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Patch Notes - 10/21/2024

Bugs - Seal of Arrogance shouldnt bug out with a black screen - Last Remnant shouldnt get stuck on the wall so much - You should be less likely to die after completing a level/boss - You can no longer drink potions after you die - Per level effects should work consistently on every level - Burning damage now only applies while controls are active Balance - In story mode, you no longer get despair each level - Reduced range on Viperlilys - Reduced lunge on Wraith and Phantom enemies Misc. - An arrow now points to the exit when you complete a level - Slipped Away achievement now triggers when you die with no items at all

[ 2024-10-21 18:14:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Leaving Early Access, and Roguelike Mode

Hey Strangers, The time has come to leave Early Access. It's been about 8 months of hard work, fixing bugs, adding QoL, adding items, enemies, levels, areas, bosses, NPCs, and more. With your help, I was able to take it so much farther than I ever imagined when I began. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Thank you for playing my game and giving feedback and encouragement. Since I was a little kid I dreamed about making games. And somehow, the dream just never went away as I got older, it always kept simmering in the back of my mind. Bringing this game into existence, and having people actually play it and enjoy it, is a satisfaction a long time coming. The only problem is, now I want it even more. Guess I will have to keep making games. For this 1.0 update, I've added a feature I've thought about for a long time: Roguelike Mode. It can be accessed right from the main menu. In this mode, the game should feel a little different. In the main mode, the fun is in gathering items and experimenting with items, and trying to perfect your build. In the Roguelike mode, the fun will be a bit more about scrounging what you can, getting by with what you have, and making difficult choices about what direction to take your build. As for the future, I expect to still update, though not as relentlessly as before. My favorite part of making the game is designing and adding items, so expect some more of those. Also more bug fixes as needed. I have big, big plans. If you enjoy Necrovale, follow me here, on twitter, Discord, or wherever. - CLYDE

[ 2024-09-30 17:26:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 9/5/2024


  • Slickice boots work again
  • Situations where items dont want to be picked up should be resolved
  • Dropping items on top of differently typed items wont destroy one of them
  • Witch Trials map flags should show correctly now
  • Cleared most of the 44.9% type floating point errors
  • Burning damage no longer multiplies by your damage mod twice
  • Significantly improved Dawn Staffs power move
  • Significantly increased difficulty scaling for later areas
  • Off-hands can no longer be melded (sorry, there isnt a great way to make it sane)
  • Singularities gloves now effect the Links of Carnage armor
  • Soulance shouldnt break level geometry as easily now
  • Improve lag with many Hope dropping

[ 2024-09-06 01:41:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 8/29/2024


  • Conductive Chain now works correctly
  • Deranged Sermon works properly now
  • Exploding Heart Technique and Monsters Guide no longer effect your Allies
  • Exploding Heart Technique and Monsters Guide can no longer overlap
  • Fire damage is now maximum 1% of your health per tick. It also now considers defense, second defense, evasion, and second evasion.
  • Weeping Goddess wont lag the game out with Hope
  • Gold should lag the game less now at high levels
  • Melded stats are now indicated with an arrow. Second melds are indicated with two arrows
  • The Seraph now gives you a blessing when shes fully upgraded

[ 2024-08-30 01:44:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 8/27/2024


  • Wishing Well doesnt only drop the Flower anymore
  • Power moves can Crit again
  • Burn damage now registers on the Malingerer for the Test of Might and DPS counter
  • Armory is harder to get stuck in now
  • Balor Mask now transfers damage when it spreads the flames
  • Burning now respects Defense, and Fire Damage Taken stats
  • Burning damage to the player now maxes out at 5% of their health
  • Zealot Initiates attack slower
  • Your Streak in Path of Wotana can now reduce a lot quicker if you die a lot
  • Reworked Riverskin
  • No more than 100 Hope can drop at once, the rest will be automatically added to your resources

[ 2024-08-27 23:56:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 8/25/2024


  • NPC health bars wont get stuck on the screen
  • Dying in the Entryway wont get you stuck
  • Removed breakpoints and bounds from secondary defensive stats (all but defense and evasion)
  • Hope no longer reduces upon completing a difficulty
  • Curse effect no longer effects the Curse of the Witch
  • Curse of the Witch can no longer be spent on Curse doors/levels
  • Burning damage on the player is now capped to 1% of your max health
  • Spawns are killed in between phases of the Witch now
  • Reduces the Power per Health on Vlads Grimoire
  • Shapers Anvil now shows the correct cost
  • Second melds can now be upgraded without splitting them
  • The Witch will keep dropping the end-game keys until youve unlocked their door
  • The difficulty of the Path of Wotana will increase even faster when it gets high enough
  • The Temple of Hope will never drop more than 100 Hope crystals. Extra will go directly to you

[ 2024-08-25 21:34:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

The beginning of the end...

This weeks update is a big one. Im gearing up for 1.0 launch, which to me means that the game can be played front to back, there is an end-game for those who want to keep going, and the game is stable. Whats new, Mr. CLYDE? First off, a final boss. The Witch of the Necrovale, the one thats been tormenting you and stealing your items. She sits smugly at the end of the Trials of the Witch. Good luck! She sounds hard, wont we need something to make us more powerful? Yes, I added triple melds. You can now unlock a special area behind the Craftsman, where a second item can be mixed into your equipment. But wont that make the character too powerful again? Yes, so I added something called the Witchs Curse. It makes the enemies you fight significantly harder. But it also significantly increased the amount of Embers, Coins, and the Rarity of items. But what if its still too easy? Well, there is now another end-game beyond the Witch Trials: the Path of Wotana. This mode will get infinitely difficult. Completing a run makes it more difficult, and dying makes it easier. See how far you can get! Anything else? Yes, I also made an area in the Refuge, the Garden, where you can pay Hope for blessings that massively increase your Health. But arent there still bugs and QoL features needed? Yes, so I fixed around 100 bugs and added a bunch of random QoL things people have been asking for. When the game hits 1.0, will it be updated any more? Yes. Bug fixes for sure. More items, enemies, levels, NPCs, and bosses? Likely. Thank you for all the support and encouragement, everyone.

