Item Icons are just placeholders. A ton of balancing; most of the values are just straight out of nowhere and will require some playtesting before it's good. Equipment presets (so you could define early-game/later game equipment and easily swap between them). Unique equipment from specific bosses. These will come when I'm sure the system is set to stay in the game.

    What if it's not left in the game

    If feedback on this is negative and there is no way to properly integrate it into the game, the whole system will be disabled in the code. That means that for those who love it, a simple mod that tells the game "enable equipment" would allow it to be enabled very easily.

    The first version of the equipment system is playable in the beta of version 0.10

    5th zone boss

    Another big task I was focused on during this month was the AI of the 5th zone boss, the Vampire Queen. One of the main aspects of this boss is that she also possesses the ability to slow down time, similarly to the player. This special characteristic is represented by 3 things: [olist]
  • [spoiler]She has a passive that makes her temporarily immune to Anachronistic, meaning she can damage you. She has a bar that depletes during anachronistic, and that slowly fills up overtime. When the bar is empty, she's affected by anachronistic like any other enemies.[/spoiler]
  • [spoiler]Active ability that slows down time. This ability was a bit tricky to balance and make sure it's not frustrating. This ability slows down the entire world (player and projectiles) by 50% and slightly speeds up the boss. 50% feels like a good balance between giving a clear indication that the player is slowed down without making it frustrating. The ability also only lasts a few seconds.[/spoiler]
  • [spoiler]Ability that plays around time stop. After completing the first phase, she'll occasionally almost stop time (1% original speed) and quickly throw multiple knives at the player before resuming time.[/spoiler] [spoiler]([strike]Yes, that's a Jojo reference[/strike])[/spoiler] [/olist] The boss also has other abilities, but I'm not going to spoil everything.

    Other changes

    The last month was mainly occupied by making the new boss and the equipment system, but there are a few noteworthy things to tell about:

    Better telegraphing

    This is mainly a beneficial fallout from the Vampire queen boss. There was a need for much better telegraphing, so I made 3 different types of telegraphing that also got added to other bosses.

    Camera shake

    A minor thing that I wanted to add is a bit of camera shake. Obviously, there is an option to tone it down (or increase it for the brave) if it's uncomfortable. They are mainly used in boss intros to give more impact and a few of their attacks.

    Current and Future Modding

    As many may know, modding is a little bit dead at the moment. This is easily understandable; the game is still in early access, and some mods can easily be broken by an update. While the base support for modding is there, there is a clear lack of documentation on the subject, and the API could clearly use improvement. I'm totally open to suggestions on what guides people would like to see on mod creation, as well as things that are not clear or that could be improved. Modding is not the highest priority right now, as I prefer to focus my attention on the game itself. I also plan to make a modding contest with small cash prize, especially after version 1.0, when the game programming will be stabilized. I originally come from a modding background, and I believe this could be a great opportunity to develop a community in the game modding, and this is the sort of thing that could definitely help the long-term lifetime of the game once I've finished working on it. I'm thinking of making the first contest about challenges.

    Online and Local Multiplayer

    In the comment on the previous Devblog, someone asked about a coop. Even overall, this is something that got asked a few times, so I believe it's a good subject to talk about. I have no plan for coop in the game, either online or locally. There are both technical and design reasons for that. First, an online multiplayer would have too much data to synchronize between users. 4 players each having 200 simultaneous projectiles at 20 ticks per second would require about 1 MB/s, which is a lot for a game (a typical FPS usually uses around 100 KB/s). And 200 simultaneous projectiles is not that much in Rogue. Genesia (I've seen games with tens of thousands of simultaneous projectiles). Secondly, there is also a technical knowledge limitation. I have almost no knowledge or experience in networking or multiplayer. and those things are far from easy and could easily end up becoming development hell and taking multiple years to implement. especially as the game architecture was never designed with multiplayer in mind, none of the systems support such a thing, and it would basically mean remaking most of the game from scratch. Then comes the possibility of offline co-op. It's technically much easier to implement in the gamenot easy, but definitely more realistic. However, it would also require a lot of small things to be reworked to support multiple players, especially on the UI. We are talking about a about a month of work. Then comes the design reason that pushes me against multiplayer: Rogue: Genesia power scaling during a run is exponential; enemies usually have their health multiplied by 100 for each zone on average, and the player is meant to follow a similar trend on his power level. This means we could easily end up with one player carrying the game and the other players simply being powerless. This is a design issue. I've noticed a lot in Risk of Rain 2, and the scaling there is much less aggressive than in Rogue: Genesia. Those reasons are why I don't plan to make the game multiplayer. However, if a moderator were to try to tackle this challenge, I would provide any assistance I could to make this a reality.

    0.10 Release Date

    I sadly cannot yet give a release date for 0.10. There is obviously the fact that equipment testing just started, and there are a few things I want to add to the update. But again, the enemy animation is likely to add additional delay to the update. which again is fine as I'll simply advance some planned stuff for 1.0 into the 0.10 to prepare ground for 1.0 content in advance (notably the talent upgrade tree). I would also like to hire an additional animator or sprite artist around July to speed up the development of the game. I prefer to avoid hiring anyone right now for reasons that I cannot disclose yet (and that I hope I'll be able to during my next development blog).

  • [ 2024-05-08 00:17:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, April monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog! This blog post will be focused on the advancements made in the last month toward update 0.10.

    Finished Manor Visual

    While some sneak peeks were shared during previous dev blogs, the zone was far from being finished. Finishing all the visuals took me quite some time, but I'm very happy with the final result. It's by far the best-looking area of the game. So here are new screenshots for the new area of the zone:

    Shop Locking

    As some may have noticed on the last screen, there is now the possibility to lock items in the shop. This allows you to guarantee they will appear in the next shop rolls. You can lock a maximum of three items simultaneously in the shop (slots are unlocked with soul-shop upgrades).

    Card Requirement Change

    Card player level requirements have been replaced by cumulated card level. This means that cards no longer care about the soul level of the player, but the total level of all the cards owned by the player. I believe this is a better expression of the progression of the players, as some avatars like the shopkeeper had much lower overall levels, or some challenges that directly removed any source of experience basically banned a lot of cards.

    Active Talent as Passive Talent

    From feedback I've received, most of the grindiness perceived by players was the level of talents, especially active talents that could only be leveled once at a time. To fix this issue, I've made 3 changes: [olist]
  • Increased mastery gain formula, there should be on average 50% more mastery gained.
  • Reduced the kill requirements to unlock a weapon's talent. Reduced from 100K kills to 50K kills for heroic weapons, and from 50K kills to 20K kills for Epic weapons.
  • Active Talents can be equipped as passive talents, so you can level up multiple at once. [/olist] Of course, simply making active talents be equipped as passive for additional mastery gain is boring, So in the process, I've added passive effects to each active talent that are only active when the talent is equipped as passive. This greatly improves the pool of passive talents and gives much more diversity of choice. Here are a few examples of passive effects for active talents:

    There are still a few active talents that are missing passive effects as of now, but they will slowly be added over the beta lifetime.

    Hyper-crit Rework

    Hyper-crit got a buff to be a more important mechanic to play with. Until now, the scaling of hyper-crit was linear, with each stack of critical simply adding +1 to the multiplier in this way: x1 > x2 > x3 > x4. With the new scaling, the damage of critical is multiplied by 2 for each stack of critical applied, so it is now following this formula: x1 > x2 > x4 > x8. One of the main reasons for this change is that it was most of the time much more worth it to simply go for as much level of "Absolute Focus" than increasing critical chance above 100%, and didn't add any importance to the choice. I hope this change will add a proper build choice between going for hyper crit or going for absolute focus (in the case you're going for a crit-build). I also think this should make the addition of cards that increase critical chance but reduce critical damage more interesting.

    Challenge Stacking

    Maybe one of the more exciting additions for a few players and a massive QoL for many. After watching a few streamers playing recent versions of the game and collecting multiple feedback, a major issue that arose is that early-game challenges (specifically F-rank and E-rank) are more of a checklist than a proper challenge for most players, and can become especially frustrating for experienced players to play through. The issue is that they don't really feel difficult, especially when they are playing after completing other ranks and simply become boring bloat to go through. Directly increasing the difficulty of these challenges, while a possible fix for this issue, would also make the game less accessible, and would simply be satisfying a part of the player base while sacrificing another part, which is simply not something I was willing to do. The best compromise I could find was to make most challenges "stackable." In the way that you can now activate multiple challenges at once and complete them all in one go. This allows for challenges to still be "easy" to complete, while giving the possibility of more skilled players to have harder challenges and complete them faster.


    I'm not gonna go through every little bit of balancing done, but I think there is a few things that gonna please to players.

    Necromancer Nerf

    To the joy of many, Necromancer got nerfed (yet again). The nerf is a major reduction to the summon count of the necromancer. In addition, I've fixed a bug that allowed the necromancer to summon enemies directly on the player position and could cause frustrating death.

    Divine Shield

    Until now, Divine Shield required Moon-shield as a requirement, but it wasn't aligned with the theme of moon-shield, divine shield being a faith-build card, which usually wants to lower moon-tag and reduce defense and defense multiplier as much as possible. So from now on, Divine Shield will now require Light-armor instead. While not being perfectly aligned with the idea of the faith build, it'll work well together for them.

    Moon Shield

    As for Moon Shield, it got a rework. It'll now appear much earlier in the game (only requiring Card-level 5) and its main purpose is to rail the player into obtaining metal transmutation. It no longer reduces attack-speed, but instead reduces power multiplier by 20%, which no longer makes it collide with metal transmutation. In addition, it now increases moon tag drop-rate by 25% instead of 5%, which also greatly increases the chance of metal transmutation appearing and helps toward a defense build.

    Other Balance

    To get quickly through them:
    • Silk Edge got a buff but appears later in a run
    • Armor-less, Zealot, and Metal Transmutation all require Card Level 50
    • Many cards now also provide a bit of tag drop-chance
    • Tactical Soul kill requirement reduced from 10 Million to 5 Million
    • Concentration is now a weapon modifier


    As some may or may not know, the game creates a backup of your data every hour and always keeps them in the save folders. For various reasons, players can lose their progress, and it's almost always recoverable. I've made a guide on how to replace your current run with the backup on the Steam forum. However, many players are simply not tech-savvy enough to follow the recovery process, and I've often had to spend time helping some players recover their backup via emails, or seen negative reviews from players losing their saves (when they are easily recoverable). To help with that, I've decided to add 2 new buttons in the profile manager to load either Persistent data backup or achievement backup directly within the game.

  • [ 2024-04-12 22:32:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, March monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog! This blog post will be focused on the advancements made in the last few weeks toward update 0.10. As some may know, the beta for update 0.10 started about 2 weeks ago, so let's see what's already done:

    Weapon modifiers

    This is one of the main features for 0.10. Weapon modifiers are cards you can equip on weapons. Weapons have unlimited slots for modifiers, but a modifier can only be attached to a single weapon (there are ways to increase this limit). This feature was already half-coded into the game, so adding the missing stuff was quick, which is the reason it's the first thing added in this beta. However, attaching all the modifiers to a single "god" weapon is not the most optimal way. Some modifiers like Thunder Spirit would be better equipped on slow but heavy-hitting weapons, while Ice Spirit would be better on AoE or high attack speed weapons. Weapon modifiers can be equipped in the Weapon tab in the pause menu. The game will try to automatically equip newly obtained modifiers on the most optimal weapon.
    In addition, card now display what type of card, whether it's "Stats", "Weapon", "Effect" or "Weapon Modifier"
    Many already existing cards got changed to become weapon modifiers and a few new cards got added. I plan to slowly increase the pool of weapon modifiers during the beta. Any suggestions for new cards are welcome.


    This started as a semi-joke avatar I thought of, but I ended up really liking the concept. RogNGesus is a direct reference to RNGesus, which is the meme personification of luck in video games and role-playing games.
    The main gimmick of this character is that each stage, a random effect will be rolled, there is 20 different results, each having either positive or negative results
    In Survivor's mode, the stage roll is instead rolled every minute (affected by the player time). In addition, his card tag drop chance is randomized from -50% to +100% at the start of a run.

    Amber dune alternative zone, "Behemoth Graveyard"

    A new alternative zone has been added to the game, a western-themed zone.
    This zone also introduces more impactful terrain generation, with the addition of cliffs that prevent grounded enemies from spawning there (and walking over the void).
    This pushed forward 2 problems that didn't exist before and that were required to be fixed to properly start working on the second zone. I'll come back to these in the next section.

    Next Zone - Manor

    This is likely the most awaited addition and the main subject of this Dev-blog. The 5th zone (and by extension B-rank world) is currently in development and is the most unique zone in the game.

    Let's talk about the 2 problems that appeared previously.

    Terrain Generation rules

    The first issue was to handle more complex terrain generation. The terrain generation was created following a "Wave function collapse" algorithm, which is basically picking a first random (or non-random) module of terrain, and then for the next surrounding module, pick a compatible one and repeat the process until all the pieces of terrain required were generated. Each module size is 100 meters by 100 meters and the game generates a 3x3 grid around the players, which is enough to handle every case in the game. In 0.9.1, the terrain generation only handled and checked 4 borders, South/West/North/East. It was good enough for what was used (basically generating some variant of the same terrain or simple path generation), but it wasn't enough for situations where the northwest was different from the west and south-west; it wasn't possible to convey the 3 stages of an entire side this way. An example being the cliff with 1 third of "hole" and 2 thirds of desert terrain. There was still the possibility of creating some special border that basically said "Cliff/Desert/Desert," but it would mean a ton of additional complexity and lack of flexibility, especially if I added more types of terrain later on. This led to me reworking the system deeply to handle the 4 borders and the 4 corners, but also handle varied sizes of grid in case I want to reduce the size of terrain for some zone to be 20x20 or anything I would want.

    Valid Spawn Position

    With the addition of holes (and walls), this led to many positions in the game where enemies shouldn't be allowed to spawn, like a grounded enemy being spawned over a hole, or any enemies being spawned in a wall, but also to avoid spawning enemies on the other side of a hole/wall as proper pathfinding would be too expensive with the amount of enemies in the game. Thanks to a friend of mine who found the following solution: Each hole/wall has a collision area that is set to them, called "Terrain Collision". Each frame, I check every terrain collision visible on screen and detect angles where no terrain collision exists. This ensures that enemies always spawn in a direction that doesn't have holes to spawn in, but also that no major obstacle would obstruct them.
    The blue sphere is the distance at which new enemies are spawned, in green, the valid angle generated As you can see, the detection of valid angles is not perfect, but it's good enough to prevent... The new varied terrain required handling things that weren't planned at all, like collectibles dropped from flying monsters in inaccessible areas or shrines spawning in walls/holes. For the former case, the solution was simple: slowly move the collectible toward the player until it reaches a valid position. For the latter, the same solution wasn't viable. I didn't want generation to vary depending on how the player would approach the terrain spot, so the final solution was to use "safe spots" in the terrain generation. These are positions that are known to be in the playable area that I manually set. When the shrine is generated in an invalid position, trace a line from the original position to one of the safe spots, and take the first valid position on this line. I preferred this solution over a "socket" one since it allows for a lot of different objects to use the same safe spot as a reference and still have different final valid positions.

    Other Minor Things

    Reworked "Game Options" Menu

    Something that I have noticed, and that always frustrated me, is how often players would miss the drop-down on the top-left of the menu and then miss out on the multiple tabs of game options that exist. Some workarounds have been tried to improve on it, like making the drop-down yellow/golden, but it was mere patchwork that wasn't enough. This was a clear indication that the way it was presented was fundamentally wrong and this led me to redesign the game option menu to make sure players don't miss the tabs.
    Similarly, the Mod option menu got the same changes.

    Slight Anachronistic Rework

    Due to a lot of factors (mainly visual bugs) and upcoming content, I had to refactor how anachronistic was working. Until now, when anachronistic was activated, it slowed down the timescale of projectiles and enemies, which didn't affect the game speed. The main issue with this approach is that particle effects weren't affected by this change (and there was no way to manually affect them without a massive overhaul in the game code). The new approach is to slow down the entire game and speed up the player character accordingly. This fixed the issues with particles and made the entire process lighter to handle (it's easier to speed up the player than having to slow down every enemy and projectile, even if they were using a global variable). In addition to that, there is now a small visual transition when activating anachronistic.

    Shrines Are Now Affected by Tag Drop Chance

    That's it. I believe it makes tag drop chance have more impact on the game and gives more control to the player.

    Artifact Reroll in Reward

    This was requested a lot and always pushed back. But I believe it'll become important as more and more artifacts are added into the game.
    From now on (and on the condition you have the required Soul-Shop upgrade), you'll be able to reroll any random artifact in the reward screen once (per artifact). (This only applies to random artifacts and doesn't affect set-artifacts like event rewards).


    As usual, a bit of additional content has been added to the game, even if it's not the focus at this phase of the beta: 3 weapon modifiers, 2 passive talents, as well as 1 new artifact.

    Beta Roadmap

    There is still quite a lot of things planned for this beta, but the biggest chunk of it is mainly the 5th zone, especially as it was quite heavy on the modeling and texturing. Here is a rough idea of what I plan to add:
    • Shop-Lock Feature Similarly to many auto-battlers, the ability to lock one or multiple things in the shop for the next shop or reroll. This will only affect shops of the same type (blacksmith to blacksmith, shop to another shop, shopkeeper level-up to another level-up). And it'll only work on cards, consumables, and artifacts (you won't be able to lock a limit break or a card selection). This should be the next thing I work on and should be part of beta update 3.
    • Equipment System Test In a few beta updates, I'll implement a rough version of the equipment system to check if it properly fits into the game. This will be an experimental change that may or may not be kept in the game.
    • Twitch Integration This is something I want to investigate for a long time, but I think it's time to add Twitch integration into the game. I'm still not sure how I want it to be implemented, but I'll likely open a Community Feedback about it in the upcoming week on the game discord.
    Of course, additional content is also planned as usual. I also expect this update to be (yet again) delayed by the enemies' sprites/animations.

    [ 2024-03-12 05:44:20 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Ice Nova talent blocking boss
    • Some shrine spawning at a way lower difficulty that they are supposed to (looking at you Nera shrine)
    • Golden altar event Too low gold given for stealing that it was supposed Appearing chance being too high early on
    • Right/Left tabs not updating correctly the pause menu tab
    • Right/Left tabs not working correctly in gamemode selection menu

    [ 2024-02-18 09:04:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Ice Nova Active Talent Added Throw a large icicle in the aimed direction Deal 500/1000/1500/2000% of your weapon damage Slow-down enemy by 80% for 4/5/6/7 sec, slowly regaining it's movespeed Cancel the active spell of the enemy/boss


    • Survivors Challenges can now be leveled to increase the world rank it can be played on
    • Critical strike Increase Defence Shredding effect Double the effect on critical strike Increase it further for each Hyper-crit stack


    • multiple commoner's guidebook dropped by villager events
    • Stats menu XP and Health not being updated
    • Card in Survivors mode displaying "Only Appear In" when it wasn't relevant

    [ 2024-02-10 20:50:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, February monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly dev blog! This dev blog won't focus on new development since everything made is in the stable version. In the first part, I'll talk about balancing and difficulty in Rogue: Genesia. Then I'll discuss the future months of development and what is planned!

    Game Balancing

    Balancing a game is never an easy task. And there is even a need for balance in the balancing. Having a perfectly balanced game is boring; it simply makes any choice meaningless as you end up with the same power/progression regardless of what you do. This is a trap I've seen quite a few games fall into (not specifically this genre).


    One of the major components of balancing is handling the overall difficulty of a game over the time it's played. Usually, you want it to start low and slowly increment to higher values. However, what is considered ultra-hard for some players could qualify as easy for others. This is true for many games, and this is true for Rogue: Genesia as well My approach was to make the difficulty targeted at medium-core players, in part because I am part of this group, but also because I think it fits most players on Steam who actively look for indie games. The game features a main progression that is made to be overall "easy" for this type of players so it's not a frustration point and allows players to progress if they want to. Meta-progression is also a tool I use for two purposes: [olist]
  • Giving tangible progression via the power of the characters, both with stats, effects, and more control over your build.
  • Allowing lower-skilled players to out-grind the difficulty if they really need to. [/olist] This is something I've seen Death Must Die miss when it first released, with a big progression wall during the second half of the current content (first act) which left a lot of players grinding with almost no progression until they finally beat their first run. They quickly fixed this and improved the progression since then. It is still a very good game that I would recommend to fans of the genre!


    With the main progression of the game clearable for most players, another issue arose: the game is too easy for players with experience or hardcore gamers.

    This is the purpose of challenges.

    Which I totally shamelessly stole from Idle-Games, I admit! I had to make all those wasted hours on Anti-Matter dimension worth it. Challenges are modifiers of a run that add handicaps to players in multiple ways. They can both reduce the power of the players, increase the strength of monsters, or add special rules to alter the way players engage. Similarly to idle-games, challenges give a reward to help the players push themselves in the form of rewards. Then, another issue came up: many players were frustrated by some of the hardest challenges (Like the original Snuffhead's Favourite which was impossible in its first version) even though they were "optional bonus content". After exchanging with the vocal players about that, the main issue was the fact it gave gameplay advantages locked behind super hard content. So the best compromise I could find was to simplify these challenges that unlocked content to be completable by most players with a bit of experience, and make hardcore challenges that only unlock cosmetic stuff on "Hard Mode challenges". This calmed the frustration of players about the hard challenges and allowed the players looking for challenges to be satisfied. But alas, as the game gets more content, the possibility of getting stronger also increased, so for the most experienced players, even the hardest of the hard challenges became a regular run for them, and a cool suggestion appeared: Allowing challenges to be leveled up. This was quite simple to implement (scale the modifiers with the challenge level or increase the world rank (or both)), and allowed almost unlimited difficulty for those hardcore players. Leveling a challenge doesn't unlock anything and won't ever, as it's only there as a playground for players looking for the most extreme challenges.


    Another important aspect to balance is the different playstyles that the game allows. This is important to keep depth in the game to ensure all playstyles allow for equivalent progression. And while it's not totally voluntary at first, the game ended up with having 5 main (and 2 sub) damage archetypes that have been identified. More are likely to appear as new content is added to the game: [olist]
  • Raw Power This is the first archetype players will play with; it is quite easy to achieve, has good damage output, and has a lot of cards to support it.
  • Metal transmutation This is also a popular damage archetype that allows players to have both good defense and offense. It takes a little bit of set-up to obtain it but ends up having decent damage output.
  • Lunar Inferno Sub-archetype very similar to Metal transmutation, is a damage archetype that scales off both defense and damage mitigation, with the price of reducing other Power damage sources. The strongest archetype early-game but falls behind other archetypes in the late game.
  • Blood Transmutation This one, while sounding similar to Metal Transmutation, is in fact very different. It is likely one of the strongest archetypes but also one of the hardest to properly achieve, as it requires a lot of artifacts and cards to obtain but has very good damage output while giving survivability.
  • Faith This one received a lot of improvement during the 0.9.1 Update, adding a whole bunch of cards to support this damage archetype. It is one of the strongest ones but also one of the hardest to play with. It sure gives humongous damage output but also makes you very weak and easy to die as any damage you take is greatly increased (and negative armor applies AFTER damage mitigation).
  • Defense Piercing & Defense Shredding This last Main Archetype has a low initial damage but is also the damage archetype that can reach the highest value due to the ramp-up nature of this, so it's very useful for high corruption growth challenges where other archetypes may fail damage-wise. Update also buffed this archetype as it now slightly scales with the damage multiplier of your weapon. I'm still listening to feedback about this change. It relies a lot on Attack-speed.
  • Silk Edge This Sub-archetype also relies on Defense piercing to scale, transmuting your base power and power multiplier into Defense piercing. It was relatively weak prior to buff, and it should be more viable now. It is recommended to use this archetype with other damage archetypes to help clear the weak enemies and let defense shredding kill the strongest ones. [/olist] I try to make sure all of the archetypes are worth it, with both upsides and downsides, so they are situational and not always optimal. For example, Blood Transmutation or Metal transmutation are weaker in Glass bone challenges compared to raw damage or faith build, for example.

    Nerfing approach

    Like many games, balancing is not just about buffing things up when they are weak; sometimes, you also have to make the hard decision of nerfing things that are just too good. I try to nerf things only when it's necessary. Overall, my approach to deciding if I need to nerf something is that I ask myself 2 questions: How strong is it? How easy/hard is it to obtain? If something is easy but not as strong, then it's fine too; it may need a bit of tweaking, but usually, it doesn't need nerfing. If something is strong but also hard to obtain, then I think it's fine to keep it slightly too strong at the price of making it harder to obtain. Death scythe is an example of it; it is by far the strongest weapon of the game, basically making any number of HP points a detail due to it either one-shotting smaller monsters or removing %HP of the strongest monsters. However, I also have to make sure it doesn't completely invalidate other things to not make the game a race to obtain this one thing that wrecks absolutely everything. (which is also why the most optimal way to reach infinity now uses cleaver instead of Death scythe as it's a very hard weapon to obtain now) If something is both strong and easy to obtain, then it very likely needs a nerf. Complete and perfect immortality also falls into that category. A recent example of this is the Throwing knife during the 0.9 Update, which was both very strong (high damage output), easy to obtain (it was a weapon you can obtain right at the beginning), and even given immortality (keeping dash button pressed).

    Small tweaks

    Small adjustments that I want to make in the near future include a slight nerf to the necromancer and a minor buff to the lava titan to smooth out the difficulty curve.


    When the game first released, the OST wasn't well-received, and I often received feedback that it felt off. It wasn't an easy decision, but based on this feedback, I decided to look for another composer to work with. In the end, I collaborated with 3 composers on the "new OST" (though there are still 2 small tracks left from the previous composer as I believe they fit the game very well). So far, the feedback on the new OST has been very positive, with even negative reviews appreciating the game's OST despite criticisms of the game itself. Discussions with the composers and iolaCorp have started about selling the OST on Steam. The goal is to have the composers receive a revenue share from the sale of the OST to please everyone and also allow players who wish to support the composers. Additionally, I've started uploading the game's OST to YouTube for anyone to listen to. [previewyoutube=DFxgku7FfI8;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=gKXTMOMmo_Q;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=aXmq8A94_3c;full][/previewyoutube]

    1.0 Release

    In the comments of the 0.9.1 release post and in the previous blog post, I've seen many players eagerly awaiting the 1.0 release of the game. While I know this is a good sign that many players feel like the game is getting into a good state for 1.0, I want to remind everyone that there is still one major update to land before that. I don't want to give an exact release date as nothing is certain as of now. An optimistic prediction would be July/August, but it's likely to be later. I initially wanted the Early Access to only last 1 year, but the amount of things I ended up adding (and want to add) to the game greatly went beyond my expectations. Nothing major changed in the general plan for updates, so I think it's still fine in the end.

    0.10 in the meantime

    While development hasn't started yet, I want to begin actively working on it during the second half of February. I want to address the last big/medium issues that have been reported so far, and then focus on advancing the game again. 0.10 will focus on enabling weapon modifiers, introducing a new variant for the second zone, as well as the 5th zone, which will likely require a lot of work too.

    Test for equipment

    I've been very hesitant to add equipment, but I think it'll be worth spending around 1 week during the 0.10 beta to experiment with equipment. I'll make a branch for it for players who wish to try out the equipment system and gather feedback. Based on the feedback, I may want to push the equipment system to completion or completely scrap the idea for good.

    Talent rework

    Another thing that I wish to do, but more likely for 1.0 than for 0.10, is a small rework of the talent system. The idea would be to create a small upgrade tree for each talent, where each talent gains 1 upgrade point when they level up. The idea is to make talent upgrading a bit more interesting, adding a bit of choice in the way talents are upgraded, and maybe even making active talents lean toward either more passive or active upgrades. In addition, this would make the unlocks of other talents easier to understand since I could simply add a node that unlocks the next tier of a talent. This is just an idea I'm exploring since a few day, but I believe it could be a good addition without denaturing the game. That will depend on how much time I want to spend into it

  • [ 2024-02-08 21:21:43 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Reduce Acid Coating max level from 10 to 5 Doubled it's effects to compensate for the reduction in levels
    • Corrosion Damage Mitigation reduction changed from 5% to 2%
    • Mind Corruption Tweak Increased Defence shredding multiplier from 10% to 20% Reduced max level from 10 to 5 Also increase Defence piercing by 10%
    • Unholy aura Damage mitigation reduction changed from 10% to 5%
    • Weapon aura max level increased from 1 to 2 Additional projectile reduction changed from -2 to -1.5 per level
    • Weapon polish max level increased from 6 to 10
    • New Stats - Piercing Scaling Damage multiplier from weapon now increases damage piercing Default Value at 5% (nothing modify it's value for now) A weapon with 1 damage multiplier increase damage piercing by 5%, a weapon with 20 damages multiplier, increase damage piercing by 100%. This should help damage piercing scaling


    • Ever increasing list size for object generation when going far away the list is now properly cleaned
    • Modifier being applied to non monster entity by railgun and causing errors
    • "Item Name" reward in challenge with "No Artifact" and "No card in stage reward" conditions in place you would normally obtain artifacts or cards
    • Achievement that should normally be hidden being shown in certain conditions
    • Empty stats category left in the stats list

    [ 2024-02-07 00:58:57 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Fiery dash being displayed as Fire Spirit damage in enf of screen menu
    • GiveCard command not updating the card list in pause menu
    • Localization issues with Love&Hate description

    [ 2024-02-04 18:04:30 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Thunder Spirit not working on Gunslinger

    GunSlinger Tweak

    • Tier 2 weapon can be obtained at level 20 instead of level 25
    • Reduced maximum level of Gunslinger weapon from 7 to 5 A lvl 5 gunslinger weapon will have equivalent stats than a level 7 weapon from before
    • Improved reload speed of pistol Since you simply cannot swap for other weapons early on, having a long reload speed is too much of a penalty
    • Reduced Enemy move-speed by 30% when playing as Gun-Slinger This should help keep the game more readable and manageable as it require an active play-style


    • Added both "DisplaySelectedWeapon()" and "DisplayAmmo()" virtual function to the AvatarData class to make the ammo counter and weapon selection work on any avatar (and not just the gunslinger)

    [ 2024-02-04 03:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Railgun now have a proper sprite


    • Humility not having any effects
    • Silk Edge mentioning Damage instead of Power
    • Holy Conversion mentioning Damage instead of Power
    • Boiling Blood mentioning Damage instead of Power
    • Volt-Charge and Volt-Strike buff description
    • Goblin Summon damage being displayed as "Debug_Summon"
    • Freeze when Goblin shaman music start
    • Changed Entity time precision from float to double Should remove precision issues with some buff/weapon attack for multiple hours long runs
    • Dashing out of the Lava titan arena (again end definetly this time)
    • Evolutions not unlocked in the run where the achievements is obtained
    • Skin description using wrong text formating


    • Improved performance of Arcanic beam with long projectile lifetime (and high enemies count)

    [ 2024-02-02 22:32:25 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Improved Explosion Performances impact (especially with anachronistic)


    • Explosion size displayed as much bigger than they should be

    [ 2024-01-31 01:20:47 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Artificer explosion becoming purple and staying on screen
    • Border colours in Card selection

    [ 2024-01-30 20:19:37 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Keyword for gamepad/steamdeck user

      You can now press Select (rebindable) to open a small list with all the displayed keyword, selecting the keyword will display a small pop-up describing the keywords as if you put your mouse over There is a lot of room for improvement but it should prove useful.


    • Tweak Silph's blade Reduced attack speed overall When reaching level 5 and 7, reduce it's attack speed to compensate the gain in projectiles Greatly increase damages (This is made to reduce the performance impact of the weapon)


    • Slightly improved projectile removal performance test show up to x5 time reduction, it's minor in the grand scheme of all thing, but still a small improvement
    • Fixes a maximum-Timestep error that caused fixed-update to take up to 0.5s per frame (instead of 0.05s) and causing a snowball effect on bad performance This should improve performance by about 50% in extremes situations
    • Disabled Projectile Update when game is paused Should greatly improve performance when game is paused
    • Worm gland now has a low-visual effect quality FX
    • Ice nova now has a low-visual effect quality FX
    • Soft-capped Fuuma shuriken to 1000, above that, projectiles will see their life-time reduced.


    • Auto-scrolling not working in stats menu when using a gamepad
    • Ice Nova not being affected by projectile opacity option
    • Wind Blade not being affected by projectile opacity option
    • Worm Gland edge not being affected by projectile opacity option
    • Ice nova not being visible in Low visual-effect

    [ 2024-01-30 19:20:53 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added Shaman boss music


    • Arcane Beam buff Damage ramp-up also affect defence shredding
    • Buff to the shaman boss Heal-Buff Reduced cast-time From 3.2s to 1.6s Now also greatly increase other monster max health (+200%) and Defence ( +5/10/20/50) Now fully heal them Affect any monster that entered the aoe during the casting and not just at the end of the casting


    • Performance degradation during Endurance of Vild challenge
    • Shaman buff actually being a debuff to other monsters

    [ 2024-01-29 14:56:14 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Survivors run end screen causing error and preventing the game to register progression.
    • Performance drop when Shaman does his laser>bullet attack Debug printing was left into the game and wasn't removed

    [ 2024-01-24 06:24:15 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Card selection during reward hiding the UI

    [ 2024-01-23 20:03:53 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Riven's blessing experience from void magnet no longer affected by xp multiplier
    • Ethereal Elite modifier now reduce an elite health by 70%


    • Enemies projectile instantly being removed in survivors mode after finishing a stage in Rog's Mode
    • Card being slightly cut-off at the top when hovering them
    • Altars not disappearing in certain situation during boss fight

    [ 2024-01-23 18:18:06 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Missing localization for new shrine
    • Vild shrine causing performance drop
    • Zone 3 Boss sometime spawning the zone 3 Mid-boss instead of the necromancer

    [ 2024-01-22 21:41:30 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Immovable now shortly disable itself during a dash (dash duration + 0.25 sec)
    • Added Challenge Shrine Summon a random level 100 monster with boosted health Upon killing the monster you gain a free card-selection If the monster is an elite, gain 3 card selection instead They are disabled in survivors mode when you reach red timer
    • Jaald blessing now increase all damage (instead of just power stats)

    Added others god's shrine blessing

    • Skaldi +100% Critical chance Every weapon deal critical damage +100% base critical damage
    • Vild Heal 5% of your health per seconds
    • Riven Void-Magnet no longer attract soul-gem Void-Magnet fill-up 10% of your required experience for next level
    • Nera +10 base Corruption x5 Corruption Multiplier +1000% base Defence Shredding
    • Logam +2 base Additional Projectile


    • Grass and stone on ground Z-fighting with higher visual effect quality
    • Arcanic Pike bugging the game
    • Immovable and dashing allowing to go out of the Lava titan arena
    • Level of challenge that increase world-rank reseting to 1 and preventing progression
    • Divine Shield locking the game
    • Decaying armor and Divine shield buff using the wrong icons
    • OnCalculateMonsterDefenceLoss event being called twice


    • New Event - OnCalculateTakeDamageStart(Monster, DamageInformationRef) Called at the very start of the gake damage function of a monster

    [ 2024-01-22 13:30:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.g


    • Cursed challenge stage sometime not spawning any enemies

    [ 2024-01-21 15:12:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.f


    • Slightly increased back the monster count in Cave zone
    • Decreased number of skeletons spawned by the necromancer Also Slighty Increase their health and damage to compensate
    • Slight change to stage generation seed for some reasons, the previous way created a desync between my debug tool and the game, and made debugging save properly impossible
    • Buff to Pike and it's mechanic Base damage increased from 1.5 to 2.5 Gain bonus damage at level 3 (+0.25), 5 ( +0.5) and 7 (+1) Increased the bonus damage from hitting at maximum range from x2 to x4 (provide guaranteed critical hit) Added a smaller bonus damage if you hit from almost the maximal range (x2, doesn't provide guaranteed critical hit) and an even smaller if you hit with the 25% end of the pike (x1.5, doesn't provide guaranteed critical hit)
    • Thunder spirit in other than english language (truly this time)
    • Being able to sometime take damage and die during a boss intro
    • Elite not spawning in elite stage This required a well needed refactorization to how enemies are chosen, so there may be some unexpected bugs)
    • Katana talent not working
    • Pike collision not scaling with it's size
    • issues with Fight & Flight not correctly removing itself
    • Decaying armor not being removed upon taking damage (and not unregistering from event when removed)

    [ 2024-01-21 13:31:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.e

    Important Notice

    A few player noticed a massive degradation in performance right from the start of a run since 0.9.1 update on old gpu (didn't found the exact models that cause it, but I would say older than Nvidia's 10th series) This is caused by a graphics jobs not being supported by older GPU, this is something I will investigates in the future. For now a simple work-arround is to do the following: go to your game folder, and then Vanilla/Rogue Genesia_Data, open the boot.config in a text editor (like notepad) Search for the line stating: gfx-enable-gfx-jobs=1 change the 1 for a 0: gfx-enable-gfx-jobs=0


    • Major memory leak caused by Katana, wisp (void and magic) and sword-rang talent


    • New Command - godMode Toggle Godmode, require to enable cheatmode


    • Changed back Simulation mode from Update to Fixed Update Update caused major glitch in case enemies were colliding a lot with each other and caused "explosion" to move them or even the players on long distance when leveling-up This change should decrease performance at low FPS, however, the maximum timestep was increased from 0.1s to 0.5s, (which mean it shouldn't affect performance until you hit 2 fps instead of 10 from before)

    [ 2024-01-20 23:13:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.d


    • Greatly increase drop-chance of evolution card you don't already own (multiplied by 8) This should greatly help players obtain the first level of evolutions card, especially in survivors mode
    • Removed Survivors time in Steam leaderboard (since infinity is reachable, they don't really serve much purposes as of now)
    • Slight change to how soft card requirement are handled (before, just having the corresponding tag would be valid, now you require both the tag and another of the requirements)


    • Divine shield not being obtainable or unlockable
    • Thunder Spirit localization causing glitch in German translation
    • Exiting and entering controls option multiple would push keybindinds down
    • Music not changing for Arena stages fight
    • Shaman Staff - bugged talent Reworked the talent to now use the summon system made for summoner

    [ 2024-01-19 15:05:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.c


    • Flight&fight stats name
    • hand of cheater description
    • Event choice overlapping at certains resolutions (like 1440x900)
    • Card tree display issues at certains resolutions
    • Input UI in zone selection not being correctly updated
    • Huge GPU performance drop in third zone fight
    • Major performance issues that slowly degraded performance over-time
    • Arcane Beam talent missing description

    [ 2024-01-18 09:32:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.b


    • Improved Arcane beam width & damage over leveling
    • Updated Death aura sprite


    • Witch being invisible when attacking
    • Flight&Fight description
    • Arcane Beam level 1>2 being a nerf to attack speed
    • Icicle damages being reported as "Other"
    • Archer enemies sometime doing moonwalk
    • SSU_CardSelectionChoiceCount soul-shop upgrade know bug (and already fixed for future version) : displayed: 3% > 4 instead of 3 > 4

    [ 2024-01-17 17:06:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Hotfix 0.9.1.a


    * Localization error in zone selection screen UI * localization blitch with Blood transmutation, Metal transmutation and Zealot in other language than english

    [ 2024-01-17 15:12:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9.1 is out !