  • Triple Melds
  • Voluntary difficulty increases
  • Infinite Mode
  • Blessings can be bought with Hope at the Refuge
  • Many bugs and QoL improvements
  • 1.0 coming very soon
Bugs - The Last Remnant boss now scales properly - Fruit now shows Levels Remaining - Health Drain now bypasses barrier - Health per Power stat no longer works if you dont actually spend power - Fixed Messengers Shoes effects - Umbral Gate now keeps spawning each of its 3 uniques until you pick them each up - Elixir Basin no longer shoots your potion way off - Succumbing to despair now clears your active curses/blessings/potions - Build Storage clears correctly when switching between saves now - When you go fishing, other discarded items wont be pulled to you - Monsters Guide works properly now - Sacrificing your life to the Seraph shouldnt hide the UI anymore - Attempt at fixing the crash on close bug. Let me know if it still happens - Soulshots will no longer go flying out into the River - Multiple copies of a curse now increase in level correctly - Fixed many cases of fonts scaling weirdly - Death Whistle works correctly now - The River no longer builds despair while you are paused - Justicars should no longer escape the level when they teleport Balance - Hope rewards taper off when completing a level more than once - Strange Brew now spawns at level 0, instead of level 5 - Grubgobbler and Wheel of Fortune now scale the amount of Hope they drop - Visibility Bonus now has soft/hard cap - Ice Pillars now release a blizzard when destroyed, instead of ice shards - Cursewash now removes all Curses from you - Narthex now links to Umbral Gate instead of Sorrowell - Trial of Arrogance room is a bit larger, and the reward quality scales faster - Test of Might can now go all the way to +10 reward - Burning is in a far better place now - Mirrored Locket now reduces attack range. The amount scales down - Loculus can now be used multiple times - Effigy blessing now lasts longer, but the effect is slightly reduced - Mystic blessings now scale with his level, and last longer - Increased damage on Links of Carnage, reduced blade count scaling - Silken Blade fight is easier. Fewer grates ignite, she casts slower, releases fewer projectiles, and has less barrier - Defensive stat hard cap now goes up to 99% Misc. - Power Cost stat is now Power Cost Reduction stat, and has a soft+hard cap - Major performance improvements - Cloister exit is a little harder to accidently go into - Build Dummy can now be accessed from the Respite - Craftsman will show a reason a meld failed now - Outpost rooms are a bit smaller now - Upgrading the Harlot lets you listen to her song again - Trading with the Coward no longer excludes items you own from the results - Clearing The Sewers will no longer expend a Blessing/Curse level - Trigger + Y on controller will discard an item from the inventory - Left Button/Right Button or PgUp/PgDown will scroll stash/build pages - In the Inventory, LB/RB PGUP/PGDOWN will switch between equipped and potion belt - Weeping Goddess now generates Hope when you harvest her tears - Melded items can no longer be traded with the Coward - Screen hit effects can be completely toggled off - Soft and hard cap for each stat is now visible in the information popup - Getting the Flower and Key from the wishing well is much less random now - Gods Eye drop is less elusive now - Heroic items can no longer be traded at the Coward - Curses now appear red, instead of the same color as uiniques - Reflected projectiles now pick up all the properties of their owner - Off-hand melds work a little better now

[ 2024-08-23 18:59:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 8/5/2024


  • Withichor boost from potion effect is now properly applied
  • Armory/Shinebog shouldnt lock you out anymore
  • Fixed bug where saves were getting deleted
  • In the Temple of Despair, the same item shouldn't be chosen over and over again
  • Significantly increased Heroic item drop rate in the Witch Trials
  • Adrift Soulshots shouldnt run way out into the River anymore

[ 2024-08-06 00:31:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Item Drop #3

For today's update, I mainly focused on building out the Off-hand category of items. Big thanks to user Samson for some great designs there, quite a few of his ideas made their way into the game. The slot has always been a bit of an odd duck. It's meant to be an active slot, but nothing there feels too essential. Hopefully some of these new designs fit into your builds better, and provide some actual value. Also, as I figure out the difficulty, some of the defensive Offhands might start to be more relevant.

  • Stat breakpoint logic was being run multiple times, leading to weird stat behavior (slyvanessy)
  • Negative Health per Kill now functions properly
  • Demonic Goatmen no longer do such insane damage when hitting you into the wall
  • Fixed Per Level effects to actually work
  • Fixed attack split calculations. Multiple projectiles will now split their damage and their effects will be diluted (generously)
  • Reworked Vlads Grimoire and Baltairs Memento. Should still be usable without being broken.
  • Updated Sunlit colors
  • Levels within an area must once again be completed in order
  • 27 new items

[ 2024-07-31 22:21:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 7/19/2024

Bugs - Extracting embers now extracts the correct type - Fixed Laughing Shield, Chains of Ire, Moonchild Rites, and other emission effects - Fruit from the Garden now picks up Potion Quality Bonus - Items are kicked out of the forge extraction slot when closing the menu - The Innocents health should scale properly now Balance - Reworked forking. Now a fork is always a split into 2, and damage is divided - Projectile bounce damage lowered - Lowered Sunlit Burn, Instant Kill Threshold, and Enemy Start Health properties - Added health on kill to the Harpoon Gun unique - Reworked Messenger Shoes - Reworked Thralls Plate and Crude Plate - Increased Run Speed scaling - Test of Might damage thresholds now scale - Reduced highest possible Refinement Level from Test of Arrogance, increased spawn Misc. - When sacrificing an item, it now checks your inventory first, and then your equipped items

[ 2024-07-19 18:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 7/17/2024

Bugs - Fixed Burning Rate modifier - Controller now works properly on the Prisoners Log - Negative despair per kill items work properly now - Malingerer can no longer be shattered - Malingerer wont die anymore - + Despair on Kill items wont flash You are Hopeless over and over - Max Health can no longer go below 1 - Fix exploding attacks interaction with forking - Fixed Knockback Collision damage - Crown of Storms no longer has a weirdly short range Balance - Reduced Burning Rate scaling - Increase Coin Drop scaling (you get more coins now later on) - Reduced size and increased enemy density in the Confluence - Lowered gate trigger on Kennels level - Added soft and hard cap to many stats - Increased size from Firewalkers trail - Significantly increased health cost from Vlads Grimoire - Witchichor now has a soft and hard cap, and is applied in the correct order Misc. - There are now 10 total ember types, and they combine into each other all the way to the top - Heroic items can now only drop from Chests (not the merchant), and their drop rate is increased - There is now a DPS counter when you hit the Malingerer in the Refuge - Toned down the red screen border when youre at low health - Made the Jack-Pot wheel more accurate Additions - 2 Uncommon staffs

[ 2024-07-17 20:35:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hope and Despair

Todays update reworks the Hope and Despair system again. As many people rightly pointed out, it wasnt working very well. Despair was trivial to get rid of, and maxing out Hope was trivial to accomplish. With this rework, I hope its a little more interesting, and easier to understand. First off, there is no longer Hope and also Hope Crystals. Now, its just Hope. The blue nuggets you get at the end of a run are just Hope. Also, instead of cashing your Hope into Hope Crystals, you now just get an amount of Hope equal to the difficulty. Easy peasy. Second, the meter is just Despair. It starts at 0 and goes up to 100. When you die, you gain 30 Despair, but you can also gain and lose it through many different items and levels. If you die, and you have 100 Despair already, you will succumb to the Despair, and the Witch will have her way with you.
Thanks for playing my game, people CLYDE Bugs - Mini bosses should no longer lead to a full run - Obsidian Staff power move no longer does absurd broken no-good damage - Fixed crash with empty meld slot - Heros Courage blessing works correctly now - Effects that reduce your healing will no longer prevent a full heal from completing a run Balance - Increased difficulty scaling - Melded stats that overlap are no longer doubled - Lowered overall Ember drop rate, now that they drop at higher levels - Added soft and hard cap for crit chance - Reduced damage from Singularities - Elixirs and Fruit now scale with level. Potion level bonuses are now applied to both - Coffers reward room is a little farther out, making it harder to steal the goods Misc. - Reworked Heart of Greed unique amulet, so its not just a gimmick item - Void Embers and Embers of Heroism can now be combined - Melded items can now have Embers of Heroism applied, if the main item is fully upgraded - Capped the time it takes for the Statue of the Mother to dispense Hope

[ 2024-07-16 00:09:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ember Mania

Today's update focuses a lot on how Ember drops work. Basically, it is a lot easier to get high level Embers later in the game. No more seeing 20 Dull Embers sitting on the ground beyond the gates of despair. This update will shorten play time, but I'd rather have the game be shorter and more fun. Hopefully it also lets you experiment more, as its not so difficult to upgrade random pieces of equipment. Bugs

  • I had accidentally introduced a bunch of lag, should be better now
  • CRT filter wont automatically toggle back on when loading the game
  • Blessings/Curses can now be picked up, even with full inventory
  • Fixed Guillames Shot power move
  • Capped movement lock when attacking with slower weps
  • Attack Dash (from Roarkes Kilt) no longer locks you into a super long dash
  • Foraging Guide potion quality bonus should apply more uniformly to all potions
  • Fixed interaction between Bomba Bow/Hand Cannon and Grenadier Gloves
  • All Fishing rewards are now guaranteed to be picked up
  • Fixed Repulsion Totem
  • Convergence level now shows proper enemy count
  • Fixed Guillames Soultrap
  • Killing the first guy in the Bombardment doesnt end the level
  • Rebuilt Ember spawning. They are far more likely to be of the appropriate tier now
  • Rebuilt a lot of the damage calculations
  • Reworked Devilish Spirit
  • Silken Blade barrier is smaller, and regenerates less frequently
  • Crystal Staff shards now do proper damage
  • Increased Health on Leos Greaves
  • Reduced damage from Burning, when its on the player
  • Increased Health from items
  • Improved scaling on Jazerant
  • Reduced the overall darkness of the game
  • Stygiana level is now about finding the exit, not clearing all the monsters
  • Reduced the room size in the Carnarium
  • Using an Ember of Heroism will now reduce the level, instead of consuming it
  • Extracting a level 7-10 item will now give an Ember of Heroism with the correct level
  • Reduced lag from Hollow Pulex
  • You can now use the shortcut to equip runes into slots other than the first
  • Remaining Enemies display is now more accurate
  • 3 new Heroic items

[ 2024-07-12 18:56:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Balance, Balance, Balance

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. - Thomas Aquinas Todays update is a massive rebalancing. Until now, the balance has been more art than science (art as in: childrens finger paintings). This update brings some more science to it. A handful of overwhelmingly powerful items have been brought in line. A huge amount of bad items have been improved. Ive put some serious thought into what my goals for balance are, and then went and touched every single enemy and item to try and fit that goal. Im sure I missed it in some areas, but I think overall we are getting a lot closer. Thanks again for all your patience, feedback, ideas, and enthusiasm. Together I think we can make this game quite good. As always, please let me know what you think is working, or isnt working. Overall, later areas should be significantly harder. But if you feel that this update really makes your build bad, please let me know what youre using and I will look into it. Bugs - Hammer of Wotana now only multiplies attacks on power move, not regular move - Fixed Shock Stickers power move - Fixed Vances Peeler power move - Fixed Pain on Kill from Heirloom - Fixed Thunder Staff Power move - Fixed the Hot Shot power move - Fixed burning status effect sprite - Fixed Steeleye Circlet to actually do damage - Early Bosses can no longer be stunned (though their poise can still be broken) - Fix stat soft cap Balance - Increased overall scaling. Later areas should be harder now - All enemies have been rebalanced - Nearly every single item has been rebalanced - Enemy tracking now tapers off as they wind up, making it easier to avoid them - Player and Enemy poise now resets to full after breaking - Removed the Health Steal stat. Replaced it with Health per Kill - Replaced Barrier Health Steal with Barrier Heal (any heal effect also goes to your Barrier) - IMPROVEMENTS - All projectiles pierce now, substantially buffing all bows and many staffs - Increased the size of nearly every melee attack - Forking no longer subdivides the forked projectiles damage - REDUCTIONS - Overlapping properties on melded items compute differently - Reduced execution damage from 10x base DPS, to 10x attack damage - Lowered the drop rate of Embers in the Embermine - Power moves now do 200% more damage inherently, instead of 400% Misc. - Added Heroic Embers, allowing items to be upgraded to Refinement Level 10. These can not be crafted, only dropped beyond the Gates of Despair - Savage Dictolydium is now Legendary - Desiderata is now Rare - The Warrior Poet is now Uncommon - Reworked the Hock Choppers power move - Reworked the Longbows power move - An areas mini-boss must be defeated before attempting the Seal Additions - 1 new legendary spear