    And here we are, Update 0.9.1 is finally out but that not all, the game now officialy have a proper trailer ! [previewyoutube=cwCRjrJ4tX4;full][/previewyoutube] If Steam don't give you the option to update the game, you can restart steam and it'll automatically download the update.

    You can check the patchnote here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2067920/view/3953664641950728703

    [ 2024-01-17 12:50:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9.1 Patchnote

    Major Change

    Updated from 2022.3.0f1 to Unity 2022.3.15f1


    Before starting a run you can now select Quick-Mode Reduce the number of stage per zone from 16 to 10 Create a off-path to directly go to the boss stage at stage 5 when you are not at the last zone Increase monster spawn-rate by 20% Increase Experience gain by 20% There is only 1 altar to activate in boss stage

    Migrating from 3D to 2D collision

    Collision detection is now handled in 2D instead of 3D From benchmark, it's around X2 to X4 collision performances gain

    Physics calculation now happen once per frame

    instead of being on a fixed update step, which could snowball lag-spike in the past, leading to multiple physic step in a single frame.

    New Difficulty on profile creation - Casual mode

    New difficulty that allow for a casual experience without the challenge You cannot die (Not in red timer in Survivors mode) Damage Increase by 5% for each level-up Damage multiplied by 1.01 per minutes

    Terrain generation

    Terrain is no longer a very large flat plane with border This mean the terrain no longer have border For now it should be very similar to the previous terrain (flat with not special features) but allow for addition of more interesting terrain generation in the future Some module have some surprise for the players, so you are more encouraged to explore Additional alternative module will be added over time to add variety Not easily modable

    All achievements are now on steam

    Challenge Level

    Some challenges can now be leveled-up , increasing the difficulty and the soul-coin reward from it Some challenge increase the world rank they are applied to This is aimed for veteran player that are ever-looking for harder challenges They don't and won't unlock anything. (Will add leaderboard related to them later-on)

    Weapon Modifiers refactorization

    Shouldn't change the current behavior (yet). so for now, modifiers are directly applied to the avatar data and apply to all weapons. It is only a refactorization on how the game handle weapon modifiers in preparation on 0.10 weapon modifiers mechanics This may lead to a few bug Soul-Cards affected so far: Fractal, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, Thunder Spirit, Divine Smite

    Input system refactorization

    Input system got reworked to be more modular and finally modable This will reset all previous bindings

    Gun-Slinger rework

    No longer limited to a single weapon but can only use one You can cycle through your weapons with scroll 3 weapons path are no longer mutually exclusives Increased Enemy Count from 35% to 65% Increase stage objective from 50% to 65%

    Card pool rebalance

    This change mainly target at card with heavy trade-off and give them a level requirements as they are usually card you want to obtain later in a run. The goal of this change is to remove the bloat of card in the early game as it filled with card that most player want to ignore this early This also help the player find and get the weapon he want early on The level requirement vary between level 5 to 50, so it mainly impact the early game.

    Weapon Refactorization

    Major refactorization to how weapon stats are handled to allow dynamic modification of stats for specifics weapons

    Major QoL

    • Card tree

      When viewing a card details, you can now check it's card tree, which allow to easily see the requirements or the evolution of a card
    • Zone Selection screen You'll now have a zone selection screen between each zone, This mean the first zone in D+ rank is no longer random between boreal pinewood and dream forest
    • Stacked Damage number In option you can now enable stacked damage number, so it display the recently cumulated damages per enemies
    • Stage Information when hovering/selecting a stage
    • Option to enable health-bar over all non-elites enemies (without performance hit) This also allow health-bar over summons
    • Weapon tab added in the pause menu. You can see each weapon damages stats You can also see weapon modifiers
    • Added damage graph over time (and kill count) You can click the damage on the left to check damage stats for each damage source You can change in option the time precision of the graph (default is 30 sec) from 5sec to 120s
    • Weapon with auto-aiming will now predict the enemy position based on their actual velocity


    • New fight music for Crystal depths (cave zone)
    • Music for Scroshed Plateau boss stage
    • Improved Visibility in Crystal depths
    • Added a Default camera zoom option, where you can slightly unzoom the camera when there is nothing overriding the camera zoom
    • Added support for DX 12 and Vulkan (can be changed by using "-force-vulkan" or "-force-d3d12" launch command in Steam)
    • New Sound-track for Boreal Pinewood combat stages (snow forest zone)
    • Added a title text when you enter a new zone in Rog's mode (this also mean all zone now have proper names)
    • Improved stage selection of Boreal Pinewood
    • Added error message when trying to create a profile with unvalid name
    • Slightly changed light model used for enemy and foliage sprites They should slightly be affected by back-lighting, most noticeable in Crystal depths
    • Damage number color is now slightly affected by environement to not be too distracting (especially in cave zone)
    • Reworked a few sounds in the game
    • Improved sound mixing during anachronistic
    • Reworked the pause menu
    • Blur the background when the game is paused
    • Slightly reworked the visual option menu Give better visibility to what you can see
    • Added Wide Rog skin
    • Damage number now support Q and Qt OoM
    • Removed collision between player and summon
    • Updated Soul-shop UI to fit the rest of the updated UI
    • Soul-Shop tier text color is changed when a tier is maxed
    • Sound Setting now has a Master slider
    • Sounds Option UI improvement Added an input field on the value, so it can precisely be edited Also slightly updated the UI to the new style
    • Next stage button text in event will be replaced with "Fight" in the right situation
    • Added an FX feedback for volt-strike to easily track active charges or if the effect is active
    • Future damage from poison debuff is also displayed on the healthbar
    • Fire spirit damage is also displayed on the enemies Healthbar
    • Improved Scorched plateau stage selection visuals
    • Biome only card now have a small text so you know it only appear in this biome (and not only in the card details)
    • Music no longer restart from 0sec when entering a stage
    • Slightly changed Scorched plateau ground color to help with enemy readability.
    • When creating a profile, the game will pull out Steam virtual keyboard for steamdeck user (or big picture users)
    • Added a Damage line in the stat menu, that will display a breakdown of damage source
    • Pressing F11 now hide all UI
    • Weapon stats are now breakdown when there is modifiers affecting them
    • Damage source in End of game damage summary can now be hovered and a tooltip of the source card will be displayed
    • Stats category can now be expanded/collapsed
    • Added a small loading screen when starting the game

    New Artifact

    • Ranked Dice Give one free rarity reroll on card selection, refreshed every 2 card selection Unlocked by "Getting Scammed"
    • Light Arrow Each Purification points increase base critical damage by 3% Unlocked by having Light spirit level 4
    • Golden Goblin Hand Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Goblin quest) Picking gold inflict 5% (+0.5% per player level) damage to enemies in a 15m area (scale with area size) Damage scale with Damage multiplier Can crit Ignore enemy defense (and defence shredding)
    • Mushroom Gel Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Mushroom quest) 75% of damages taken are slowly applied over 10 seconds This is post-defence damage Damage inflicted by mushroom gel ignore your defence
    • Silkskin Wings Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Flying eyes quest) Increase final dash duration by 1.5s Increase final dash cooldown by 1.5s Increase final dash delay by 0.5s Reduce dash speed by 80% Increase Dash Charge by 1

    New Weapon

    • Ice Nova - Heroic Launch a slow-moving nova of ice spawning icicles around itself related talent is just a placeholder for now
    • Arcane Beam - Epic Charge and shoot a powerful beam in the aimed direction Cannot charge another beam while one is already being shoot Deal continuous damage overtime Width of the beam scale with area size

    New Weapon Evolution

    • Ballista Evolution of Throwing knife and Crossbow Automatically Attack healthier enemy Also attack in the aimed direction upon dashing Throw multiple parallel bolt Simultaneous bolt only work when in Siege-mode or during dashes When not moving, Enable "SiegeMode", the weapon gain double it's damage, halve it's attack delay, and greatly increase it's bolt penetration, but reduce the player's movespeed by 30% for 3 sec after quiting siegemode
    • Singularity Gland - Evolution of Worm gland and Void Spirit Create massive blackhole that slowly attract nearby enemies Deal less damage as the enemy is farther to the center Deal damage more often as the enemy is closer (up to 10 tick per seconds) Size/attraction speed depend on the "Mass" stat Slowly grow in size to it's maximum size Gain 50% chance to shot a second black-hole at level 5 (100% at level 7) Blackhole that get close enough will merge Blackhole that just spawned cannot be merged immediatly Enemies hit gain a permanent time-slowness effect (depending on how close they are to the center)
    • Explosive Bow Evolution of Bow and Explosive Vials Arrow that target the closest enemies and explode when the projectile hit an enemy Maximum piercing capped at 5
    • Arcanic Pike Evolution of Pike, Light spirit and Arcane Beam Slowly charge a powerful arcanic laser that decimate non-elite ennemies on it's path
    • Angelic Prism Evolution of Ice Nova, Explosive Vial and Arcane Beam Summon an Angelic prism that quickly cast beam toward the nearest enemies Each enemy hit cause an explosion dealing 50% of it's damage in AoE

    3 New Gun-Slinger's weapon

    Weapons don't have they own sprites for now
    • Dual Gatling Require Perfection Upgrade of HMG Start shooting slowly and scale up to 50 time per seconds Shot 2 time[
    • Rail Gun Require Thunder Spirit Shot a infinitely piercing rail Each enemy touched cause 3 sub-trace to be shot randomly Very high damage Very slow attack speed
    • Flame Thrower Require Fire Spirit Quickly shot wide weak projectile that can quickly cumulate damage on enemy May need balancing

    New Soulcards

    • Health potion - Rare Increase Health regen by 35%
    • Vengeful shield - Synergy Synergy between Stalwart shield and Health Potion Every damage receive (post-defence) increase your damage (60-80-100)% of this amount for (6-8-10) seconds Increase Wild tagged card drop chance by 10%
    • Holy Skin - Ascended Card Reduce Bonus damage receive from negative defence. Reduce Defence by 20% per level
    • Unwavering Faith - Synergy Card Synergy of Zealot and Blood Candle Remove all Positive defence card you own Ban All positive Defence card Increase Zealot conversion ratio based on your purification Reduce Defence by 10%
    • Decaying Armor - Epic Overtime, Decrease your defence and increase your defence penetration Reset upon taking damage or entering a stage Require Zealot
    • Faith - Tainted Reduce Base Defence by 0.25 Increase Faith by 1 Only available after you obtain Zealot
    • Discipline - Tainted Reduce Defence Multiplier by 1% (compound) Reduce Health Multiplier by 1% (compound) Multiply Faith by 1.025 (compound) Only available after you obtain Holy skin
    • Humility - Epic Increase damage dealt to elites and boss enemies based on your faith
    • Divine Shield - Epic Grant you shield charge based on your faith Each charge protect you from 1 hit are restored when a stage start Only available in Rog's mode

    New Soul-Shop Upgrade

    • Soul-card selection choice Increase Soul-Card choice during selection by 1 (stack with cheater's hand)

    New Event

    • Notice Board (Forest variant) Choose between 4 missions to complete and get the reward Can only appear once
    • Golden Altar

    New Elite Abilities

    Only appear in C rank and higher
    • Ethereal Cannot be affected by debuffs (like fire spirit)
    • Fast +30% move speed
    • Giant + 50% size +150% health +50% Damage -15% speed + 30% drop reward (gold and exp)
    • Maiden has 10 charge, each blocking damage, Recharge 1 charge every 2 second, Cannot regen more than 30 charge
    • Priest Heal other nearby non-boss enemy by 5% of their max health each second Cannot be healed by another Priest elite
    • Stalward Reduce knockback received by 90%
    • Tiny Reduce Size by 35% -50% Health -35% Damage +50% speed
    • Undying Have 3 Extra life After each death, increase it's size by 10%, Damage by 10%, Health by 25% + 300% drop reward


    • Renamed "Damage" stats into "Power" stats to reduce confusion ( especially with lunar inferno)

    • Wrath now require area tag
    • Temporarely removed Spirit's water from artifact pool until it get a rework
    • Old Coin buff Increased Experience bonus from +100% to +300%
    • Player's health regen and weapon attack speed depend on players timescale (as of now, nothing in the vanilla game affect player's timescale)
    • Pike reworked New Visual FX (so it's doesn't look horribly ugly like before) No longer has delay between multiple pike projectiles Hitting an enemy with the tip of the pike will deal guarantee critical hit with a 100% damage boost Slightly follow the aimed direction after it's spawned
    • SwordRang Tweak If a projectile get too far away from the players, it'll get removed if the projectile is alive for too long ( > 10 sec) it'll also get removed to avoid lags In Addition, if there is more than 1000 Sword-rang alive, returning sword-rang life-time get depleted 5 time faster (again to avoid huge lag-spike from getting out of control)
    • Similarly to Swordrang, Wisp projectile will see their lifetime greatly reduced when their number is greater than 1000 to save performances
    • Soul-Coin gained from gold is now soft-capped over 1 Million gold
    • BonFire event change Merged rest and meditation, so you always improve one of your card when you rest Card limit break option no longer has requirements (ouside of having a maxed out card)
    • Fairy in a bottle tweak Increase health regen multiplier from +20% to +50%
    • Throwing Knife nerf Increased base attack delay from 0.33s to 1.5s
    • Kunai buff new effect: Remove all positive defenses from enemies hits by the kunai
    • Arcane beam, Void Wisp and Magic wisp buff Ignore positive enemy defenses Still benefit from damage shredding bonus damage (similarly to critical hit)
    • Magic wand buff Increase damage of all Magic tagged weapon by 20%
    • Arcanist staff buff Increase damage of all Magic tagged weapon by 50%
    • Removed some artifact form the boss poll list Glass Sword Jaald's potion Sacred Sword Troll blood Pork Statuette Void Statuette
    • new artifacts added to the boss poll Holy cross Shop-Keeper's Plate Adventurer's License
    • Thunder staff now deal a little bit of knockback
    • Damage in statistic now directly track the damage dealt without being clamped by the monster health
    • Evolutions unlocked via achievements are now added to the pool of the current run Need to be tested
    • Fuuma Shuriken, Storm Staff, Void wisp and Arcanist staff no longer requires any achievements to be unlocked (they are unlocked by default) These two change should help new players to access evolutions without spending too much time into the game, especially since I've noticed a lot of player think that the game don't have evolutions
    • Save Villager Event Fighting the monster is now a real fighting stage instead of being an auto-damage for reward one
    • FireSpirit tweak Fire damage duration no longer increase when applied but is reset instead Increased damage percentage from 10% + 5% per level to 20% + 10% per level Reduced duration from 5sec to 3sec
    • Fight & Flight change No longer increase Power by 100% + 20% per level Increase Attack speed by 50% + 10% per level instead
    • Berserker card renamed Bloodthirst
    • Glass sword now multiply the final damage by 2 instead of just multiplying the power multiplier by 2 this mean it affect both lunar inferno and all transmutation builds
    • Change to Zealot Add a new Stat called "Faith" that increase Damages Zealot now increase Faith instead of Power
    • Increased Thunder Staff talent charge cost From 200 to 500/466/433/400 charges
    • Fire Aura tweak DoT duration no longer increase as you apply it (it get reset instead) Greatly increase DoT damages
    • Boss Changing Phase only remove 75% of it's defence shredding instead of 100%
    • Changed Tainted drop-chance based on player level Tainted drop chance should slowly increase at the player level-up
    • Shrine are no longer save-scummable the game will automatically save after your card has been changed quit and saving at this point will load the stage selection as if you pressed continue
    • Fresh Bullet rework Effect only apply if you reload with less than half of your ammo left. duration no longer increase infinitely but is reset when reloading if still active Increased effect from 30% + 10% per level to 50% + 15% per level
    • Scavenger rework When you kill enemy, you have a chance to regen 10% (+5% per level) of your max ammo on your selected weapon Have a cooldown of 5sec Max level increased to 4
    • Reworked how connection between stage is generated Should no longer be Left-centered Now allow connections to cross each other
    • Increased OS-Protection duration when taking fatal damage from 0.15sec to 0.35sec
    • Reduced "Critical ontop of critical" requirement from 101% to 100.1%
    • Removed consecutive death bonus from Hero mode
    • Corruption slider now also Increase Talent mastery gain
    • Corruption slider is now available after you completed D-rank Instead of being available after completing last available difficulty
    • Increased Budget cost of zone 3 enemies this should reduce their number overall and improve performances
    • Elite monster count as 10 monsters killed for kill count objectives


    • Added a new secret and stupid achievement. that unlock a new skin Good luck
    • Getting Scammed - Rarity reroll an Heroic or higher rarity card into a lower rarity
    • Pour directly on your wounds Reach 10 health regen Unlock Health potion
    • Time for Payback Receive 1M damage in total Unlock Vengeful shield
    • Increased Small slime and Medium slime size to make them easier to see
    • Boreal pinewood can appear in F and E rank rogs mode after you completed E-rank rogs mode
    • Throwing knife nerf Dash regen delay is capped at twice the dash delay to prevent infinite dashing
    • Gold collect and enemy kill objective are now mutually exclusive
    • Summon now inherit Damage mitigation stat from the player


    • Worm boss having invincibility when dealing too much damage

    • A major bug with how the game select which card to pick for card selection

      for those who want details: Game pick a card to take based on the final weight of a card (it's weight (either level-up weight or drop weight) + all the modifiers that is applied to it) It then add the final weight of all card together, generate a random number between 0 and this maximum weight as the "card to be picked" and then go through the whole list of card and add the weight of card together in a "cumulated weight" variable, it then check which card has the right cumulated weight value and stop at it's index Once it found the card, it remove it from the list and remove it's weight value from the total weight However, the bug was that it didn't removed the final weight of the card, but it's base weight, so it ended up with some card not being pickable at all as they would fall out of the range
    • Weapon's custom Critical multiplied not being applied in case of Hyper crit it was keeping the player's default critical damage in those case
    • Sniper's Effect not working
    • Bug when synergizing Cold touch and spike boots making anachronistic not consume dash charges
    • Some summon not getting close enough to boss to touch them
    • Throwing Knifes talent not giving dashes charges
    • Throwing knife talent description displaying 2 more dashes than it should
    • Training dummy charge being reset when loading a run
    • Card Details - Requirements level now display the right required values
    • Necro Decay debuff not being removed properly
    • Throwing knife Addition dash is now part of the activation buff
    • Shop - Scroll bar not handling the entire shop properly
    • Saint's Shinbone being removed from a run when saving and loading a run
    • Stats calculation issues with "Health Every 5 Level" Soul-shop upgrade and negative health modifier upon loading a save leading to major health mismatch until you open the stats screen or level-up
    • Chicken statue being noted as Pork statue in the stats screen breakdown
    • Artifact sometime not displaying the right value in certain places
    • Fight&Flight no longer give +1 defence when inactive
    • Corrupted avatar corruption not being displayed in the stats breakdown
    • Corrupted rog able to obtain negative Damage
    • Some damage number displayed a slightly off value
    • Boiling blood not stating it's Max health increase
    • Some stats displaying " X > Y base stat" but was displaying the actual value instead of the base stats value
    • Crystal sword not properly applying it's critical effect (crit damage were applied, but not the crit information)
    • Magic and physical tag not being displayed
    • Damage number spacing being wrong when the camera was unzoomed
    • Challenge list in survivors mode not displaying rank button when having selected hardmode in rogs mode
    • C-rank survivors mode making the challenge button clickable even though there is no challenges available for it
    • Gunslinger weapon starting at 0 ammo
    • Purification lower than 1 doing... weird things
    • Tree, rock, shrine or any procedurally placed object will spawn and block altars (same for the shop-keeper)
    • In stats pannel, negative stats get multiplier by the multiplier instead of being divided
    • Fire Spirit not being able to kill an enemy by itself
    • Wind Feather name fix, also increased summon attack range so they are a bit more aggressive
    • Profiles button not being accessible with Gamepad
    • Enemies Innate knockback multiplier not being applied
    • Sometime damage from the previous run would leak into the current run
    • Champion tracker not disapearing after their death when their death position is going out of screen Icicle level 2 and higher giving much more higher procc chance that it was supposed to
    • Blood thirst buff using the wrong icon
    • Blood thirst buff not having description
    • Blood thirst cap not being correctly updated unless you lost and regained the buff effect
    • Some Dynamic modifier having a broken name in stats breakdown That also mean you can hover some of them to see their card source
    • Artifact description not handling smart text in artifact selection
    • Thunderstaff's projectile lifetime starting at 1sec instead of 2.5sec
    • Game count achievements displaying 1/1 count
    • Corrupted Avatar having a very outdated stats update function this mean stat modifier weren't properly replicated when stats were caculated, or that casual difficulty stats modifier wasn't applied
    • Music transition bug
    • Boss shown as appearing in one side in intro, but when the intro finish, they ended up in the opposite direction
    • Mute In Background reseting master volume to 1 instead of the default value when alt-tabing
    • Clicking on the tag section of a card during card selection did not select the card
    • Immortality shard not having Sprite
    • Ammo Cost stat name being displayed as "AmmoCostMultiplier"
    • Projectiles not inheriting original projectile Defence piercing and shredding when split from fractal
    • Duelist & Summoner Death and Victory sprites
    • Menu overlap card selection (when going to encyclopedia and going back by pressing escape)
    • Lunard Inferno lvl 0 not telling about the damage scaling from power
    • Mods not loading on the first game load
    • Worm gland acid bubble not being affected by projectiles transparency (the edge are still not affected for now, as it's a bit more tricky and a lesser priority as of now)
    • Error spam with cactus's summon in certain situations
    • Enemy rarely spawning during the Lava titan fight
    • Tacticool reloading not working on Gatling
    • Corruption slider only going up to +400 instead of +500
    • Level-up sound stacking multiple time in a single frame
    • Profile Directory button not working
    • Differents profile difficulties should properly display a description tooltip


    • Added a game console (open console key is ` (or for azerty keyboard))

      Commands can be modded in
    • New Command - help DIspaly the list of all comand, can also be used as help NameOfTheCommand to check details about it
    • New Command - cheatMode (cheatState (0 or 1)) Change cheatmode to true or false Using the command without parameter simply tell you if cheatmode is activated Enabling cheatmode disable achievements, talents mastery and soulcoin gain
    • New Command - listCard List all the card in the game, with both their internal name and their displayed name
    • New Command - listArtifact List all the artifact in the game, with both their internal name and their displayed name
    • New Command - listZone List all the zone available in your run, with both their internal name and their displayed name
    • New Cheat Command - giveArtifact [artifactName] Give the artefact to the player
    • New Cheat Command - giveCard [cardName] (cardLevel) Give the card to the player a set number of time
    • New Cheat Command - gotoZone [ZoneName] Instantly start at the begining of zone
    • New Cheat Command - selectZone [ZoneNumber] Load the zone selection screen to select the ZoneNumberth zone
    • New Cheat Command - gotoStage [Y position] [Xth stage] Move Rog to the Xth stage at floor Y


    • TimeScale refactorisation There is now a global timescale for all entities in the game set in GameManagerFight Summon, projectiles and Monsters still has their own global timescale that is also affected by the GameManagerFight timescale Monsters timescale is now a statistic, which mean it can support multiple modifiers Player is now affected by GameManagerFight timescale the timescale for the players is saved as a statistic in the player entity (since we don't want to keep the timescale on the avatar data)
    • New Event - OnCardsReroll(List, List) Called when rerolling cards Provide the previous and the new set of cards
    • New Event - OnCardRarityRerolled(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCardScriptableObject) Called when rarity rerolling a card Provide the previous and new card
    • New Event - OnPlayerTakeDamage_CalculateDefence(PlayerEntity, DamageInformationRef, FloatValue);
    • Modified Event - OnCardBanished(SoulCardScriptableObject) > OnCardBanished(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCardScriptableObject) The new event now also provide the new card replacing the old one
    • All game events are automatically cleaned up when reloading mods
    • Projectiles modifier variable no longer exist Since this is now a legacy system that is completely replaced by the new weapon system
    • Player's Modifier are also removed this is also legacy system that got replaced by custom card linked to events
    • Damage stats internal name renamled to Power, remember to change it
    • New Function in Card - OnGameInit() Called when the game is launched, this can be used for example to have complexe banishement rules
    • Fixed some projectile class name being "Projectil" instead of "Projectile" (Yeah, this one was annoying me for a long time)

    [ 2024-01-17 12:50:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, 2023 (and January monthly) Dev-Blog

    Another year, another [strike]monthly[/strike] Dev-Blog! First off, happy new year to everyone!


    The game has now been released for more than one year and has been in development for almost 2 entire years (This section is large and will speak about the creation of the game and Sales count).

    Game origin

    The game development could be said to have started as far back as February 2022. Originally, the project name was Idle-Wave, and it was meant to be a very different game. The idea was to have an idle-type game with a village to build, and you had to do runs to collect some resources to collect resources or even monsters to do monster husbandry to help progressing in the idle part. The idle part of the game allowed you to start later in the wave, accelerate time, and overall be stronger for the run part. It started with a prototype on which I worked with a friend. I was doing the run part, and he did the idle part on his free time. I had a pretty good prototype base for the survivors part (prototype that can be downloaded from the museum channel on the discord)
    After around 2 weeks, we started to explore using ECS and DOTS from unity; this could allow for insanely large amounts of stuff to happen without performance issues, but it's a programming paradigm that I didn't understand back then, in addition to been really buggy at this time. After a few days of no progressing at all, the game idea being refined and looking more like Vampire Survivors with a glorified Meta-progression than a proper game, a divergent view on the game with my friend, and a new contract I had to work on, this put an end to the development of the prototype. There is nothing out of the ordinary for game-dev; ton of prototype get killed super early for a vast number of reasons. Around 3 months later, during April 2022, I was watching a video of the game Round-Guard (which is basically Slay the Spire and Peggle combined) around 30 minutes into the video It all clicked in me and I thought of making a mix of Slay the Spire and Vampire Survivors. The idea looked unique enough to me to be worthy of being developed, as making a simple clone of VS wasn't really worth it to me. So I went back to the prototype I made back in February and worked for a few days to make a Slay the Spire style map generation. This is what it looked like back then:

    Pretty barebone, there was no shop, no boss, chest was just a card selection, same for event, icons were placeholders. but it was playable, and it was enough to know the concept was worth being worked on. Then I implemented shop, artifact, worked on the graphics, made UI, and did a ton of polish for the next 2 months. It was super intensive (and quite unhealthy); I could easily work 12 to 15 hours a day, taking a break only to eat or sleep. But I achieved to make something worthy enough to be made a demo for Steam. The demo then got published on August 7, 2022. That's more or less how the game was created. Since then, the game evolved a lot, while it was looking polished compared to the early prototype, the game released back in September 2022 was very rough compared to the current state of the game.

    Player Count

    A tool often used by game developers to track player counts over a lifetime (for both its own game or other game) is SteamDB. This was a very precious tool to analyze which game did work or not, what did bring players or not. I obviously used it a lot to track player counts on Rogue: Genesia, so this is the player count graph of the game during its lifetime:
    As you can see, R:G had a loooot of players during the reason, and even for the whole end of 2022, reaching a minimum concurrent player count of 500 during late December. But the player count slowly and gradually declined, and that's entirely normal for a single-player game. The game today is usually hovering around 100 concurrent players, which is still a pretty good number. The pike you can see on the game are the major updates the game received,
    • 0.7 update boosted player count from 1300 to 3100
    • 0.8 update boosted it from 300 to 1400
    • 0.9 update from 170 to 600.
    Medium-sized updates do a small bump to player count, but they are barely noticeable. My interpretation is that most players are now waiting for the 1.0 of the game to return to it. So I better make sure the game is as good as possible for 1.0 release and not rush the game release.

    Price increase and Sales Count

    Looking back, there is a lot of misconception players make about the sale count for video games. Players think that an update increases the sales of the game. Or that a huge increase in players after an update means there are a lot of sales happening. Similarly, I remember that when I announced the price increases for Rogue: Genesia, I often heard players being worried that the price increase would drastically reduce the sales count of Rogue: Genesia, and that it would kill the game, so let's look at the evolution of sales count during the lifetime and analyze them: Sale count followed a similar course, with a very big early spike and a continuous and slow reduction, but in a more pronounced manner than player counts:
    86.3% of all sales count of Rogue: Genesia was done between the release and the first January 2023, and only 13.3% of sales were done. That means the price of the game reduced the sales count right ?!

    Update 0.7

    Here is the sale count graph from release to December 2022, and in red, the day the price increased from 2.99$ to 4.99$ when update 0.7 was released:
    As you can see, this price increase did not significantly affect the sales count of Rogue: Genesia. Similarly, the update which boosted the player count by x3 did not increase the sales counts. One may say that the price increased compensated for the sale increase from an update?

    Update 0.8

    Let's see what happened when update 0.8 was released:
    You can see an increase of sale for the following 3 weeks until it slows down back to a normal level. However, there has been a -10% discount going on starting on March 16, and the actual effect on the update was the following:
    • In red is the decaying effect of the update,
    • In green, the moment the -10% discount started Now, the part in red wasn't just the update increasing the number of sales miraculously; it was due to Content creator making video on the game when the update dropped (to name them, it was both Sifd making a ton of video and Wanderbot releasing a video just after the release). The 0.7 update did not have much simultaneous exposure (and there has been a lot more copies sold at this time, so similar exposure wasn't noticeable)

    Update 0.9

    The 0.9 update received close to no exposure at all (Wanderbot did a video on 0.9 about 2 months before the update dropped, so it wasn't really relevant anymore), and the price increase didn't have any effect on sales, same as 0.7:
    • In blue, you can see the Wanderbot video of July 2023 and the slight increase of sale that followed
    • In red the release of 0.9 update and the price increase from 4.99$ to 8.99$
    • In blue, you can notice a first increase; this is due to the bundle with Lethal zone for its release.
    • In green, this is the first time Rogue: Genesia got a discount of -20% during the Bullet Heaven Fest followed by the Autumn Steam sales.
    The part in Green may look huge, but it's around the daily sales I was doing back in December 2022 without any discount.

    Youtube vs Twitch

    Before going to the conclusion, I want to speak of the difference in sales impact between Twitch and Youtube. From my observation (both on Rogue: Genesia and other games), Twitch usually leads to a sudden spike in sales, that instantly stops when the streamer stops playing it, contrary to youtube videos which often have a small spike but have a long sale tail. I'll take the 3 days AdmiralBahroo played Rogue: Genesia in the livestream; this happened just before update 0.8 was dropped:
    As you can see, there was a huge spike and it quickly dropped down to normal value afterward, contrary to the spike that follows that was longing for additional days. Usually a medium-sized YouTuber that makes a video on a game will have as much impact in total sales than a large streamer playing a game for 2 hours.


    As you can see, the increase in price did not have an impact on the number of sales the game did; the number of sales naturally decreased over time, with a huge impact for the release. Content creators making video/stream does increase the sale of a game for a short time. What mainly affects the lifetime sale of a game is how much Steam is willingly pushing it to new customers. And this is greatly affected by how big is the biggest wave the game did. For most games, this wave happens at launch, so it's SUPER important to a lot of wishlists for game-developers before releasing their game and make a powerful impact on Steam so the algorithm continues to push your game to new customers for a long time.

    Work-time balance

    Before finishing this long section of retrospection, I want to talk about my work-time balance. As many know (I've always been open about it), I worked an unhealthy amount of hours daily without taking any day off I managed to greatly reduce the amount of time I spend on working since then. Following the advice of people in the comment, I've taken a whole month off after 0.9 update release, and now I'm managing to keep an almost healthy amount of work time, trying not to breach the 8 hours a day too much or too often.

    Plan for 2024

    I originally planned for the EA of Rogue: Genesia to end by the end of December, but no amount of unhealthy work time will allow that, and it's better to slow down and take the time I need to reach it. Ultimately, it pushes back the next game I want to work on to mid-2024, but it should be fine. R:G is still bringing in enough money so I can continue to work on it, and I still believe the 1.0 release of R:G should bring in enough money to peacefully budget and work on my next game. I also want to slightly change the release plan of updates (and consecutively the prices increase). My original plan was to make update 0.10, increase the game price to 12$, then do update 0.11, increase the price to the final price of 15$ as it would be 1.0 version in terms of content, then focus on polish for 1.0 and have a -33% discount for the release. However, a lot of things that I wanted to do during the 0.11 > 1.0 update ended up being done during the 0.9.1 update.

    New plans

    0.10 Update is unchanged, but it won't have a price increase to 12$. After the 0.10 update is released, I'll start working on the 1.0 version of the game. About one month before the 1.0 release is finished, I'll increase the game price to 15$. When the game is ready for 1.0 (and the discount cooldown is finished), I'll publish the 1.0 update with a -33% discount (for a release price of 9.99$ during the discount).

    Update 0.9.1

    In the last blog post, I hoped for the update to be done before Christmas, but as you can see, it's another delay! I likely caught Covid (didn't got tested, but the fact I've lost a part of salt-tasting is making me think it was Covid) at the beginning of December, seriously slowing down the development of the update. Then came the Christmas period, and then... I got sick again since about one week ago... (and still a bit sick) I'm still advancing on the update, just slower than I would like, but it shouldn't be far. I'm focusing on fixing the last few bugs I know about and the small little nitpicks left in the update. I would even have said ready for the 15th of January if I wasn't sick, so expect it to drop during next week. Since the last blog post, some cool stuff has been done:

    Challenges Level

    Challenges can now get stronger! Well, some challenges can now be increased in difficulty. This can have different effects, like increasing the rank of the challenge or increasing the effect it has, but also increasing the soul-coin reward for completing it. You need to complete the previous level of a challenge to give a try at the next level of it.
    This new feature is aimed at the most experienced players who are always looking for new, more crazy stuff to accomplish.

    Steam Achievements

    I know a lot of players were asking for more Steam achievements, and OH BOY! They are gonna love this update. All the achievements in the game are now added to Steam. There have been 2 reasons why I didn't do it sooner: [olist]
  • Steam put a limitation on the number of achievements a newly released game can have, and I knew that Rogue: Genesia had many more achievements than this limit. I just discovered recently that I could go above this limit (no, there was no notification of when I could).
  • Steam has no tool to add in bulk large amounts of achievements. There is a way to massively edit localizations of achievements, but for adding new achievements, you have to manually add them, one by one, and upload both the locked and unlocked images manually. This means at best 2 minutes per achievement, so for R:G, which has about 200+ achievements, this is days of work that would be spent on it. [/olist] But after pushing it back for a long time, I ended up "hacking" a website testing software to automate the achievement uploading automatically from a Json file and images file.

    Card Tree

    A small QoL addition I originally planned to make for 1.0. A tree of soul-cards to easily see which cards are required or built into which card. This should make card requirements or evolution much easier to understand for players.
    White thin lines mean that it requires any of the cards, Red line means it requires this specific card. There is still space for improvement, but this is a great addition.


    Rogue: Genesia never had any trailer. Well, Steam asks for a trailer to publish the page, but I simply put a small gameplay video randomly taken because it's the only thing I had. And it's funny to see video using this as if it was the real trailer of the game (especially today at how outdated it is)

    But this will be part of the past!

    The official trailer of Rogue: Genesia is complete and will be published at the same time as Update 0.9.1.

  • [ 2024-01-10 09:49:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, December monthly Dev-Blog

    Another month, another monthly Dev-Blog!

    Open Beta

    The announcement for the open beta has brought a lot of players to test out the beta. So far, the percentage of players playing on the beta has gone from 1% to 6%. It's still a small number, but it makes me more confident in the overall stability of the 0.9.1. There are still a few bugs popping up left and right, but nothing too major (outside of the bugs I've talked about during the previous announcement).

    0.9.1 expected release time

    If all goes well, I hope for the 0.9.1 update to be ready before Christmas!

    Things done this month

    Let's talk a bit about the lot of changes I've made during this month.

    New elites modifiers

    The last Beta update (update 11) also added new elite modifiers that appear in rank C+. They should bring a bit more variety to elites. They are slightly more rare but more powerful than the existing modifiers. The most powerful one also increases the drop reward from elites, so they are a great opportunity for the player!

    New Quality of Life (QoL)

    Since the main blocker to the update was the sprite/animation creation, adding more content would just end up delaying the update even more. So, I focused a lot on improving QoL or adding more UI that I would need for the next update.

    Weapon Tab

    It doesn't serve much purpose yet, but it was still asked a few times. This tab allows you to know which weapons you already own and how many slots you have left. This tab also shows what weapon modifiers you have (even if that's still a bit WiP). It will become important in the next update when weapon modifiers are properly introduced. You can also check more information about your weapon damages.

    Weapon Damage Graph

    Talking about weapon damage stats, At the end of a run, you can check the damage graph to see the damage of all weapons during a run. You can identify which weapon was your best at which time.
    To access it, simply click the damage source on the left, and a small graph will be displayed. You can choose either to have a linear display or a logarithmic one.
    You can also check the kill count of the weapon over time!
    This graph will also greatly help me balance weapons as I will likely receive more feedback about weapon performances.

    Stacked Damage Numbers

    Another Quality of Life improvement I wanted to add to the game for a long time was stacked damage numbers. It took me a bit of time to find a way to have each enemy possess a number that follows them without absolutely tanking performance. After a bit of experimentation, I've found a way to technically achieve this. This should greatly improve the visibility of the damage you dealt to enemies.
    Of course, there is an option to disable it or have it together with the old damage numbers.

    Health Bars

    Using the incredible technology of particles following an enemy, I finally added an option that allows every single enemy to have a small, simple health bar over their head.
    After playing with it enabled, I don't think I can go back to not having them on. In addition, I've improved all health bars to color the bar for Damage over Time that will apply to the entity (for both the player and enemies).

    Zone Selection

    A change that was added recently is the possibility to now choose which zone variant you are going into. It's not much since there is only a variant for the first zone, but it will be a good addition when more zone variants are added to the game. This change will also allow me to add more card specifics to a biome or have synergy required set biome to be obtainable without frustrating the player who is being locked out of a card by the RNG.

    Rework of the Sound Design

    As many know, the sound effects of Rogue: Genesia are lacking in many aspects (while some other aspects are liked by players). I've recently hired and worked together with a sound designer to improve the SFX of Rogue: Genesia and add new ones. So far, our focus has been to slightly improve the existing sounds, either by cleaning them up or layering them with other sounds to make them more satisfying or adding a bit of depth. Our next focus will be to add proper sounds for weapons and enemy types (only the enemies of the forest biome have specialized sounds for them).