[ 2024-07-08 21:44:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

The Gates of Despair and Heroic Items

This weeks update finally opens the Gates of Despair Beyond the gates are 50 more challenge levels. Each run pulls randomly from all 5 previous areas. The challenge starts building more and more, so as you advance, youll need to get increasingly broken in your build to survive.
And to that end, Ive introduced a new rarity of item: Heroic, and designed 26 new items for this tier. These items are very rare, more rare than Legendary items, and they only start dropping beyond the Gates of Despair. These items are my take on Set Items. What I dont like about Set Items from others games, is that they end up as the developers making your build for you. Wheres the fun in that? So while each of the 3 items in each set are very powerful, and are meant to synergize well, there is no explicit bonus for using them together. Some builds might use all 3, others might just want one of them. Its all up to you. This is my first stab at end-game content. Getting the balance right on all of this is hard, Im sure youve had one of your builds nerfed at one point or another. Thats not exactly fun, for you or for me, but my long term goal with this game is to make it as deep and fun as possible, and that unfortunately does require some balancing. If you feel the Gates of Despair is too hard, or too easy, or some item is overpowered or underpowered, please let me know. Your feedback is my compass in this wilderness. I suspect that with this new level of challenge, a lot of items will prove to be too weak, and might need some buffs. Anyway, there is more in store. Thanks for sticking with me and playing my game. - CLYDE Bugs - Witch Trials map no longer shows at the end of runs in place of the regular map Balance - Each area no longer enforces a specific progression, you can tackle the levels in any order you wish - The entrance fee for each area has been substantially increased - Removed the gated doors from the Forge, Craftsman, and Alchemist in the Refuge - The Intro section now leads to the Coffers or Cemetery, instead of the Sanguinary or Cemetery - Lowered Coin scaling amounts in later areas - Increased the Coins you get from the Coffers - Improved the potential rewards for looting graves in the Cemetery

[ 2024-06-22 00:59:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 6/14/2024

This week Ive mostly been working on the Gates of Despair end-game area. Todays update is just a few other bugs, balance, etc Items I wanted to get out. I hope to have the Gates of Despair ready next week. Thanks for playing everyone. Bugs

  • Using the Build Dummy will no longer swap your helmet and armor
  • Blessing of Warmth will now always last the duration of a run
  • Fruit from the Gardener now lasts 4 levels, like Curses and Blessings, instead of 1
  • Repulsion Totem should no longer cause the game to crash
  • Meteor effect fixed
  • Bosses and mini-bosses are no longer at the end of a run. To compensate, the bosses themselves are harder
  • I had accidentally nerfed Health Steal way more than intended. Its fixed now. It is probably still OP, so I will look at it again soon
  • Now that you can only equip 4 Runes, I have significantly buffed almost all of them
  • Health costs for doors and such can now be paid even if you dont have enough Health. It will just kill you if you dont have enough.
  • New projectile and attack effect art

[ 2024-06-14 20:29:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

Balance Update

I've been getting feedback that the Palace area is too punishing. I've rebalanced it, so it's not so ridiculous now. Also, the Marquess mini-boss has the wrong weapon, and was dealing over 10x the damage he was meant to. Thanks for your patience, if you found the area too difficult, give it another shot and let me know what you think.

[ 2024-06-09 18:53:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

The Palace of the Witch

No pleasure is a bad thing in itself: but the means which produce some pleasures bring with them disturbances many times greater than the pleasures. - Epicurus
Today I have released the fifth area: The Palace of the Witch. There are new enemies, levels, two new bosses, and some new items. Now that the area is out, there are no more Early Access areas which are just the same level over and over again. But thats not to say each area is done. I still plan to go through and add more levels and variety and secrets to each area. But the next step now, is (finally) some actual end-game content. While you might be able to break all the Seals locking the Gates of Despair, the area is not accessible yet, so the doors wont be opening. But soon they will part, and hopefully bring the game to the next level. There will be some serious challenges and rewards available beyond those doors. Thanks for playing my game, everyone CLYDE

[ 2024-06-07 19:26:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

Quality of Life Update

Today's update is mostly QoL features that I've wanted to get in. Chief among them, is Build Storage. This is a dummy placed near the Forge, which will let you store up to 10 complete builds. With the press of a button, you can swap them on and off. Additionally, you can now compare items to ones you have equipped, and hover over stats to view more details about them in the Stats panel. I hope this makes it a bit easier and more fun to experiment with different builds. Bugs

  • Fixed various random crashes
  • Lich will no longer start at high level
  • Umbral Gate doors will no longer stay open after opening them once
  • Test of Might and Respite now show the correct tileset in the River area
  • With all 5 Lich Curses, hope will correctly show 0 at the end of a level
  • Columns no longer spawn in Dockyard, blocking enemies
  • Spinners in the Spinner Tunnels should spawn behind the door less often
  • You can no longer use the Scholarium books over and over again
  • Hollow Infernus damage reduced, and spawn rate lowered
  • >100% Slog Resistance wont send you careening through the River (but it will still speed you up)
  • Area boss fights are now at the end of a run, like mini-bosses
  • All blessings, curses, and potions are now lost when dying
  • On Hit effects (like firestrike, health loss/gain on crit, etc) now consider the amount of attacks/projectiles you create with each attack
  • Campfire blessing will now last longer when upgraded
  • Base Barrier Regeneration rate increased 500%
  • Increased scaling on Rune of the Boar
  • There is now a Build Storage dummy, near the Forge. This will let you store up to 10 complete builds, and swap between them easily.
  • Holding Shift/L-Trigger will compare the item youre hovering on to the one equipped in that slot
  • Stats in the Stats Panel can now be hovered for more information about their effect
  • More NPCs will appear in the Prisoners Log
  • Embers of level 5 or higher can now be upgraded without another Ember. Put them in the Forges Ember slot (and make sure the Item Slot is open, for any remainders)
  • More levels properly track remaining enemies
  • Made the books in the Library a bit darker, so enemies stand out better
  • Ronan and Roarke health bars disappear after defeating them
  • Fished items should now be more reachable

[ 2024-05-24 01:18:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

The Halls of Shadow

All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle. - St. Francis This weeks update realizes the fourth area of the game, the Halls of Shadow. This place is dark, with strange hopeless creatures crawling about. Figures long lost to the darkness of the Necrovale. There are new enemies, new challenges, new items and experiences. The area is focused on Curses. Throughout the area, enemies might randomly curse you when they die. However, a curse is not simply a bad thing. Every curse is a price you pay for some other benefit. You may find people and places in the Halls of Shadow that feed off of curses, too. As for whats coming next, I will start work on the fifth and final area, the Palace of the Witch. In a few weeks I should have that ready to go. In the meantime, I will get out quality of life updates, bug fixes, and additional content. After the fifth area is out, my focus will shift to adding end-game areas. This is where I think the game will really come alive and open new dimensions to the gameplay. Thanks for sticking with me throughout the process. CLYDE

[ 2024-05-17 20:36:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Balance and Challenge

Todays update focuses on balance. Because of the way builds worked, the game would eventually start to get really easy. Thats fun for a while, but it feels a lot better to make a powerful build if there is an actual challenge for it to overcome. So with this update, the first two areas should feel roughly the same. But starting in the River of Souls, the challenge will start to increase more rapidly from how it previously worked. By the time youre at the Palace of the Witch, there should be some more serious resistance to your machine of destruction. Possibly the most significant change now, is that defensive stats actually will start to matter. Enemy damage scales differently now, so if you come in to later areas with no defenses, you might get flattened. Remember, this is all a work in progress, things can change. I count on your feedback to let me know how things are feeling. Im making the game, but at the end of the day, you are the ones spending your time in this world. What you think matters. I hope youll give this update a chance, and let me know what you think. Thanks for playing my game, people. Bugs

  • Cursor properly aligns with potion slots on Gamepad now
  • Buyback button can now be accessed with the Gamepad
  • Increased base ember drop rate by 50%
  • Curse of Sorrow from the Sorrowell now only reduces attack speed by 20%, and it adds +1 ember quality
  • Levels should repeat less often during a run, especially when using levels like the Sewers
  • Flameseeker can be upgraded now
  • Courtyard, Plaza, and Terrace doors cost Hope Crystals instead of Coins now

[ 2024-05-08 19:13:40 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hornslack Ruins Update

Todays update mostly spruces up the Hornslack Ruins area. There is a new enemy, the Crusher, and a few new levels. Other levels have been improved in their rewards, notably the Garden. This has long been a stinker of a room, so hopefully the changes make it into an great room. Let me know what you think. Im building up to fully releasing the next area: The Halls of Shadow. So about half of my time is currently spent working on that, the other half on weekly content. So apologies if this update is a bit smaller than usual. It will be worth it, I think. Balance

  • The Gardeners fruits have been significantly improved
  • Elemental Whirlwind amulet adds more damage for each ailment now (Yggdrasil)
  • Observatory has fewer waves, with each one being larger
  • Reworked how Rarity Chance works, and increased value from Merchants Boots
  • Circular rooms have a more even distribution of doodads. Thanks to the math gang: November, Evarika, and Pell
  • Many item rarities have been shifted
  • New Ruins levels: Scholarium, Bombardment, Innocents Folly, Garrison
  • New Ruins Enemy: Cretin Crusher

[ 2024-05-03 20:59:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 4/28/2024


  • Kite Shield icon fixed
  • Emerald and Sapphire Rune have the correct element strike now
  • Level text doesnt overlap the enemy counter now
  • Bottom-left inventory slots are no longer mixed up on the gamepad
  • Magna Bestia and Spirithorses no longer one-shot you
  • Magna Bestia fight is less laggy
  • Stormtouch gauntlets no longer transfer their lightning to your projectiles
  • Gobbling potions with the Tosspot will no longer crash the game
  • Dart Gun power move poise damage massively increased, and pierce added
  • Drinking the Cowards Tonic now immediately fills your barrier
  • The Wellspring now fully heals you, instead of just a small heal
  • Slogging in the River doesnt slow you down as much
  • Necrotower spawn rate slowed down
  • Higher rarity enemies are much more likely to drop things now
  • Vengeful Amulet causes you to take more damage now
  • Audio now mutes when the game loses focus
  • Paying a resource cost is faster now
  • Damage and Attacks per Second now appear at the top of weapon stat lists
  • Statue of the Watcher upgrade capped at 10 levels. His entrance was also made a bit more visible, and a gate was added.
  • Items info popup when melding will show the final form of the item when you hover it
  • Item info popup for the forge should be more consistent in showing the right values

[ 2024-04-29 05:44:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Feedback, Bugs, and Runes

Todays update is a big hodgepodge, mostly consistent of implementing feedback. To cut through the big list, here are what I think are the most important takeaways:

  • You can get Uniques you unlocked now. If you trade a Unique at the Coward, it will be in the rotation of items that show up.
  • Many levels that were annoying (Slime Pits, Rats Next, Floodplain, Wraithbog, etc) should be less annoying now
  • You can buyback items from the Merchant now. Also, its a little harder to accidentally sell something.
  • Now that there are Rune Slots, instead of them occupying your inventory, Ive added 8 Common Runes and 8 Uncommon Runes
  • The Stash starts with a whole page unlocked, and upgrading it now unlocks entire pages, up to 10
Note: The Linux/SteamDeck build is delayed. My Linux laptop just gave out, once I replace it I will get those builds up ASAP. Bugs
  • Cretin Sapper bombs no longer do 4x damage
  • Grip Mitts now properly increase attack speed
  • Juggernaut Helm now only knocks back on rolling, like intended
  • The camera now resets when you give your life to the Seraph
  • Dwarven Brew now applies properly
  • Fixed Slime Pit level generation
  • Ember Drop Rate stat now effects the crystals in the Embermine
  • Merchant gives his gift properly now on his final upgrade
  • Levels that drop Embers will consistently apply Ember Quality buffs
  • Upgrading the Mystic after talking to him will now properly give you the second blessing
  • Completely rebalanced Coin economy
  • Adrift Wraiths attack slower
  • Slightly reduced Gossamer Hood barrier
  • Floodplain has more torches to guide you, and spawns fewer enemies
  • Barrier scaling on the Protective Spirit reduced
  • Increased Hope Gained from Scouring Agent
  • Embermine crystals can now drop higher tier embers
  • Phantoms can no longer teleport to you from so far away
  • Reworked Cult Symbol. Now it only stuns enemies when you break someones poise. But then stun lasts a lot longer and the range is much higher.
  • Killing a Boss now awards an extra 50 Hope
  • Jazerant now only effects actual health lost, damage to your barrier will not be effected
  • Wraithbog is less of a slog
  • Slime enemies have less health
  • Rats, Slimes, Bats, and Spiders do less damage
  • Rats are slightly slower
  • Reduced spawn rates of Rats in the Rats Nest, and made the hallways wider
  • Underwoods Curse health steal reduced, health drain increased
  • Sunseekers Psalm does a smaller % damage against bosses
  • The Execution effect now adds 10x of your total DPS to the attack, instead of 10x the attacks damage
  • The current level name is now always displayed
  • Added a Stash chest near the Forge in the refuge, and to the Foundry level
  • Reversed the order of the doors in the Ruins Antechamber. Later levels are closer to the entrance
  • Blocking no longer prevents 100% of damage. Instead, there is a blocking defense stat. If you block an an attack, this reduces the damage after all other calculations have gone through.
  • Blocking an attack takes less poise now
  • Scatterbang Inaccuracy stat now shows as red
  • Marshwood trees should no longer block the exit
  • Listening to the Harlot sing no longer takes away control, and she is a bit closer to the door
  • The space around The Anguished boss chest is cleared when it drops
  • Game background is now pure black instead of slightly off-black
  • Using the shortcut to sell an item now requires you to hold Shift/Left Trigger, to prevent accidentally selling
  • The Stash now starts with the whole first page unlocked. Upgrading unlocks additional pages
  • You can now buy back items you sold to the Merchant
  • Trading Unique items to the Coward now lets you re-obtain Uniques you got previously
  • Floodplain level now only spawns Phantoms and Wraiths, no enemies that run away
  • When a projectile bounces off a wall, it can hit any character its already hit again (Mangrove Staff buff)
  • Stats panel now shows equipped Weapon stats
  • 8 Common Runes
  • 8 Uncommon Runes
  • 2 Common Offhands
  • 1 Rare Offhand