    Soul-Card Pool Issue

    In this month's Dev-Blog, I also want to talk about an issue that has been slowly growing over the updates: Soul-Card pool issues. When the game was first released, there were around 60 passive soul-cards and around 18 weapons. One year later, and this number is closer to 200 passive soul-cards and 40 weapons. The available card pool suffers from two very opposing issues: 1. There are too many cards available in the early game, greatly bloating it and making building more RNG-prone. 2. There are not enough cards for the late game, leading to runs looking more and more alike. Update 0.9 made a bit of an attempt at fixing these two issues, pushing higher rarity cards slightly later into the game, but also locking some cards behind others, and by adding biome-specific cards to the game. While I think it was an improvement, it was far from enough. I also received a lot of suggestions to increase the number of bans the player has, but this is just focusing on the result rather than fixing the root of the issues. This would also lead to players spending a lot of time simply banning cards in the early game. I've been thinking of a better solution for a bit of time, and I think I've finally found one and also wanted to discuss it with you. The first step was made during Update 10 of the beta: Adding a level requirement to some cards. I focused on cards that had heavy drawbacks and were rarely taken in the early game or were overall not the most liked and pushed them back to later in the game. This cleans up the early game pool for higher value cards and keeps those cards to better define builds already started by the player, so they can make better decisions when they appear. (Examples of cards I pushed back on level are Compromise, Clumsy, or Tradeoff.) For now, the change is still minor, as the higher level requirement is only level 50 (around the end of the first zone). (Of course, Shop-keeper has a lower requirement than other characters due to the lower level he can reach.) Later on, I would like to move build-defining cards to level 30 (cards like Armor-less, Average, Transmutations...) and make them unlock a lot of additional linked cards, adding specialization to these builds that would only unlock at higher levels. Of course, a player could take multiple build-defining cards and mix them together. This should keep the freedom of building while allowing players to keep control of the cards they have available. All while keeping the early game from being bloated. This is going to require a lot of work and is very likely to greatly change the balance of the game, but ultimately I don't see a better solution to the problem here, especially as B and A ranks will be added into the game and require even more cards. If you have any feedback on the idea or want to discuss it, you are greatly invited to share your thoughts in the comment section (or the Steam forum/discord)

    What to Expect with 0.10

    Since we are approaching the release of 0.9.1, that also means we are getting closer to the development of Update 0.10! This update will have the major rework of the soul-card pools I just spoke about. It'll obviously include the addition of the B-rank difficulty and the 5th zone. Weapon modifiers are on the list, as well as a variant for the 2nd zone, "Desert of the Giants." There is a lot more to be added as usual, but these are the BIG things to be added. (I mean, 0.9.1 was supposed to just include new enemies for snow biome...)

    [ 2023-12-06 11:53:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    0.9.1 Open Beta


    Following the bad experience the first beta was, I prefered to avoid remaking open beta for updates, Previous one lead to a lot of negative review of users testing out the beta, then reverting back to the main branch and losing their save. Following that, I've made semi-closed beta (the code "BackUpYourDamnSaves" was public on the discord) for update 0.8, 0.8.1, 0.9 and for the most part of 0.9.1. However, this method, while having prevented most users to lose their save (I still got a few players losing their save this way (but following the pinned post in the steam forum allow to recover it)), it also greatly reduce the amount of players that play out the beta and test it out, and severly limit the amount of feedback and bug found. If you've been reading the lattest blog-post, you know that the limiting factor to finish this update is the animations that are taking more time than expected (and this period being thank-giving + upcoming christmas is certainly not helping). This mean that most bug has been ironed out, and to my knowledge, there is only 1 important bug that I'm still investigating, but I'm still searching for a way to reproduce it. (the bug being that after restarting a run, in certain situation, a few enemies spawn with an insanely high corruption value, this only happen is very specific situations that shouldn't affect most players) I hope this open beta will help me found the reproduction step to this bug, as well as discover new bugs that I missed out. To join the Open beta, Go to your game properties, in the beta tab, and select rg_0.9 - Beta for 0.9.1 - Back-up yours save

    I obviously greatly advice you to backup your profile if you plan to return to version 0.9.0

    I don't plan to post changelog on Steam for all beta update, they are available on the discord,

    but here is the current changelog for all the change made between Version to Version 0.9.1 beta 9

    Updated from 2022.3.0f1 to Unity 2022.3.9f1

    Major Change

    Migrating from 3D to 2D collision

    Collision detection is now handled in 2D instead of 3D From benchmark, it's around X2 to X4 collision performances gain Will likely cause a ton of bugs

    Physics calculation now happen once per frame

    instead of being on a fixed update step, which could snowball lag-spike in the past, leading to multiple physic step in a single frame.

    New Difficulty on profile creation - Casual mode

    New difficulty that allow for a casual experience without the challenge You cannot die (Not in red timer in Survivors mode) Damage Increase by 5% for each level-up Damage multiplied by 1.01 per minutes

    Terrain generation

    Terrain is no longer a very large flat plane with border This mean the terrain no longer have border For now it should be very similar to the previous terrain (flat with not special features) but allow for addition of more interesting terrain generation in the future Some module have some surprise for the players, so you are more encouraged to explore Additional alternative module will be added over time to add variety Not easily modable

    Weapon Modifiers refactorization

    Shouldn't change the current behavior (yet). so for now, modifiers are directly applied to the avatar data and apply to all weapons. It is only a refactorization on how the game handle weapon modifiers in preparation on 0.10 weapon modifiers mechanics This may lead to a few bug Soul-Cards affected so far: Fractal, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, Thunder Spirit, Divine Smite

    Input system refactorization

    Input system got reworked to be more modular and finally modable This will reset all previous bindings

    Gun-Slinger rework

    No longer limited to a single weapon but can only use one You can cycle through your weapons with scroll 3 weapons path are no longer mutually exclusives Increased Enemy Count from 35% to 65% Increase stage objective from 50% to 65%


    Before starting a run you can now select Quick-Mode Reduce the number of stage per zone from 16 to 10 Create a off-path to directly go to the boss stage at stage 5 when you are not at the last zone Increase monster spawn-rate by 20% Increase Experience gain by 20% There is only 1 altar to activate in boss stage


    Major refactorization to how weapon stats are handled to allow dynamic modification of stats for specifics weapons (will be very useful for weapon modifiers)

    Major QoL

    • Stacked Damage number In option you can now enable stacked damage number, so it display the recently cumulated damages per enemies
    • Stage Information when hovering/selecting a stage
    • Option to enable health-bar over all non-elites enemies (without performance hit) This also allow health-bar over summons
    • Weapon tab added in the pause menu. You can see each weapon damages stats You can also see weapon modifiers
    • Added damage graph over time (and kill count) You can click the damage on the left to check damage stats for each damage source You can change in option the time precision of the graph (default is 30 sec) from 5sec to 120s


    • New fight music for Crystal depths (cave zone)
    • Improved Visibility in Crystal depths
    • Added a Default camera zoom option, where you can slightly unzoom the camera when there is nothing overriding the camera zoom
    • Added support for DX 12 and Vulkan (can be changed by using "-force-vulkan" or "-force-d3d12" launch command in Steam)
    • New Sound-track for Boreal Pinewood combat stages (snow forest zone)
    • Added a title text when you enter a new zone in Rog's mode (this also mean all zone now have proper names)
    • Improved stage selection of Boreal Pinewood
    • Added error message when trying to create a profile with unvalid name
    • Slightly changed light model used for enemy and foliage sprites They should slightly be affected by back-lighting, most noticeable in Crystal depths
    • Damage number color is now slightly affected by environement to not be too distracting (especially in cave zone)
    • Reworked a few sounds in the game
    • Improved sound mixing during anachronistic
    • Reworked the pause menu
    • Blur the background when the game is paused
    • Slightly reworked the visual option menu Give better visibility to what you can see
    • Added Wide Rog skin
    • Damage number now support Q and Qt OoM
    • Removed collision between player and summon
    • Updated Soul-shop UI to fit the rest of the updated UI
    • Soul-Shop tier text color is changed when a tier is maxed
    • Sound Setting now has a Master slider
    • Sounds Option UI improvement Added an input field on the value, so it can precisely be edited Also slightly updated the UI to the new style
    • Next stage button text in event will be replaced with "Fight" in the right situation
    • Added an FX feedback for volt-strike to easily track active charges or if the effect is active
    • Future damage from poison debuff is also displayed on the healthbar
    • Fire spirit damage is also displayed on the enemies Healthbar
    • Improved Scorched plateau stage selection visuals

    New Artifact

    • Ranked Dice Give one free rarity reroll on card selection, refreshed every 2 card selection Unlocked by "Getting Scammed"
    • Light Arrow Each Purification points increase base critical damage by 3% Unlocked by having Light spirit level 4
    • Golden Goblin Hand Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Goblin quest) Picking gold inflict 5% (+0.5% per player level) damage to enemies in a 15m area (scale with area size) Damage scale with Damage multiplier Can crit Ignore enemy defense (and defence shredding)
    • Mushroom Gel Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Mushroom quest) 75% of damages taken are slowly applied over 10 seconds This is post-defence damage Damage inflicted by mushroom gel ignore your defence
    • Silkskin Wings Only obtainable in Notice board (forest - Flying eyes quest) Increase final dash duration by 1.5s Increase final dash cooldown by 1.5s Increase final dash delay by 0.5s Reduce dash speed by 80% Increase Dash Charge by 1

    New Weapon

    • Ice Nova - Heroic Launch a slow-moving nova of ice spawning icicles around itself related talent is just a placeholder for now
    • Arcane Beam - Epic Charge and shoot a powerful beam in the aimed direction Cannot charge another beam while one is already being shoot Deal continuous damage overtime Width of the beam scale with area size

    New Weapon Evolution

    Weapon don't have its own sprite for now
    • Ballista Evolution of Throwing knife and Crossbow Automatically Attack healthier enemy Also attack in the aimed direction upon dashing
    • Singularity Gland - Evolution of Worm gland and Void Spirit Create massive blackhole that slowly attract nearby enemies Deal less damage as the enemy is farther to the center Deal damage more often as the enemy is closer (up to 10 tick per seconds) Size/attraction speed depend on the "Mass" stat Slowly grow in size to it's maximum size Gain 50% chance to shot a second black-hole at level 5 (100% at level 7) Blackhole that get close enough will merge Blackhole that just spawned cannot be merged immediatly Throw multiple parallel bolt Simultaneous bolt only work when in Siege-mode or during dashes When not moving, Enable "SiegeMode", the weapon gain double it's damage, halve it's attack delay, and greatly increase it's bolt penetration, but reduce the player's movespeed by 30% for 3 sec after quiting siegemode
    • Explosive Bow Evolution of Bow and Explosive Vials Arrow that target the closest enemies and explode when the projectile hit an enemy Maximum piercing capped at 5
    • Arcanic Pike Evolution of Pike, Light spirit and Arcane Beam Slowly charge a powerful arcanic laser that decimate non-elite ennemies on it's path

    3 New Gun-Slinger's weapon

    Weapons don't have they own sprites for now
    • Dual Gatling Require Perfection Upgrade of HMG Start shooting slowly and scale up to 50 time per seconds Shot 2 time[
    • Rail Gun Require Thunder Spirit Shot a infinitely piercing rail Each enemy touched cause 3 sub-trace to be shot randomly Very high damage Very slow attack speed
    • Flame Thrower Require Fire Spirit Quickly shot wide weak projectile that can quickly cumulate damage on enemy May need balancing

    New Soulcards

    • Health potion - Rare Increase Health regen by 35%
    • Vengeful shield - Synergy Synergy between Stalwart shield and Health Potion Every damage receive (post-defence) increase your damage (60-80-100)% of this amount for (3-4-5) seconds Increase Wild tagged card drop chance by 10%

    New Event

    • Notice Board (Forest variant) Choose between 4 missions to complete and get the reward Can only appear once


    • Wrath now require area tag
    • Temporarely removed Spirit's water from artifact pool until it get a rework
    • Old Coin buff Increased Experience bonus from +100% to +300%
    • Player's health regen and weapon attack speed depend on players timescale (as of now, nothing in the vanilla game affect player's timescale)
    • Pike reworked New Visual FX (so it's doesn't look horribly ugly like before) No longer has delay between multiple pike projectiles Hitting an enemy with the tip of the pike will deal guarantee critical hit with a 100% damage boost Slightly follow the aimed direction after it's spawned
    • SwordRang Tweak If a projectile get too far away from the players, it'll get removed if the projectile is alive for too long ( > 10 sec) it'll also get removed to avoid lags In Addition, if there is more than 1000 Sword-rang alive, returning sword-rang life-time get depleted 5 time faster (again to avoid huge lag-spike from getting out of control)
    • Similarly to Swordrang, Wisp projectile will see their lifetime greatly reduced when their number is greater than 1000 to save performances
    • Soul-Coin gained from gold is now soft-capped over 1 Million gold
    • BonFire event change Merged rest and meditation, so you always improve one of your card when you rest Card limit break option no longer has requirements (ouside of having a maxed out card)
    • Fairy in a bottle tweak Increase health regen multiplier from +20% to +50%
    • Throwing Knife nerf Increased base attack delay from 0.33s to 1.5s
    • Kunai buff new effect: Remove all positive defenses from enemies hits by the kunai
    • Arcane beam, Void Wisp and Magic wisp buff Ignore positive enemy defenses Still benefit from damage shredding bonus damage (similarly to critical hit)
    • Magic wand buff Increase damage of all Magic tagged weapon by 20%
    • Arcanist staff buff Increase damage of all Magic tagged weapon by 50%
    • Removed some artifact form the boss poll list Glass Sword Jaald's potion Sacred Sword Troll blood Pork Statuette Void Statuette
    • new artifacts added to the boss poll Holy cross Shop-Keeper's Plate Adventurer's License
    • Thunder staff now deal a little bit of knockback
    • Damage in statistic now directly track the damage dealt without being clamped by the monster health
    • Evolutions unlocked via achievements are now added to the pool of the current run Need to be tested
    • Fuuma Shuriken, Storm Staff, Void wisp and Arcanist staff no longer requires any achievements to be unlocked (they are unlocked by default) These two change should help new players to access evolutions without spending too much time into the game, especially since I've noticed a lot of player think that the game don't have evolutions
    • Save Villager Event Fighting the monster is now a real fighting stage instead of being an auto-damage for reward one
    • FireSpirit tweak Fire damage duration no longer increase when applied but is reset instead Increased damage percentage from 10% + 5% per level to 20% + 10% per level Reduced duration from 5sec to 3sec


    • Added a new secret and stupid achievement. that unlock a new skin Good luck
    • Getting Scammed - Rarity reroll an Heroic or higher rarity card into a lower rarity
    • Pour directly on your wounds Reach 10 health regen Unlock Health potion
    • Time for Payback Receive 1M damage in total Unlock Vengeful shield


    • Weapon's custom Critical multiplied not being applied in case of Hyper crit it was keeping the player's default critical damage in those case
    • Sniper's Effect not working
    • Worm boss having invincibility when dealing too much damage
    • Bug when synergizing Cold touch and spike boots making anachronistic not consume dash charges
    • Some summon not getting close enough to boss to touch them
    • Throwing Knifes talent not giving dashes charges
    • Throwing knife talent description displaying 2 more dashes than it should
    • Training dummy charge being reset when loading a run
    • Card Details - Requirements level now display the right required values
    • Necro Decay debuff not being removed properly
    • Throwing knife Addition dash is now part of the activation buff
    • Shop - Scroll bar not handling the entire shop properly
    • Saint's Shinbone being removed from a run when saving and loading a run
    • Stats calculation issues with "Health Every 5 Level" Soul-shop upgrade and negative health modifier upon loading a save leading to major health mismatch until you open the stats screen or level-up
    • Chicken statue being noted as Pork statue in the stats screen breakdown
    • Artifact sometime not displaying the right value in certain places
    • Fight&Flight no longer give +1 defence when inactive
    • Corrupted avatar corruption not being displayed in the stats breakdown
    • Corrupted rog able to obtain negative Damage
    • Some damage number displayed a slightly off value
    • Boiling blood not stating it's Max health increase
    • Some stats displaying " X > Y base stat" but was displaying the actual value instead of the base stats value
    • Crystal sword not properly applying it's critical effect (crit damage were applied, but not the crit information)
    • Magic and physical tag not being displayed
    • Damage number spacing being wrong when the camera was unzoomed
    • Challenge list in survivors mode not displaying rank button when having selected hardmode in rogs mode
    • C-rank survivors mode making the challenge button clickable even though there is no challenges available for it
    • Gunslinger weapon starting at 0 ammo
    • Purification lower than 1 doing... weird things
    • Tree, rock, shrine or any procedurally placed object will spawn and block altars (same for the shop-keeper)
    • In stats pannel, negative stats get multiplier by the multiplier instead of being divided
    • Fire Spirit not being able to kill an enemy by itself


    • New Event - OnCardsReroll(List, List) Called when rerolling cards Provide the previous and the new set of cards
    • New Event - OnCardRarityRerolled(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCardScriptableObject) Called when rarity rerolling a card Provide the previous and new card
    • Modified Event - OnCardBanished(SoulCardScriptableObject) > OnCardBanished(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCardScriptableObject) The new event now also provide the new card replacing the old one
    • All game events are automatically cleaned up when reloading mods
    • Projectiles modifier variable no longer exist Since this is now a legacy system that is completely replaced by the new weapon system
    • Player's Modifier are also removed this is also legacy system that got replaced by custom card linked to events

    [ 2023-11-26 04:30:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, November monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, it's time for the monthly Dev-Blog

    Update 0.9.1

    Let's start with the main focus of today's Devblog, Update 0.9.1! This update is turning out to be much larger than I expected, not necessarily in terms of content, but in terms of how much work was done for a "medium" sized update. The biggest change made during this month for this update was the complete rework of how collision works.

    Collision Rework

    While thinking about how to improve performance with the Pike (known to be a very performance-heavy weapon), I ended up reworking the entire collision detection system I'm using. As you may or may not know, Rogue: Genesia is a 3D game, with 95% of the logic handled in a 2D manner (you don't care about a projectile going over or under enemies) with only a few exceptions using the up axis (like worm gland projectiles, for example). However, due to many factors, I was using the 3D physics of Unity, mainly because the game is in 3D, and it's much easier to handle it. But having the game use 2D physics would definitely unlock much more performance. However, the first issue is that there's no easy way to use 2D physics when the whole game is happening in 3D. The first issue is that the game's logic mainly happens on the X/Z axis (Y is used for up), but 2D physics only works on the X/Y axis.
    (each circle is a proxy used for collisions) The only way I found to achieve this was by creating invisible "proxies" for every object in the game that requires collision (projectiles, player, enemies, trees, interactable elements...) and updating their positions in real-time on this 2D physics plane. However, it was far from perfect. First, moving an object in 3D, then replicating the movement in 2D, then having collisions displace the 2D object, and finally replicating it in 3D would have been a messy adventure. I also considered using 2D physics for projectiles, enemies, and players, but it quickly became apparent that this would lead to a very messy implementation. In the end, I had to modify many parts of the game to have the displacement logic handled directly by the 2D proxies and only move the 3D objects based on the 2D proxy's position. This was a very time-consuming process, with potentially hundreds of places in the game code that had to be adjusted to move 3D objects this way. Another major issue I encountered was that the performance was somehow much worse than when using 3D physics. After hours of debugging and investigation, I discovered that, unlike 3D physics, Unity's 2D physics didn't handle direct transformations of objects' transforms very well. So, once again, I had to modify many parts of the logic to set or add velocity to the 2D rigid body of the proxies instead of directly displacing them. This, of course, came with its own set of bugs to fix. In the end, after debugging all these situations and enabling multi-threading (which wasn't possible with 3D physics) and setting the physics update to be on the Update loop (instead of FixedUpdate) After some benchmarking in extreme scenarios, I achieved a significant performance gain in collision processing, from 2x to 4x better. Using the same scenario as in https://steamcommunity.com/games/2067920/announcements/detail/3669925177420091529, I went from an average of 60ms of processing for physics to 17ms of processing.
    (old 3D physic)
    (new 2D physic) (In those examples, even the average frame time saw a massive improvement, going from 5 FPS to 10/12 FPS.) I don't believe there's much more I can do in terms of optimization now. Laggy situations primarily arise from there being too much happening, and there is no "magic solution" to further improve performance without making direct changes to the behavior of things (such as adding a soft cap on projectile count or introducing global cooldowns with larger effects) or basically remaking the game from scratch going for an ECS approach.

    Weapon Stats Rework

    Another aspect that consumed a significant amount of my time was the modification of how weapon stats were handled. Until now, weapon stats were represented as numerical values that were modified as the weapon leveled up. However, this approach was impractical, especially when I wanted to introduce temporary changes (for instance, a weapon modifier altering a weapon's attack speed). The best solution was to make weapon stats function in the same way as the player's stats: set default values upon weapon initialization, modify the base stats upon leveling up, and easily permit the addition or removal of modifiers. Nonetheless, making this replacement resulted in over 1000 errors that needed to be fixed. These were relatively simple errors to correct, such as changing "Damage = 10" to "Damage.SetBaseValue(10)" or "Damage += 3" to "Damage.AddBaseValue(3." $ Still, I had to manually update each of these 1000+ lines of code one by one, which was a time-consuming process (it took me approximately 2 days of repetitive line replacement to fix). However, this change opens up the possibility for much more flexibility in weapon behaviors. This newfound flexibility was almost immediately harnessed in one of the new weapon evolution introduced in the next update, where a "siege" mode is activated when the player is immobile, granting the weapon (and only this weapon) improved stats.


    Speaking of weapons, adding a new weapon is always a difficult decision. When adding a new weapon, I have to consider many factors, and this becomes increasingly complex as the game gains more content and weapons. First, I want to avoid weapon to overlap each other too much, which is a bit of an issues with Spear/Bow/Crossbow, they still serve different purpose, so it's fine, but they are very similar in their behaviour and how to use them. Secondly, I need to think ahead about how the weapon will look, ensuring it doesn't turn out ugly, as happened with the Pike when it was initially added to the game. Thirdly, performance is a concern. I must be careful about how the weapon scales, as some super cool ideas might quickly overload any computer when there are more than 30 of them (again Pike was a major Lag source for bit of time due how it worked). Finally, adding a new weapon that isn't an evolution means I have to think of proper talents linked to it. These talents should align with the weapon's theme and can sometime prove difficult to be made. These factors are the reasons I don't add many weapons to the game. I take time to refine a weapon idea for several days before implementing it in the game, and then test if the idea actually works within the game. Implementing a new weapon typically takes 4 to 12 hours of work, depending on how many new things I have to program into the game. Update 0.9.1 will introduce one brand new weapon, as well as four weapon evolutions. I've teased some of them on Twitter and they are already available in the beta branch of 0.9.1 (same code as usual). Here are some screenshots:

    Balance and gathering feedback

    This part is a bit off-topic about update 0.9.1, but I think this is an important point that I wanted to approach during one Dev-blog Another difficult factor about weapons is their balance. I'm not an advocate of perfect balance, especially in a single-player (or coop) game; this often comes at the price of fun. But I still understand the importance of having a certain balance and playing with compromises. Crossbows and throwing knives may be the most powerful weapons in the game, but they have important negative points so they don't become the go-to weapon for all situations. There are also some weapons that are often underrated, like the Worm Gland. In the end, it's still hard to balance weapons; most of my intel on what weapons are strong or not mostly comes from the Discord. However, I also know they are mainly veterans of the game and may not represent the average players. In addition, I often see players on the Steam forum complaining about X or Y weapon. While it's interesting information, it often comes without a deeper analysis of their strengths or weaknesses. So it's a bit hard to know if it's a proper issue, especially when in the same post, three other people say the absolute opposite. I am always open to balancing suggestions (not just limited to weapons), but I want to have more than one or two people speaking about how they feel about X or Y. Either a deeper analysis of the issues (which some veteran players often do on the Discord, and this is very precious information and feedback to properly balance the appointed feedback) or a large mass of players agreeing with the feedback (which I then know it's time to put serious time into analyzing the issues players may encounter in deeper detail and understand the origin of the complaint). As a player, you also don't have to worry about reposting some balance issues that you still encounter many versions later. I often do a lot of minor balancing all around, and sometimes a balancing change I made in one version gets reverted by something else in the game. An example of something that could happen:
    • Players complaining about Health Transmutation not being strong enough at Version X,
    • I buff it in version Y, so it's fine
    • Now many months later at version Z, I nerf the Max Health gain all around the game, and players who wanted to complain about Health Transmutation not being strong enough see the post that is many months old and simply think there is no point in reporting it again or that the issue has persisted for many months when, in fact, it just got accidentally reintroduced. It takes a lot of time before I notice this important change.
    The same goes for suggestions. I receive a lot of suggestions, and sometimes I like to revisit suggestions when I want to focus on adding new content. I also try to gauge how important some suggestions may be based on how many players agree with a suggestion, and it helps me prioritize some things.

    What is missing for 0.9.1 ?

    The main limiting factor for the release of the update remains the same: the animations for the new snow-themed enemies. This was further delayed due to some misunderstandings between the animator and me, which effectively postponed the entire process by one month. I still believe that this delay provided me with a valuable opportunity to focus on many things I wouldn't have had time for or would have been scheduled for update 0.10. Once 0.9.1 is ready and published, I'll shift my focus to Update 0.10, which should ironically be quicker for me to develop than 0.9.1, even though there's a substantial amount of work due to the new region added with 0.10.

    A few other things

    I've noticed some players expressing concerns in the comments of the previous dev-blog that I might abandon Rogue: Genesia. I want to reassure you that I won't abandon Rogue: Genesia and will continue to develop it until 1.0. My loss of motivation is simply preventing me from maintaining my previous pace of working 10-15 hours a day continuously, which has led to a slowdown in the game's overall progress. However, this just means that it will take an additional 1-2 months for the game to reach 1.0 compared to my original estimate.

    [ 2023-11-09 08:49:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Bundling with Fatal Zone

    Hello everyone

    I'm bundling together with Fatal Zone, a newly released bullet heaven game, you can check out their game as it possess a demo!

    https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/35912/Knights_and_Zombies/ Additionally, Rogue: Genesia will participate with a 20% discount in the Bullet Heaven Fest starting on 6 november lasting two weeks.

    [ 2023-10-23 13:30:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, October monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, it's time for the monthly Dev-Blog

    This Dev-blog will have fewer things than usual as I've decided to make September a "break" month (which was more of a "work less" than a total break as I'm completely incapable of stopping work completely) I would like to thank everyone who was supportive of me. I usually don't reply to you, but I've read all of your comments, and it was the reason I was able to take the whole month as a "break"!


    Let's start with what has been a serious source of stress for an entire week. It ended up in an acceptable situation (only affecting games with Unity 2023+, with a set cap on cost, and only counting unique users based on sales data). The approach was unacceptable, and it's a clear indication that Unity Technology, as a business partner, is not something I can trust again in the future. Rogue: Genesia will stay on Unity. I don't have the means to switch engines. At best, it would take months of work, and at worst, it could literally kill the game. However, it is clear to me that my next game won't be made in Unity. While, in the end, the new fee doesn't affect Rogue: Genesia, it still hurt my motivation and overall productivity. I can tell I'm working much slower than before, even after my month break has ended. The direct effect of that is that I'll push back the equipment system. It won't be part of the 1.0 release. I was already very hesitant, and this whole debacle made it clear I want to focus on other aspects of the game rather than adding yet another system to it that I wasn't sure would work 100%. Depending on how well the 1.0 release of the game does, I'll probably try to implement it in a 1.1 version of the game or make it a separate mod.

    Result of Equipment and Weapon Modifier Polls

    As usual, the results are publicly available: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1guX1ZkHKDn0_7b3UofE2Fbcoeo6yuXKjbAoIvlYe1w4/edit?usp=sharing

    Equipment System

    What Type of Equipment System Would You Prefer?

    So far, most people prefer either presets (19.7%) or a hybrid system (46%), with only 13% of players preferring fully procedural items. 16.7% of players would prefer no equipment system. It's far from a majority, but also significant enough to warrant consideration. This is why I'm still thinking of possibly making it a mod later on. From the data I gathered, some players fear it might require too much grinding (which is not the goal of the feature, and I may tweak it if I do implement it to avoid grinding). Another feared issue with it would be that it slows down the game too much, which is also why I don't want it to be managed in a run. Also, having too many items dropped could end up being a hindrance. Finally, there is the issue of it being too powerful, which would require some balancing. One way I'm thinking of addressing this is by having the stats given by the equipment scale with the player's level, to make it less trivial in the early game while still providing a good performance boost in the late game.

    How Many Equipment Would You Like to See Dropped per Run?

    Most players would prefer a reasonable amount of equipment to be dropped. A few would like to see a lot of equipment, similar to the amount you could get in a Hack & Slash game, but that's not the goal of the equipment system. I think having a chance to drop per boss with one guaranteed (or two on higher difficulties/challenges) per run would still bring enough items to quickly fill out your equipment slots without it feeling like a slog to manage between each game. Additionally, it could be sped up with a good comparison system and a large enough inventory so you don't have to clean up after each game.

    How Many Equipment Slots Would You Like to See?

    There is no clear majority, but the tendency would be to have a high number of slots with varying slots depending on the avatar selected.

    Should the Equipment Be Upgradeable Using Soul-Coin?

    A clear majority wants a way to upgrade their equipment with Soul-Coin. This could also be a very good Soul-Coin sink for players who have maxed out their Soul-shop (especially considering how much a Soul-Coin sink has been requested on the Discord).

    Would You Like the Equipment to Be Craftable?

    There's no clear majority, but there's a tendency toward non-craftable equipment with the possibility to reforge/customize their stats using a form of crafting. This crafting could involve other equipment, a new resource type, or simply soul-coins. Another possibility would be to make some preset equipment craftable, requiring other procedural equipment with specific stats. This means the majority of equipment wouldn't require crafting, but it's a cool way to aim for late-game gear.

    Should Equipment Have Rarity Tiers?

    There's a clear majority there. I believe having rarity tiers would work best to make equipment easier to spot, especially if the stats are craftable/reforgeable. It would encourage players to improve a piece of equipment rather than endlessly grinding for a 1% better attack equipment. There's also the possibility of upgrading an item's rarity to improve its stats or stat slots.

    Equipment System Conclusion

    From the poll results, it looks like players are quite positive about this addition to the game, with a non-negligible portion of players who don't want to spend time on this sort of system or fear it might add grinding that would make the game boring. Making equipment pieces less common but much more customizable would make them more interesting and create a better bond between players and their equipment. This would also prevent situations where a legendary item found becomes obsolete due to common items shortly after. It has given me a much clearer idea of what could be an engaging and interesting equipment system, which is somewhat different from the initial vision I had, but I'm more confident in it. However, the new vision I have for it would require much more development time than I can afford to allocate for now, especially combined with the major motivation loss due to the Unity debacle. I believe it's best to postpone its development until after the 1.0 release. There's a possibility it may never be developed (if income from sales after 1.0 is too low to hire developers to continue working on it), but it's too soon to decide on that yet.

    Weapon Modifiers

    Would You Like Weapon Modifiers to Be Added to the Game?

    I'm also quite confident it's a good addition to the game. So unless there's a clear majority against it, I think I would have made it. Having a clear majority in favor of this system is a clear indication that the idea is at least worth implementing and checking if players like it.

    In What Other Ways Would You Like Weapon Modifiers?

    This section was only replied to by 16.7% of voters as it only applied to people who thought of modifiers in a different way. I wanted to gather some data on other ways players would prefer it to be implemented or get some ideas I hadn't thought of. 63% of them would prefer it to be applied outside of runs, but I don't think it would be suitable for the system in the way that you would have to pre-define which weapon would have which modifier. This removes a lot of adaptability and variability in runs, especially as a modifier on a weapon would be better on another weapon depending on your exact build. 45% would prefer them to be applicable to multiple weapons. I can see why some players may want it, but I believe it removes a part of the decision-making process. However, it may be interesting to think of a way to apply some modifiers to multiple weapons later on. Some of the other custom responses describe exactly how the modifiers system works and are likely from people who have misunderstood how the modifiers system would work: Weapons can have multiple modifiers, but a modifier can only be applied to a single weapon.

    Update 0.9.1

    While September wasn't the most productive month, there is still quite a lot of stuff that I've worked on! The main thing delaying the update is the making of the Snow-themed enemy. I think they will be the only enemy to be made for an alternative biome (at least until 1.0) as they take a lot of time, and would easily delay updates later on, as it's a very time-consuming task for the artist I've hired. However, this taking a long time is not a waste for me, and it allowed me to work on some major refactoring that I planned to do for 0.10, so a lot of groundwork was done during this month.


    A major refactoring of this update is how the terrain will now be handled. Until now, the terrain was simply a very, very big plane, with a particle effect spawning a lot of grass/smaller foliages, and a script spawning large foliages/gameplay elements (like crate/shrines or trees). This update completely removes that. Now, the terrain is generated around the players as they move around. This first means better grass performance (and denser grass) as the GPU doesn't have to generate and cull 1 million foliages when the game starts (Yeah, it was a pretty quick and dirty approach). Secondly, this means I can make more interesting terrain features, using a Wave function collapse approach. It still takes a lot of time to add some variety to terrain, so it's not a high priority right now. For example, deserts will have some rare oasis, or forests having paths (and rare cemeteries that spawn skeletons). Finally, this was a required prerequisite for the new biome to appear in 0.10's B-rank.

    New Difficulty on profile creation

    A new profile difficulty is now added, "Casual mode," when you are creating a new profile. This new mode is aimed at players looking for a very casual experience, without the fear of death/difficulty. What does it change? Players cannot be killed (except once the timer becomes red in Survival mode). Players gain +5% damage for each level-up and x1.01 damage for each minute. I know many players like the current difficulty of the game, and some think it's too easy, but a number of players don't aim for any challenge in the game and simply want a chill experience where they can destroy thousands of monsters without any worry. (Leaderboards are disabled on this difficulty) In addition, the main menu now has a small text under your profile so you know which difficulty you are playing in. I may want to look into adding a proper colored icon for each profile difficulty later on.

    Weapon Modifiers groundwork

    In preparation for Weapon modifiers, a lot of internal code got changed to convert a few cards into weapon modifiers. This shouldn't change the current behavior, modifiers are directly applied to all weapons for now. Soul-Cards affected so far: Fractal, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, Thunder Spirit, Divine Smite

    Input System Refactorization

    While it's still using Unity's Input system (as it's very good), the game now has a wrapper put on top of that to properly handle and register modded inputs, making it more modular. The rebind menu is also now automatically generated based on the inputs, so there shouldn't be any missing binds.

    Gunslinger Rework

    Gunslinger received another slight rework. One issue that I noticed with Gunslinger is how specialized each of his weapons are. Revolver's path is very good for bosses but lacks against groups of enemies. Shotguns are good for packed enemy groups and bosses but weak against heavily armored enemies. Finally, the SMG path was good for weak enemy groups but inefficient against elites/bosses. This pushed me to make most weapons more "averagely" useful and not design them too much based on their uniqueness, striving to make them useful in most situations. I felt very limited in design by the avatars overall, and I spent some time thinking about how to improve the avatars. I made this change: he no longer has weapon caps. Avatars can still only use one weapon at once, but he can now swap between his weapons. I removed the exclusion of different weapon paths (so you can own both SMGs, shotguns, and revolvers). Weapon reloading/shot delay continues even when the weapon is not selected, encouraging players to play in a more aggressively swapping style. Finally, this would allow the addition of cards that add bonuses/modifiers when the players swap weapons. In addition, I added a new tier of weapons (Heroic). Heavy Machinegun can be upgraded into Dual Gatling, Sniper into a railgun, and Scattergun into a flamethrower. I'm also thinking of increasing the monster count (at least up to 66%) for the gunslinger as it's more adapted to dealing with slightly larger enemy groups.

    Rogue: Genesia 1.0

    While I think the 1.0 release of Rogue: Genesia is still multiple months away, we are slowly getting closer to it. There is still Update 0.10 to be made, and then Update 0.11 which would be quickly followed up by 1.0 as it'll bring the final polishing and clean-up of the game. Originally, I didn't plan for anything much after the 1.0 release of R:G outside of bug fixes and minor content/QoL improvements, and I'm still not sure if there is much I want or will be able to add later on. Sure, I could still pump out more worlds and higher difficulty levels, but I'm pretty sure I would be over-extending my ideas and would make much less interesting stuff. This is also why I don't plan to make extra content as paid DLC, at least, not content I would make myself. There is the equipment system that I may work on after 1.0, but I prefer to not continue being full-time on it afterward as I would like to start working on my next game then. There is the serious possibility of hiring someone to continue working on R:G after the 1.0 release, where I would only be there to validate the ideas/direction the game will continue to take while giving me much more free time. They could also bring fresh ideas to the game. But that will greatly depend on the revenue R:G will generate post 1.0, as I'll need funding for my next game. There is no sure way to know how much I'll have available by then.

    My Next Game

    It's been in pre-production for quite a bit of time (9 months now), mainly polishing the idea, how the core concept would work together and the features to be added. At this stage, no concrete work has been done yet outside of a few concept arts during my free time, as I would find it weird to start working on a new game when R:G isn't even out of EA. It won't be Rogue: Genesia 2. I don't have any plans for such as of now. I'm not excluding the idea in the far future. Nor will it be a bullet heaven game (nor a visual novel to appease someone's worries). The next game concept started as "what happens if you take a Rogue-lite, but you don't lose your run progression". It's very different now from the idea it was back then, and it wouldn't even qualify as a Rogue-lite anymore. This is also a game I won't be working on alone, contrary to R:G. I'll be working in a duo with someone I've known for years and greatly trust his technical ability. I prefer to not share too many details about the game here, as there is a lot to be defined, and I would prefer to have a tested solid prototype before seriously committing to the concept.

    [ 2023-10-05 13:13:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Unity's new plan pricing

    This is a hot take, and the announcement is recent, so I really hope things will change in the near future. Hello, I believe this is an important post as it may greatly affect the future of Rogue: Genesia. So, what's the deal with Unity's new pricing plan? Earlier today, Unity made this announcement: https://blog.unity.com/news/plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates This blog post announces Unity's new pricing model, set to take effect next year. The new pricing model of Unity, in addition to maintaining the subscription, will now include a fee per installation of the game on the user's device. At first, I thought it was simply a $0.20 fee per sale of the game, which, while a bit annoying, I could easily understand the pricing and I'm fine with it. However, after some research, I found that this $0.20 fee is per installation of the game. YES, PER INSTALLATION.
    This means that anytime you uninstall the game and then reinstall it, that's a $0.20 fee sent to the developer. As you can imagine, this can lead to dangerous situations for many game developers using Unity. First off, installation counts for demos also add to the game installation count. So, any player installing the demo is basically costing the developer $0.20.
    Pirated versions of the game would be "prevented by their fraud detection practices," which, to be honest, is basically "trust me, bro," or spending a ton of time trying to recoup fees from pirated versions of the game. I would be very surprised if they suddenly resolved the issues of piracy when so much effort has already been made by multiple other big companies.
    Similarly, they replied that benevolent copies of the game (Humble Bundles, etc.) wouldn't be counted, but I don't see how they can ensure this without invasive data collection. Of course, what is considered an install is entirely up to Unity's decision and they could make up the numbers themselves if they wanted. There is also concern about Unity collecting data that I wasn't aware of from my players. This change applies to every Unity game, even those already released. Installation fees only apply to new installations starting on January 1, 2024.
    This also means they could change the fee charged out of nowhere. What's preventing them from increasing it to $150 per installation out of nowhere? This could also lead to a lot of abuse from the players as a way to harass developers. Nothing prevents a player from buying a game, installing and uninstalling it as much as possible, and then asking for a refund. And that's without going further with installations of the game in Virtual Machines or directly grabbing the packets sent to Unity and replicating them. I sincerely hope this change will be reverted. There is a possibility this could be dangerous for the development of Rogue: Genesia. I could even end up having to remove the game from Steam if it ends up costing more money than it can earn. I'll continue to work on Rogue: Genesia in the meantime, waiting for changes on Unity's behalf, and exploring possible legal action along with other developers if nothing changes. I just wanted players to know, what are at stake, and I wouldn't be surprised if other developer of Unity game to act similarly. As I expect this question: No, porting Rogue: Genesia to another engine is not a realistic approach due to the amount of work required, especially at the moment, as there are a lot of uncertainties. (source of official unity replies can be found here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates.1482750/

    [ 2023-09-13 01:24:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Updated demo

    This is a short notice to inform you that the demo has been updated to be based on version 0.9 of the game.