[ 2024-04-26 21:50:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

The River of Souls

Let death and exile, and all other things which appear terrible, be daily before your eyes, but chiefly death, and you will never entertain any abject thought, nor too eagerly covet anything. - The Enchiridion Greetings Strangers Todays update fleshes out the third zone, the River of Souls. There are new enemies, new levels, new NPCs, new Unique items, and more. I really want each of the five zones to feel unique, and feel fun to explore, while also presenting interesting challenges. I hope you enjoy the new content, and keep the feedback coming. Thanks for playing my game! CLYDE

[ 2024-04-19 22:32:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

The Seal of Shame

Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individuals conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. - Jung Greetings, Strangers Today, the Seal of Shame opens. Two bosses have been added to the Halls of Shadow area. On launch, I only had two boss fights complete, now there are eight. With every one, I learn more, and soon will be able to go back to earlier ones and improve them as well. I want each one to end up as an epic and unique challenge. I know many players have extremely powerful builds, so going back to these bosses and fighting them is like shredding tissue paper. I appreciate your patience on that, just know that in the end-game areas, these bosses will reappear in far more powerful forms. I am steadily working towards that point, and look forward to seeing just what youre able to achieve Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and feedback, it really helps improve the game. I really see Early Access as a collaboration between myself and the players, which I think will end up making something far greater than I could have achieved by myself. If you have thoughts on what youd like to see more of (or less of), feel free to let me know. Thanks, CLYDE

[ 2024-04-04 19:46:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes - 3/31/2024


  • NPCs can no longer be pushed around
  • Merchant Reroll button no longer needs to be un-hovered to click again
  • Hope/Power values displayed in the HUD and in the pop-up now match
  • Tooltips appear above other UI elements again
  • Eagle Talon stats fixed
  • The Fool Card now works on Dodging, as well as Evading
  • Improved performance in areas with a lot of Doodads
  • Other performance improvements
  • Power Meter now fits into its frame better
  • Emission projectiles are quieter

[ 2024-04-01 04:31:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Item Drop #2 and Item Design Winners

Greetings Strangers, First off, thanks everyone who submitted an item to the competition. There were so many great and creative entries. I only meant to pick 1, but ended up making 7. Wish I could have made even more! Perhaps with the next item drop. The six winners are (seventh is a secret) [olist]

  • Vlads Grimoire - Evarika
  • Hunters Broach - Skwerly
  • Dwarven Brew - Skwerly
  • Cowards Lantern - Fweburary
  • Quicksteppers - Evarika
  • Ramiels Shamshir - Bjornskarn [/olist] Including those awesome items, Ive added 48 new items:
    • Melee Weapons: 1 Unique, 1 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 1 Common
    • Ranged Weapons: 1 Common
    • Off-hands: 2 Uncommon
    • Armor: 2 Legendary, 1 Rare, 2 Common
    • Gloves: 3 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 1 Common
    • Boots: 4 Legendary, 2 Uncommon, 1 Common
    • Amulets: 1 Legendary, 3 Rare, 3 Uncommon, 3 Common
    • Books: 3 Legendary, 2 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 2 Common
    • Runes: 1 Legendary, 4 Rare
    • Potions: 1 Rare
    As always, thanks for playing my game. - CLYDE

  • [ 2024-03-29 18:37:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 3/23/2024


    • Embers can no longer be extracted from Potions, Embers, or Collectibles
    • Hitting Escape during the intro will no longer get you stuck there
    • Cursor should align properly now on Ultrawide monitors
    • Aim Assist and Trigger Threshold settings will now persist properly
    • Prevent situation where attack button becomes disabled
    • The Tosspot no longer triggers when moving a potion around your inventory
    • Melding positive and negative stats together no longer causes a NaN value
    • Singularities gloves now work with melee attacks
    • Significantly increased chance for Barbed Key / Wishing Well Charm to drop
    • Adrift enemies (in the River of Souls) now wear armor
    • Landing on Death in the Jack-Pot is more challenging
    • Reduced Singularities base stat
    • Removed delay on Item Info popups for inventory slots
    • Right mouse/Y on an item in the stash will send it to your inventory
    • Upgrading an item with an upgraded Ember will remove a tier from the Ember instead of consuming it
    • If you combine two Embers with a total quality greater than 5, the remainder will be left as its own ember

    [ 2024-03-23 23:14:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

    The Seal of Ire

    The contact of the senses with the worldly objects gives rise to fleeting perceptions of happiness and distress. They are non-permanent and come and go. Bear them patiently. - The Bhagavad Gita The Seal of Ire has opened This week, Ive been hard at work building out the boss and mini-boss for the third area, the River of Souls. The few bosses so far is the biggest weakness of the game at the moment, I believe. So I will focus on getting more bosses in before adding more enemies and levels and such. This update also includes a lot of groundwork for future bosses, and for the River of Souls area in general. I rebuilt the level layouts so that you can walk out into the water. However, there is a cost to be paid for wading into the River. I hope this will open many interesting gameplay possibilities in the future. Thanks for playing my game. P.S. I am currently running an item design competition. Find some info on Discord or the Steam Forum. If you have an idea for an item youd like to see made, feel free to submit it.