    This means that all the quality of life additions made during this whole year of development are now included in the demo. Content-wise, there are likely a few additional cards/artifact in the demo, but I don't recall the exact content of the previous version. Additionally, future updates should be much easier to incorporate into the demo version.

    [ 2023-09-12 02:21:32 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Increased Swift Elixir duration from 10sec to 20sec
    • Increased Crit-strike Infusion duration from 15sec to 25sec
    • Increased Artificer's Potion duration from 15sec to 30sec
    • Increased haste-strike Serum duration from 20sec to 30sec
    • Increased Fire wine duration from 10sec to 30sec


    • Potion pick-up having no texture after a certain time
    • Tracked still pointing to chest already picked up
    • Sometime temporarily losing D-rank Soul-shop upgrade +Max health every 5 level

    [ 2023-09-11 14:41:54 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Elite split's spawning at the center of the stage
    • Gold counter in shop starting from the original value anytime something is bought (visual bug)

    [ 2023-09-11 12:32:21 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Boss staying at 1 HP in certain conditions

    [ 2023-09-11 02:10:32 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Major bug that prevented damage processing from continuing after a death is detected

    [ 2023-09-11 00:12:26 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Knockback infinitely cumulating on monster

    [ 2023-09-10 16:39:30 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Now I'm going to start working on the new demo


    • Objective indicator's arrow now blink so it's easier to notice them
    • Objective indicator's no longer rest on the very edge of the screen, but slightly more centered


    • Tweaking to how knockback is handled Maximum applicable knockback is no longer (MaxSingularKB x MaxSingularKB) but (MaxSingularKB x log(MaxSingularKB)), This should reduce the strength of knockback in the most extreme case


    • Another major optimization to how damage processing is handled About a x5 performance increase on damage processing, I Don't think I can get more performance on damage processing without rewriting half the game


    • Throwing knife not giving back dash
    • Thorn Firework not working
    • Storm staff special effect not working
    • Red Skull projectile not being destroyed when killing an enemy
    • Banishment icon not disappearing when rerolling a card (definitely fixed this time)
    • Rift/interdimensional rose's rift affecting bosses (again)
    • Selling health not possible if you didn't had more gold than what it would pay you.
    • Icicle trail sometime going through the screen to a newly spawned one

    [ 2023-09-10 13:13:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, September monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, it's time for the monthly Dev-Blog

    This Dev-blog will be slightly different from the others as it'll have a focus on the poll results, analyzing them, as well as discussing a few future features I'm still considering.

    Let's start with 2 Features/Major changes I'm thinking about

    There are two major features I've been contemplating for some time now: an Equipment system and a Weapon modifiers system. There are separate polls about these two features, but I would prefer you to read this section before voting there.

    Features Polls


    Equipment System

    Actually, the feature that is the most likely to not be implemented. Adding a feature in a game has an important cost in both time and complexity. Especially if you want to have a system deeply interacting with other features like it's often the case in Rogue: Genesia. However, I'm not sure Equipment would really bring much to the game. There has been a lot of discussion around an Equipment system on the game discord already, which led me to define it more clearly. If an equipment system were to be added:
    • It would be a Meta-progression; equipping/Obtaining and Upgrading equipment would only happen outside of a run. Otherwise, this would too greatly slow down the gameplay if you had to equip/unequip item as you look at them in-game.
    • There is still no decision made on whether equipment should be Procedurally generated or manually made.
    • There is still no decision made on whether equipment would have rarity or level.
    • There is still no decision made on whether equipment could be upgraded using soul-coin.
    If they were to be Procedurally generated:
    • Each type of equipment would have a list of possible Main Stats. Depending on the item type, the stats would be different (glove would be attack speed/ projectiles/ a bit of defense, while chestplate would be most likely armor, health, health regen...).
    • Each main stats would have sub-stats that can be added to the item, a Damage main stats wouldn't be able to have a positive health-regen sub-stat for example.
    • Each Main Stats would have both positive substats and negative substats.
    • Value of each stats/substat would be predefined with non-random multipliers, only the level/rarity of the equipment would affect the value of the stats,
    • Number of substat wouldn't be random, but defined by rarity/rank of the item
    • There is still no decision made on whether stats/substats can be rerolled
    These point are important as I don't wish for infinitely grindy and frustrating procedural equipments to be made, which has been a concern when the topic first came out on the discord. The main advantage of procedural equipments over manually made one would be the development time, Procedural equipments would requirement 2-3 of week of work to have a fully fledge system, while a manually crafter one could easily scale to much more time depending on the number of unique item I make. Another major concern about equipment is that it would collide with the talent system (Talents could be seen as a form of equipment). However, if equipment were to be added, some talents would be converted to equipment trinket (God's stone) so there is less overlap, having equipment mainly be a stats thing while talents would be focused on unique abilities/modifiers. Equipment would also affect stats that are not yet influenced by things in-game like Talents related, or also affect different tag drop-rates. Finally, I have the fear that adding yet another feature like equipment could lose some of the players, as there are already many systems in the game that can affect gameplay. If equipment were to be added, it would only be unlocked after D-rank Rog's mode is completed.

    Weapon Modifiers

    Contrary to the equipment system, this is very likely to be added to the game. Some cards at the moment sort of act like "modifiers" for your attacks (Fractal, Fire Spirit, Ice Spirit, Thunder Spirit...). The main change would be to make them (and add many other similar effects) into modifiers you can slot into the weapons you own. You would only be able to slot a modifier once per weapon; however, you can move them between weapons as much as you like, and weapons can have any number of modifiers (as long as the weapon tag is compatible with the modifiers). Of course, most of these cards would see a major improvement in their effects (Fractal won't suffer damage reduction, Ice Spirit's effect would be greater...). This change would serve 2 main purposes: [olist]
  • Bring more variety/building into the runs, instead of having this sort of all-apply-to-everything mash-up there is at the moment.
  • Passively push the players to take fewer weapons without limiting the number of weapons even more. This is both good for replayability, game feel (as you would properly see how effective the two weapons you have are), improve player's building (taking 12 weapons just makes you very weak as it denies you 70+ passive levels you could have taken), and improve performance. [/olist] This change will also bring a new UI to show which weapons you have and how many max slots (which is something that I've seen a lot of requests for).

    Gameplay Polls Analysis

    Results of the poll can be publicly viewed at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pCCwSiyMoxIHoZ8pvhi4q1GtOMNGz_dCfA8Ari6Pd0A/edit?usp=sharing

    Update 0.9

    How do you feel about the last major update (0.9)

    Overall, it's an update greatly appreciated by players, not perfect for sure, but it assures me I'm not too disconnected from the playerbase and that the change was overall positive. There is a minority not liking the update, but it's much smaller than I expected from the forum posts.

    How do you feel about the new card dropping formula

    Almost half of the players didn't notice a change in the card drop formula, which was a bit expected as the change is not as drastic as many would have expected. However, there is a non-negligible part of players thinking it's a harder distribution. I may very slightly tweak the settings to lessen the effect of the new formula. Also, this doesn't affect weapons (since some players seem to believe it does).

    How difficult do you find C-rank

    I was a bit afraid the difficulty was too high, but it looks like it's spot on. I expected many more players on the right side of the graph, but only 2.5% find the C-rank difficulty really difficult. Overall, C-rank is the end of the middle section of the game, being the 4th difficulty out of the 6 planned, so it's normal for the difficulty to start picking up. There are a few people in the polls who like the difficulty in the early game but are a bit disappointed by the enemy scaling as it gets a bit too easy. Due to the overall scaling of the game, this is something hard to balance and pinpoint, especially with the huge difference in player skills. Good players will quickly snowball in the mid/late game, while less skilled players will have a lot of difficulty keeping up. Scaling enemies too hard could lead to a lot of frustration from less skilled players who spend a lot of time just to die in the middle of the Volcano. I'll make a poll about enemies in different zones at different difficulties so I can get precise data on what needs to be buffed/nerfed without just blindly relying on personal experience or raw data from the game's values. Another possibility would be to add a "casual" mode where you simply cannot die or adding additional lives, as is common in other roguelites. This could remove frustration from less skilled players while allowing me to better scale the difficulty for average/skilled players.

    What is the new QoL you like the most

    Not really much to say. I was mainly curious about the QoL features most liked by players, and keywords are by far the most appreciated ones. Also, I noticed that while new card design is last, it's something that got noticed a lot by players in the "like don't like" section.

    How do you feel about the new enemy balance?

    Overall, it's a slight improvement perceived by players. There are still improvements to be made, but I think it's on the right track.

    What changes from Update 0.9 do you like or hate the most?

    This one can't really have a screenshot as there are A LOT of different answers, and there is too much to analyze every one of them here. So here are a few things I've noticed: [olist]
  • Check game options! Like a few things I've seen that are already in the game options tabs.
  • Bosses that require special actions from the players modify the stage requirements, and it can be seen on the top left of the screen. I'm saying this as a few people were still confused for Necromancer. However, Necromancer's inter-phase may need to be a bit balanced, especially regarding the timings.
  • Changes to the bosses are both liked and disliked. That'll be part of the future polls about enemy balancing to get better data on.
  • Many players seem to overrate the experience card in the early game, due to the exponential nature of the experience drop and requirement. Having a 1600% exp multiplier early on or at the end of zone 3 doesn't really change how many levels you'll end up with at the end. I even think that focusing on them in the early game actually makes you weaker if you pick them over other more powerful cards.
  • Lost achievements are, in great part, due to requirement changes or achievement name changes or simply some cards that have been locked behind achievements where they weren't before (like throwing knife, since it's a very bad weapon for newcomers). Some achievement loss is to be expected in an early access game with major updates. (Many games actually completely wipe the saves).
  • No challenges are impossible.
  • I'll add new Steam achievements in the near future (before starting to work on 0.10).
  • UI navigation with a controller is a known issue, but I prefer to keep it for 1.0 polishing as the UI/menu can still change in a significant manner, and spending time on that would be a waste of time at the moment. [/olist]


    Would you prefer to see more unique avatars like the Gun-Slinger, Summoner and Shop-keeper or less unique like the rogue and Duelist?

    So far, there's a very clear preference for unique avatars that have more than just a small ability or different stats/stats caps.

    Which of the main avatar do you prefer the most?

    I think the results are not the most accurate, especially as Summoner got a lot of tweaking after the beginning of the polls and the rework of the gunslinger. Having Rog's knight so high is to be expected. I'm a bit surprised to see Duelist so low, but I can understand as she can be very hard to play due to the extra damage she takes, especially in the early game. I may want to tweak her negative armor a little bit or her ability a little bit. I expected to see Gunsligner a bit lower due to the multiple feedback I've seen, but I guess he's in a better place now than during 0.8.


    443 answers to this question, so I can't reply to everything (again). [olist]
  • There is already a female avatar, and that's the duelist.
  • Less unique characters are both liked and not liked due to not adding much to the game, but I think they are cool additions just because a few players like their quirks. I'll possibly add a small special ability to the Rogue, but I'm still not set yet.
  • Outside of the duelist and the summoner, most feedback seems to be more of personal preference than a real issue with X or Y character. [/olist]


    What do you like the most/least about the game?

    I'm mostly surprised to see avatars so low, Especially as they are one of the most time-consuming aspects of game development (due to animations), and they were greatly requested additions. I'll likely spend a bit less time on making more avatars and try to balance the current avatars (especially Summoner and Gunslinger).
    Difficulty is the highest unliked thing, but it's likely related to the "hard early, easy late" issue I've talked about a bit earlier. Challenges come second, but as they are optional and aimed at more experienced players, it's to be expected that they are not liked by most players. For graphics, I think some players may confuse graphics with performance, but I also expect some players to dislike the perspective. However, this is not something that can be changed at this point in the game. Some players feel that the talent system is a bit weak/boring. I sort of agree with this. God's stones are by far the most used talents, but they are just stat boosts, which is the most boring type of talents. This would work a bit better if they were converted into equipment. This should also make other talents be more appreciated, as I've noticed some talents are underrated.

    What is the boss you prefer?

    I expected some shamans to be higher and the worm and necromancer to be lower, but overall it's a slightly balanced distribution. However, I suspect some players like some bosses over others for very different reasons than others, but this will be expanded in the future enemies balancing polls.

    How much would you like to see the camera unzoomed by default?

    This question is there randomly because I've seen some people wanting this in the game. I prefer to avoid making it just an option due to the heavy impact on gameplay it has (more monsters/ longer range is useful, some effects based on the screen edge would also be affected by it). From the results, I think it would be interesting to slightly alter the default zoom level of the game, at least by a tiny value and see how it goes for most players.

    Would you like to see new major features added into the game or simply new content

    This question may seem odd, but it helps me to know if most players consider the case "feature" complete or not. So far, from the results, I think I can add the two features I've talked about earlier without bloating the game with too many features. As for the additional content, there seems to be a huge incentive for more variety rather than just more.

    Do you think the run length is too long ?

    Would you like to see an alternative mode with shorter run length?

    Overall, the game length is a bit too long for half of the players. A vast majority agree on an alternative game mode with shorter duration. The alternative game mode is a solution to the issues. Another solution I can think of is adding an off-road path with a boss stage much earlier in the zone you've already completed. This way, players could go for a higher challenge immediately if they think they can handle it, and that would greatly reduce game length when wanted.

    Anything you would like to add?

    I'll let you read all of them by yourselves. I've used the answers in these parts as important data to clarify some conclusions in the other sections, and this was a very important source of details for me! Thank you for all of your answers. They greatly help me to better define the expectations of players for the game, its future, and think of improvements for the game!

  • [ 2023-09-08 14:50:32 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Reworked Shop UI Made it cleaner Each buyable have an icon Selected buyable should be easier to discern from the other You can inspect card by pressing I
    • Reworked Reward UI Similar to the new Shop UI Artifact are now displayed first


    • Fire Ring tweak Slightly reduce range and range scaling with level-up Slightly Increased damage scaling over levels
    • Artificer's katana tweak for performance Greatly increased damages (25 > 60 base damage, increase base damage per level from 3 to 5) Greatly Reduced attack speed starting delay from 0.2sec to 1sec Slightly increased base range
    • Evasion no longer require armorless, but now required 0 or negative defence


    • Reduced Gluttony achievement requirement from 6666 to 666
    • Enemy spawned are now seeded, (meaning quit&save should lead to the same elite/enemies spawned) This aim to make debugging MUCH easier in the future in case of certain enemy behaviour that only happen in certain conditions
    • Elites only challenge shouldn't spawn hard champions on the first few stages
    • Reduced Small bluemushroom defence and spawn-chance
    • Removed small blue Mushroom from the snow biome


    • Major change on how damage processing is handled, this should reduce performance loss due to damage processing This may create a few bug I've missed
    • Major Improvements to Fuuma shuriken performance


    • Rarity rerolling a card would keep it's banishments icon and hovering it would display the banishments from the previous card
    • Town hall registry not displaying any text in German
    • Saving/killing villager reward not being clickable
    • Blacksmith should no longer give you a card selection if there is no card available to upgrade.
    • Saint's pelvis description having "healt" instead of "heal"
    • Pyromaniac and revolution healing the player when under the "death's door" effect
    • Procedurally generated objects being in the wrong position after Lava's titan boss fight (Crates/shrines...)
    • Voltstrike gauntlet not giving the +1 dash charge

    [ 2023-09-07 20:51:58 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Grass made with VFX graph are now affected by wind (most of the grass in Forest and snow forest biome)


    • Fiery dash damage now also scale off square root of (Move-speed) (capped at 1 minimum)


    • Improved Performance for AMD GPU in Stage Selection


    • Persistence description being bugged

    [ 2023-09-03 18:14:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Deep Dive into the game Optimisation


    Before I begin this deep dive into this post, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the poll. I have already received responses from over 300 participants, and the data I have obtained is very important and valuable (along with some recent quality-of-life suggestions that were added this morning). In the current results of the poll, I've noticed that many players are concerned about the performance of the game. So, I believe a post focused on this topic would greatly help players understand the game's performance issues (and also help me maintain my own mental health). This post will mainly focus on CPU performance, with a section about GPU performance at the end.

    My Reaction to Performance Complaints

    (You can skip this part if you're only interested in the technical aspects) I might be seen as aggressive towards players who complain about performance issues, and while there may be reasons for this, it's still out of place, and I apologize if I come across that way. I can be quite straightforward and severe about such matters. Contrary to what people may think, I'm not a robot. I know my update rate can give the opposite impression, but I assure you I'm human. And like any human, I have mood swings, difficult days, as well as pride and ego. We all do; there's no need to pretend otherwise. Especially as time goes on and I sink more and more hours into game development, I find it difficult to take breaks for more than a day without feeling guilty. This is a common experience among developers, and I'm not immune to it. (I mean, i've been trying to take a week-long break for 4 day in a row now, and still making update to the game...) Optimization has always been an important focus during the development of Rogue: Genesia. While many may believe it's not optimized, the game is actually very well optimized. The main reason is that there's a lot going on, and I mean A LOT. But it's not just a lot... it's A LOT LOT! It doesn't help that the maximum displayed damage numbers per frame are set at 10 by default (this can be changed in the options). To give you an idea, this is what it would look like with a higher limit of around 400 damage numbers per frame:

    And yes, what's happening in those screens is quite tame and easily runs at 60 FPS in the game. However, there are performance issues in the game, and I'm not blind to them. I know it's still a concern. Nevertheless, I've reached the maximum level of optimization that can be done, and it's frustrating to hear comments like, "How badly the game is optimized," "Other games in this genre are better optimized," "It's just sprites, why is it running so poorly?" "It's just a 2D game," especially considering the effort I've put into improving the game's performance. I can understand their frustration too. There are situations where the game becomes a slideshow, and their concerns are valid. It's a strange situation where I usually try not to respond or be aggressive, but my frustration can sometimes take over, and my replies can come across as aggressive or, at the very least, unfriendly. Well, anyway, the counseling session is over. Let's get into the nitty-gritty of what's causing the performance issues and how they can be improved upon!

    CPU Performance and Late-Game Slideshow

    Many of the significant performance issues players experience are due to the CPU being overloaded by the game's processes, and in this context, graphics have little impact.

    So, how does a developer optimize a game?

    First, by profiling performance, identifying performance-intensive elements, and devising solutions to reduce the performance cost of these elements. Let's begin with profiling, and I'll start with an example I encountered this morning, which led to a rework of the Thunder Spirit. I had a save file just before an Elite Swarm encounter (I know these are particularly bad for performance), with a ton of weapons, attack speed, and projectiles. It was the perfect scenario to turn the game into a slideshow.
    A bit confused ? let me guide you In the top half, we have the performance graph, which represents the duration of each frame. Here's what each color represents:
    • Yellow represents "Idle time" which indicates moments when the CPU is either waiting for the GPU or waiting for the vsync.
    • Orange represents "Physics" which includes everything related to collision and physical body movement.
    • Blue represents "Scripts" encompassing calculations made in the game's code.
    • The brownish-green section is labeled as "Other" accounting for a variety of miscellaneous processes done by the game engine.
    In the bottom half, we have a detailed timeline of the frame, showing the time consumed by each component.
    The section with the purple line represents everything happening in the Fixed Update. This includes collision detection from projectiles and the processing of these collisions, such as applying damages, activating card effects, and validating monster deaths. As you can see, it accounts for a significant portion of the performance cost. The thing about the Fixed Update is that it can occur multiple times during a single frame when performance starts to seriously degrade. This leads to a vicious circle where worsening performance increases the number of times the Fixed Update is called in a frame, further degrading performance. This usually happens when the FPS drops below 10.
    In the section under the blue line, you can see the Update part, which occurs every frame. Typically, when performance significantly degrades, this is the main trigger. Let's zoom in on the Update part.
    The green line represents where most of the game logic is executed, including enemy movement, projectile updating, and weapon attacks. In red, you can see the coroutines, which are functions that are called with a time delay. For example, the katana multi-slashing uses coroutines, as does Thunder Spirit, which is the main focus here. One notable observation is that Thunder Spirit alone consumes half of the entire logic processing used by the game, indicating a potential area for optimization. Upon closer examination and exploring different aspects, it was discovered that the initiator for Thunder Spirit, responsible for gathering nearby enemies, was also resource-intensive. Checking the distance of hundreds of enemies every time Thunder Spirit procced was highly costly and could consume up to 10-20% of the total processing time for a frame. Ultimately, a complete rework of Thunder Spirit was necessary to reduce the lag it could cause. This rework resulted in a performance improvement from around 4-6 frames per second (fps) to 5-9 fps, which, while not insignificant (a 15-25% performance gain), It's still not enough to have proper performance So yeah, let's continue to do that and rework what really lags the game then? Well, cases like this are quite rare. The vast majority of performance costs come from simply processing projectiles with enemies, which is roughly: Check collision > Check if the collision is with an enemy > Apply Damage to the enemy > Call related events. Nothing consumes more performance than it should. And I don't see any other way to handle these in a more performant way. The issue is the sheer amount of projectiles the game has to handle. To give you an idea, in the previous example, there were a total of 3500 successful collisions between a projectile and an enemy. 3500 IN 1 FRAME. No amount of optimization would be able to handle these sorts of situations. So the next thing I did was reduce the number of elites spawned in Elite swarm, reducing the spawn rate by 8. Would surely increase performance 8-fold? Nope, while decreasing the enemy count did improve performance, it roughly went from 5-9 fps to 10-13 fps, another significant gain, but still far too low to be called "good performance." The main issue is just the sheer amount of projectiles processed. Even with a lower enemy count, the projectile count wouldn't be reduced. Update 0.9 came with a weapon cap, with the goal of reducing the performance impact of having too many projectiles spawned. But even 2 or 4 weapons with enough attack speed and projectiles would bog down any computer, regardless of the power of its CPU. So here I am, trying to find a solution to reduce the projectile count (all other solutions weren't enough until now). There are, of course, different ways to do it: cap the projectile count and attack speed more aggressively, remove Fractal from the game, reduce the projectile lifetime, cap the maximum number of projectiles that can be spawned, or nerf attack speed/projectile bonuses. But it's essentially a player nerf that needs to happen, I don't see any other way around it. So I'm still trying to find a better solution and keeping it as a last resort if everything else fails. I did hired someone back in janurary, but due to serious issues, she couldn't deliver on time and had to step down for multiple month, Today, she still working on that, but due to the many change to the game code since then, she'd had issues with it. So there is a bit of hope about that, but there is still a limit to what optimisation can do. I would also like to address a suggestion I've seen appear many times: creating a "not visual" mode. Do you remember the graph at the beginning?
    The yellow part is how costly the graphics part is for the CPU. As you can see, it's a negligible fraction of the issues, and spending effort to make this sort of change would be insignificant compared to the issues at bay. Even more so when you consider that almost half of the processing time goes to visual effects, which don't happen when the Visual Effect setting is set to low in the Video settings. (The engine upgrade to Unity 2022 was a major improvement to the visual effect performance cost since it allowed the instantiation of multiple similar visual effects.)

    GPU performance

    Now, let's talk about GPU performance. So far, if your GPU can run the game, it shouldn't be an issue even in situations of high load due to the CPU being overwhelmed. Most of the performance cost of the game comes from either visual effects (when a lot is happening), post-processing, volumetric fog, and the resolution of the game, All of these effect quality settings can be lowered or disabled for better performance. The game at the minimum settings in 1920x1080 resolution should run on most specs, from my experiences. In-game graphics settings also have a significant impact on your GPU performance. Lowering the quality in-game will significantly boost your FPS. To give you a detailed breakdown, here is the game running on ultra settings in an absurdly high resolution (8000x6000)
    And looking at the details, 21ms of calculation is used by the post-processing (mainly depth of field), 12.9ms is used by ambient occlusion, and 6.3ms is used by volumetric lighting.
    All of these effects are resolution-dependent, so a lower resolution will immensely reduce the GPU usage. Let's check how much time it now takes to render with a 1920x1080 resolution (which I believe is enough for the game).
    As you can see, the render time has been dropped from 66ms to 4.7ms. (Ignore the Upper graph, as it's inaccurate due to this being done in the editor.) Now, let's set the game to minimum settings at the absurdly high resolution from before (8000 x 6000).
    Most of the usage of gpu is : [olist]
  • GBuffer: This is normal due to the ridiculously high resolution and the number of pixels it needs to handle (48 million pixels, or about 24 times more than a 1920x1080 resolution).
  • Deferred lighting: This accounts for the cost of lighting all the sprites per pixel. While forward rendering is usually faster, it incurs increasing lighting costs with the number of lights, whereas deferred lighting has a much cheaper cost per light.
  • Post-processing: This includes effects like bloom, color correction and Tone-mapping. [/olist] Even when you combine the usage of all these elements (15ms), it is still lower than just the post-processing on Ultra settings (21ms). Could the GPU performance be improved? Likely only a little bit. The game runs on Unity HDRP Scriptable Pipeline, which consumes a certain baseline of resources. Removing remaining effects won't significantly boost performance. Most of these are necessary for the visual style of the game, and the minimal settings already strip off most costly ones. Finally, I don't think more optimization is necessary for the graphics part. The game on low settings at 1920x1080 can run on computers that don't even meet the minimal specs, and recommended specs can run the game at 1920x1080 on ultra settings. Sure, the performance gets much lower at higher resolutions, but I don't think running the game at 4K would bring anything graphically (outside of a slightly sharper UI). The only thing that could be done is an implementation of FSR/DLSS, especially as it's a supported feature by Unity 2022, but it's clearly a low priority as it would only increase performance for higher-resolution displays. I hope you can now understand what is affecting the performance of the game, what my priorities are, the issues I'm facing, and my own questions on how I can improve them. You are more than welcome to react, ask questions, or let me know if something wasn't clear. Thank you for reading this.

  • [ 2023-09-03 02:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Thunder Spirit Rework for performances Now has a global cooldown Greatly maximum target and damage has 100% chance to activate Can split to hit multiple enemies Ignore enemy defense Cannot activate until the thunder strikes are finished
    • Reduced Elite spawn-rate and maximum count in Elite swarm This should greatly increase performances in Elite Swarm stages


    • Bannishement icon displaying locked card in the list

    [ 2023-09-02 17:20:47 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Slight buff to defense piercing behaviour the post-defense damage inflicted to an enemy cannot be lower that the maximum between your defense piercing and your attack damage Damage applied = Max(Post-Defense Damage, Min(Pre-Defense Damage, Defense Piercing)) (That a buff for the player)
    • Slightly reduced Goblin shaman inter-phase duration in higher difficulty


    • Increased tab Drop-down visibility in Gameoption menu
    • Added a small icon to card that banish other card Hovering this icon will display all the card banished by taking it
    • Normalized a few text size in Soul-shop and Options that were having a too wide range in their possible size


    • Evasion not working
    • Gunslinger's shot not being visible in low graphic setting (or low visual effect setting)
    • Elentor Scaling Hell and Descent Into Hell challenge glitching when you pick purification or increase corruption
    • Gunslinger's shot not hiting any enemy when having low enough piercing
    • Card Level-up detail text going outside of the box
    • Tooltip text sometime overlapping with upper/lower section

    [ 2023-09-02 11:40:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia Poll


    Poll link

    With the 0.9 Update finally live (and hotfixed), I'll finally be able to take a few days off to rest. However, I cannot ignore some feedback I've seen on the Steam forum, particularly about the new Card-dropping formula. This is why I've decided to conduct a public poll on many aspects of the game. It will help me gather proper and solid data rather than relying solely on feedback from what might be seen as a loud minority. This way, I can focus on what's important, revert changes that are generally disliked, or avoid reverting changes that are generally liked. Additionally, it will allow me to collect data on the game's future evolution desired by players. I have a more or less set idea of what to do for 1.0, but there are still many questions I'm asking myself, and things I plan to add or modify, the poll result will greatly help me choose what to add into the game. The poll will run for about one week, and the results will be publicly shared and discussed in the next Dev Blog.

    [ 2023-09-01 21:19:04 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Gunslinger's weapon behaviour rework Shot are now ray-casted instead of being projectiles 2 New weapon stats: Spread and Range Pistol Fire-rate increased at level 5 and 7 Automatic weapon and shotguns got slightly rebalanced Removed Balistic entanglement due to the effect not being compatible with the raycasting of projectiles (I'll think of a proper rework in the future)
    • Tweaked Balanced Assault value Base damage increased from +0.3 to +0.5 per level Base Critical Chance Increase from -7.5% to -2.5% per level


    • Critical Chance multiplier being wrongly displayed
    • Critical Damage being display as just "Critical" in some instances
    • Hovering a stats will now correctly apply the dynamic modifiers
    • Fight&Flight bonus disabling during a card selection, leading to incorrect values displayed
    • Ice Spirit unrooting enemies rooted by vine
    • Survivors achievement not unlocking in most case
    • Survivors achievement check never happening expected when loading a save (it should happen every 20 sec (IRL time))
    • Pet missing from the Stage Selection
    • Lunar Inferno description effect being different than the actual effect
    • Killing C-Rank enemies Achievements auto-unlocking on new profile

    [ 2023-09-01 20:19:55 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Save issues for save coming from 0.8 version

    [ 2023-08-31 18:14:12 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Greatly Improved Start-up time from 7-12 sec to a 2-4 sec in vanilla from 15-18 sec to 3-5 sec in modded
    • Greatly reduce lag when switching page in Soul-card List
    • Minor reduction to lag in many menu in the encyclopedia
    • Removed regular lag spike caused by game saving This is a long running issues, no one until today reported this issue correctly so I couldn't properly investigate and fix it until today.


    • Death aura talent minor description issue

    [ 2023-08-31 16:22:56 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Card Rarity drop chances now display the actual chance to drop a card of set rarity


    • Avatar skin not displaying the right name
    • Snow biome tree being in all biome by accident (why no one reported it and I noticed it in a video?)
    • Average not banishing Persistence
    • Crit Chance and def shredding missing their percentage


    • Improved Stats menu performance when quickly hovering multiple stats


    • Modded Avatar skin will now display correct name

    [ 2023-08-31 13:32:34 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added Keyword to stats in Soul-Shop Upgrades


    • Slightly increased lava titan hitbox so it can be touched by summon when close to the top of the arena
    • Reduced maximum range of Vulture summon
    • Slightly increased the range of many summons
    • Slightly Decrease Projectiles speed of goblin shaman blink+projectile in C-rank+


    • Unable to earn "Survival Mode' achievements
    • Lava titan boss not being damageable by summon
    • Most stats being noted as "base" in card description
    • Lava biome enemy name
    • Description will come a bit later

    [ 2023-08-31 00:49:20 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Synergies and Evolution now has the requirement in the description automatically generated for the actual requirement They won't be outdated anymore They handle keyword and allow to easily check the requirement without having to check the detail of the cards)
    • Death Scythe now tell you it double it's effect chance when you deal critical damage


    • Summons now inherit Critical stats from the player
    • Summons now inherit Defense Shredding from the player
    • Summons no longer collide with each other
    • Summons now apply Fire spirit and Thunder spirit effects
    • Flying Golem now benefit from additional projectiles
    • Reduced the maximum speed of knockback from 4 time the monster speed to 3 time the monster speed
    • Reduced knockback decaying time from 0.5sec to 0.33sec
    • Increased Gunslinger monster multiplier from 0.25% to 0.35%
    • Increased Gunslinger Experience Multiplier from 100% to 120%
    • Reduced projectiles speed of Shaman's Projectile barrage ability.
    • Greatly reduced optional objective "kill elite" requirements
    • Changed "True Snuffhead's favourite" challenge name to "Snuffhead's Bane" so players don't get confused between the two
    • Vine no longer apply to Bosses
    • Increased Vine range (from 5m to 8m base range, with a maximum increasing from 15 to 16)


    • Collection book description not updated to 1%
    • Vild's Curse Unlock being in B-rank shop instead of C-rank shop
    • Card selection in Event having a bugged UI
    • Thunder spirit on projectiles always dealing 100% projectile damages instead of the displayed value

    [ 2023-08-30 19:03:59 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Rerolling on a limit break service bugging out card selection
    • Banishing the last card will now reroll the card selection to prevent softlock

    [ 2023-08-30 00:25:19 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Card tag requirement not working even when validated
    • Checking Icicle, Vine, Ankh or Volcanic fury Card Detail crashing the game during the run
    • Sand Armor having more tag than it should
    • Snuff Head favourite displaying the wrong unlock
    • Clover card missing crit tag requirement

    [ 2023-08-29 20:59:12 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Removed Debug-rank Survivors mode
    • Controller issues in soul-shop when buying/selling an upgrade
    • Bow talent lvl 0 description

    [ 2023-08-29 16:46:02 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Level 6 Throwing knife not doing anything

    [ 2023-08-29 15:40:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9 Patchnote - Part 1

    Cat DLC released

    Engine Updated from Unity 2020 to Unity 2022

    • Improved the game performance and stability
    • Will allow for future implementation of DLSS 2.0 And FSR 1.0

    Major Changes

    C-rank World

    Both C-rank Rogs' mode and Survivors mode got added, you can now explore the 4th zone and continue your progression in the game.

    Major rebalancing of the game

    • Enemy Stats

      Smoothed the overall progression of enemies health and damage Increasing from a zone to another shouldn't create a sudden drop in difficulty anymore Major reduction of enemies' damage to balance the change in player's health regeneration
    • Health Regen

      Greatly reduced Health regen from many sources, This makes taking damage have consequences for the following 1-2 stages rather than being an immediate effect. The goal of this change is to trend towards a more balanced experience, The main way a player would die was of an "instantly getting obliterated without understanding anything" This allows for enemies to still be a challenge without instantly obliterating the player, and to smoothen the danger, allowing small mistakes. Maintaining the previous health regeneration rate would either completely eliminate any challenge from the game, as all damage could be healed within a second, or it would result in enemies becoming highly threatening by being able to eliminate the player with just one shot. (Health also no longer fully regens when entering a stage as this was actually a bug)
    • Enemies Spawnrate

      The game will now slowly increase the enemies spawnrate, this aims to improve performance in late game. There is also an increase in early game spawnrate for higher difficulties compared to 0.8.
    • Weapon Cap

      Avatars will now have a weapon cap to prevent huge performance issues. There is still an option to override the weapon cap (or remove it altogether), but it is inadvisable
    • Card drop-rate

      Card drop-rates received a major overhaul, reducing the odds of high rarity cards in the earlier levels but increasing it later on. Most cards are also locked behind a similar card, this allows the players to have much more control over their build compared to Version 0.8.
    • Corruption

      Corruption effect got greatly tweaked, mainly reducing the move-speed scaling to follow a logarithmic progression (no more lighting speed enemies at only 400 corruption) Since this update adds new build possibilities based on Corruption, it was really important to make sure that corruption doesn't just make the game seem ridiculous right from the start. Also halved the impact of corruption on enemies damage


    • Polishing

      Bosses received a major overhaul, Added a skippable intro animation to every boss, making a Health-bar, separated their behaviour into multiple phases
    • Reworked Necromancer

      I've read that a lot of players were greatly confused by the current iteration of the Necromancer boss, The necromancer has been reworked from the ground-up, making his first phase simple to let the player learn its pattern, and then increasing the difficulty as you progress through his phases. There is also the addition of a custom objective to guide the player in case he is confused.


    • New Stats Menu

      Completely redesigned the stats menu from the ground up, now showcasing every statistic present in the game, along with providing a precise breakdown of the sources contributing to each stat.
    • New Stats: Defense Shredding

      Defense Shredding determines the amount of armor an enemy loses when taking damage. The extent of armor reduction is calculated by multiplying your Defense Shredding value with your Defense Piercing value
    • New Stats: Purification

      Purification already existed, but it's now a proper statistic, with a slighty reworked formula.

    Avatar Skin

    There is now a proper system in place to handle multiple skins on an Avatar. For now there is only Gold Rog skin (which is unlocked by completing True Snuffhead's favourite) However this will serve as a great base for modders to properly incorporate new skins without having to replace avatar sprites or resorting to workarounds using the option menu Additional skin variants for the Avatars will be added overtime, but they are not a priority at the moment due to their high time-cost


    A major QoL improvement added by this update is the addition of key-words you can hover/click to display a tooltip related to them. This works on all cards and weapon stats, allowing for easy comparison, tags and rarity also display a description related to them. finally some concepts like "Over-kill" can now be properly explained to the players. There are many places where I want to properly add a keyword, and that will be added overtime.

    Zone Variant

    A new variant for the first zone has been added. In D-rank or higher, you may sometime have a snow-forest instead of the normal forest. As of now, no special enemies spawn, but this will change in the next update.

    Biome Soul-card

    The game now adds Region-locked Soul-cards that can only be obtained and upgraded in the new zone variants.

    Enemy AI improvement

    Enemies can now have variant of their AI. This small change should make the enemies have a bit of an identity between each other (For instance, Goblins are more likely to attempt to obstruct your path, while flying eyes will frequently circle around you. Skeletons, on the other hand, are more prone to ignoring you until you approach them closely.)

    Reworked End of game screen

    The end screen will now display a breakdown of your different stats and how they affected your Soul-Coin/Mastery gain

    Per Avatar talents

    Equipped talents are now set Per avatar, meaning you can have a different talent equipped on the Shop-Keeper and the Rogue without having to swap your talents This change also allows for Avatar specific talents, which wasn't possible if the talents were shared between all avatars


    Critical chance over 100% now allows for "Hyper-Crits" You can unlock Hyper-Crit in the B-rank Soul-shop

    Quality of Life

    • Pick-up List in Encyclopedia

    • Projectile opacity option

    • Added Encyclopedia to the pause menu

    • Added a Monster Abilities list to the bestiary

    • You can now pet your dog by staying close to him at the end of a stage

    • Improved gold display

      Will display the recently collected gold for a short duration.
    • Improved motion blur (should no longer apply to the player or any slow objects overall)
    • Added a small notification when there is a free talent slot (disappears until next game reload if you viewed the talent)
    • Added a small notification that you can click the card to display more information about them.
    • Added a small FX when leveling-up
    • Slight improvement to the Desert zone ground material
    • New Achievement unlock animation
    • You can now mouse over a achievement to stop its animation
    • Game now tracks the damage your receive, you can now check in the game history which monster killed you and the last 10 damage instances you've taken during the game.
    • Profile creation: will use the players steam username by default if it doesn't exist yet.
    • Reworked Soul-Card UI
    • Reworked Soul-Card Selection UI
    • SoulCard list now only displays cards for the selected avatar
    • Reduced the number of cards per page in soulcard list for SteamDeck, it'll now display as 7x3 instead of 9x4 to improve readability
    • Shop prices are now formatted
    • Number formatting in standard notation now start 1 OoM later after 10K instead of 1K
    • Updated damage numbers to be slightly more readable
    • Added a Damage number size slider
    • Option to change maximum Damage number displayed per frame
    • New Option - EnemyOutline - adds an outline to normal enemies
    • Custom visual option got moved into their own tab in the game option tab
    • Muted in background now also mutes the BGM
    • New option - Popup Hover delay used for Keyword hovering
    • Added a weapons cap option
    • New Gameover theme
    • New Desert Fight music (old one can still be listened to using the legacy music option)
    • Now tracks which avatar completed a challenge Only works for challenge completions after 0.9 and later

    New Avatars

    • Duelist

      Unlocked by dying one time Duelist is an offensive oriented avatar She possesses very low health, negative base defence, but 50% increased damage and the Death's Door ability. Death's Door ability allows Duelist to survive a fatal hit if her health is greater than 1. After activating Death's door, she cannot regenerate health for 3 sec.
    • Summoner

      Unlocked by killing C-rank Necromancer The Summoner possesses unique weapons that summon enemies to fight for you.


    • Filling up the bestiary Entry of a monster slighty Increases its experience drop

    • Shop Rebalance

      Major increase to reroll price scaling Slight increase to Card selection, and artifact price scaling Doesn't affect Card, Banish/reroll/rarity reroll price scaling; very slighty increased Limit break price scaling, but also slighty reduced base scaling from zones Increased artifact price scaling over zone Artifacts have a significantly reduced likelihood of appearing in rerolled shops. Increased the price scaling when rerolling shop from x2 to x3 for buyable items. Increased the price of rerolling Increased the amount of Buyable cards in the shop
    • Reworked how knockback is applied to feel more natural.
    • Increased Cave Biome Luminosity
    • Dash improvement Also give a 0.15sec damage immunity after the end of the dash Movement speed also increases dash speed
    • Death Aura talent tick-rate increase nerf actually a buff since it wasn't applied before
    • Ice Spirit rework - slow down now scales with the level of the card.
    • Reduced Gold Coin pick-up objective requirement scaling from zone
    • Seven sin achievement now unlocks the broken demon horn card
    • GunSlinger now have 25% Enemy Count to better balance the gameplay for the avatar
    • Poisonous debuff can no longer kill the player
    • Poisonous debuff now resets its duration instead of having an individual stack duration
    • Card selection after level 50 will now totally pause the game and be instant
    • Monster waves no longer spawn during a boss fight in survivors mode
    • Removed boss monster from Red Timer in C-rank survivors
    • Capped movespeed between 20 and 30 depending on avatar to avoid situation with uncontrollable speed
    • Every 25 levels as the shop-keeper will be a "blacksmith" shop
    • Shop-keeper price now scales with the player level in Survivors mode
    • Normal combat stages now give exp rewards when you have less than 20% of your health left
    • "Selling health" value is no longer affected by the shop discount, but by the gold multiplier stat
    • Shops now reset their "already generated" card pool every 2 rerolls (so it can regenerate a card it already generated)
    • Card requirement with weapon tags now always require at least one of the weapon tags
    • Time left optional objective no longer appears in the first stage on a run
    • New stat for gunslinger: Ammo Cost Multiplier Ammo cost when firing a weapon, if the chance is not an integer, there is a chance to not use the incomplete int (140% mean you have 40% chance to consume 2 ammo, and 60% chance to consume 1 ammo)
    • Reload speed is now a proper separate stat instead of being the renamed weapon cooldown stat. That means it's not longer affected by attack speed cards
    • Capped duration of survival stage at 1:30 (it still can go up to 2:30 with Stage requirement increase)
    • GunSlinger no longer has the pistol talent forcibly equipped
    • Sick challenge difficulty decrease - Stat reduction from -50% to -40%
    • Default card detail display changed back from relative to absolute Thanks to the tooltip feature, you can now quickly check your stats and the benefits they provide. This makes it more fitting to display the exact effect of the card
    • Capped number of altars for boss stages at 4
    • Reduced Elite spawnchances in D-rank survivors mode at 40 to 45min
    • One-Shot protection still applies for 0.15s after losing it This should prevent dying in one frame when taking damage from two different instances in the same frame
    • Crates will now sometimes spawn in small cluster
    • Outside of the "destroy crate objective", crates no longer take damage outside of the screen
    • Overall reduction to the amount of gold dropped by enemies
    • Slight increase to the Shop-keeper level-up gold gain from 1000 (+ 175 per level) to 1000 (+ 250 per level)
    • Altars disappear when all altar objectives are completed
    • Worm boss no longer takes damage when burying
    • Shaman boss now enters a shielded state when doing his near death pattern
    • Reduced Food-dropchance from crates when above 50% of your max health
    • Normal Enemies no longer drop food
    • Level-up Heal can only heal up to 50% of your max health
    • Reduced monster kill optional requirement
    • Elite kill count and survive stage have greatly reduced enemy spawn rate when you complete the secondary objective
    • Boss Altar corruption now only starts increasing 20 seconds after the stage starts
    • Death Streak will now increase Soul-Coin drop The second death will Increase Soul-Coin by 50%, third by 75%, and then it's increased by 100% for all future deaths
    • Reduced Mastery gain Death penalty from -75% to -50%
    • Survivors mode is now also affected by Elite number cap (this should also prevent situations with poor
    • performance due to elite spamming)
    • Slight boost in enemy spawn-rate in arena stages
    • Added Banishes, reroll and rarity reroll charge as a possible reward for optional objectives Only gives you charges if you do not have the maximum amount of charges otherwise it'll give money



    • Buff magic wisp damage Starting Damage: 1 > 2 Damage per level 0.75 > 1 Also gains 2 additional damage at level 5
    • Throwing knife Rework Has a new stat, "Simultaneous knife" which is the number of knife thrown per projectile Simultaneous knife shares the orientation and are close to the original projectile Base damage : 4 > 5 Base Cooldown: 0.5s > 0.33s Reduced the dash regen cooldown from 100% weapon cooldown, to 50% of its cooldown Gains a good cooldown reduction at level 5 Increased knife size by 50%
    • Kunai Buff Increased piercing from 0 to 1 Gains additional piercing at level 5
    • Death scythe now also requires Divine smite
    • Thorn and Interdimensional Rose buff You no longer take damage from an enemy you kill.

    Cards Change

    • Evasion is now a Synergy card Synergy between Armorless and dash Also refactored the card to no longer be hardcoded into damage calculation Removed Evasion from Rift's requirements
    • Metal transmutation is now a Synergy card Synergy between Benediction, Moonshield and Steel skin This change aims to make Metal transmutation easier to obtain during the early game Ratio increased per level from 15% to 20% Reduced Ratio scaling from player level from 5% to 4.5% Increased max level from 3 to 5 Banishes Armor-less and Zealot Increases Moon tag cards drop-rate
    • Armor-less now banishes Metal transmutation and Zealot
    • Armor-less now has the Fire tag
    • Zealot now banishes Armor-less, Metal transmutation and benediction
    • Practice max level increased from 10 to 30
    • Reactive trigger cannot activate its effect more than once per frame in case you're hit by multiple enemies in a single frame
    • Reactive trigger effect cannot trigger the same weapon more than 8 times in a single frame (performance sanity check)
    • Health conversion slighty increases Wild tag card drop-rate
    • Pyromaniac Tweak Procs if the target is affected by fire spirit (even if it was killed by another source) No longer enter cooldown when taking damage Cooldown reduced from 5 to 3sec Reduced Heal value
    • Reduced Sun sword base range from 5.5m to 4m
    • Slippery skin rarity increased from Uncommon to Rare
    • Light spirit nerf Reduced multiplier from X2 to X1.5
    • Gluttony Reduced the bonus health from 5% per food to 2.5% The actual health now scales with maximum health instead of being independant
    • Castle health bonus increased from 25 to 40
    • Flesh tweak Max level increased from 1 to 2 Base health increased from 150 to 200 Corruption increased from 1 to 3
    • Lunatic tweak Max level increased from 1 to 2 Base damage increased from 4 to 6 Defense piercing multiplier increased from 5 to 6 Now also increases area size by 15% Base corruption increased from 5 to 10
    • Accumulation Change Reduced AttackSpeed penalty from 15% to 7.5% Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.25 to x1.125
    • Recursion Change Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.15 to x1.1 Increased max level from 4 to 5
    • Armor-less Change Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.5 to x1.35 Increased Health multiplier from x1.5 to x1.75
    • God's wrath Change Reduced damage multiplier from +10% to +8% Increased max level from 4 to 5
    • Aiming Change Reduced damage multiplier from +10% to +7.5%
    • Size Up Change Reduced damage multiplier from +5% to +3%
    • Blood transmutation buff Base ratio increased from 1.5% to 5% Increased gain per level from 0.5% to 2.5%
    • Healthy Health regen Decreased from +0.1 to +0.075 now also slighty increases Health regen by 1%
    • Healing Factor Health regen Decreased from +0.5 to +0.25 now also slighty increases Health regen by 5% now also slighty increases Max Health by 5%
    • Black Blood now also increases Health regen by 10% Health regen increased from +0.35 to +0.50
    • Tower Also Increases health regen by 10%
    • Castle Also Increases health regen by 20%
    • Durability Increases Health gain to +15 Base health
    • Flesh Also Increases Health regen by 2
    • Heavy No longer increases projectile size by 25% Instead Increases Health-Regen by 25%
    • Iron Will Now also increases Health regen by 10%
    • Buff to Fiery Dash Increased damage multiplier from 1 (+ 0.25 per level) to 2 (+ 1 per level)

    New Cards

      Normal Cards

    • Weapon Polishing | Normal Increases Defence Piercing by 10%
    • Heavy Pickaxe | Normal| Cave Biome + 0.35 Base Damage
    • Ashes | Normal| Volcano Biome + 0.5 Base Damage - 1.0 Base Defense

      Uncommon Cards

    • Blacksmith's insight | Uncommon Increases your defence piercing multiplier by 20% Increases Damage mitigation by 2%
    • Armor Polish | Uncommon Increases Defence by 15% Reduces base Defence Shredding by 0.05%
    • Stalwart Shield | Uncommon Increases Damage mitigation by 5% Increases Defence Multiplier by 10% Reduces Critical chance multiplier by 5%
    • Blunt edge | Uncommon Increases base defence by 1.5 Reduces base damage by 0.5
    • Mind Corruption | Uncommon Increases Defence shredding multiplier by 10% Increases Corruption by 0.5
    • Candle | uncommon + 0.1 base purification, x1.1 experience multiplier
    • Balanced Assault | Uncommon Increases base damage by 0.3 Decreases Critical strike chance by 7.5%
    • Clover | Uncommon | Forest Biome + 1% Base Gold Gain + 3% Critical Chance
    • Bright Crystal | Uncommon | Cave Biome + 5% Base Gold Gain

      Rare Cards

    • Blood Candle | Rare +0.5 base purification, x0.9 purification multiplier, +10% corruption multiplier
    • Corrosion | Rare Increases your Defence piercing multiplier by 50% Reduces your Damage mitigation by 5%
    • Vile Coin | Rare +10% gold gain x0.95 purification +1 base corruption
    • Cursed blade | Rare +15% damage multiplier x0.95 purification multiplier +3 base corruption
    • Flesh Armor | Rare +10% armor multiplier +10% health multiplier +2 base corruption
    • Black Wing | Rare +15% Move speed +1 Dash charge x0.9 purification multiplier +5 base corruption
    • Acid Coating | Rare Increases your base defence shredding by 1 %. Increases your Defence piercing by 1. Increases your base damage by 0.15
    • Moon-Shield - Rare Increases defence multiplier by 25% Reduces attack speed by 2% Increases moon tag cards drop chance by 5%
    • Leprechaun's Hat | Rare | Forest Biome + 10% Base Gold Gain
    • Yeti's Heart | Rare | Snow Forest Biome + 50 Base Max Health + 0.5 Base Defense - 5% Attack Speed
    • Sand Armor | Rare | Desert Biome + 5% Damage Mitigation - 2% Move-speed Multiplie

      Epic Cards

    • Subsonic | Epic Increases Projectile lifetime by 50% Reduces Projectile speed by 30% Hyper sonic and Subsonic ban each other
    • Love&Hate | Epic Increases your final Health regen by 3(+1)% of your max health when below 40% health, But lose 3(+1)% of your max health when over 70% of your health
    • Funny mushroom | Epic | Forest Biome + 15% Damage Multiplier - 30% Projectile speed
    • Fairy in a bottle | Epic | Forest Biome + 20% Health Regen Multiplier + 15% Corruption Multiplier
    • Frostbite | Epic | Snow Forest Biome + 30% Defense Shredding Multiplier - 20% Max Health
    • Icicle | Epic | Snow Forest Biome When killing an enemy, it has chance to spawn an icicle targetting a random enemy
    • Sun-Burn | Epic | Desert Biome + 5% Base Experience Gain - 10% Corruption - 10 Base Max Health
    • Ankh | Epic | Desert Biome Reduces enemies' projectile damage by 50%
    • Necrotic Bone | Epic | Cave Biome + 1 Base Damage + 4 Base Corruption

      Heroic Cards

    • Boiling blood | Heroic Increases your final damage by 50(+10)% of your missing health, +30% max health multiplier
    • Revolution | Heroic Heal 20(+5)% of your max health when you kill an elite or a champion , 1sec cooldown
    • Hemokinesis | Heroic Increases your Defence shredding on Critical Hit by 5/10/15 %
    • Vine | Heroic | Forest biome Every 10 sec, leave a surface of 5m that lasts for 3sec, enemies entering it get rooted
    • Cold-Touch | Heroic | Forest Biome When an enemy is touched, its move-speed is reduced by 90% for 3 sec
    • Scented jar | Heroic | Desert Biome + 10 Base Max Health + 1 Base Damage + 1 Base Armor + 1 Dash Charge + 2 Base Corruption
    • Volcanic Fury | Heroic | Volcano Biome Enemy killed by fire damage has a chance to explode with magma and deal damage around them Apply Fire DoT to the damaged enemies

      Synergy Cards

    • Divine Smite - Synergy Synergy of Absolute focus and Analysis On critical hit, kill non-boss enemy with health below a set threshold increases critical chance by 5%
    • Persistance | Synergy Synergy between Overworked and Patience After a stage starts, your critical chance and damage slowly increases over the first 60sec
    • Purifying Fire - Synergy Synergy of Fire spirit and Light Spirit + .25 Base Purification + 2 Base Damage Enemies killed slightly increase your Purification Multiplier for 3 sec

      Ascended Cards

    • Broken demon horn | Ascended + 50% damage multiplier, +150 base Health, x0.5 health regen, + 20 base corruption, x 0.90 experience multiplier
    • Holy Conversion | Ascended Convert 4/6/8/10% of your corruption into Damage (at 10% ratio), Health (at 10% ratio) and Health regen (at 2% ratio), Affected by their relative stat multipliers
    • Silk Edge | Ascended Convert 99% of your damage into Defence piercing at 6/9/12/15% Ratio. Ratio Multiplied by 2% of the player level
    • Unholy Aura | Ascended Increases your Defence piercing multiplier by 500% Increases your corruption multiplier by 25% Increases your Defence mitigation by 10%
    • Weapon Aura | Ascended Increases your damage by 200% Increases your defence shredding by 25% Increases your defence piercing by 200% Add 10 Projectile piercing Remove 2 projectiles
    Continue scrolling down for the rest of the patchnote!

    [ 2023-08-29 14:56:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9 Patchnote - Part 2


    • Cursed belt nerf No longer affected by health regen multiplier Health regen reduced from 3% to 2% of max life Max Health loss reduced from 50% to 30%
    • Saint's Shinbone nerf Heal 15% of your health instead of 100%
    • Collection book nerf Damage per card decrease from 2% to 1%

    New Artifacts

    • Saint's Pelvis heal 30% of your health at the end of a stage
    • Commoner's guidebook each tainted card level increases your max health and health regen by 2%
    • Rozegold's Circlet If you are at max health, Increase your damage by 50% and defence piercing by 100% and projectile lifetime by 75%
    • Spirit's Water Cleanse your debuffs every 15 sec
    • Challenger's armband Elite stage are twice more likely to appear
    • Challenger's amulet increases card quality during elite stage
    • Jaald's potion Gain a 300% damage bonus, Lose 15% per stage down to 0%
    • Companion mimic Increase your current gold by 5% of its value at the end of a stage (Bans Midas's sword for my own sanity)
    • Pouch of greed Randomly level-up 10 cards on pick-up If no cards are available to be leveled-up, it'll simply halve the missing card level-up as a card selection
    • Training's dummy Raise your max health damage by 1% at the end of each stage
    • Leaping boots In Stage selection, lets you select ahead to the level after the next one.
    • Stone Hearth Increases Max Health by 500% Increases Damage by 25% Reduces Health Regen by 90% Reduces Food healing by 50%
    • Voltstrike Gauntlet When you dash, you gain "volt-charge" buff for 10 sec Having the "volt-charge" buff increases your damage by 15% (don't stack) Upon accumulating 5 volt charges, they get consumed and you gain a "Voltstrike" buff for your attack speed, damage and critical chance for 15 sec. You cannot gain volt charge while "Voltstrike" is active
    • Town Hall Registry For each banned card, Increases your base damage by 0.25 and your base critical chance by 1%


    • Greatly Reduced Mastery requirements for Tier 2 and Tier 3 God stones
    • Greatly Reduced Mastery requirements for Lunar Inferno
    • Reduced Mastery requirements for Level 3 and 4 weapon talents
    • Nerf to Desynchronized Heart Talent Reduced the effect from 400% (+ 200% per level) to 300% (+50% per level)
    • Reduced Sola's themed stone talents, exp gain Sun stone: from 2.5% + 2.5% per level to 5% + 1% per level Solar Stone: from 25% + 5% per level to 15% + 2% per level Stelar Stone: from 45% + 5% per level to 25% + 2.5% per level
    • Buff bow talent Increased volley count from 2+1 per level to 8 + 3 per level
    • Crossbow's talent tweak Instead of shooting 1 bolt at a time, it shoots a number of arrows equal to the ability level This also means the ability duration is shorter Increased the number of arrow shot
    • Reworked Throwing knife active talent When used, Instantantly replenishes dash charges Also grants a bonus dash charge for a set duration and Reduces dash recharge delay
    • Gunslinger now has a proper active talent: Ammo belt Increases attack speed by 100% Increases damage by 50% Reduces Ammo cost by 90%


    • Dash potion drop-chance from crate greatly reduced during anachronistic

    New Pick-up

    • Fire Wine Increases your damage by 25% for 10 sec
    • Swift Elixir Increases your Move Speed by 20% for 10 sec
    • Haste-strike Serum Increases your Attack Speed by 50% for 20 sec
    • Immortality Shard Become immune to damage for 10 sec
    • Critstrike Infusion Increases your Critical Chance by 100% for 15sec
    • Artificer's potion Enemies explode on death, dealing 20% of their max life in a 5m radius around them to other enemies Explosions dont happen if it's caused by artificer's potion explosion (for performance reasons) lasts for 15 sec


    • Villager event tweaking Killing villagers now nets better rewards Saving them is only possible if your corruption is less than 20 Saving villagers always gives the commoner's guide if you don't already have it Killing them is only possible if your corruption is over 5 Killing them always give the pouch of greed if you don't already have it

    New Events

    • Gambling Den - You can gamble a part of your gold, you have a 50% chance to lose it or double it!
    • Shrine of Order - Take the cumulated level of every card in a set rarity and combine them in a random card.
    • Shrine of Balance - Take the average level of every card and apply it to every card.
    • Shrine of Disorder - Randomly distribute the levels of your cards.
    • Shrine of Reconstruction - Completly reroll your whole build while keeping the same amount of cumulated levels for your cards.

    New Challenges

    • C-rank challenge | Armor Ban Start with "Silk Edge" and "Armor-Less", reduce your damage by 50%,You cannot level-up Silk Edge. Banish conversion type cards | upon completion it unlocks "Silk Edge" card
    • C-rank challenge | Fast-Pass
    • C-rank challenge | Shop-Keeper's Vacation end Xp multiplier set at 0 Gold multiplier set at 300% Corruption Multiplier set at 10%
    • C-rank challenge | Vild's Curse Lose 5% of your max health after each stage
    • C-rank challenge | Risk of Storm


    • Soul-shop should now properly updates when unlocking upgrades (like anachronistic upgrades when unlocking anachronistic
    • Nerfed Base Damage multiplier upgrades

    New Soul-Shop Upgrades

    • B-rank Upgrade | Hyper-Crit Allows critical strikes to stack if you reach more than 100% crit chance Allows for crits to stack up to x2 More upgrades will be added on to increase this further
    • B-rank Upgrade | Hyper-Crit Stack Can increase Hyper-Crit stacking up to x4
    • B-rank Upgrade | Max Health every 5 Level You gain 2/4/6/8/10 Base Max health every 5 levels completed
    • B-rank Upgrade | Critical Chance
    • B-rank Upgrade | Defense Shredding
    • B-rank Upgrade | Dash Charge
    • B-rank Upgrade | Base damage multiplier
    • B-rank Upgrade | Overkill Experience Multiplier


    • Reduced Death requirement for Death related achievements
    • Throwing knife now requires "Offensive dash" This change is to prevent it from appearing in the first run as it can be a confusing weapon for new players
    • Cursed book now requires "Learning can become difficult"
    • Portal Shard now requires "Strange teleportation device"
    • Ouroboros now requires "Mastering death"

    New Achievements

    • "Your Corruption make them stronger"

      Reach 1 Corruption Unlock Candle
    • "Am I wrong?"

      Reach 5 Corruption Unlock Flesh Armor
    • "This definetly look wrong"

      Reach 20 Corruption Unlock Blood Candle
    • "They are wrong"

      Reach 100 Corruption Unlock Cursed blade
    • "Dangerous line"

      Reach 20 Purification Unlock Holy Conversion
    • "Critical Overkill"

      Reach 5000% critical damage Unlock Hemokinesis
    • "Armor is a suggestion"

      Reach 35 Defence piercing Unlock Acid Coating
    • "Aerial superiority"

      Reach 14 Move Speed Unlock Black Wing
    • "Heavy Shield"

      Have more than 80% of Damage Mitigation Unlock Stalwart Shield
    • "Finish him!"

      Have more than 1000% Critical Damage Unlock Divine Smite
    • "Mistreated Armor"

      Have more than 10 Defence Piercing Unlock Armor polish
    • "Even the mind?!"

      Have more than 15% Defence Shredding Unlock Mind corruption
    • "Inconvenient Shield"

      Have more than 250% Moon card Drop chance Unlock Moon shield
    • "You no longer need your damage"

      Have metal transmutation level 4 or more Unlock Blunt Edge
    • "Kill the Elites"

      Reach 50 damage or more Unlock Revolution
    • "Bear-Shirt"

      Reach 300 damage or more Unlock Boiling Blood
    • "Reaching the limit of sword mastery"

      Reach 1500 damage or more Unlock Weapon Aura
    • "Balanced, as all things should be"

      reach 99% Critical Chance or more Unlock Balanced Assault
    • "Critical of critical"

      Reach 101% Critical Chance or more Unlock Persistance
    • "Slowly but surely"

      Reach 35% Defence Shredding Unlock Corrosion
    • "Stabing"

      Reach 100 Defence Piercing Unlock Blacksmith's insight
    • "Evil thrust"

      Reach 666 Defence Piercing Unlock Unholy Aura
    • "What are you doing ?!"

      Have less than 0.2 damage Unlock Jaald potion
    • "AntiHero"

      Kill villagers Unlock Pouch of Greed
    • "Commoner's Hero"

      Save villagers Unlock Commoner's guidebook
    • "Shop-Keeper best's friend"

      Gamble and gain more than 50K gold in a single gambling event Unlock Mimic Companion
    • "Practice to improve"

      Get Practice soul-card up to level 30 Unlock Training Dummy
    • "Giant's Steps"

      Finish C-rank mode in less than 45 minutes (IG Time) Unlock Leaping boots
    • "Slower"

      Reach 200% projectile speed Unlock SubSonic
    • "Offensive dash"

      Have Spear level 1 Unlock Throwing knife
    • "Learning can become difficult"

      Have 80% or less Experience multiplier Unlock Cursed book
    • "Strange teleportation device"

      Kill C-rank Goblin Shaman Unlock Cursed book
    • "Proper summoning power!"

      Kill C-rank Worm Boss Unlock Ouroboros Necklace
    • "Volting-up"

      Require Thunder spirit level 5 Unlock Voltstrike gauntlet
    • "Shoo!"

      Banish a card Unlock Town Hall Registry
    • "Duality"

      Complete SnuffHead's favorite using duelist Unlock Love&Hate
    • "Mastering death"

      Kill C-rank Necromancer Unlock Summoner
    • "Vild's thanks"

      Complete Vild Curse Unlock C-rank Soul-shop Upgrade: Max Health every 5 Level
    • "Armor is an illusion"

      Complete "Armor Ban" challenge Unlock Silk Edge
    • "Overtake the queue"

      Complete Fast-Pass challenge Unlock B-Tier Soul-shop upgrade, Mastery gain multiplier
    • "The Storm Formerly Known as Purple"

      Complete Risk of Storm challenge Unlock some rare "shrine" events that have funny effects


    • Summoned enemies dropping 0 xp gem instead of not dropping them at all
    • Optional objective being "initialized" twice, leading for example to "kill X monster" optional objective to increase the monster killed by 2 instead of 1
    • Death Aura talent not increasing the tick-rate
    • Non-elite enemy in Fang collection objective not dropping fang
    • Ability, reloading or manual attacks activating in pause menu when pressing their key
    • Ouroboros Necklace Description
    • Many Issues related to dynamic modifiers
    • Many cards not displaying the correct value for their level
    • Corruption having a huge issues with dropped experiences (it dropped 100% less exp that it was supposed to)
    • Double Edge sword and Armor-less unlock achievement unlocked at level 20 instead of 50 and 100
    • Scavenger granting ammo above the maximum ammo
    • Arrow Tracker pointing the wrong direction in certain conditions
    • Simulated dynamic modifier being applied to the player stats when they shouldn't (Broken statuette when not picking it for example)
    • Few bugs with shaman staff talent
    • pets not being lit by the player light's in cave
    • reroll only having 2 sets of card
    • Necromancer taking damage from death scythe when flying
    • Limit-break card Selection not being randomized
    • Normal combat stage having experience reward
    • Black flickering bug when having the Fog quality set to low.
    • Black flickering bug when using Worm gland at medium or lower fog quality
    • Achievement displaying wrong required value for damage mitigation
    • Stats from card in cardlist in MainMenu wasn't synchronised with your current avatar if you changed avatars.
    • Default brightness value being set at 1/5 of what it should be by default.
    • Poisonous debuff stacking issues
    • A few navigation issues in game option menu
    • Necromancer, Shaman and ranged enemies AI Improvement They no longer try to walk to a position off screen, If their target position get off screen, they simply skip to the attacking state This fixes them infinitely walking to a target position without ever reaching it and ignoring the player
    • "relative" card detail now just display the current change if the value is negative (to avoid the +-XX% display bug)
    • Worm's spit flying projectile being the same colour as the player's
    • Fix sloth giving 20% of it's base value instead of being a 20% multiplier bonus
    • Procedurally spawned objects sometimes stacking and creating visual artifacts
    • Player having its health completely healing when starting a stage
    • Damage number's letter being incorrectly displayed
    • Damage number space between number being wrong when camera was unzoomed
    • Enemies spawned by enemies abilities wouldn't add correctly to the monster cap (only affecting hard cap and not the soft cap)
    • Splitting monster ability spawning monster at level 1 instead of the same level as the monster source (so basically had the stats of a level 1 monster)
    • Shaman's projectile not inheriting defence piercing
    • Impenetrable Damage mitigation being a multiplier modifier instead of compound
    • Necromancer's projectile casted high in the air when he's flying and missing the player
    • My brain after having to write this freaking long Patchnote D:


    Now use Net Standard 2.1 instead of Net Standard 2.0

    Expect all mods to be broken

    • DamageInformation class constructor now require a defenceShredding parameters.
    • Removed GetDescriptionLevelUp()
    • Changed how GetDescription work, it now uses a level and comparisonLevel variable
    • Enemies AI refactorisation, you can now easily add new AI for your own monsters
    • Pet required DLC also has an "any" setting to make modded pets work with both pet or cat dlc
    • Refactored Training weight to no longer have anything hardcoded into the game
    • ModdedStatsContainer now contain a "Category" string
    • PixelAnimationData now contain a "AnimationSpeed" float.
    • Slight change to SetDynamicMultiplyValue & SetDynamicAddValue to support a "display name" as they are shown during the stats detail windows now
    • New stats : EnemyCountMultiplier Multiplies the number of enemies spawned naturally, also affects boss summoning spells and all forms of enemies spawning
    • New bool in DamageInformation "CannotKill" - when set to true, it will not kill the entity (only works on the player for now)
    • Fixed chendrak's bug otherwise he's gonna complain
    • Achievement refactorisation, much cleaner code, and can now handle entirely custom Achievements
    • New function AchievementAPI.CustomAchievement to register achievements with custom requirements
    • Added AvatarData.DamageHistory which is a list of all the damage received by the player (is not saved when quitting and saving the game)
    • AvatarAPI.AddCustomAvatar() change, it now requires the use of an avatarskin instead of just animation data
    • New function AvatarAPI.AddAvatarSkin(), used to add a new skin to the game.
    • GameData.SetCustomValue function now properly mark the Persistant data as "needing saving".
    • Added "HasStat(StatsName)" check to check if an avatar own a stat.
    • Stats not owned by an avatar will be ignored by cards description

    New events

    • OnCheckObjectiveCompleted
    • OnCheckOptionalObjectiveCompleted
    • OnAddForbidenStagePosition
    • OnCalculatePlayerDamage Called everytime the player damage multiplier needs to be updated (everytime a stat gets updated)
    • OnChooseSelectableStage Called when deciding which stage can be selected;
    • OnDisplayStageObjectiveText(StringValue) Called when displaying the stage objective text to inject text (currently used for Custom boss related objectives)
    • OnFightUpdate - Called Once per frame when in fight.
    • OnCalculateCardLevelGainAtOnce Called When determining how many levels at once a card should gain when picked up (expect bugs if you set it to 0)
    • OnCalculateCardMaxLevel Called when detecting what is the max level of a card
    • OnCalculateMonsterDefenceLoss Called before calculating the defence less of an enemy
    • OnRollShop_FinishedSetBuyableCount(ShopManager,ShopGenerationInfo) called before validating the shop buyable item, use this event to add custom buyable items to the shop of your choice.

    [ 2023-08-29 14:56:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9 Release Date

    Hello Everyone

    I am here to announce that the 0.9 update will be released on August 29th

    This also means the price increase will happen on August 29th, as well as the cat DLC release (which has been ready for more than a month but had to wait for the 0.9 Update). 0.9 is by far the biggest update to date.

    What is missing right now?

    Content-wise, the update should be ready by tomorrow. Animation for one of the avatars, 45 sprites for Soul-Cards and artifacts are missings, Sprite for the 4th zone boss. Once the content is done, I'll make some final adjustments to the balancing of a few things, Then I'll focus on helping the artists I hired to finish the assets in time. As I don't want to delay the update any more than that: Animations for the 4th boss won't be ready for the 0.9 update but will come in the following week. (they are not important to fight the boss) Enemies for the snow forest are pushed for Update 0.9.1.

    If the assets are not finished by the due date?

    I'll release the update anyway; they shouldn't have much impact on the experience overall and will quickly be patched in during the following days. I believe the improvements added by this update far outweigh the minor inconvenience due to the missing icons.

    And then?

    Once that is done, I'll focus my attention on updating the Demo while the Snow forest biome enemies are worked on. The demo is now very outdated in comparison to the main game, and I feel like it's a bit of a bad showcase of the new state of the game, especially concerning QoL improvements.

    [ 2023-08-23 18:20:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, August monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, it's time for the monthly Dev-Blog!

    Hiring Pixel-Artist

    Looking at the amount of workload left on the artside, I'm looking for yet another pixel-art. There is no need to have animation skill, I'm only looking for icon and environement props

    If you are interested and think you can fit the game art-style, please send an email to roguegenesia@gmail.com.

    Progress of Update 0.9

    As already announced, Update 0.9 is delayed by a few weeks than I originally wanted. This set the Update to arround 15 to 22 August. Update may be pushed again if I see there is a need to, but an announcement will be made for that. Let's see what been changed since last devlog!

    Tooltips & Keywords

    This may be the biggest QoL improvement on this update. Many keyword are now underlined, and by hovering the mouse over, you'll have a short tooltip.
    This also work for card and artifact name so you can directly preview them.
    You can also directly hover stats in card's description to know you current value, what they do, and what will be the future value.

    Stats menu

    Stats also got a lot of improvement since last dev-log, It had an improvement to lissibility over, It also now display bonus from soul-shop as well as the avatar innate stats
    Did I mention you can also hover the card name to directly check the card?

    New card design

    As some may have noticed in the previous screens, Card got an update to their design. It get improved visual that should feel a bit more polished that the old flat design.
    The new design also leave more space for description and allow the addition of tags list at the bottom of the card. This also come with a screen selection redesign
    While also minor, Weapon card description got a small refactoring that allow for weapon to display any stats they want without having to hardcode them

    New endscreen

    End screen also got a major improvement. The new endscreen has a small animation, but more importantly it display a breakdown of your Soulcoin and Talent mastery gain! [img]https://i.imgur.com/MiyfoYJ.png/img]


    Bestiary also got a small update. Completing a monster entry in the bestiary will increase the experience dropped by the monster
    You can also check the list of all elite modifier in the game and their effects

    Pick-up list

    Similarly to the elite modifier list, there is a list of pick-up to understand what are their effects

    Avatar skin

    Major feature added into the game, unlockable skins. As of now, it's very limited as I prefer to focus the workforce on new avatar than making skin for old avatar. However, this system will be useful for modder to add proper skin to avatars than hacking them in (sorry EasyAvatar)

    New Avatars


    Major new avatar, that play arround a entire custom mechanic. Summoner own custom "summon weapon" that summon monster to fight for him. There monster have their own health, defence, and damage. Their stats usualy scale with the player. The animation and pixel version of the summoner are not finished so I only have the concept I've made a few week ago


    Duelist is a damage oriented avatar, with very low health. Her special ability is "Death Door" When reaching 0 Health, she enter a Death door state where she become unkilalble for 1 sec and disable health regen for 3 seconds

    Talent changes

    During this month, not much was done on the talents. The biggest change is that talents are now set per avatars. This change will allow for introducing avatar-specialized talents in the future. There are also some notifications when an empty slot is left in your avatar's talents. The notification goes away when you open and close the talent men


    During this month, I've been fortunate enough to find not one, but two composers to work on the game's soundtrack. Originally, I had planned to hire just one composer, but considering the amount of work needed to create the entire soundtrack, having two composers on board seemed like a great decision. Here is a few tracks that been completed so far, with many more on the way! [previewyoutube=_6BVKCx8Uww;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=JCkiZziecNo;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=BifiqS3zCto;full][/previewyoutube]

    Other minor changes

    • 12 New artifacts
    • 9 New soulcards
    • Encyclopedia can now be viewed at anytime during a run.
    • Enemy spawn rate scaling overtime rebalance
    • Artifact price in shop rebalance
    • New gunslinger stat
    • New C-rank challenges
    • New C-rank challenges
    • Likely others things I forgot about because I have a bad memory

    Weapon Cap

    I understand that some of you may prefer the uncapped weapon limit in Rogue: Genesia, so before expressing any concerns, please be aware that there is a slider in the options that allows you to bypass the weapon cap (or set a custom cap from 1 to 10). A very recent major change that came into the game was setting a weapon cap depending on the avatar you use, with the cap being between 4 and 10 weapons. The main drive behind this change is performance. There is no way, even with the best optimization in the world, that a computer can handle 25 weapons shooting every frame with 25 projectiles. While it doesn't completely solve the issues, it greatly reduces them. Another reason behind this change is that having a lot of weapons is a noob-trap. The change was first requested by Elentor (person working on optimizing the game) after seeing someone play the game and noticed they just picked every weapon they could without trying to banish them. After a bit of discussion with other players, I noticed that banishing weapons was a common strategy used by the best players. One simple reason for that is that taking 20 weapons instead of 4 won't significantly increase your damage capabilities, but you lose more than 100 card levels that could have been spent on other passive cards that would greatly benefit you. Adding a weapon cap should prevent most players from falling into this trap and overall improve their performances.

    Run Length Debate

    As I continue to add more difficulty tiers to the game, the length of runs will continue to increase. This was part of my initial vision and how I designed the game. As you get farther into the game, you reach hours-long runs. That's why I quickly developed a Save and Load system for the run, to allow for these long runs to happen without asking the player to complete them in a single sitting. However, I've seen a few players complain about the length of the runs. Some players really love and embrace this long run design, while others despise it and would prefer much shorter runs. In the end, the best solution that I can think of is to create 2 sub-gamemodes for Rog's mode. One would be the "Campaign" mode, which will continue to involve longer runs, and the other would be "Quick-Play" mode, which will aim to be a shorter experience (1 hour of real-time at most). There are a few things I'm thinking of to allow quick play. First, every zone except the last would have half the number of stages they normally do (8 instead of 16). There would also be an increase in non-combat stages, and the removal of altars on boss fights to directly start the boss fight. The subject is still open to discussion, so you are welcome to share your thoughts on that. However, if it's decided to implement this change, the "Campaign"/"Quick-Play" mode wouldn't rather be pushed to the 0.10 update due to time constraints. I don't want to delay the 0.9 update any further.

    Left to Be Done

    4th Zone Boss

    This is my next task, and also the one I'm more worried about. I have a rough idea of the boss fight, but I don't know if it'll work visually or mechanically. I'll need to test a lot of things before reaching something I like, and I may even scrap a lot of work on this boss. So, I remain quite hesitant and unsure about the way I want to handle it so far.

    C-rank Survivors

    Once the next boss is completed and functional, I'll focus my work on creating C-rank survivors. That should leave about 7/12 days of player testing to achieve a good balance. The C-rank survivors mode will be split into 4 sections of 10 minutes (instead of the usual 15 minutes), with a boss encounter every 10 minutes.

    Finishing Volcano Enemies

    While mostly finished, there are a few abilities I still need to implement (such as golem and slime splitting), as well as a monster missing animations and designs.

    Finishing Biomes Visuals

    The volcano and snow forest zones are still quite rough in terms of visuals. I would like to spend some time improving them.

    New Cards

    The current card pool is too light for C-rank, especially with the recent changes on card requirements. I'm thinking of adding more cards to some build types that lack variety. There is likely a need for around 30 additional soul-cards.

    Snow Enemy Variant

    I would like the snow biome to have its own enemy variant, but due to unexpected events, there have been more delays than I wished for on the enemy animations. This means snow enemy variants are likely going to be pushed back to the next update, as I don't want them to delay the current update since it's a non-essential change.

    [ 2023-08-02 10:42:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update 0.9 Delay, Future Prices Update and Community Discussion

    Hello Everyone

    This is not a monthly dev blog; I'll go more in detail next week during the next dev-blog

    Future Price Increase of the Game Has Changed

    The game's price was always planned to increase with updates. The original plan was to go from USD $5 (current price) to $7 on update 0.9 release, $8.5 on Update 0.10, and finally $10 on update 0.11, leaving a month for polishing before the 1.0 release with a 20% discount. The new price plan is:

    USD $5 > $9 (0.9) > $12 (0.10) > $15 (0.11)

    Discount for 1.0 release will be increased from 20% to 33% and yes, the price will still be localized

    I've explained why I wanted to update the price on the game's Discord and ran a poll to gauge what players felt was a good price increase path.

    Edit: Here is the explanation from discord for non-discord users:

    original post
    Follow up about poll result:

    Update 0.9 is Delayed by 2 to 3 Weeks

    possibly more, but that depends on if unplanned things happen I initially planned for update 0.9 to be developed over June/July, with a release before the end of the month. However, I now realize that this is simply impossible. While the last two months were quite productive and a ton of improvements and content were added to the game, the update is simply not ready, and I don't want to push an unfinished update. The biggest missing thing so far is the boss for the 4th zone. There are also many missing animations, icons, and visual polish for the new zone and variant. The new soundtrack is also unfinished. Overall, there is too much missing stuff.