    [ 2024-03-22 21:15:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 3/15/2024


    • Cobra Necklace pierce chance now calculates correctly (Exe)
    • Blocking an attack removes poise again
    • Bosses can no longer be hit while in dialog
    • Costs that ask for an item will only take one copy of the item, not all of them
    • When clearing a level, the correct amount of Hope is displayed
    • Boss difficulty correctly scales now
    • The Loculus will no longer ask for your Runes
    • The Kennels gate opening trigger is lower, making it harder to cheese the pups
    • Campfire now gives you some Health when you interact with it
    • The Siege and The Exiles Hold now have fewer enemies/waves
    • Reduced the Hope cost of Invoking the Witch. Also changed the curse. Now its +50% Damage, -50% Hope Gain
    • Some work on difficulty scaling
    • Reduced Sorrowell Hope cost (gokotai)
    • Adjusted Test of Might damage thresholds
    • Costs that ask for an item can no longer be pulled from your Stash
    • Added slight delay to item info popup, so potion info doesnt obscure game while playing
    • Matadors Mandoletinas are now Rare instead of Legendary
    • Item icons now show their melds and their Refinement Level (big thanks to macgrubber7)
    • Right Mouse/Y now acts as a contextual shortcut for handling items. Selling them, sending them to the stash, equipping, etc

    [ 2024-03-15 18:32:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 3/12/2024


    • Projectile bounce damage now keys off the base projectile damage, instead of the players DPS
    • Potions and Active Effects should no longer be covered by the inventory menu on certain resolutions
    • Savage Dictolydium no longer increases potion duration with the Potent Reagent
    • The Mystic once again gives his wisdom blessings
    • Fixed Ember Quality Bonus stat, should work properly now
    • Hope per Level stat now works properly
    • Increased base Bomb Arrow speed
    • Massively reduced cost of upgrading the Stash
    • Monkey Hide Gloves are now Legendary
    • Slickice Boots now scale
    • Converted many multiplicative properties into additive properties
    • Ratfingers no longer have coin pickup dist stat
    • Added 3 additional Stash pages
    • Numerical values for health, power, and hope now show on the meters (can be toggled off)

    [ 2024-03-12 22:44:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

    The Hornslack Ruins

    From his great height he can see for miles around, and one thing he sees puzzles him: The floor of the valley is dotted with craft just like hisnot crashed, simply abandoned. Why, he wonders, arent these craft in the air instead of sitting on the ground? What sort of fools would abandon their aircraft when they could be enjoying the freedom of the air? - Ishmael Its been a little over a month now since launch. The amount of feedback, ideas, love, and broken builds since then has been staggering. I dont think I can really express how grateful I am to everyone for playing my game, so I wont even try. Todays update is the first major content update for the game. Ive built out the second area, the Hornslack Ruins, with new enemies, levels, bosses, and a few items too. Im excited for people to get in and try it out. It feels good to get back to making content, though there is still a lot of bug fixing and QoL to get done as well. As always, I love hearing your thoughts and ideas. Thanks for playing my game, people. Bugs

    • Fixed adds in the Ronan & Roarke boss fight
    • Fixed length of Dominarium level
    • The Gameplay Options menu can now be navigated corretly with a gamepad
    • Crystal of Hope rewards are now calculated correctly
    • Reduced enemy level scaling
    • Draugur Commander is more formidable
    • Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary enemies are more powerful
    • Experimental Change: Melee attacks now interrupt enemies. This might be too powerful, but the goal is to make melee weapons more viable.
    • Coins automatically start chasing the player after dropping
    • Campfire blessing is applied automatically upon entering the Refuge
    • Removed The from level names, for more clarity

    [ 2024-03-04 06:33:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/26/2024


    • The extra Crystals of Hope reward leftover from the Temple of Hope has been removed
    • On Windows, attempt at fixing PS4 controllers
    • Game Scripts are properly cleared when exiting to menus
    • Items/Embers can no longer be lost when closing the Forge menu (Kayroky)
    • Alchemist potions no longer scale with his level, but with the level he states (+1 after level 2)
    • Blessing display now updates between Refinement Level upgrades
    • The number of Crystals of Hope given at 100% Hope has been increased
    • Individual level length no longer scales with difficulty, but only with progress into your run (run length still scales up)
    • Base level length has been increased
    • Reduced Strange Brew application time
    • Improved Refinement Level scaling on potions
    • Feedback Panel now scales with larger monitors
    • Reduces high-end on the coin pickup/sell sound
    • Removed Cretin Shaman

    [ 2024-02-27 06:05:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

    On Hope and Despair

    The Hope/Despair system has always been a bit of an oddity. Often it feels irrelevant, as there are few rewards for having a lot of it. Sometimes it feels like an annoyance, as when youre struggling, it can further punish you. So todays update is an attempt at giving it more of an identity, and more of a function. Previously, picking up Hope Crystals gave you Hope. Now that works the other way: You can turn your Hope into Hope Crystals. At the end of a run, praying to The Mother will convert any hope youve earned into Hope Crystals, which you can spend as normal. And as for earning Hope, it no longer drains while fighting, and you get a certain amount every time you clear a Combat level. Without any other interactions, you will reach the end of a normal run with about 50 Hope, which will net you half the Crystal Reward from that level. However, any additional Hope you earn during the run will net you extra Hope Crystals. It works the other way, too. Any Hope you spend during the run, will be fewer Crystals you earn at the end. My hope, is that this new system will start leading to some really interesting decision making in the game. As development proceeds, levels will more and more be asking, how many Crystals are you willing to give up to get a leg-up? How much challenge are you willing to accept to get more Crystals? Thanks for playing my game, everyone. As usual, I love hearing your feedback. I will be listening. I dont always get things right the first time. In the end, the game is for you, the people choosing to spend time in this world.

    [ 2024-02-22 02:41:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/19/2024


    • Melee attacks in sequence no longer reset earlier attacks
    • Individual melee attacks can no longer hit an enemy multiple times
    • Attack Damage Gain is no longer exponential on Melee Attacks
    • Cretins Poker no longer misses enemies next to you
    • Health Steal is now limited to the current health of the enemy. In other words, doing 1,000,000 damage to an enemy with 1% Health Steal wont net you 10,000 health. Instead, it will get you, at most, all of his remaining health
    • Reduced scaling on Winklepickers
    • Deadeye pierce chance lowered, but now scales
    • Pierce is now calculated on a per-hit basis
    • Extra Targets stat has been removed
    • Cobra Bow now has inherent pierce and seeking stats
    • Cobra Necklace now grants pierce and seeking stats, negative damage modifier has been removed
    • Slightly reduced pierce scaling on Heavy Strap
    • All active items (potions, blessings, curses) are now cleared when finishing a run
    • After The Harlot sings in the Refuge, the music returns to the correct track
    • Projectile Seeking is now a percentage, denoting how strong the seeking effect is