    I'll Also Increase the Time Between Major Updates from 2 to 3 Months

    While update 0.9 contains more refactoring than updates 0.10 and 0.11 will contain (and those take time), I prefer to increase the planned development time for the few next majors updates. This will also allow me to add a few additional features that I plan to discuss with the community. Speaking of which:

    Community Discussion

    As time progresses and I spend more time improving the game, there are often times when I'm wondering whether A or B would please the players more, or actively discussing some ideas. While I've done this previously (Card rebalance) via Steam, I believe it's not the right tool for proper discussion. It's more of an announcement, and feedback in the comments, rather than a proper discussion.

    This Is Why I'm Creating a New "Community Feedback" Thread in the game's Discord

    (Don't forget to take the Community feedback role in the role channel) These threads will be announcements about X or Y that I want to actively discuss with the community, exchange ideas, and find what would work best in a forum post.

    [ 2023-07-29 16:39:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, July monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, it's time for the monthly Dev-Blog!

    Although it was originally planned for June, the timing pushed it to July

    Hiring Composer and Sound Designer

    Thanks to the previous month's post, I was able to find a great artist to help me!

    This time, I'm looking for someone who can preferably handle both composing and sound design, but composing is the most urgent matter at the moment.

    Here is a music piece made by one of the previous composers that can serve as a reference for the style we're aiming for: [previewyoutube=DWXxHVJHzag;full][/previewyoutube] The rate would be around $40 to $70 per minute of used music.

    If you are interested and think you can fit the target style, please send an email to roguegenesia@gmail.com.

    Start of beta 0.9

    June marked the start of the development for the next major update.

    Card drop rebalance

    One of the main objectives of this beta is to test the major rebalance of card drops. This rebalance includes two main changes: [olist]
  • Adjusting the drop rate of cards based on the player's level, making high rarity cards less common early in the game but more common as the player progresses.
  • Locking more cards behind other cards or specific requirements to give players more control over their builds early on, reducing the reliance on RNG and providing more strategic choices. [/olist] These changes have been a bit controversial, and I have decided to wait for feedback from players during the beta to determine whether or not to keep them. However, after running the beta for two weeks, I have received no feedback at all regarding these changes. While I am slightly frustrated by the lack of data, it could also be interpreted as the changes not having any noticeable impact on the difficulty, which is a positive outcome. I am hopeful to receive more feedback about this aspect of the game during the remainder of the beta in order to make a more informed decision on whether or not to keep these changes.

    Boss rework

    Another big change to come with Update 0.9 is a big rework of the bosses. From the feedback, the first boss was good, however the second one was a dip in enjoyment, and the third one was straight-up bad and confusing for most players. Second boss was the first one that got designed and created, served as a boss for the end of demo. It was hastily created in an evening. Third boss was created by an helping hand during the 0.7. so I didn't directly worked on it, and it's a bit hard to modify the code of someone else. So an entire week went into improving the bosses. [olist]
  • Bosses cutscene

    Now all bosses have a small (skipable) cutscene when they spawn. [previewyoutube=AUl_PfHJYpA;full][/previewyoutube]
  • Boss healthbar

    Bosses now have dedicated health bars, displaying the number of phases they are in and indicating if they are resistant to player damage.
  • Reworked Necromancer

    The third boss has been completely remade from scratch, separating it into multiple distinct phases and adding new/reworked spells. [spoiler]In the first phases, the boss will only use skill-shot type spells that are easy to read and dodge. This serves to teach players the boss's main attack. Once you've dealt enough damage to reduce the boss's health to 2/3, it will enter its first Inter-phase. The health bar will display a small blue shield to indicate that the boss cannot be attacked. A custom objective will appear in the top-left corner of the screen to help players understand what is happening. You will either have to survive for a set duration of time or activate a magic circle while the boss summons hordes of undead. After this inter-phase, the boss returns to the ground and gains the ability to summon undead as additional spells. The second inter-phase is similar to the first one, but more intense and slightly longer. In the third phase, the boss constantly summons undead around the player and gains a new powerful spell that players will need to dodge. Once you've finished the third phase, the boss enters a final Inter-phase, where it gains the ability to cast spells without having to stop moving. (For C-rank Difficulty, there is a small change to this last part) [/spoiler]
  • Worm boss improvement

    The worm boss has also received a small improvement, making its abilities more interesting in higher difficulties. There may be further improvements based on feedback. [spoiler]In C-rank difficulty, the boss will summon spikes of rock that pursue the player. In C-rank difficulty, the boss will summon large quicksand areas to slow the player down. The Worm Spit ability has been reworked in D-rank+ difficulties to properly target the player and pose a serious threat. The boss's last phase involves repeated dashes that the player must avoid until its defeat. [/spoiler] [/olist]

    Rework of stage generation

    In order to continue adding new zones with unique and interesting gameplay, the stage generation system has been reworked. Players now have more control over the paths they can choose, and stage generation can be customized to create committed paths or prevent stages from spawning in certain locations. This update also allows for more visually interesting stages that blend better with the environment

    (visuals are still WIP)

    New Stats Menu

    With the addition of more stats in the game, the current stats menu no longer suffices. Therefore, a complete rework of the stats menu has been implemented. The new menu now displays as many stats as needed, including modded stats. Additionally, it provides a detailed breakdown of (almost) all the stats, allowing players to understand the effects of each card they have.
    (the way the breakdown is displayed is also a work in progress, and further improvements will be implemented)

    Improved Achievements

    Achievements have undergone a significant refactor to eliminate hardcoded functionality. Custom achievements can now be created, listening to custom events. There are also two major UI improvements for achievements:
    • New Achievement Menu: This menu allows for the display of a larger number of achievements at once. However, the option to revert to the old achievement display is still available.
    • New Achievement Unlock Animation: It was easy to miss achievements unlock before, now you won't miss them! [previewyoutube=Xg9tjTqhWWU;full][/previewyoutube]

    Gunslinger Monster Count

    To address the disadvantage faced by the Gunslinger avatar in combat due to a similar number of monsters as other avatars, a new stat called "Monster Count" has been introduced. For the Gunslinger, this stat is set to 25%, resulting in a reduction in the overall number of spawning monsters. This adjustment aims to preserve the uniqueness of the Gunslinger avatar without compromising its abilities.

    Shop and Soul-shop Refactorization

    The Shop and Soul-shop systems have undergone significant code overhaul to improve their functionality and flexibility. Previously, buyable items in the shop were hardcoded into the shop class, leading to a bloated class and difficulty in adding new buyable items. With the refactorization, modders now have the ability to add new buyable items through modding. Similarly, SoulShop upgrades were previously hardcoded into a few categories. The refactorization introduces individual classes for each upgrade, allowing for more versatile upgrades and enhancing the overall functionality of the Soul-shop system.

    Things Left to Do Before the 0.9 Update is Ready

    The 0.9 beta has seen significant progress, with a focus on time-consuming tasks and slow progress. However, there are still several important tasks remaining to be completed before the update can be finalized. Here is a summary of the remaining work: [olist]
  • Finalize Volcano Zone: - Create missing assets - Finish enemies in the Volcano Zone
  • Volcano Bossfight: - Devote considerable time to experimenting with and refining ideas for the bossfight
  • Complete Bestiary: - Add monster abilities list and pickups - Provide missing descriptions for many monsters
  • Polish Snow Zone and Add New Enemies: - Finish unfinished assets for the snow variant - Introduce new enemy variants for the Snow Zone
  • Avatar Skins: - Implement unlockable skins through difficult challenges
  • New Avatars: - Design and create two new avatars, one with a major unique mechanic and another with gameplay closer to the norm
  • New Events and New Card Type: - Increase build variety and depth with new event encounters - Improve Build diversity and depth
  • C-rank Survivors
  • C-rank Challenges
  • B-tier Soul-shop Upgrades: - Develop B-tier Soul-shop upgrades, to be added towards the end of the beta after ensuring content balance [/olist] Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the major tasks that need to be addressed. As development progresses and player feedback is gathered during the beta, adjustments and refinements may be made. Thank you for your continued support and patience as I work towards the 0.9 update.

  • [ 2023-07-02 09:16:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Starting Beta 0.9 today


    Today mark the begining of the Beta for 0.9, as usual, expect a broken and half finished update, that will be worked on for the next 3 to 5 weeks

    You can join the game discord and look into the "beta-announcements" Channel for the beta code.

    I know my preview post about drop-chance based on level received mixed review having people like this change and other dislike, however, to get proper data on the changes, it'll be keep into the beta for now. It's likely to be moved to hero-soul difficulty only if increase the difficulty of the game too greatly. This Beta also has a lot of placeholder content, like the balance on 4th zone of C-rank difficulty is not made as it just contain placeholder enemies. As this update change a lot of thing regarding balance, I advice to create new profile, this will also greatly help me properly balance the game. If you find any situation too hard, precise the situation, your card, and the stage you were at just saying "game is too hard" is not gonna help me make it easier in any way.

    Update (first 0.9 beta) Changelog

    Engine Updated from Unity 2020 to Unity 2022

    • Improved performance when a huge amount of visual effect happen
    • This will allow for future implementation of DLSS 2.0 And FSR 1.0

    Majors Change

    • (Experimental) Card Drop-rate now change as you gain level, Low rarity card are much more common at low level but high rarity card become much more common at high level
    • Added more requirements to many soul-cards, this should help player have the build they are aiming for more easily (You can check the requirements for card in the Soul-card list by clicking on the cards)
    • Placeholder C-rank work (Enemy are placeholder, visual are unfinished, and boss is missing)
    • Unfinished alternative zone to Forest zone (Visual are unfinished and enemy are for now just the same as the Forest zone)
    • Improved Bosses Bosses now has an healthbar Bosses now has an intro (can be skipped by pressing Escape, space or Enter key (A button/start button on gamepad)) Bosses are now more clearly put in multiple phases
    • Rework of the Necromancer Now cut into 3 distinct phase, between each phase, he'll go into a "fly" mode where he can't be targeted, you either have to activate the magic circle to bring him down, or survive for long enough. First phase will be focused on the necro-mancer attacking ability for the player to get used to it's attack pattern. Starting on second phase he'll summon skeleton soldier to help him. Third phase will bring improved ability for the necromancer as well as the ability to cast and move at the same time Defence loss from defence piercing is reset between each phase
    • Rework of the Worm boss Did a major refactorisation on how the boss work as it was the oldest boss, and the most outdated code-wise Update into the new boss format, cut into 4 dinstinct phase. Gain a lot of defence during his burried phase On D-rank+, his spit ability got updated, he also spit dangerous zone arround him during his second "burried-phase" On C-rank+, gain new a new ability, summon spike from underground, be careful where you walk! On C-rank+, gain new a new ability, create quicksand zone, slowing down your movement On C-rank+ he can also summon spitter worm to help him during phase 2 and phase 3// Defence loss from defence piercing is reset between each phase
    • Slight rework of the Shaman On D-rank+, Gain a buff ability to buff entity around him On C-rank+, Gain a new attack ability.
    • New stat : Defence Shredding - how much of your defence piercing permanently increase the damage a monster take (was previous a value locked at 10%)


    • Knockback of enemy capped at twice their movement speed (only to 100% when the knockback is negative)
    • Slighty changed how pike collision are working to try at improving performances
    • Slighty increased Cave boss stage brightness, also increased survivors mode cave brightness
    • Dash improvement also give a 0.15sec damage immunity after the end of the dash movement speed also increase dash speed
    • Death Aura talent tick-rate increase nerf (actually a buff since it wasn't applied before)
    • Ice Spirit rework - slow down now scale with the level of the card.
    • Balance changes to monster in zone 2 (Vulture health was way too low, Cactus health too high)
    • Castle health bonus increased from 25 to 40
    • Reduced Gold Coin pick-up objective requirement scaling from zone
    • Seven sin achievement now unlock broken demon horn card
    • Flesh tweak Max level increased from 1 to 2 Base health increased from 150 to 200 Corruption increase from 1 to 3
    • Lunatic tweak Max level increased from 1 to 2 Base damage increased from 4 to 6 Defense piercing multiplier increased from 5 to 6 Now also increase area size by 15% Base corruption increased from 5 to 10

      made an overall reduction to damage multiplier

    • Accumulation Change Reduced AttackSpeed penatly from 15% to 7.5% Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.25 to x1.125
    • Recursion Change Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.15 to x1.1 Increased max level from 4 to 5
    • Armor-less Change Reduced Damage multiplier from x1.5 to x1.35 Increased Health multiplier from x1.5 to x1.75
    • God wrath Change Reduced damage multiplier from +10% to +8% Increase max level from 4 to 5
    • Aiming Change Reduced damage multiplier from +10% to +7.5%
    • Size Up Change reduced damage multiplier from +5% to +3%

    New Soul-cards

    • Candle - uncommon | + 0.1 base purification, x1.1 experience multiplier
    • Blood Candle - Rare | +0.5 base purification, x0.9 purification multiplier, +10% corruption multiplier
    • Vile Coin - Rare | +10% gold gain, x0.95 purification, +1 base corruption
    • Cursed blade - Rare | +15% damage multiplier, x0.95 purification multiplier, +3 base corruption
    • Flesh Armor - Rare | +10% armor multiplier, +10% health multiplier, +2 base corruption
    • Black Wing - Rare | +15% Move speed, +1 Dash charge, x0.9 purification multiplier, +5 base corruption
    • Broken demon horn - Ascended | + 50% damage multiplier, +150 base Health, x0.5 health regen, + 20 base corruption, x 0.90 experience multiplier
    • Holy Conversion - Ascended | Convert 4/6/8/10% of your corruption into Damage (at 10% ratio), Health (at 10% ratio) and Health regen (at 2% ratio)
    • Silk Edge - Ascended | Convert 99% of your damage into Defence piercing at 4/6/8/10% ratio.
    • Hemokinesis - Heroic | Increase your Defence shredding on Critical Hit by 5/10/15 %.
    • Acid Coating - Rare | Increase your base defence shredding by 1 %. Increase your Defence piercing by 1. Increase your base damage by 0.15

    New Challenges

    • C-rank challenge - Armor Ban | Start with "Silk Edge" and "Armor-Less", reduce your damage by 50%,You cannot level-up Silk Edge, Banish conversion type cards | upon completion unlock "Silk Edge" card

    New Achievements

    • "Your Corruption make them stronger" - Reach 1 Corruption - Unlock Candle
    • "Am I wrong?" - Reach 5 Corruption - Unlock Flesh Armor
    • "This definetly look wrong" - Reach 20 Corruption - Unlock Blood Candle
    • "They are wrong" - Reach 100 Corruption - Unlock Cursed blade
    • "Dangerous line" - Reach 20 Purification - Unlock Holy Conversion
    • "Critical Overkill" - Reach 5000% critical damage - Unlock Hemokinesis
    • "Armor is a suggestion" - Reach 35 Defence piercing - Unlock Acid Coating
    • "Armor is an illusion" - Complete "Armor Ban" challenge - Unlock Silk Edge
    • "Aerial superiority" - Reach 14 Move Speed - Unlock Black Wing


    • Added a small FX when leveling-up
    • Slight improvement to the Desert zone grouds material


    • Summoned enemies dropping 0 xp gem instead of not dropping them at all
    • Optional objective being "initialized" twice, leading for example to "kill X monster" optional objective to increase the monster killed by 2 instead of 1
    • Death Aura talent not increasing the tick-rate
    • Non-elite enemy in Fang collection objective not dropping fang
    • Ability, reloading or manual attack activating in pause menu when pressing their key
    • Ouroboros Necklace Description


    • Breaking Changes, `DamageInformation` class constructor now require a defenceShredding parameters.

    • Breaking API change for `SoulCard`

      Removed `GetDescriptionLevelUp()` Changed how `GetDescription` work, it now use a `level` and `comparisonLevel` variable
    • Enemies AI refactorisation, you can now easily add new AI for your own monsters
    • Pet required DLC also has an "any" setting to make modded pet work with both pet or cat dlc
    • New Event - `OnDisplayStageObjectiveText(StringValue)` - Called when displaying the stage objective text to inject text (currently used for Custom boss related objectives)
    • New Event - `OnFightUpdate` - Called Once per frame when in fight.
    • New Event - `OnCalculateCardLevelGainAtOnce` - Called When determining how much level at once a card should gain when picked up (expect bug if you set it to 0)
    • New Event - `OnCalculateCardMaxLevel` - Called when detecting what is the max level of a card
    • New Event - `OnCalculateMonsterDefenceLoss` - Called before calculating the defence less of an enemy
    • Refactored Training weight to no longer have anything hardcoded into the game

    [ 2023-06-16 11:50:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Discussion about upcoming changes


    Since last week, I have begun working on the next major update. This means I can finally make significant changes and overhauls that wouldn't be feasible for a regular update. During this period, I like to address any hidden or unreported issues, as well as fix other minor things that I believe need attention. Today, I want to discuss something that I have noticed for some time now...

    Soul-Card Rarity

    I'm not referring to the existence of rarity itself, but rather the drop rates of different card rarities and the overall progression feeling during a game. For some time now, I have observed that the chances of obtaining certain cards are a bit too high. It's not uncommon to come across 1 or 2 heroic cards in a single card selection or find 10 heroic cards by level 20. To gather more precise data, I wrote a small script to calculate the drop chances for each rarity. Here are the results I obtained:
    • Tainted - 10.58%
    • Normal - 31.10%
    • Uncommon - 22.63%
    • Rare - 9.89%
    • Epic - 16.26%
    • Heroic - 6.98%
    • Ascended - 0.05%
    • Evolution - 1.74%
    • Synergy - 0.76%
    These percentages represent the drop rates for each card rarity. It's worth noting that the rarity of a card is not determined first, followed by a random selection from that rarity. Instead, I calculate the total weight of all valid cards available and randomly select a card based on its weight. This approach provides flexibility and prevents issues where a rarity is selected but no cards are available within that rarity.

    The problem

    The main issue is that having a large number of cards in a certain rarity greatly increases the chance of that rarity being dropped. While this may not have been a significant problem initially, as more heroic cards (which typically have interesting effects) were added to the game, the drop chance for heroic cards, as well as epic cards, significantly increased. While this may not seem like a problem in itself, it can disrupt the progression rhythm of the game. Based on my observations, players quickly accumulate the heroic cards they desire by using rarity rerolls, and by levels 50 to 70, they end up with fewer interesting cards to choose from. This has two negative effects:
    • Players often reach their full power relatively early in the game, which can make subsequent runs feel less engaging and exciting.
    • Leveling up becomes less rewarding and less interesting as players progress, as they have already acquired most of the good cards. This also renders artifacts like Gilgamesh and talent points relatively pointless.


    After careful consideration, I believe scaling the drop rates of cards with player level could lead to a better sense of progression in the game. This would make obtaining heroic cards feel like a special event early on and increase their drop chances as players progress. To test this approach, I created a curve for the drop chances of each rarity at different levels. Please note that the drop chance for Rare cards is still lower due to a smaller card pool, but I plan to address this by adding more rare cards in the upcoming update. Here is the curve:
    I understand that this is a significant change to the game, and I wanted to discuss it with the community before implementing it. Please feel free to share your opinions on this change in the comments, as your feedback will greatly help me. Since this change is experimental, it may be subject to removal or significant modification based on the feedback received during the beta testing phase. It's worth noting that this change may also have an impact on avatar balance, potentially resulting in an indirect nerf to the Shopkeeper. To address this, I may consider implementing a multiplier or exploring other options. Additionally, I may need to track the player's level when selecting cards during manual level-up or provide players with the choice to spend their levels later for better drop chances. These are all possible options that I will explore further. Speaking of the beta, I do not have a specific date yet, but I hope to start the beta testing in less than two weeks. I will provide a detailed announcement with the precise date for the beta.

    [ 2023-06-08 14:17:35 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Stage selection - Player not moving when selecting a stage if you had no pet selected

    [ 2023-05-31 06:03:38 CET ] [ Original post ]


    The previous update was planned to be the last for 0.8, but some unexpected bug got reported, so here it is

    • Updated Japanese Translation


    • Monster category kill progress being reset upon restarting the game or loading a profile (like Elite for pride achievement or golem for Crystal sword achievement)

    [ 2023-05-31 02:20:07 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Shrine buff - now increase duration when stacked instead of just reseting the duration
    • Goblin engineer - rank increased from normal monster to elite His stats has been increased to reflect the changes Spawn rate reduced in D-rank survivors


    • Slight change to how actives talents are named
    • Added the selected pet in the Victory screen


    • Timer from survivors mode not added to total time survived stats, Now it's added up to the red timer (15min for F, 30min for E, 45min for D)
    • Goblin engineer not having animation on spawning
    • Worm boss burrying animation not working
    • Pet scaling being wrong in a few places (especially with modded pets)

    [ 2023-05-30 03:47:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Crossbow having some weird texture.
    • Damage source icon
    • Solar Stone Card drop chance and Xp bonus displayed value being wrong (their actual effect were still working)

    [ 2023-05-27 07:36:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, May monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the monthly Dev-Blog!

    Hiring Artists

    First off, I would like to mention that I am looking for a Pixel-art animator (high priority) and a Pixel artist

    Send an email to roguegenesia@gmail.com if you are interested.

    Secondly, I've made a roadmap for the upcoming major updates.

    (Dates may shift, changes are bound to happen, depending on players' feedback)
    Here are a few more details: I will increase the price to $10 about 1 month before 1.0 (so 0.11) to allow for a 20% discount on the game's 1.0 release, as Steam requires a 30-day cooldown after any discount/price changes.

    Dog DLC release

    Yesterday marked the release of the first pet DLC. A cat pet DLC is coming later on (likely for the 0.9 update). Initially, I wanted both pet DLCs to be released at the same time, but the animator who worked on the avatar is much busier with other things. In the end, dog animations were completed much later than I expected, and work on cat animations hasn't even started. As people may have noticed, there is a bit of backlash about the release of a DLC while the game is still in early access (EA).

    First off, why make a paid DLC in the game?

    As I explained in the previous Monthly Devblog, initially, I didn't see it as important. However, due to numerous requests from players, I ended up creating it as a DLC. Creating animations for a pet is a time-consuming process, and I had two options: either I do it myself and delay the overall development of the game, or I spend money to hire someone. By making it a paid DLC, I can cover the animation costs.

    Then why not wait for the release of the game? Why spend time on a DLC when you can focus on the game?

    Firstly, personally, I spent around three days of development time implementing the pet system. I don't believe it significantly delays the overall lifetime of the game. Secondly, developing and supporting a game is also running a business, and in this case, I'm not alone. I have a contract with my publisher (iolaCorp) that states we share the development costs 50/50. This means that whenever I want to hire someone for certain tasks like optimizing the game or creating more animations, I need to go through them as well. While they give me creative freedom in the game (although we sometimes clashed, I always achieve to win), hiring someone is not something I can do as freely. Recently, the revenue of the game has significantly decreased, reaching only $6,000 this month. While this may initially sound like a lot, it is not much for a business. Let's say I want to hire an animator and a pixel artist, costing around $4,000 per month to pay them. This means that out of the total revenue of $6,000, we are left with $2,000, which is then shared between me and iolaCorp. This means that both my publisher and I receive $1,000. While I can manage with $1,000 per month, iolaCorp is a business that hires people and works on its own projects, so it is not sustainable for them. Consequently, I won't be able to hire the people I need. Having a paid DLC that increases the revenue to around $8,000 to $10,000 per month allows for a higher budget to hire people to assist me with multiple tasks. This enables me to solely focus on developing the game, ultimately speeding up the development process and improving the overall quality. In the end, it still hurt to face hate due to this DLC as if I were trying to hack their bank accounts or engaging in predatory monetization. However, this is part of the life of being a "Solo-Dev".

    Solo Dev, not so solo

    It has been some time since I have been completely alone in the development of the game. While the initial Early Access version of the game was developed solely by me, I have since hired people to assist me with certain tasks. Although I still handle most of the development and the direction of the game, I haven't been alone on this journey. So far, I have hired:
    • 1 programmer for 3 to 4 months to support me with the D-rank boss, talent development, and other minor additions. This was especially helpful as I focused on creating the talents and avatar system.
    • 1 animator I hired for 2 months who worked on the avatar animations.
    • 1 animator who did a few animations but quickly disappeared after completing them.
    • 1 technical artist I hired to work on optimizing the game, as it goes beyond my technical capacity.
    • 2 musicians. (one that we parted way due to not fitting the game, and the other not giving much life sign <.<)
    However, I am a developer at my core, not a manager, and it can be quite challenging and stressful to have people working for me. Finding the right individuals to work with is difficult in itself. you need to check a lot of person, make sure they are not trying to scam you, they have the skill level I'm looking for. Additionally, life happens, and some individuals may become busy for various reasons, either too occupied to continue working with me or experiencing unexpected delays. Let's take the example of game optimization. It is a major issue for the game currently, and I hired someone to work on it. Unfortunately and for valid reasons, they couldn't deliver on time. Seeing that it was still reported a lot (I'm especially thinking of update 0.8) I become a impatient toward some players and ended up closing a thread where people complained about it... and I'm sorry that was seriously stupid. I try to take it upon myself and not affect the person I hired, I know very well that harassing them about it is not gonna help, They also understand they are behind schedule, and that can easily build-up stress. In the end, it is still a video game, and I want to avoid causing stress that can affect the well-being of the people I hire. Speaking of optimization, I have some exciting news as significant progress has finally been made! The optimization is not yet ready to be implemented into the game, but it should be ready for Update 0.9. [previewyoutube=WB7t_tkvRqU;full][/previewyoutube]

    Update 0.9

    Now that the pet DLC is out, I can finally start working on the next major update. (The dog pet DLC didn't really cause any delays as I simply started working on things that were planned for 0.9 in the meantime like the bestiary or the Crystal sword.) Development of 0.9 will begin next week, and the beta will likely start the week after, following a similar pattern as before (I will make a news post about it regardless).

    One last note

    Based on the current state of the game and my development speed, if I could solely focus on development, I would aim to have the game ready for 1.0 around September/October. In terms of development, the remaining work is "relatively" minor:
    • Creating new zones and zone variations is primarily asset-heavy work, with programming focused mainly on implementing AI, particularly for bosses.
    • Enemy design involves about 95% of the work dedicated to sprite and animation.
    • Implementing unlockable skins is again mostly asset-heavy, requiring about one week of work at most to integrate them into the game.
    • Some refactoring needs to be done for the shop, achievements, and soul shop, but each task would likely take no more than one week.
    • The cursed stage will likely require a significant investment of time.
    • Avatar design takes some time, usually around 3 to 7 days for the most ambitious ones, while animations typically require approximately 2 weeks of work.
    • Card and artifact development usually involves spending equal time on both sprite creation and coding.
    • Weapons generally have a 75/25 split between programming and art, with a major focus on creating particle effects.
    • Events and stage objectives can be more involved development-wise, but I can easily work on a few of them per day.
    Ultimately, the factor that will most significantly impact the timing of updates and the game's release will be whether I can find talented animators and pixel artists to assist me.

    [ 2023-05-27 03:01:28 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Sun Stone, Solar Stone and Stelar Stone now increase purification instead of removing corruption


    • Added talent at the end of active talents as some user were confused (especially for achievements)


    • Fixed scrolling speed in mod list
    • Display issues when having a huge amount of avatar for avatar selection


    • Made font easier to mod in
    • Made public a few more variable from pet class.

    [ 2023-05-26 22:31:14 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Scavenger removing ammo instead of adding ammo (this was due to a change on how weapon attack/ammo left is counted)
    • Necromancer magic circle staying alive after his death
    • Pet behaviours not being overwritable when inheriting from PetData class
    • Modded version of the game creating a folder in Document/Home(linux) even when not required (it is normally used for mod sources location ,but an empty folder was created by default)

    [ 2023-05-26 07:27:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Update and the Dog pet DLC


    I am glad to say the dog pet DLC is finally available for everyone!

    https://store.steampowered.com/app/2388080/ I originally planned for both the dog and cat to be available at the same time, but considering the delay the animation for the dog has already taken, I prefer to release them separately. More information about it will be provided in the next Monthly Dev Blog.


    Previous run save are not compatible

    (that means your survivors and rogues mode run cannot be continued, your persistent save is kept)

    Dog DLC available

    The dog DLC is available for purchase. He is a cosmetic companion to your adventure https://store.steampowered.com/app/2388080/

    New Weapon

    • Crystal Sword - Deals heavy damage in melee range in the aimed direction. Enemies killed by this weapon drop double experience.
    • Sola's Lance - Evolution of Light Spirit and Spear. Sola's Lance creates a deadly afterimage after being thrown (500% damage).
    • Sun Sword - Evolution of Crystal Sword, Cleaver, Light Spirit, and Fire Spirit. Quickly slashes in the aimed direction. The last slash creates a fast-moving cleaver projectile after level 3.

    New Card

    • Light Spirit - Increases Purification, which reduces the negative effect of corruption. Only appears when you have 50 or more corruption.

    New Talent

    • Crystal Sword Active Talent - Creates slow and powerful slashes in a large area around you.


    • Kill enemy count and survivors' green coloring not using the correct variable.
    • Thunder staff talent on Thunder vial not working as intended.


    • Removed Life-Link Ability from monsters. It caused near invulnerability in monster bug, even after spending days trying to fix it.
    • Bosses killed outside of boss stage and specific cases in survivors mode no longer count for the bestiary.
    • Reduced distance at which flying golem would start their ranged attack (from 15m to 8m).
    • Increased Interdimensional Rose damage: > Base damage from 20 to 30. > Damage per level from 3 to 5. > Gain +5 damage at level 5 and 7. > Gain +10 damage at level 8 and +50 at level 9.


    • Added `GameData.ArtifactDictionary` and `GameData.SoulCardDictionary` to quickly get a soul card or artifact scriptable object from internal name (this only works after the game has loaded).
    • To use the PRD, use `RandomExtensions.PseudoRandomCheck(float chance, string eventName, Pcg randomGenerator = null)`. Make sure to use a unique eventName.
    • Added a new stat: `Purification` - reduces Corruption negative effects (by 1/Purification) but keeps the increased XP gain.

    Technical stuff

    • Moving from System.Random to PCG random generator.
    • PCG is a lightweight and more efficient random generator than System.Random.
    • Added Pseudo-Random Distribution (PRD) to a few chance-based elements in the game. This should make RNG more "fair." > For example, I ran some tests with 1 million rolls on a 1% chance basis. Using the naive random approach, there were up to 1000+ tests without proccing. > With the same chance on PRD, the maximum test without proccing is around 400. > You can see more information about it here: https://dota2.fandom

    [ 2023-05-26 00:36:12 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Filled up the description of monster for the first zone


    • Some challenges modifier not being applied when saving and then loading a save

    Modding QoL

    • Logs not list all mods that are enabled when loading them

    Modding Fixes

    • Some issues with modded card when they had null stats modifiers

    [ 2023-05-17 12:28:27 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Major QoL - Bestiary

    • This is a very first version of the bestiary available, it is for now limited to monster list only, later on, Monster's abilities and Pick-up will be added to the bestiary There you can check information about monster you already killed, more information will be unlocked as you kill more of a monster You can also check the monster stats for multiple level (1 level = 1 stage in the current zone for rogs mode, or 1 minute in Survivors mode)


    • Slight improvement to the Soulcard filter - It'll now properly look for stats (both internal name and localized name in your current language)


    • Limited soul-shop challenge not applying the limitation

    [ 2023-05-16 18:56:38 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Minor change

    • Game is now internally tracking kill for each enemy, this will be used for the bestiary later on.


    • Getting a new buff stack added after your stack count was capped reseting the buff effect to level 1 until a new stack could be added (that fix the 999 stack lust bug)
    • Minor visual bug on a few stage objective when taking a requirement modifier not changing color at the right time.
    • Defend shop-keeper stage in No-Shop challenge actually giving out a normal shop as a stage rewards - The shop is kept but you cannot reroll the shop
    • Artifact from challenge being removed from player inventory when starting the game but still having effect, this lead to Plexus' sadism being impossible to lose

    Modding Fixes

    • Custom Challenges modifier should now be able to add starting card (it was called before player initiation, not it is properly called after)

    [ 2023-05-15 17:19:22 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added a confirmation windows when doing the wander trick so people don't accidentally trigger it (refusing it still give out the related achievement) (this is experimental, if there is any issues, make a bug report with your save file so it can be fixed asap)


    • Rogue avatar having no stage requirements

    [ 2023-05-12 10:56:48 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Altar will continue to be tracked even when they are on screen to help find them
    • Necromancer's magic circle to bring him down is now tracked
    • Added a brightness option in the video options menu


    • Monster fang requirements slighty lowered
    • Monster fang collection range increased from 2m to 4m
    • Corruption will temporary and slowly increase overtime if you don't activate the altars during the boss, the corruption is halved when activating an altar, and nullified when the boss is spawned (you gain 0.1 corruption per second after 60 second without activating an altar)


    • Adamantite rod not working
    • Mythril compass not working


    Modding QoL

    • You can now build mod directly from the game, no longer need visual studio to build a mod .dll

    Modding Fixes

    • Weapon's function to get target wasn't correctly using the right amount of projectiles

    Modding Changes

    • Changed how assemblies are loaded (shouldn't cause any compatibility issues)
    • Added a new stats : "MasteryGainMultiplier" that multiply Mastery gain
    • Added a new stats : "StageObjectiveRequirementMultiplier" that multiply stage requirements (doesn't affect optional requirements)

    [ 2023-05-11 16:11:54 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Modding Fixes

    • Fixed issues with manifest builder if you were editing a manifest without a correct version format
    • Issues where the create source wouldn't correctly link-up references
    • Fix manifest builder adding a . at the end of the version when Revision is empty

    Modding QoL

    • Create source button, now also put a command to automatically copy/paste built dll to the mod file upon build

    [ 2023-04-29 19:32:05 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added a distance indicator to arrow tracker, it should help as I got a few people reporting having issues finding objects pointed by arrow
    • Improved altar visibility when disactivated
    • Altar distance is slighty reduced if you movespeed is very low
    • Boss objective change to the old one if you are both crippled and have no dash charges

    [ 2023-04-29 16:57:56 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • definitely fixed the ability to dash out of screen

    [ 2023-04-29 04:38:48 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Modding Fixes

    • No method to create SoulCard creation data without passing from a json
    • Loading mod with error should no longer bug out the entire game. If an error is catched during mod loading, error will be printed in logs and the game will reload mods removing the failed mods. (this for example lead to being unable to open the soulshop, among MANY other issues)

    Modding QoL

    • Added a "Add Mod" button at the top of the mod list, this is an easy way to add a new mod with integrated manifest builder
    • Added an "edit manifest" button when selecting mod in local to easily modify a mod manifest without having to go inside the mod manifest with a text editor

    [ 2023-04-29 02:23:39 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Major Change

    • Replacement to boss stage objective, you now have to activated altar to spawn the boss


    • Added tracker that follow important thing out of the screen removed the old chest tracker at it's now outdated


    • reduced health achievement requirements to adapt to the health balance


    • Being able to dash out of screen during Arena stages


    • RogueGenesiaMod class now contain `ModData ThisModData` that you can always access inside your mod, it is added as a variable before OnModLoader is called
    • Added a function inside your mod `GetSoulCardCreationData(string relativePath)` that allow to load a SoulCardCreationData from a json
    • Added a button to automatically set-up a visual studio project for your mod.
    • Mod Uploading windows description and changelog now automatically resize for your text
    • Input field in Mod Uploading windows no longer lag the game
    • You can now create CardRequirement without a SoulCardScriptableObject just using the card name, this should make cardRequirement to other mods much easier.
    • Slighty improved how dll are loaded in (thank to chendrak)
    • Added PetAPI into modding api to add custom pet, to add custom behaviour you'll need to use RogueGenesia.Actors.Survival.Pet, it contain `AddBehaviours()` and `RemoveBehaviours()` functions
    • You can now add tracker that will display on the border of screen if something is out of screen - `RogueGenesia.UI.GlobalIndicatorHelper.AddObjectToTrack(Transform,Sprite)`
    • `RogueGenesia.UI.GlobalIndicatorHelper.AddPositionToTrack(position,Sprite)`
    • Tracker for transform will automatically be removed when the object is destroy and be hidden if it's on screen Tracker for Position will automatically be removed when the position in on screen
    • Experimental : Added `OnMonsterTakeDamage(Monster, DamageInformation)`. I'm worried it may tank performance this event is only called in modded version of the game

    [ 2023-04-28 00:51:16 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Slighty increased Time for time limit optional objectives
    • Slighty reduced required Elite kill in elite kill count stages objectives
    • Increased elite spawn-chance in elite kill count stages objectives


    • Card reward disappearing when obtaining optional reward in challenge that remove additional card selection as reward
    • (modding) DropDrown option not really being dropdown option

    [ 2023-04-24 10:21:42 CET ] [ Original post ]


    • 2 New stage type 1 rare that can appear after zone 2 1 uncomon that can appear anywhere
    • 2 new possible objective in elite stages
    • 2 new uncommon objective in normal stages
    • Optional objectives that when completed give better rewards


    • Improved Lust's card icon
    • Gold pick-up sprite change with it's value (change at 10, 100 and 1000)
    • Slighty changed the achievements order (so challenges achievements don't fill up the 10 first pages)
    • (modding) Upload mod changed to Upload mod update for already uploaded mod


    • bug where tooltip for profile Gamemode were not working if you created your first profile
    • evasion triggering before sage's leaf
    • Hourglass challenge affecting timer
    • GameHistory not working for game without active talents
    • (modding) Workshop/upload button being mixed up for mods and causing issues to update mod on workshop
    • (modding) OnStageEnd being called more than one and in the wrong place (called every frame during the timer count down)


    • Changed how unlocks are working with achievements > beforehand, achievement had one slot for each type of unlockable > Now, most unlockable content got put into the same class which contain informations required for unlocks, so achievements just contain a list of all unlockables
    • Added `SetMonsterLists()` function in GameManager class
    • Added `GetEnemyList()` ,`GetEnemyPatternList()` and `GetMaxEliteAtOnce()` functions in StageInfoClass and StageObjective class
    • `OnStageStart()` in StageInfoClass now take LevelObject as parameter
    • `LevelObject` class now contain EnemyPool, which contain the list of possible enemy for the stage, they are added during `BuildObjective(LevelObject level)` of StageInfoClass
    • Added New Event `OnMonsterKilled(Monster)`
    • Added `AddArtifact(...)` function to ContentAPI

    [ 2023-04-23 12:33:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, April monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone, time for the montly Dev-Blog!

    This Monthly Dev-blog will be focus on what I was working on during this month, replying to a few question I've seen recently and finally on the upcoming features.

    Work done

    Since last Monthly dev blog, I was mainly focused on 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 0.8.1 was focused on implementing proper modding into the game 0.8.2 started as a simple fix for an artifact bug and greatly spiralled into an important code rework arround Artifacts, I'm going to go deeper into details later.

    0.8.1 - Modding update

    So far i'm very happy with the modding possibilities of the game, it's still very early in the life cycle of modding, but, well it's starting. I've made an example mod and a guide on how to start creating mod. The information are still a bit barebone for now, but I'll slowly improve it over time, it can be hard to find a balance between working on modding and working on the game. I plan to make a few additional mod myself (to give more base for modder and to fulfill some request I wouldn't implement into the base game for various reasons)

    Technical debt and refactorisation

    So far, since the release of 0.7, players could have the impression the developement of the game is slow. I'ven't seen players complain about that overall, but I think some person may think it is the case. Content-wise, the additions were quite scarse, Over the last 6 month, there were no new difficulty added or tangible content. Content wasn't my focus so far. 0.8 update, more than just an addition of avatars and talents, was also an important rework of the code of the game. Developing a software (and especially game) create a technical debt, this is often the case when you add feature that are not planned at the very begining. As a developer I often have to do the choice between doing thing quickly or doing it "properly" (this is not technically correct as there is no definitive proper way to make thing). However, the "properly" part of doing something depend on the scope of the feature. and experience. I'm much more experiences now that I was when I started Rogue: Genesia, and I can much more easily design robust and future-proof system into the game.

    I'll take for example Artifact that received an important refactorisation during update 0.8.2:

    Artifact was made during the very early part of the game. I had no idea of the exact scope of the game back then. So how do I make an artifact that increase your stats ? Simply make a check if I own the artifact and increase the stats during the stats calculation. However while this is a simple and quick implementation, it can become a problem if I have 50/75/100 or even 200 different artifact, I am going to increase the stats calculation code to take every case possible ? It'll quickly become a long code of repetition, can easily create bug, is an huge issues to maintain and actually is not that performant... i've create Technical debt. This is one of the factor why I've not added many artifact since the release of the game, because the current system is simply not made for and adding more artifact would just make the rework harder and longer to do. So while someone reported to me a minor bug about Broken statuette not updating the stats correctly during survivors (it only referesh after you leveled-up). I took a look, and quickly noticed I had two choice : [olist]
  • make a 5 min patchwork that will just make it even more of a pain to make a proper system later
  • spent multiples day reworking the whole artefact system to fit the new need [/olist] After doing the first choice for many previous similar situation I've decided this time to go for the second option. The new system made artifact a separate object (code wise) which would listen to events that are now called at the place where the old artifact implementation was. This has good advantage : [olist]
  • Very slighty improve performance, where before I had to check if I owned each of the artifact, now it only call the owned artifact without have to check if I own each of them. (the performance gain is very low)
  • made the system much more flexible and created space to add more artifacts
  • Greatly increased the speed at which I could add artifact, especially if it does multiple things at once
  • Made artifact moddable (having hardcoded artifact mean modder had to patch function using CLI cursor, and could easily lead to issues if multiple modder wanted to implement similar artifacts) [/olist] The total rework of the artifact took about 1 week. about 3 day for artifacts themselve, but since artifact was seriously intertwined with other system (stage objective and pick-up) I ended up having to refactore them too, applying the same approach as artifact, making them much easier to add new content for them and making them moddable. Of course, remaking those system create a lot of bug, which can take a lot of time to find and fix. Now you can imagine the same process went for the Enemies, Stages, Difficulties, Gamemodes and Cards. avatars and talents were designed with this approach from begining so refactoring them wasn't needed, but it still took time. Two other important time-sink during the developement of Update 0.8 were [olist]
  • The animation of avatars Avatars design usualy take between 2 to 6 hours, each having 3 animation is about 1 to 2 week of work time, and finally having to draw victory and game-over sprites
  • UI elements Making an Menu is about 1 to 3 day of work each, having to design the UI and coding the logics. [/olist] All those factor lead to a huge developement time for minor content addition during those last few months.

    And now ?

    While there is still a few refactorisation I would like to make, they are much less important and are post-poned for later (Right now I'm thinking of Achievements and Soul-Shop upgrades, and likely challenges much later) Those new refactorisation and rework of the game allow for a much easier addition of contents. and I can share with you a few of the addition that are comming with Update

    New stage type

    2 News stage type has been made so far that should increase diversity. more will come over time

    Elite Swarm stage

    They are a bit self explaining, they are basically the Swarm stage, but with ONLY elite monster. These will only appear in zone 3 or more, and are a bit rare.


    Arena will be stage were the camera is fixed and unzoomed, and you cannot leave the screen They are slighty harder than normal stage. I'm thinking of adding a bit of structure into these stage.

    New stage Objectives

    Wanting more diversity into the run, new stages objective has also been added as a simple objective, some elite stage will simply ask you to kill a set number of elite There will also be a rare stage objective where enemies are much more likely to drop gold and you goal is to find a set value of gold I'm also experimenting with a stage objective where you have to defend the shop-keeper for a set duration, and keeping him alive reward you with gold coins as well as a shop instead of a reward

    Optional Objectives

    Finally one last thing I'm currently experimenting with for the 0.8.3 update is the addition of option objective which will increase the end of stage reward.

    Replies to a few concerns

    Before I talk about what is planned for the next month, I want to replied a few question/concern I've noticed


    The patch is still being worked on, as I'm not directly working on I still can't give a set ETA, there is hope for it to be ready for update 0.9, but I can't give any promises.


    I know a few people are having crash with the game. From looking into it, the crashes seam to be due to the game taking too much ressources (ram and vram) This issues is very likely to be fixed with the optimisation patch.

    Pet DLC

    There will be 2 different Pet DLC, each costing 1$, one for a dog and another one for a cat. The reason I'm making them DLC instead of including it with a game update is that it was a popular request from userbase to have pets following you. I personally don't think they are an important addition to the game and they are actually a bit of an investment to add int othe game (animations, design). Making them as paid DLC is a way for me to mitigate the cost of the adding something I don't think is important while making the community happy, however to make sure it's not a paid advantage, they will be stictly cosmectic, they won't serves any purpose. However, I've noticed than making them "useless" annoyed a part of the community. After a bit of reflexion, I've made the pet having multiple "behaviours": Behaviours are small AI component of the pet that control it's action, the pet will choose random behaviour everytime the previous behaviour is finished. In the vanilla game, the pet will have 2 behaviours, idle and walking along the players The catch is that these behaviours are moddable. adding or removing behaviours with modding will be possible. I plan to release a mod after the DLC release that will add a simple "fetching" behaviours where the pet will pick-up collectible for the player. This is I think the best way to keep them as cosmectic while allowing player who want to have trully useful pet be happy. (of course adding more pets via modding will be possible)

    "I would have preferred more progress on the game itself, and what it offers itself, over anything to do with modding"

    This is something I've seen when I talked about artifact refactorisation (to make them moddable), and I think is shared by a few players. While it's true a bit of time went into modding, as I explained above, this is often more complex, and striking the balance between modding and progressing the game can be difficult. while it look like I spent a lot of time into modding. I would say I spent about 5% to 10% of my developement effort toward modding. [strike](it's even likely I've spent a little bit more effort toward writing these monthly dev blog than modding)[/strike]

    Modding is too hard

    There is a balance between having an easy modding and having a complete modding. You can't make a modding that allow lot of thing to be easy and available to everyone especially when you are an Indie developer, knowing nothing on how to make a game modable when you start working on it. My target for modding difficulty/possibilities was RimWorld/TmodLoader. so far I think the possibilities and difficulty of modding for Rogue:Genesia is alongside these game. Also, just recently, Chendrak released EasyCard. which is a mod that allow for anyone to make card easily filling up json and adding an image. There is also a pack of card made by PlushPaws using EasyCard You also are more than welcome to come on the discord if you have any question about modding or need help

    0.8.2 Nerf

    I've also seen some people concerned or even complaining about the recent "Nerf" First off I don't think they did much more than reading the patch note before complaing. The "nerf" affect both the player and the monster, and was made so it's shouldn't be much different than before. from the feedback I had, many players didn't even noticed any changes. The goal of the nerf wasn't the made the game harder but to reduce the uncontroled powercreep you have arround Zone 3. i've seen many complain from begineer player slow and unfun fight with enemy in zone 3. The main reason being they simply skip to much of the damage source and end-up having good survivability but very low damage, leading to a boring game. After collecting a lot of feedback of a long period (I've seen this appear multiple time on the Steam forum during those last few month) I've decided to greatly reduce many of the Damage multiplier you can find (making the stacking a bit less important) balanced the enemy health arround that (to give an idea of the nerf, Necromancer (zone 3 boss) health went from 5 billion to 250 Million) Nerf also reduced Huge Health bonus card, that simply pulled player toward those boring build, seeing a +40% health bonus is much more appealing that a +0.2 base damage. (however proper tank build are still possible and fun)

    Too much Typo/spelling mistakes in news/Changelogs

    I prefer to spent my time working on the game. And english is not my first language :).

    And then?

    Right now, I'm waiting for the pet's animation to be finished before seriously starting to work on Update 0.9, that will like other Major update follow a lenghty beta phase with players. Until then I'm working on 0.8.3 update and likely a few minor patch depending on the time required for the hired person to finish. So I would target for a start of 0.9 update developement to be for Early May and the release of 0.9 targeted for June or July 2023, Release of update 0.9 will also see a price increase of the game from 4.99$ to 6.99$ 0.9 Update will add C-rank difficult into the game (both Survivors and Rogs Mode) the definitive scope of 0.9 is not yet confirmed, but I would like to add 2 major additional features: [olist]
  • Zone variant Goal would be to have variant of zone to add more diversity into the game. For example, having a snow forest biome instead of the normal forest biome for the first zone
  • Stage modifier Those would be "Curse" or random afixes to stage, modifying how they work. Like increasing the like-hood of elite spawning/ they maximum number Changing the zoom level Disabled a random weapons ...Inverting your controls (I know you're gonna hate that) (nothing definite yet, still thinking of idea for that) [/olist] This will also be acommpagnied with neccessary content (cards, events, artifact...) to accomodate for the increased lenght of games and QoL additions (Monster list in encyclopedia...)

  • [ 2023-04-22 00:54:18 CET ] [ Original post ]


    (made a lot of ground work for the upcoming Pet dlc, I'm just waiting for the animations to be ready)


    • Improved Worm gland visual
    • Card can also be filtered by mods


    Reduced Active talent charge requirements for many talents :
    • Worm Gland (1000/950/900/800 to 400/350/300/250)
    • Wind Blade (1000/950/900/800 to 400/350/300/250)
    • Swordrang (1000/950/900/800 to 500/450/375/300)
    • Shuriken (1000/950/900/800 to 400/350/325/300)
    • Pike (1000/950/900/800 to 300/260/230/200)
    • Magic Wand (1000/950/900/800 to 300/275/250/200)
    • Kunai (1000/950/900/800 to 275/250/225/200)
    • Katana (1000/950/900/800 to 550/500/450/400)
    • Fire Ring (1000/950/900/800 to 250/200/150/100)
    • Explosive Vial (1000/950/900/800 to 700/600/550/500)
    • Crossbow (1000/950/900/800 to 750/700/650/600)
    • Cleaver (1000/950/900/800 to 400/350/325/300)


    • Negative ammo display
    • Ouroboros necklace artifact name
    • Tooltip on talent charge bar about charge rate being display as the charge
    • (Modding) BuffOverride not correctly replacing a buff
    • (Modding) Dependency version check being inverted (validating dependency if the version was equal or lower instead of equal or higher)
    • (Modding) Some mod not being loaded as they should

    [ 2023-04-19 15:36:51 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Shop keeper having a much smaller level-up shop at high level
    • Poisonous debuff Tooltip
    • Fix Plexus' sadism totem effect still effectives after one usage
    • Bug when changing tab for multiple mod in mod options
    • Tooltip not working correctly on resolution other than 1920x1080

    [ 2023-04-14 07:59:28 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Cursed belt description still showing 1.5%
    • Some artifact effect not being displayed on some card buff


    • Added `OnStageStart()` function for `StageObjective`
    • Added `OnStageStart()` function for `StageInfoClass`

    [ 2023-04-13 12:11:23 CET ] [ Original post ]



    Run save are not compatible

    Major Change

    major Damage/Health rebalance

    This update feature a major rebalance of player and monster Health and damage. This is mainly a reduction of multiplier to avoid uncontrolable scaling after midgame, that would often lead to either being unkillable or killing everything in one hit. (this mainly affect D-rank world and end of E-Rank,as F-rank didn't have much of this issue) Balance is still experimental and very open to feedback on improving the balance


    • Artifacts list in encyclopedia where you can check the unlocked artifacts information

    • You can now put your mouse over buff to get a name and description

    • Volume slider now correctly scale in the logarithm scale (also migrating to unity audio mixer)
    • Moved the load button to be in the start game menu
    • Added a warning if you try to start a new run while you have a ongoing run in the same Gamemode
    • Added an option to prevent the start of new run if you have an ongoing run in the same Gamemode
    • Gold display in survivors mode when playing as shop-keeper
    • Tooltip for the talent and talent bar
    • Added a bit more detail in artifacts list
    • Added tooltip to profile gamemode when creating a new profile

    New Artifact

    • Ouroboros Necklace - Upon dying, gain a card selection (once per Stage)


    • Cursed belt Health regen increased from 1.5% to 3% of max health
    • Dash refill Potion pick-up distance no longer scale with player pick-up distance and is now 2m when dash charge are full
    • Removed Quantum processor compatibility


    • E key not being rebind-able and causing issues
    • evasion sometime proccing twice in the same attack
    • Evasion not properly capping damage to 10% of player's max health
    • Shadows from sun glitching on medium shadows setting
    • Way to display challenge you shouldn't had unlocked already
    • Card selection option description
    • Option menu always being scrolled
    • Option text not using the right font
    • Buff stacking bug when going over 999 stack (now it properly cap at 999 stack)
    • Soul-shop gamepad button for refund being displayed as B when it should be Y
    • Gamepad navigation issues with game history
    • Bug where the game thinking you were on keyboard just after you did a gamepad input for the first time after moving the mouse
    • Talent bar fill in pause menu not filling correctly


    • Custom Pick-up can be added into the game
    • Custom Stage Objective can be added into the game

    • Updated from .Net 4.x to .Net Standard 2.0 (Sadly I don't have the option to upgrade further, it'll likely be updated again when the engine will be ported to Unity 2022 later on)
    • Added `string GetSaveName()` to `GameModeClassInfo`
    • Added `bool HasSave()` to `GameModeClassInfo`
    • Added `void LoadSave(GameModeSO gameMode)` to `GameModeClassInfo`
    • Added `void ClearSave(bool EndOfRun)` to `GameModeClassInfo`
    • They are used to make the saving location handled by the gamemode instead of being hardcoded into the game
    • SoulCard class now contain `GetName()` ,`GetDescription()` and `GetDescriptionOnLevelUp()` function so you can make your own custom dynamic description for custom cards (Description and name override still work and are still supported, this is just to give modders more control over that)
    • Added `GetName()` and `GetDescription()` function to buffs

    Complete rework on how Artifacts work. That mean they can finally be modded in

    • Artifacts which are missing or have incomplete factorisation :
    • CorruptedCore
    • TrainingWeight (incomplete)
    • AdventurerLicence (incomplete)
    • ChampionBracer (incomplete)
    • Gilgamesh Crown, Seal and Ring

    Artifacts that won't be refactored in the near future (for technical reasons)

    • Portal Device
    • Wander Helmet

    Changes to the API

    Moved a lot of "content Adding Function" to ContentAPI to clean-up ModGenesia class
    • AddCustomStat
    • AddSoulShopUpgrade
    • AddEvent
    • AddTalent
    • AddCustomDamageSource
    • AddCustomEliteAbility
    Removed all "obselete" legacy function from ModGenesia class, you now have to use the function from the correct class API
    • AddCustomCard
    • AddCustomStatCard
    • AddCustomWeapon
    • AddCustomChallenge
    • SetSoulCardInfo
    • MakeCardRequirement
    • ReplaceRogSkin
    • GetCardFromName
    `RegisterBuff` and `GetBuffID` got moved from ModGenesia to BuffAPI Collectible now has a `GetPickUpRange()` function that return the distance at which they can be picked up

    Events Changes (for modding)

    `DamageInformation` struct was changed to a class to ease modification of the info using events `LevelObject` struct was changed to a class for the same reason new `FloatValue` class used to pass modifiable float in events UnityEvent class got replaced by OrderedEvent class, they function the same way, however, you set an order value to set the priority for your event, default order is set to 500, lower value mean higher priority

    New Events

    • `OnPlayerHitByProjectile` - was previously `OnPlayerTakeProjectileDamage` (it is called before all other TakeDamage events)
    • `OnPlayerTakeDamage_PreDefence` (Called before Defence from player is applied to damageinformation)
    • `OnPlayerTakeDamage_PostDefence` (Called after defence is applied to damageinformation)
    • `OnPlayerTakeDamage_BeforeApplying` - was previously `OnPlayerTakeDamage`
    • `OnPlayerTakeDamage_PreDeathCheck` - Called after the player had received the damage to his health and before the death is checked)
    • `OnPlayerLoseHealth(float previousHealthValue, FloatValue newHealth)` - Walled whenever the player lose health
    • `OnPlayerDeathCheck` - Called when the game is doing a death check (only called when health is 0 or less), can be used to prevent death of the player.
    • `CalculatePlayerExtraHealthBar(AvatarData, FloatValue newMaxHealth)` - used to calculate the second healthbar (troll blood for example)
    • `CalculateCardPickCount` - used to change the amount of card pickable
    • `CalculateFreeRerollCount` - used to change the amount of free reroll on level-up
    • `CalculateFreeRarityRerollCount` - used to change the amount of free rarity reroll on level-up
    • `CalculateFreeBanishesCount` - used to change the amount of free banishes on level-up
    • `CalculateEnemyBudgetAndDelay` - used when calculating the maximum enemy budget and spawndelay
    • `CalculateBudgetBossModifier` - used by bosses to change the maximum enemy budget and spawndelay when they are spawned
    • `OnEatFood(PlayerEntity,FloatValue HealValue)` - called when the player is eating food and regain health
    • `OnCalculateMonsterStats` - called when a monster is spawned and the stats are being calculated
    • `OnMonsterLoot` - called when a monster die, killed by the player (doesn't procc if killed by phoenix totem or end of level)
    • `OnRollShop_Generate(ShopGenerationInfo)` - called when generating the shop
    • `CalculateShopDiscount(FloatValue priceMultiplier)` - called when calculating the shop discount
    • `OnCardWeightCalculation(CardWeightEventInfo)` - called when calculating a card weight
    • `OnSelectStageObjective(LevelObject)` - called when generating a stage Objective
    • `OnCalculateExperienceReward(LevelObject, FloatValue experienceReward)` - called when calculating the experience reward from completing a stage
    • `OnCalculateGoldReward(LevelObject, FloatValue goldReward)` - called when calculating the gold reward from completing a stage
    • `OnCalculateCardSelectionReward(LevelObject, FloatValue cardSelectionReward)` - called when calculating the number of card selection given from stage completion
    • `OnCalculateArtifactReward(LevelObject, FloatValue artifactReward)` - called when calculating the number of artifacts given from stage completion

    [ 2023-04-12 18:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

    April First Update

    Greetings, players!

    I am excited to announce the release of Patch 0.69.42. This patch is all about... well, nothing! Here's what you can expect:
    • Added Quantum processor compatibility, you can now run Rogue:Genesia on quantum computer at ludicrous speed!
    • Removed a few lines of code that were doing nothing.
    • Fixed a bug where nothing happened when you do nothing. Now, nothing still happens, but it happens more efficiently!
    • Optimized the game to not use less memory and processing power when nothing is happening.
    • Added a new loading screen featuring a blank screen to represent the nothingness that awaits you in the game.
    • Improved the AI of the NPCs so that they can now do nothing more convincingly.
    • Increased the amount of space between objects in the game world to create a sense of emptiness and nothingness.
    • Increased the randomness of the weather patterns in the game, so that sometimes it will rain, and sometimes it won't. But in either case, nothing will happen as weather is a lie of the illuminati.
    • Added absolutely nothing to the game.
    I hope you enjoy this patch and the absolute nothingness it brings to your gaming experience. [spoiler]Remember it's April first and you better don't get fooled by everything you see today.[/spoiler] On a more serious note, I am Still working on the game, And I am too busy to make a real April first meme update. Optimisation issues are known, but the patch is still going underway. Meanwhile, I'm currently working on a complete refactoring of artifact so they can be modded into the game (as well as refactoring of stage's objective and item pick-up for so they can also be modded into the game) Once the next Patch is done, I'll focus on making a proper modding guide to help to make thing more user friendly. As well as a proper API documentations I am also proud to be part of "Best of Survivors-like" Humble bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/games/best-survivorslike

    [ 2023-04-01 12:10:27 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • When creating a new Profile, pressing enter now directly create the profile if the name is valid
    • A keybind can now be added to toggle Auto-aim (there is no binds by default)


    • New Event - "OnRunLoad" called when loading a save
    • New Event - "OnRunQuit" called when leaving a run
    • Mod Uploading UI improvement - Can now properly write multiple lines in Description and changelog

    [ 2023-03-28 15:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Survivors mode now also trigger OnStageStart using an empty LevelObject
    • Workshop mod uploaded now have the tags set in the .rgmod file
    • When uploading a mod it should properly get the title and description from the workshop page

    [ 2023-03-28 12:15:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch note


    • New players with no save being unable to play
    • Looking into profile list and going back reseting all achievements

    [ 2023-03-28 10:05:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia Update - Steam Workshop Update

    Hello, I'm glad to tell everyone that the Steam Workshop update is ready! In my previous post I planned for to not have Steam Workshop and push it to, but in the end I preferred to spend a few more day to include it in! The Update also come with a few additions

    Mod support and Steam Workshop

    This is the main focus of this update, as it now officially support modding with a built-in mod loader and Steam Workshop ! Modding is only supported on Windows using the Modded launch option

    Save Profile

    You can now have multiple save profile, each containing different progression, they also contain the mods enabled so you can easily swap between different modded playthrough!

    Hero mode

    When creating a new profile, you can choose between normal mode or Hero mode Hero mode greatly limit the ammount of Soul-coin you can gain, only crediting the highest Soul-coin gain per difficulties, it's a difficult challenge aimed to the veteran players

    Complete changelog

    Major Feature

    Save Profile

    • You can have multiple save profile
    • When you start game for the first time you'll be able to transfer your old save to a profile

    Official ModLoader With Steam Workshop

    • This is a great step toward proper mod support, the game now has a proper mod loader without requiring any external software or complex instalation steps
    • You can enable/disable mods in the mod list, You don't need to restart the game for mod to be disabled/enabled
    • Enabled mods list are saved with your Save profile
    • You can download mods form the Steam Workshop

    Hero's Soul" Profile's GameMode (aka Hero mode)

    • This is a gamemode related to your profile, you need to create a new profile to test this gamemode
    • The main change is that the game will only reward you the best soul-coin gained per World-Rank (this also count challenges)
    • This will completely change what upgrade you take in the soul-shop as you can no longer farm soul-coin by doing the same rank again and again


    • Search field for achievements

    • Search field check for description and name
    • Search field for Soul-Card

    • Search field check for name, description, card type, rarity and tags
    • Survivors challenge are now correctly completed when you beat the last boss of a set difficulty without having to die for it to be completed.
    • Added tooltips to option in Game Option (and Mod options)


    • Player start with 1 defence piercing
    • Blue Mushroom hitbox size got increased
    • Armor-less ban Metal trasmutation
    • Changed Uncommon Weapon talent unlock from 1k to 5k
    • Changed rare Weapon talent unlock from 5k to 10k
    • Changed Heroic weapon talent unlock from 250k kill to 100k kill
    • Broken Statuette : If you have the requirement for it, and you don't have the achievement yet, it'll be guaranteed every 4 Young Sculptor events
    • Increased Lust cap from 500% to 10000%


    • One shot protection timer not set correctly, (this made the .15sec immunity not working)
    • Japanese translation reload speed having issues
    • Fix Envy Stacking multiple time at once
    • Fix Sloth Stacking multiple time at once
    • Fix Wrath Stacking multiple time at once
    • Fix Gluttony Stacking multiple time at once
    • Life linked Champion not displaying the correct value in their health bar (only showed individual health instead of shared health)
    • Life linked leaving non-attacked enemies at 0 Health instead of killing them
    • Immovable part of immovable Buff not being applied when you start a new round
    • explosive vial aiming being off by 5
    • Defence piercing not starting at 1
    • Fix "XX:XX" bugged display in end-screen menu preventing unlocks (GameHistory files being corrupted)


    • Official ModLoader with Steam Workshop You can get a example mod at https://github.com/PlexusDuMenton/RogueGenesiaExampleMod
    • Added `RogueGenesiaMod` which mods should inherit from
    • Added `ModGenesia.LoadPNGTexture(string path)` and `ModGenesia.LoadSprite(string path)`, directly copied from Chendrak's easycard
    • Added `ModGenesia.IsModActive(string modID)` to know if a mod is active
    • Fixed modded card with no requirement not appearing.
    • Fixed some issues related to ModOptions
    • Added `OnOptionChanged` Event
    • Added `OnOptionConfirmed` Event
    • Added many MapGeneration related events:
    • Added `OnMapGenerationStart` Event
    • Added `OnGenerateStagePosition` Event
    • Added `OnDoneGeneratingStagePosition>>` Event
    • Added `OnBuildStageConnection>` Event
    • Added `OnBuildLevelType` Event
    • Added `OnBuildLevelTypeFinished>` Event
    • Added `OnBuildLevelObjective` Event
    • Added `OnFinishedGeneratingStages>` Event
    • `RogueGenesiaMod.GameRegisterationStep()` got changed into `RogueGenesiaMod.OnRegisterModdedContent()`
    • `RogueGenesiaMod.OnGameFinishedLoading()` got changed into `RogueGenesiaMod.OnAllContentLoaded()`
    • Added `RogueGenesiaMod.OnModUnloaded()`
    • All GameOptionData creation function got a LocalizationDataList LocalisedTooltip parameter added to add tooltips to them
    • Category are now implemented for modoptions

    [ 2023-03-27 19:37:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, March monthly Dev-Blog

    Hello everyone!

    This Monthly Dev-blog is a bit late compared to the previous month, as I was busy handling 0.8 major updates, fixes, and that making a monthly dev blog just after the update wouldn't bring much information anyways.


    Let's start with one of the most important topics for today's post. I know a lot of players are waiting for the optimization patch, especially since 0.8 as the game starts to get more crazy and most user starts to experiment very bad frame-rate during the late game. I also know that added more content (C-B-A rank world) has no meaning if a player has 2 fps slideshow for now, and will require the optimization patch to be finished by then. Optimization patch is late, and will be quite late to deliver, The person handling the optimization and working on it had some serious medical complication and couldn't work efficiently on the optimization for a bit of time. I'm not gonna give more details as it's her private life. I learned that just very recently so I wasn't sure when the optimization patch would be ready until then. So for now, the optimization patch is likely pushed back for 0.9 Update, I'll give more detailed information later on when things can be clearer.

    Modding and upcoming patchs

    Work on Modding has started and is, for now going very well. The modding will be split into 2 medium-sized Patch

    This patch contains official Mod-loading and the split of the game into 2 version,
    • Vanilla - Compiled in the more optimised IL2CPP as it was until now
    • Modded - Compiled in Mono, having worse optimization but allowing Modding and loading of external library

    Example mod source can be download: https://github.com/PlexusDuMenton/RogueGenesiaExampleMod The patch also contains Save profiles, allowing players to have multiple saves without having to mingle with the folders, When you start the game for the first time, you'll be invited to create profiles to port your current progress
    Enabled mods list is also saved along profiles, so you can easily set different modded save without having to uninstall/instal/enable mods everytime you want to change your experiences Having saved profiles also allows for a game-mode I wanted to implement into the game for a bit of time now,

    Hero's Soul (aka Hero mode)

    This is a slightly modified save where you only gain your best-of Soul-coin on a world-tier For example: You do a first F-rank run that would cash in 45 soul-coins, you gain 45 soul-coins You then do another F-rank run, but you would only cash in 55 soul-coins, then you only increase your actual soul-coin by 10 from 45 to 55. This leads to grinding Soul-coins not being possible, you can only optimise your run, try to find the best Soul-shop upgrade you can buy instead of just mindlessly buying them all. Of course this game-mode is entirely optional, it's also very likely impossible to complete the hardest challenge in this game-mode for now, but I believe it can provide a cool and different game experience for some veteran player! There is also a few minor QoL improvements, like the ability to search Achievements/Soul-card is expected to be ready in a few days and can already be tested in the beta

    Loading and Handling modding is a cool, but well, Steam Workshop is a bit more work than loading mods installed in local. This patch will be focused into implementing Steam Workshop into the game and giving tools for modders to upload their mods. I prefer to make a separate patch for this as It allows modder to start working on mods and sharing them without waiting for me to finish the Workshop implementation so more matured content is ready for when it's done. There will also be likely a few QoL stuff on the way

    Pet DLC

    I have planned for April a small cosmetic oriented DLC that got requested a lot. The DLC is gonna add a pet into the game, pet that can follow you during game-play. They won't have any effect on gameplay, other than helping you don't feel lonely. The DLC will be sold for $1 USD on Steam, you'll have one for a Cat and one for a Dog.

    major update 0.9

    0.9 developments will likely start during April It will be focused on adding C-rank world, Zone variation, unlockable skin for the avatars (for completing hard mode challenges) and new contents (cards, avatars, artifacts...) I also plan to make the Bestiary by then, so you can get information on the different monster you crossed, and unveil more information on them as you kill more of them I'll give more detail and information about update 0.9 later on.

    [ 2023-03-21 08:26:05 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Lunatic no longer has Moon-tag


    • Blue Mushroom spawning way more food than they are supposed to
    • Save villager event (and a few other event) description glitching out when picking option giving reward
    • Some buff levels going negative (especially Envy and Berserk)

    [ 2023-03-13 15:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Amor-less bannishing immovable object

    [ 2023-03-11 17:33:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Reverted a change made during beta until proper optimisation patch is ready: Before, the weapons attacks were limited to 1 per frame, it's usualy bad practice as it give a better advantage to better computer During the 0.8, one of the change is that maximal weapon attack rate is no longer affected by frame-time This also mean that for low frame-rate, they can now easily attack multiple time during a single frame, leading to incredibly bad performance when going for a projectile and attack-speed heavy build I've reverted this change, capping back the amount of weapons attacks to 1 per frame until better optimisation can be done This should greatly alleviate performance problems many player had since 0.8


    • Armor-less description
    • Benediction not being banned by Armor-less
    • Spike shield not having moon-tag
    • Sniper scaling up the monster killed by it instead of the explosion it's causing
    • Log spamming error when opening talents screen during a run
    • attack speed stat on gunslinger showing reload speed

    [ 2023-03-11 15:38:39 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Auto-aim will now auto-shoot on Gun-Slinger


    • Shop-Keeper gold per level formula changed : from 750 + 250xLevel to 1000 + 175xLevel Shop-Keeper also start with 2500 gold.
    • GunSlinger Bolt Action Change Now, bullet explode into sub-munition on enemy kill
    • GunSlinger Sniper Change Now, bullet explode upon killing an enemy, dealing AoE damage
    • Reduced Blue-mini mushroom health, but scaled their defence up


    • Not all active talent gaining mastery upon ability usage
    • Spear talents not actaully having 100% chance for crit
    • Manual level-up being bugged in blacksmith/shop if you have left-over levels
    • "Change Talent" and "Change Avatar" screens not going back to start-game menu upon pressing escape

    [ 2023-03-10 20:20:36 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Option change to Auto-Level-up, now has 3 option [olist]
    • Manual - you press The level-up button for One-level-up at once, you exit the card selection on each level-up
    • Automatic - you automatically level-up everytime you can level-up
    • Semi-automatic - You press the level-up button to level-up, you exit the card selection after you done all your left-over level-up [/olist]


    • Shaman staff active talent's goblins now also scale defence and damage mitigation from player


    • Aim line being invisible
    • Fix endscreen saying you unlocked new soul-shop upgrade when you died (and you didnt)
    • Tech-goblins not having animations
    • Void Magnet not being capped at 50

    [ 2023-03-09 14:39:15 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Option to keep the old music in Survivors mode
    • Shop buyable Reroll/Rarity Reroll/Banishes now show you current and max owned Reroll/Rarity Reroll/Banishes


    • Optimization for Pike: Pike now only spawn one projectile per frame for each attack at most multiple attacks can stack if they are fact enough, this should not affect dps of the weapon (as the attack will still happen at the same speed as before)
    • Thorn Firework change Thorn firework only chain once, it will no longer have an infinite loop of sub-projectile triggering thorn firework. This change aim to improve performance of thorn firework
    • Armor-less now only ban card with both defence stat and Moon tag
    • Portal shard now only loop projectile Once per projectiles
    • Slighty increased light in cave zone(yet again)


    • Some Post-process thing not being correctly disabled on low
    • Silph's blade having "-1 tag"
    • Artificer's Katana, Thunder Staff, Staff of Storms, Explosive vials and Thunder vials missing area weapon tag
    • character stats staying open upon re opening the pause menu
    • When automatic level-up is disabled you only level-up once at a time
    • Event Rewards Menu Selection automatically selects Next Stage instead of Loot
    • Armor-less banning Immovable-Object

    [ 2023-03-08 18:23:38 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Option to change Player's health bar size since a lot of player complained about health bar being too big
    • Option to remove Dash pannel on the bottom left of the screen


    • Swordrang and magic wisp talent being unlocked by default
    • Vulture, Fast Vulture, Kobolt and Kobolt mage droping WAY less exeperience than they were supposed to
    • Mastery multiplier from World tier giving only half as much
    • Damage over time number formating
    • Many localization issues in achievements
    • Issues with shadow not updating correctly to video setting on loading a stage
    • Unlocking D-rank world after completing F-rank world instead of E-rank
    • Unlocking Corruption after completing E-rank world instead of D-rank
    • Time reach achievement in survivors mode not working

    [ 2023-03-07 12:36:29 CET ] [ Original post ]



    Avatar button is now also display when you have beaten E-rank difficulty (previously, only having another avatar unlocked would display it)


    Issues with some events in the german translation of the game

    [ 2023-03-06 16:04:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Major Update 0.8

    Hello! After 3 intensive months of work, I am happy to share with you version 0.8 of Rogue:Genesia. Version 0.8 Is very different from other major updates, as the main focus was the addition on major features and an important rework of the internal workings of the game instead of purely adding new content/world-ranks.

    Major Features

    • Avatar system

      Rogue:Genesia now welcomes multiple playable characters, each with their own gimmicks and stats [spoiler] There is a total of 6 avatars for now, among them there are 2 secret avatars [/spoiler]
    • Talent System

      You can now equip powerful active and multiple passive talents before you start your runs [spoiler] Each non-evolution weapon has an active talent linked to them, allowing you to start your run with them, after they reach level 1, they each have a different and unique active ability. There is for now a total of 15 passive talents. [/spoiler]
    • D-rank survivors mode

      Survivors mode also has a D-rank world, you'll be plunged into the darkness of the caves, so be careful of your surroundings Also Survivors Challenges [spoiler] There is also a Secret ending added to any Survivors mode rank, if you can survive long enough...[/spoiler]
    • Event Rework

      Events got a total rework, Question-marks can now give you some situations with multiple choices.
    • Defence Piercing rework

      Many enemies got buffed with armor, Defence Piercing also now permanently reduces enemy defence by 10% of it's value.

    New Soul-Cards


    • Explosive Vial - Throw Vials full of explosive substances in the aimed direction
    • Thunder Vial - Evolution of Explosive Vial and Thunder Staff
    • Staff of Storms - Evolution of Thunder Staff and Thunder Spirit
    • Jald's Amulet - Evolution of Death Aura and Fire Ring
    • [spoiler]as well as 10 new weapons exclusive to the Gun-Slinger [/spoiler]

    Attack Modifier

    • Thunder Spirit - Chance to create an Arc Lighting from your weapons which hit nearby enemies


    • Rust - Increases Defence Piercing
    • Reactive trigger - Procs an attack from your weapons on taking damage
    • [spoiler]12 new passives exclusive to the Gun-Slinger [/spoiler]

    New Artifact

    • Portal Shard - Projectiles loop back to the other side of the screen
    • [spoiler] Broken Statuette - Triple Soul-Coin gain, but you gain corruption for each stage you had previously passed, you also take +50% damage[/spoiler]

    Quality of Life

    • Game History - You can now see previous runs you have done in a listed history
    • Card Details - You can now click on a card in the card list to display advanced details about the card (there is also a bind to display details of a card when in card selection)
    • Camera Lock Option - Option to lock camera on your character
    • Card Tag - Cards now have small icon to indicate which tag they belong to
    • Auto Level-up option - You can now choose if the level-up is automatic or manual (so you can choose your cards when you want) (defaults to enabled)
    • Auto Aim improvement - Now automatically targets the closest enemy (instead of the direction you are moving)
    • Mouse Control - Option to control the character with the mouse, it also automatically activates auto-aim
    • Delay Card-Selection - Option to set a safe duration during which you cannot select a card to prevent mis-clicks (defaults to 0.3sec)
    • Number Formating - Option to change how numbers are formated Standard for the normal way (using K/M/B/T....), Scientific or Engineering
    • Improved HealthBar visuals - Elite, Champion, Boss and Player's healthbar has been reworked to have better visuals, there is also an option to make the "useless" part of the healthbar invisible so you only have healthbars.
    • Pick-Up range visualisation - you can now see the pick-up range of your character (option to change opacity is in the settings)
    • Music Effect - Option to change how much gameplay impacts the music (slowing-down & reverb on level-up)
    • Descriptions added to gamemodes
    • Improvement to challenge panel navigation

    Ton of other minors changes I simply forgot and lots of fixes I also forgot

    [ 2023-03-06 12:44:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Release Date for Update 0.8

    Hello, It's just a simple announcement that the next update release date which is

    Monday 6 March

    Also, the optimisation made by Fernanda will likely be pushed to a following patch, as they are not ready to be added into the game yet. Instead of pushing back the 0.8 update by a few weeks, I prefer to push it to a separate patch later-on. (There are quite a few new additions since the last monthly devlog, a patch note will come when the 0.8 update drops)

    Have a nice day

    [ 2023-03-01 04:56:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Bullet hell for my Valentine Bundle

    Hello! I recently got a proposition to make a bundle with 4 games, all in the Horde Survival / Bullet Heaven genre. here is the list of game:

    • Rogue: Genesia
    • 20 Minutes Till Dawn
    • Nomad Survival
    • Void Scrappers
    • Project Lazarus
    The bundle come with a 15% discount! I believe this can help you wait until the next update of Rogue:Genesia is availible for everyone to play! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/30627/Bullet_Hell_for_my_Valentine/

    [ 2023-02-15 03:48:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia, February montly DevBlog

    Hello Everyone! I hope 2023 is going well so far for you. As you may have noticed, I recently update the game's store graphics I always felt like a more proffesional artwork would be better, This one ended up taking me more time than I expected, but I'm quite happy with the result.


    January was a very busy month, Adding a ton of new Quality of life I wanted to add into the game for a long time, as well as implementing a new avatar that toally change the game-play and many preparation for the developement that is left to be done during February

    Quality of Life

    Ton of new quality of life, either often requested of small things I wanted to add into the game for a bit of time now

    Chest opening FX

    A small addition which was greatly asked by many players, having a better animation when opening chests. [previewyoutube=LIrsuIsIld8;full][/previewyoutube]

    New GameOption menu (with the modding options)

    This was something I wanted to implement into the game for a bit of time now. The way most option was handled was very manual, and adding a simple toggle would often require more between 45 to 90 min of work and testing, and often leaved some minor bug into the menuing. The new GameOption menu Automatically handles many option types, allowing me to add optiosn in a matter of minutes. A similar option menu has also been added for Mods, allowing modded to add options. The menu is still not totally completed as I also wish to add tabs so we could have differents tabs for each mods or multiple tabs for a mods.

    Camera lock option

    Another very requested feature, some players complained that the game would give them motion sickness due to how the camera is handled. So now there is an simple toggle to lock the camera into the player. [previewyoutube=uN4WeG4YeQ8;full][/previewyoutube]

    Anachronistic visual improvement

    With more experience, I am finally skilled enough to make the visual FX I always wanted to add to anachronistic. [strike]I also know that leaving the ability to "draw" to player can lead to some surprises[/strike] [previewyoutube=D5H0QK13V9Q;full][/previewyoutube]

    New Auto Aiming

    Auto-aiming is also at the top of the most requested features. Auto-aiming was already in the game, but it was simply taking the player's movement direction as an aiming direction. Now it properly aim for the closest enemy. [previewyoutube=Dm3edm2Ba9g;full][/previewyoutube]

    Card Details

    The ability to have every information possible on card is another thing I wanted to add into the game for a long time. This new card details can be opened at any time (simply click on the card when inside the card list or press the hotkey (check binds) when in the card selection menu) There is still things left to be improved about it, but it'll allow player to have every information possible about a card.


    Music in the game has been a bit of a difficult subject. I have no skill related to music creation and was dependant on Myrtle Mist, however, his situation being a bit of difficult. He did not had much time to focus on the music creation, also, with a bit of hindsight, I believe his music style is not fit for the style of the game. This is why a few weeks ago, I've started to search for a new musician, with a style more fit for the game to work with me. As of now, Scott J. Holmes will be working on the OST of the game, and here is the first music he has done: [previewyoutube=DWXxHVJHzag;full][/previewyoutube] Fight/action music will be slowly replaced by Scott's music, they are more fit for the game. however, as I know that some players will prefer the old music, I'll leave an option to keep the old music instead.


    Content wise, this update will be lighter than other major updates. as the update is more focus into adding new major features and reworking the game internal code, in the end, there is no time left for content. However, I still have some new content to show off to players:


    There is a few additions related to the thunder element, Thunder spirit. This new Soul-card give a chance for each attack to create an arc lighting striking in chain nearby enemies 2 new evolution for the thunder staff got added, Thunder Vial - Evolution of Thunder Staff and Explosive vial. The Storm's staff - Evolution of Thunder staff and Thunder spirit [previewyoutube=NAnjd5_CeLs;full][/previewyoutube]

    Active Talents

    Actives Talents are finally close to being finished, only missing the Katana, every weapon talent has an active ability. When unlocked, you'll have an orange bar at the bottom of your screen that will slowly fill-up over time. You can consume a part of this bar to cast a powerful ability related to your weapon. Making the 20 talents of each of the weapons was a big task that will bring more variety to the game.


    A new avatar has come into town, the Gun-Slinger.
    The gun slinger gameplay is very different from the usual game. There is no automatic attack, there is also only one weapon, his Pistol, you'll have also have to handle the ammo and reload at the right time. The gunslinger also has 12 exclusive soul-cards and 9 possible weapon evolution to his pistol. For now, the avatar hunbalanced and will get rebalanced in the near future.


    For my current task, I've started reworking since last week on 2 important refactorisation of the game's code. The first refactorisation is about the way the game handles the stages, difficulties, and Game-mode. Until now, the game modes and difficulty were hard-coded, now they are modular. This refactorisation also prepare the code for one of the next Major update main feature, Zone variations. This allows 2 important things: 1- Adding new difficulties, Stage or gamemode will require minor work and not having to deal with spaghetti code. 2- Modding in these into the game will be much more easier (where it was close to impossible before) while not yet supported by the Modding API, this is something that can be supported in the future without much rework. The second refactorisation that is still in progress, is a complete rework of how the enemy's data are handled. Right now, each enemy for each difficulty and for each game-mode are completely separate entities in the data. This leads to having about 140+ different enemies to handle. This makes balancing the game a difficult task, and also having a bestiary completely impossible. The new data structure will clean-up everything, having a single data per monster, and having a custom multiplier for each difficulty. This change will likely have an impact on the balancing, since the way the enemy is chosen will also have to be changed, and the whole balancing of survivor mode will likely be changed as well. This second refactorisation is an important step before I start working with D-rank survivors, which should come into the beta during next week.

    Things left to be done

    Once the D-rank survivors will be finished, there are still a few things that will be left to be finished:

    Avatar animations

    Avatar animations are going smoothly now. I've finally found a skilled animator to handle the current avatars, the only sad part is that she is only available for the next 2 months, so we'll try to have the most done as possible during those 2 months. So far, Shop-keeper animations are done, the Knight Rog animation got a small improvement, next up is the Gun-slinger and then the Rogue.


    While they feature are programmed and roughly working, there is only a placeholder event into the game as of now, so I'll likely spend a few days into adding interesting events during February

    Passive Talents

    There are right now only 5 passives talents, they have not been a focus lately, but I plan to add a few dozen of them before the Update is ready to be released. I'll also have to work on the unlocks to make their obtaining interesting. I'm still targeting the 0.8 update to be done in early march. I'll create a new about the date when I am sure about that the update can be delivered on time.


    About optimization, I'll let Fernanda talk about it as she's the one handling the optimization of the game right now.

    Performance Improvements

    Hi! I'm Fernanda, and I'm here to talk about upcoming Performance Improvements in Rogue: Genesia. We like to be clear, transparent, and so to address the elephant in the room for our players - we are fully aware right now of the many scenarios where low FPS and high RAM usage happens in the game, and I'm here to work diligently on aiding with those. Most of the issues are caused by the fact Rogue: Genesia opts for a fast-paced scaling where you're able to have hundreds to thousands of projectiles on screen, all of which are colliding with enemies and performing calculations. In the past, games that attempted to push the envelop in this regard required custom solutions, and we are working on them.

    Average and Low FPS Situations

    The game as it is is fairly optimized and can run at high frame rates out of the spot, but the baseline FPS can still be increased. Currently the FPS curve of the game goes down drastically as more weapons, projectiles, size and attack speed go up. While a performance loss is expected, these can be mitigated. The goal is to have a far smoother curve, where the baseline FPS is increased slightly (enough to guarantee 60-144 FPS in most machines) but the extreme endgame situations where the FPS drops to 10 or so are raised significantly. We're also aware that some weapons, like Thunder Staff and some cards like Thorns Firework can cause significantly harsher declines in the FPS, sometimes halting the game entirely. There are plans in the works not only to mitigate these problematic weapons, but also to prevent weapons from ever achieving such situations. These include dynamic changes in the calculation mechanisms behind the scenes, better handling of the CPU to GPU pipeline, parametric calculations of collisions, among other advanced techniques to allow the game to continue having its bullet hell feel, while having a stable performance. Many of these mechanics may also end up being exposed to modders so they can test the performance of their cards and adjust them.

    Performance Analytics

    In order to aid with the continued development of Rogue: Genesia, custom analytics tools to measure performance and find problems quickly are being made to finding problematic cards, weapons or scenarios easier. This should allow, in the future, less risks of versions being released with particularly slow effects.

    RAM Issues

    We're aware of many issues users have with regards of the high RAM consumption of the game. In layman terms, a lot of stuff that games show on screen can rely entirely on the framework or engine upon which they're built, and objects, weapons, enemies, levels and so on are loaded and unloaded in such a way that result in a stable, low memory consumption. However, most of the existing frameworks do not deal very well with the amount of projectiles and objects that Rogue: Genesia has compared to other games, resulting in objects being loaded faster than they are unloaded from memory. These technical challenges, while requiring bespoke solutions, are not impossible to solve. We're currently researching the best methods to implement ways to manually control these while preserving (or even adding to) the modularity expected for continued modding support. The same holds true for VRAM usage - while less visible and less reported, a side-effect of our fixes will be that low end cards with lower VRAM will also benefit from better performance.

    Conclusion, ETA and a Thank You

    There's much work to be done, but the work is achievable, and it's our goal to make sure that the game leaves Early Access in pristine condition - not just feature-wise, not just gameplay-wise, but also performance-wise. The ETA for these improvements should come in batches throughout this month during beta and the next. The biggest culprits (RAM handling, Thorn Spikes, Thunder Staff, Fractal 2 Pike, and so on) are being targeted first in order to make sure players cannot run into situations where picking the wrong card can ruin their experience. In addition, a general layout of the identified issues, slowdown causes and solutions has been mapped out, and once a more stable and robust framework is built in the game to specifically handle performance, the ongoing effort to maintain and increase FPS should be less of an "effort", and more of a natural byproduct of a smooth development cycle. Thank you for your support and your patience, Fernanda

    Replying to some question about modding

    I have also noticed some question or some things that seamed a bit unclear during the last post about modding, so I'm going to respond to that: [quote=Someone] nexus? as someone that uses mods quite a bit, I'll be honest I rarely even check steam workshop I just go right to nexusmods.com. I guess I really should check the workshop more often if it's there [/quote] Personally I think Nexus has a pretty bad user experiences, this also don't solve any issues related to the game correctly handling mods or not. As of now, the current way the mods are centralized is through ThunderStore, but Most user will prefer Steam workshop as it's implemented by default in Steam. [quote=Someone] Before transition to support two distinct version of the game using mono and IL2CPP at the same time, you may want to check if you couldn't solve modding problem in IL2CPP using Unity Addressables. It can be used to load pre-defined things during runtime, and with a bit of tinkering these pre-defined things may be also compiled at runtime using content from StreamAssets directory and Addressables API. I personally think that the best way to support modding is to make the game as a actual mod, like Neverwinter I was made - so starting from day 0 with that in mind. Anyway, best of luck! [/quote] From my experiences, Addressable is not a very stable feature of unity (I already got many issues related to that), I'm not sure the amount of workload it would require to make your suggestiong doable. Another reason I also prefer to go to Mono for modding, is that the game Class is much easier to access in Mono, than IL2CPP, since the class, function and everything is still compiled in cpp. Making moding for moder much more difficult and less friendly. About making the game as an actualy mod, this is way to late for that now. but more vanilla content is handled in a similar way that the game handle modded content (soul-card, difficulties, gamemode, avatars...) [quote=Someone]The creator of necesse managed to get a workshop page for the mods for his game, and it also uses BepInEx as far as I know, maybe he can help you to do the same with rogue genesia, he's very active and always helping ppl with everything on his discord![/quote] This is a possibility I through about. But I don't like the idea of required an external software into a game sold on Steam. also, since R:G is using IL2CPP, an experimental version of BepinEx is required, which can easily lead to a great deal of issues I would have no control over.

    [ 2023-02-09 15:07:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia Modding


    Today I'm going to talk about modding!

    Since I have been a modder for many years before working on Rogue: Genesia, Modding is an essential topic to me, and making the game moddable was and still is an objective!

    Modding as of today

    As of today (late Janurary 2023) Modding is still in its infancy. Modding requires the use of BepInEx, and is mainly hosted on ThunderStore. so most user simply don't know about modding or are simply ignored. Mod so far mainly consists of additional cards and custom challenges. while some modded weapons have been made, due to update, they are now broken (example of modded cards created by some players)

    The structure of the game and the (unfinished) modding API currently allow for several things to be modded. Cards, weapons, challenges, stats, and elite abilities are fully moddable and supported by the game in version 0.7, in the beta for update 0.8, Events, Avatars and Talents are also fully moddable and supported by the game. Custom enemies are not possible as of now, but is planned to be added later on. Additional World-Rank is not supported but would likely be possible with a lot of work. However, the game is compiled using Unity's IL2CPP (for extra performance gain, as the game is compiled in C++ instead of C#), this leads to the creation of mods being way harder than if the game was compiled in Mono, it also make the creation of mod depend on BepInEx with very limited mean to add proper official Mod Support into the game.

    Possibles solutions

    My first major objective about modding is having a posibilities to not using BepInEx and having official mod support using Steam Workshop. However, IL2CPP greatly limits the possibilities of loading Assemblies during runtime (so mods). Performances comparision are planned to be run in the near future between IL2CPP and MONO version of the game to know how big the different is. In case the performance different is minimal (<5%) I'll likely move the game to MONO. In the other case (which is sadly the most likely) I'll create 2 versions of the game that can be chosen during launch, Vanilla (IL2CPP) version that doesn't have any form of mod support, and Modded (MONO) Version, that will support modding but have lower performance capabilities. The transition from IL2CPP to MONO will break all the current mods, but I consider it a necessary step. The transition to MONO for modding is expected to occur during the 0.9 Update beta

    Future of modding

    I believe better modding would be a great addition to the game, especially for the long term, as a ton of content and features could be added by modders, way beyond what I could support myself. And Steam's Workshop would add a proper spotlight and visibility to modders. The goal would be to make a mod menu where the player can choose which mod to load/unload, having setable load-order, automatic handling of dependency, and most importantly, Mod profile that can be easily shared. I would also give my thanks to chendrak from the game's discord, for all his work in trying to mod the game and the precious feedback he gave me, that helped push the game moddability so far! If you are interested in modding (either as a modder or user of mods) you are welcome to come on the game discord!

    [ 2023-01-27 10:22:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

    2022 and the future of Rogue: Genesia

    Hello Everyone!

    New year just happened (well, it's already been nine days), and what a year. Back in May, when I started the development of Rogue: Genesia, I did not expect the success it would have back then!

    I want to thank you all

    For the success you allowed Rogue: Genesia to have during 2022! I'm also very impressed by the time players spent in Rogue: Genesia, with an average play-time of 20 hours 45 minutes and a median of 10 hours 11 minutes. That means more than half of the players have played for more than 10 hours! I would also like to improve my communication about the game on Steam, and bring monthly news to update you guys about the progress of the game, especially during major beta where there are no small update in the game, and I'm starting now!

    December 2022

    December is a busy month: Christmass, New years eve (and birthday), slowed down progress during the last third of December. However, I still have a lot of progress to show you guys about the beta:

    The Major Update 0.8 is still expected to be released during march

    Beta is already available to anyone, you simply have to join the discord and check into the beta-announcements channel to see how you can join the beta!


    While most of the work has been put into the base system, a few avatars already been created
    There is still many unfinished stuff to do, like the ability to buy them, putting achievement to unlock some of them, and adding a few more. I want to target six unique avatars for the 0.8 major update, But the main issues at the moment are the animation as I've still not found anyone to make them, so this is something that can put the update behind schedule.


    Similarly to Avatar, Talent has the basic system done and working There is an active talent for each weapon that allow you to start with the weapon of your choice if you unlocked the talent, and I've started adding active ability to some of these talent, but there is a huge amount of ability to make (about 22) so it's gonna be a big task that'll slowly be completed over time.
    The player will also gain one passive ability slot for each new difficulty completed after E rank (so you can only have 2 slot as of now) a slot increase is planned to be added in soul-shop later on.
    There are only four passive talents for now, but more are planned during the beta. They can also become interesting game-play modifier


    0.8 will also see the addition of real events. where you will have a situation with multiple choice. The base system is working but it is now lacking content for it, which as the other features will be added during the beta


    Optimization is a concern to many player and I've seen many request to improve on it, so I'll respond to this topic here, and it's gonna be a bit savvy. Optimization has been a major concern to me during the whole developement of the game, and I've spent a big amount of time on it, however, there is a limitation to the optimization that can be done.

    Graphic Usage

    I've seen many people complaining about the graphic usage of Rogue: Genesia when it's simply a 2D pixel art game. Rogue: Genesia is not a 2D game, it's a fully 3D game, having modern lighting, shading and post-processing, running on Unity High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). This means that whatever I do to improve performance there is a limit to what can be removed before the game simply become ugly or lose it's art-style. The lowest quality is the maximum of the game graphics that I can remove. Also, Unity HDRP have a base graphic cost that simply can't be removed, even with nothing on screen, some people will have no performance or simply can't run the game.

    Inconsistant framerate

    There is moment when the game that was running nicely in the beginning simply come to a crawl in late game. This framerate issues is dues to the CPU usage of the game, and have nothing to do with the graphic card. You can only have so many projectile and enemies interacting with each other before the performance start to tank, This is mainly dues to the collision detection simply being expensive. Imagine each thousands of projectiles having to check if they enter collision with hundred of enemies each frames, that make hundred of thousand of collision to check.

    And then ?

    So far, I've reached the maximum of my cappability about the optimization of the game. I don't see anything that I can do to improve the game optimization (that will have a significant impact). This is why I've hired someone, with a lot more experience and knowledge about games optimizations to work on it. I hope that the person will be able to bring improvement on the matter.

    2023 RoadMap

    My hope is for the game to reach 1.0 near the end of 2023, there is a huge amount of work still left to be done in the game, but there is still a few feature I would like to add into the game:

    Making all the World tier up to A

    Each majors updates after 0.8 will add a new world-tier. 0.9 is hoped to be released during early summer, adding C-tier world and a few other things.

    Adding more variety

    While new tier will add new zone and increase variety, always going through the same forest biome with the same enemies can be a bit boring, this is why I would like to slowly increase variety of enemies and environment. I don't know yet when it'll happen, but I would like to add zone-variant. For example having a snowy pine biome instead of the normal forest, having its exclusive enemies. Also adding sort of "curse" over the zone or stage, that will apply modifiers to gameplay. Having a stage with more defined enemies, instead of having the mash-up of all enemies we have now.

    More content

    Of course, more content, having more cards, more buff/debuff, new boss, new talent, new avatar, new achievements...

    [ 2023-01-09 09:58:24 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • No evolution challenge don't removing guaranteed evolution in blacksmith
    • 7 sins achievements not having the correct icons
    • Modded challenge not being displayed in game
    • Description of Aura conversion not having the cap


    • Challenge can now have custom description with colour code(in case modders want to implement custom modifiers to challenges or simply want to add more informations)
    • Added a new function to build custom description for challenges ModGenesia.ChallengeAPI.BuildCustomChallengeDescription(string Key, List localisedText, CustomChallengeDescription.EDescriptionType descriptionType)
    • Challenge adding function got slighty modified and moved to another class ModGenesia.ModGenesia.AddCustomChallenge(string name, EDifficulty worldRank,float soulCoinMultiplier ,ChallengeModifier challengeModifier, bool isHardMode, List localisedName, int oder = 9) marked as obselete, Use ModGenesia.ChallengeAPI.AddCustomChallenge(string name, EDifficulty worldRank,float soulCoinMultiplier ,ChallengeModifier challengeModifier, bool isHardMode, List localisedName, int oder = 9, List CustomDescription = null) Instead

    [ 2022-12-14 15:21:56 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • added formating to the damage value of weapons (as they can easily reach unreadable numbers)
    • added back-up files to achievements, should prevent lost of In-Game achievement in the futures (or at least highly mitigate the issue)


    • Slighty reduced Third zone Elite's Health
    • Slighty reduced Third zone first boss health


    • Elite with garantee ability sometime rolling it twice

    [ 2022-12-13 17:05:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Information about the next major update (Update 0.8)

    Hello ! Update 0.7 dropped about one month ago and many hotfix and minor update were pushed to add some requested additions to the game and QoL stuff. I'll continue to look for some leftover issues and some minor balance change, but I felt like the 0.7 version is very close to be in a stable state. That mean time will soon come for me to start working on bigger stuffs! I have 4 big features I want to work on for the 0.8 Update:

    Talent System

    After a poll on the Discord of the game, this is the first main feature I'll work on during the upcoming beta Talents will come in 2 types, Actives talents and Passives talents

    Actives Talents

    • Actives talents will be Active ability that will slowly charge up during gameplay, that'll allow to unleash a powerful attack.
    • Each active talent will be linked to a weapon and have ability related to them.
    • You can only active 1 active talent at once
    • Having an active talent equipped will skip the weapon choice at the start of the game and guarantee you to start with the weapon related to the talent.
    • Talents will slowly gain mastery over multiple runs, granting minors bonuses related to the weapon
    • To unlock a talent, you need to level-up the linked weapon to level 8
    • Evolution don't have linked talent, but will benefit from the base weapon's talents

    Passives Talents

    • Passives talents are minors bonuses, you can equip that will slowly gain mastery, unlocking more powerful version of themselves or other related talents
    • You can have multiple passives talents at once
    • You'll be able to buy additional talents slots in the Soul-Shop

    Avatar System

    The second feature to be worked on alongside Talents are the Avatars They are basically new characters, you'll need to unlock them doing various achievements. I plan for avatar to be much more than just a stat modifier or having a different weapon (as a starting weapon will be handled by the talent system anyways). Of course, some basic avatar will mainly consist of modified stats and stats cap (looking at you, attack speed cap), but I want avatar to be completely different play-styles. We can take for example one of the planned avatar: The Merchant He'll have a different Experience scaling, making leveling-up very slow, however, leveling up won't give a card selection, but a small shop where the player will be able to buy upgrades.

    D-Rank survivors mode

    D-rank survivors mode will become available. Instead of be 2 parts of 15 min, it'll be separated as 3 parts of 10 minutes, having 3 main bosses. Survivors mode will also see some rework during the update as well, maybe adding a way to fasten the timer before the 30-min time.


    One additional major feature will be added in 0.8.

    Minor content will also be added for this update, new weapon, QoL features and improved modding API

    What is the schedule about the update?

    I plan to work on 1 or 2 minor updates for the upcoming day Then I'll start working on the big features, however, as the end of the year is usually a busy time, the next beta is likely only gonna start by January. I expect the beta to last for 2 to 3 months, and hope for the update to be released around March, This time, as I got experience from users leaving negative review for bug related to the previous beta. The beta for 0.8 will not be open on Steam, However, everyone who want to be part of beta will simply have to join the discord and check the Beta announcement channel for the code to access. It is there to reduce the chances of unaware users having bad experiences or losing their saves.

    What about C-rank Rog's Mode and survivors?

    C-rank is not planned to come for update 0.8, but for update 0.9. My main reason, is that for now, D-rank fell a bit empty on the end, and I'll prefer to focus on improving the current content that simply adding more for the sake of adding more

    [ 2022-12-13 09:08:41 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added bind for reroll, rarity reroll and banishes (check your binds menu)


    • Challenge button only appearing after E-rank instead of F-rank (same for talent button only appearing after D-rank instead of E-rank)

    [ 2022-12-11 22:38:21 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Corruption modifier not loading when loading a run's save

    [ 2022-12-11 20:03:56 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Corruption slider

    It's finally back, it'll appear in the Start game menu after you have completed all available Rog's mode difficulty (do D-rank for now) it'll also slighty increase your soul-coin gain.


    • Due to numerous request, added a PickUp SFX slider in sound options, that control volume from pick-up independently from other SFX

    • Challenge button should not longer be display on a new save, it'll only appear after you have completed the first difficulty of rog's mode
    • Talent system should no longer be displayed before you completed Rog's Mode Rank E (which is when the feature will become available to player later on)


    • Elite's Rift ability - Increase minimal range for rift ability to trigger from 2m to 4m
    • Complete refactorisation to how data from options are saved, this can lead to some minor issues of having some of your option reset.


    • Some effect trying to be applied on already dead monster with life-line


    • Adding 2 new functions, that allow to have data saved for the current run (this can be usefull for custom cards effect that last for the entire run) ModGenesia.ModGenesia.SetCurrentRunValue(string key, float value) ModGenesia.ModGenesia.GetCurrentRunValue(string key)
    • Adding 2 new functions that allow to Set/get value form the persistant save (Can be used to track any stats for example) ModGenesia.ModGenesia.SetPersistantDataValue(string key, double value) ModGenesia.ModGenesia.GetPersistantDataValue(string key)

    [ 2022-12-11 07:29:38 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fix a bug that allowed to launch challenges in survivors mode, leading to serious bugs

    [ 2022-12-09 12:00:48 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Escape not bringing to the previous menu in Start game menu, challenge menu and Soul-Shop
    • UI navigation in the New menu
    • New difficulty not unlocking

    [ 2022-12-08 21:49:04 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Huge Main Menu overhaul

    • The whole Play menu is changed to be more flexible, and ready for the future features of the next beta.
    • Rework of the challenge menu, this allow to have as many challenge as I want for each rank, this also allow ... modded challenge!


    • Added a bit of color variation to the grass in first world


    • Function to add custom challenge into the game: ModGenesia.ModGenesia.AddCustomChallenge(string name, EDifficulty worldRank,float soulCoinMultiplier ,ChallengeModifier challengeModifier, bool isHardMode, List localisedName, int oder = 9)

    [ 2022-12-08 16:04:49 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Reduced Shaman's Staff spread by 50%
    • Increased Shrine's buff duration from 30s to 60s
    • Removed pick-up delay on golds coin
    • Removed pick-up delay on Dash potion when you are missing dash charges


    • Greed will no longer display a buff when not having any stacks
    • Slightly increased Shrine's text duration


    • Reduced reflection probe resolution to save memory and video memory
    • Reduced Stats Update due to Wind ring and martyr cloack


    • Memory leak caused by shrines when moving a lot
    • Complex bug leading to some post-update bonus being reset until a dynamic value forced post-update value to be refreshed (for example Blood tranmutation not giving damage for a few seconds)
    • Plexus's challenge giving back phoenix totem when loading it (or usualy any challenge giving you multiple copy of the starting achievements) and making the challenge super easy
    • Fumuu shuriken bouncing to some wrong position
    • Localization font being ignored in the card list in main menu


    • Function to add custom damage source to be displayed in the end screen: ModGenesia.ModGenesia.AddCustomDamageSource(string key, List localisedName, Sprite texture)
    • (experimental) Function to add custom Elite ability (Remember to override getGeneralAbilityTag() function. also LoadAbility() if you want the icon to be properly displayed) ModGenesia.ModGenesia.AddCustomEliteAbility(string internalName,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo Constructor)

    [ 2022-12-07 10:11:07 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Sorry for the complete game breaking bug for the past 2-3 hours. Seeing how much bug I'm introducing lately, that mean I need to take a few day break, I'll take a few days off.


    • Greed bricking the game completely
    • More issues related to localized font (hope they are the last)

    [ 2022-12-03 08:13:28 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Added Icon for Greed, Envy and pride.
    • Added placeholder icon for Lust, Sloth, Wrath and Glutonny so people don't confuse sins' buffs.
    • Added a buff indicator for greed stacks.
    • Added a new card detail display mode (which is the new default mode), it'll simply display the relative increase/decrease in percentage instead of showing the absolute card effect per level, of course you can still keep the old absolute display (still in video settings)


    • Health reseting to pre-buff when updating stats (level up and some buff stacking)

    [ 2022-12-03 05:16:51 CET ] [ Original post ]



    Soul-gauntlet also absorb 50% of food and coins


    Gold not displaying in shop in localized fonts

    [ 2022-12-02 19:08:16 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Rifted monster no longer teleport if they are close to the player
    • Rifted monster has a 1 second cooldown on the teleportation


    • Void crate not spawning void magnet
    • Trigger amulet speeding up weapon's attack speed after a dash

    [ 2022-12-02 17:02:42 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fix Swordrang not working at all

    [ 2022-12-02 08:16:57 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fixes New weapon evolution bugging out Game version not being updated (a patch with Swordrang fix will come in a few minutes)

    [ 2022-12-02 08:13:47 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Major Changes


    - Walk upon a shrine to benefit a powerful buff for 30 sec, they are rare structure generated over the world They will refill after 5 minutes There is 4 shrine at the moment:
    • Silph - Increase Movespeed by 40%, reduce dash cooldown by 50%
    • Jald- Increase Damage multiplier by 50%, Increase attack speed by 10%
    • Sola - Increase Experience gain by 100%
    • Luna - Increase Defence by 50% and damage mitigation by 20%

    Buff UI

    - A very requested feature, UI to track current buffs The UI display the buff duration, the number of stack as well as if it's a buff or a debugg, there is no tooltip yet, but it planned for later on

    Specialised crate

    - different type of crate will spawn, each having guaranteed drops, Some will only appear in higher difficulties


    • Added some variant for object that spawn like tree and cactus
    • Chest indicator is now always drawn on top
    • Completing a time requirement in higher rank also unlock time requirement for lower rank (only for ENTIRE run completed, not just the zone)
    • Added precision that the teleported cactus is a plant in the achievement (so stop trying to teleport the cactus enemies for the achievement!)


    • Gold cactus?
    • Capped Swordrang and death scythe projectile lifetime to 30sec (especially for fractal)
    • Plexus' Sadism nerfed: Reduced Corruption by per stage from 2 to 1.5, also reduced elite health by 25%, Increased bonus stat to 10%, added phoenix totem as starting artifact

    New Weapon Evolution

    • Fuuma Shuriken - Evolution of Kunai and Shuriken, Bounce off enemies

    New Soul-Card

    • Trigger Amulet - All weapons attack when you dash

    New Elite Ability

    • Rifted - When taking damage, have 25% chance to teleport in a random position around the player

    Reworked Character movements and collision

    Shouldn't affect game-play much, I changed how the character movement is handled to avoid having the player going through objects simply by walking


    • Added back localised font (without major issues this time (I hope)) (and no I won't add comic sans (maybe for first april?))


    • many card's buff not being applied correctly
    • You can no longer load and save at 30 minute and 1 second to load back at 25minutes in survivors mode
    • removed "multiplier" to dash charges stats in card's descriptions
    • F-rank survivors unlocking E-rank survivors achievement
    • Damage summary for Rift

    [ 2022-12-02 07:14:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

    (Experimental) Linux version

    It is still an experimental version of the game, but I am happy to share with you that the Linux version of the game is available to be played for every Linux user. You may need to transfer your save from your proton compatibility folder to this location: ~/.config/unity3d/HuardOuadi/Rogue Genesia/ If you encounter any issues, please report the issues in the game's discord: https://discord.gg/WbrgtCaP4T

    [ 2022-11-29 00:29:08 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Reverting localised font for now due to the huge number of issues,the localised font will back later once all issues are fixed

    [ 2022-11-28 14:31:43 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Plexus' sadism nerfed : Increase maximum rarity from Rare to Epic
    • Interdimensional rose unlock has been changed: It now get unlocked when you use rift on a cactus


    • Wander's trick achievement unlock notification even if you already unlocked it


    • Added custom font for Japanese, Simplified Chinese and korean

    [ 2022-11-27 19:30:42 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Thorn firework not appearing with interdimensional rose
    • Thorn firework not working at all
    • Interdimensional rose not having icon on the damage source screen (The thing I keep forgetting on every new weapon)

    [ 2022-11-27 14:04:26 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Updated thorn's Sprite
    • Enemies health-bar should always be draw behind the player's Health bar (instead of always being draw in front as it was the case until now)
    • Enemies health-bar should be way less affected by post-process's blur
    • Added small info in soul-shop for buy/sell action (so people know they can simply sell one single upgrade)

    New Soul-Card

    Rift - Synergy of Attraction, Recursion and Evasion On take damage, the enemy touching you get teleported in a random position 5/7/9 meters away from you, losing 1/2/3 % of it's current health

    New Weapon Evolution

    Inter-dimensional Rose - Evolution of Rift and Thorn On take damage, the enemy touching you get teleported in a random position 9 meters away from you, losing 5% (+0.5% per level) of it's current health Also spawn thorn projectile around you that randomly teleport hit enemy 2.5 meter away from where they are and losing 1% of their current health Work with thorn firework (I know I'm gonna regret that)


    • Evasion buff - When triggered, damage cant exceed 10% of the player's max health
    • Uncapped boomerang speed on the return, so you can no longer outrun them indefinetly
    • Throwing knife dash recharge now scale with the weapon attack speed, capped at 0.2s minimum
    • Cave zone - Added a directed light so the player can have a better look in the aimed direction


    • Life-link issues (again there was another place prevent monster's health from going negative and disturbed the health share calculation)
    • Weapon's Damage mitigation are now correctly displayed based on your actual damage mitigation (as it have diminushing return based on your actual damage mitigation)
    • Challenge's stats multiplier having weird effect on negative defence

    [ 2022-11-27 00:57:03 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Death Scythe - Capped projectile size to 400%


    • Fix death Scythe damage icon in end-game screen
    • Death scythe scale by the square of the projectile size
    • Death scythe Instant death not counting as damage

    [ 2022-11-24 16:50:24 CET ] [ Original post ]


    New Weapon Evolution

    Death Scythe

    - Evolution of Cleaver and Swordrang Has 5% chance (+1% per level) to Instant kill a monster per hit. Has 1% chance (+0.1% per level) to Instant kill an elite+ Boss lose 10% of their current health instead of being instant killed Critical hit, double the chance of instant killing a monster


    • Pause menu tabs not going to the right tabs in the end-game screen
    • LifeLink + regeneration usually leading to nearly unkilable enemy
    • Berserker buff still trigering complete stats recalculation

    [ 2022-11-23 23:40:31 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Thorn's projectile not dealing damage if the player did not have any piercing
    • Wander's trick bug no longer unlock shop/higher difficulties
    • Blood transmutation, Metal transmutation and zealot displaying the incorrect value (the reduced scaling on player level was not applied)
    • Selling health having red outline when having less gold that what it give (it was still working otherwise)
    • Fix minor UI issues with Wide screen on end-game screen

    [ 2022-11-23 12:10:40 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • End game achievements menu having filter when it's useless
    • End game achievements back button not working
    • End game soulCard and artifact button not working
    • End game achievement button not working when not having achievements unlocked during the run
    • End Game pause menu not working
    • Achievements unlocked during the run not being reset when starting a new run
    • Achievements displaying "page" instead of page number in the top left when opening the achievements menu for the first time
    • Achievements notification not working when starting the game for the first time

    [ 2022-11-22 11:42:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • You can now check the list of achievements unlocked during the run in the end-screen
    • some weapons sprite update


    • Evasion now reduce damage received by 99% instead of voiding them completely


    • UI issues for HardMode button on Wide screen
    • Immovable should no longer be disabled when "moving" during the menu
    • Loading incompatible save from demo causing corrupted game and everything being broken
    • Dashing and anachronistic activating when game is paused/during level-up
    • Picked up chest is now added to a queue, so grabbing multiple chest at the same time should no longer lost them (You can also save and quit during the artifact selection and load back int to see the artifact selection)
    • Artificer katana explosion radius not properly scaling with the projectile size (the visual were, but not the collision)


    • A sound effect can only be played once per frame at most
    • Berserker buff now use dynamic stats value instead of triggering total recalculation

    [ 2022-11-22 11:07:20 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Descent into hell Corruption per zone decreased from 50 to 35
    • Descent into hell Corruption per stage decreased from 5 to 4.5


    • Healing price not updating after taking a card selection
    • Wander's trick still saving highest stats reached and allowed easy unlocks
    • Wander's trick also disable Challenges completions

    [ 2022-11-19 08:09:13 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Replaced zone 2 "red goblin" sprite by a proper sprite as it was just a placeholder

    Introduced back a bug, triggering it unlock an hidden achievement, but also disable unlocks for the run, disable scoreboard and reduce soul-coin gain by 90%


    • new artifact related to the bug


    • new soul-shop upgrade - C-tier - You no longer take damage during Anachronistic


    • Greatly reduced Blood transmutation, Metal transmutation, and Zealot scaling with level
    • Reroll should prevent the same card from being rerolled


    • Arcanist Staff visual trail
    • Pause menu when leveling-up at the start of a stage
    • When loading a new stage, adding owned card inside the banished card list (they were not banished, just the display were wrong)

    [ 2022-11-18 16:05:03 CET ] [ Original post ]


    Fix missings translation for achievements description in japanese Fix Brazilian translation being almost completely broken

    [ 2022-11-17 18:57:36 CET ] [ Original post ]


    • Adding unfinished Japanese translation
    • Added Brazilian translation, Removed Portuguese translation (Because the current Brazilian translation was wrongly labelled as Portuguese
    • Added an automatic fallback to english language in case of a language is missing a input, to avoid errors and bugs


    • Minor Achievements menu redesign to improve navigation


    • Slight nerf to celerity
    • Slight buff to lightweight
    • Added a small Invulnerability time after you level up (0.5 sec)


    • Some card applying twice the effect due to very specifics situation
    • German localisation issues related to Corruption tool-tip
    • Hard mode not translating at start
    • Game Stats not translating

    [ 2022-11-17 18:34:17 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Taking hit will colour slightly differently the bonus health from troll blood, sage leaf activating will also have different colour for the bonus health from troll blood
    • Added Some controller binding in the bind menu (Dash, Anachronistic, Pause, Map fast movement and Map Pin placement)
    • Banished card list in pause menu
    • New achievements are new displayed first in the achievements menu
    • (Placeholder) Names of achievements unlocked during the run are displayed at the end of the game-stats menu (similarly to how banished card were there before)


    • Shops Button overlapping for text too long
    • Aim line being hidden by the 3D UI


    • Removed some Visual FX when fighting the Necromancer on the lowest quality, this should help with some of the lower spec having crashes

    [ 2022-11-16 15:15:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Simplified Chinese updated

    Simplified Chinese updated, thanks to SunflowerBASARA from Bilibili

    [ 2022-11-15 12:30:01 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Anacronistic also slowdown timer
    • Zone 3 Mid-boss also drop boss's limited artifacts
    • Artificer katana now activate pyromaniac
    • Reworked sound muflling to be less abrupt on repeating sound


    • Fight Music in zone 3 not playing and keeping the stage selection music instead

    [ 2022-11-15 06:46:57 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Soft-lock from chest in survivors mode

    • Bonus stats from challenge reducing Damage mitigation instead of increasing it
    • Poisonous Elite Ability stacking being too powerful
    • SoulShop Bonus damage display not scaling with base damage multiplier
    • Anachronistic ability not working after a level-up if you don't pause and unpause

    [ 2022-11-15 02:39:48 CET ] [ Original post ]



    • Chest from crate in survivors mode now have all artefacts pool due to popular demand
    • Life regen Elite ability: regen cap reduced from 100% of the Elite health to 50%
    • Life regen Elite ability: healing speed reduced from 1% per second to 0.5% per second
    • Vampire Elite ability: Reduced from 5% per attack to 2%
    • Vampire Elite ability: total regen is now capped to heal 100% of the enemy health at maximum before disabling itself
    • Martyr Elite ability: No longer heal boss
    • Increased necromancer Decaying health over time, from 10% per pattern to 20%


    • Removed WIP shaman buff spell (it is not finished and was not supposed to be enabled)

    [ 2022-11-15 00:42:17 CET ] [ Original post ]




    • Immovable not making the player immovable when entering a new stage
    • German translation issues with berserker cart

    [ 2022-11-14 15:56:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Rogue: Genesia
    Huard Ouadi
  • Developer

  • iolaCorp Studio
  • Publisher

  • 2022-09-19
  • Release

  • Strategy Casual RPG Singleplayer EA
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 188  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse ⬛ Full Controller Support
  • Controls

  • Very Positive

    (5218 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/2067920 
  • Steam Store

  • [387.69 M]

  • Public Linux depots

  • Game is not tagged as available on Linux on Steam.

    Walk upon a new world and slay foes endangering it.

    Fend against vast enemy forces, reaching hundreds of foes on screen at any given time

    In this action rogue-lite, you play as Rog.

    Master of all weapons, Rog can use anything to slay his numerous foes.
    Kill, grow stronger, and kill some more!

    Make your build from more than 60+ passive upgrades and 16 weapons.

    You define Rog's adventure

    You can choose which path Rog takes, feel brave enough to take on a powerful foe, or would you prefer to rest at the shop? The choice is yours!

    30+ Powerful Items to discover

    On this journey, you'll collect many unique and powerful artefacts that will greatly impact your game experience, harness their power to help you on your quest!

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