    [ 2024-02-19 23:37:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/16/2024


    • Prevent Brightness slider from going under 100%
    • Bluetooth Xbox controllers should now work on Linux/SteamDeck
    • Many other random controllers should work out of the box
    • The Coward will now kick out items you leave in the trade window when it closes
    • The Encampment is no longer a blood-bath
    • Rebuilt enemy spawning algorithm. Should better adhere to the correct point value for a level now.
    • Hammer of Wotana power move should no longer crash the game with high Attack Count
    • If the Coin Tally in the bottom right flips between negative and positive, it will reset
    • With vsync off, the frame rate can no longer go into the thousands and cause so much coil whine
    • Straggler enemies are no longer killed. Instead, the level will just complete.
    • You can no longer heal the Innocent after the event completes
    • Many things in the works

    [ 2024-02-17 01:24:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Accessibility and Usability Updates - 2/14/2024

    Greetings Strangers, Today's update focuses on improving the accessibility and usability of the game. That consists of three things: Save Slots Previously, it was a bit of a janky operation to start over. You had to navigate into hidden folders, delete files, prevent SteamCloud from replacing them, etc... Plus, you could only have one save at a time. With this update, there are now 4 save slots, and they can be deleted from in the game, like you would expect. High Contrast Mode I got some great feedback from colorblind players that certain things were difficult or impossible to parse. To address this, I've added a High Contrast Mode under the "Usability" options menu. Currently, it modifies certain colors in the Item Info popup that appears when you hover over an item. If you are colorblind, please let me know about any other difficulties you are having. I will add to the High Contrast mode so that it is more pleasant. Aim Assist This is a feature I've wanted to get in for a long while. Not only for the accessibility, but because I believe it makes play on a controller much more fun and intuitive. The option now exists under the "Gameplay" menu, as a percentage. What does it mean exactly? On a Gamepad, it specifies what percentage of a 90 degree window aim assist will correct within. On a mouse, it specifies how far from a target the aim assist will activate. As an example, at 100% on a mouse, clicking "anywhere close to" an enemy will adjust to be right on top of the enemy. At 10%, there is a small margin around the enemy where it will be corrected. At 0%, it will function as it did previously, giving you precise control. On a Gamepad, 100% means that the nearest enemy to your "actual" aim, within 45 degrees on either side, will be automatically targeted. At 10%, it is only a small margin around which the aim will automatically click onto the target. Full Notes Bugs

    • Elemental strike statuses are now calculated correctly
    • Winklepickers now scale their amulet effect
    • Performance improvements
    • Exploding attacks only happen at the end of fork chains
    • Multiple projectiles from fork chains are pinched into fewer projectiles (the total damage is preserved)
    • Stats are applied in three passes now: Additive, Multiplicative, Assignment
    • Save Slots and save slot management added
    • Added High Contrast mode to the Usability Options. If you have color blindness, please keep reporting anything that is unclear, and I will work on it. Thanks.
    • Added an Aim Assist setting. The percentage can be adjust for a wider/narrower window of adjustment

    [ 2024-02-14 23:47:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/12/2024


    • Embers will no longer drop at Refinement Level 0
    • Attack Speed modifiers now interact with slower attacks properly
    • Attack Range now interacts properly with melee weapons with an inward motion (Hooked Claws)
    • Attack Dash now stacks properly between weapons and armor
    • Forked projectiles now properly divide up their damage
    • Large numbers of Melee Attack no longer push you backwards
    • All Melee attacks have had their size increased
    • All Elemental Status effects (frozen, burning, electrified) have been converted to a % chance of application.
    • Reduced damage % of Links of Carnage
    • Forked Projectiles can now hit targets their parents already hit
    • Heart of Greed lost its positive stats. Reason: I want people making fun builds, not having to use their slots for magic find. Other magic find items will be dealt with later, and other ways to increase magic find will be built out (blessings)
    • Elemental Whirlwind amulet fixed, upgraded to Legendary, and stats adjusted
    • Reduced scaling on Heart of Courage
    • Executioners Axe fixed, increased Execution Despair
    • Greed Tonic coin drop rate is now additive
    • Increased Poise Damage on Maulers
    • Chain Lightning only chains off of hitting electrified enemies
    • Updated backend libraries. Should resolve some crashes/hangs
    • Embers now show their Quality in their name
    • Projectiles and Attacks now represent all of their damage types in their color (Evarika)
    • Potion, Blessing, and Curse effects are now applied prior to items

    [ 2024-02-13 01:09:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/11/2024

    Hey everyone, its been a little over two weeks since launch. The feedback, support, ideas, and encouragement have been incredible. Thank you all for playing my game, sharing your thoughts, and leaving feedback and reviews. I have some exciting news: I found an amazing pixel artist to work with. Diogo is going to be joining the team, and helping to build out the game. These first two weeks have been non-stop bug fixing and balancing, but as the most critical bugs are resolved, Im able to get back to the fun stuff: content. New items, new levels, new enemies, new NPCs. With Diogos help, there will be a lot more of that in store. His first contribution. the player can face up and down now when they run! Hallelujah! Bugs

    • Fixed damage values on Third Eye and Golden Fingernail
    • The Bug Net can be traded to the Coward again
    • Attempt to catch the hangs-on-loading bug
    • Heart of Courage: Damage modifier is now additive, not multiplicative. Health penalty is greater. Slightly reduced base modifier.
    • Deep Freeze Amulet effect increased
    • Reduced evasion on Cowards Cloak
    • Heart of Greed had a few stats added, and was made Unique
    • All completed difficulties now continue to produce Crystals of Hope
    • Cobra Bow power move now more properly aligns with its description
    • Melded values now average with a geometric mean (Shmiddty)
    • Overlapping melded values are now improved
    • At max Despair, additional despair will be converted into damage
    • Event levels are less likely to repeat during a run
    • Player sprite can now face up/down while running (Diogo)
    • New Dungeon Levels: The Sorrowell, The Fireshrine, The Observatory, The Dominarium, The Kennels, The Bolthole, The Encampment, The Althing
    • Improved Dungeon Levels: The Cache
    • New NPC: The Flameseeker (Kharne)

    [ 2024-02-11 22:34:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/9/2024


    • Attack Mobility stat now functions properly
    • Visibility Bonus from Deadeye applies once again
    • Damage is now naturally spread over Attack Count and Attack Sequence
    • Core DPS calculation no longer effected by Attack Count/Sequence
    • Melee Weapons reach the apex of their reach earlier in their animation
    • Power Moves now have an inherent damage increase, instead of being specific to each weapon
    • Stinger Spear, Showmans Bow, Unruly Bow, Chaff Gun, Hotshot, Apocalypse Staff: damage adjust to account for this
    • Many Melee Weapons have had their attack size and range increased
    • Cobra Bow: damage increased
    • Apocalypse Staff: meteor count now scales with Refinement Level, and damage increased
    • Messenger of Death: changed from Uncommon to Rare
    • Deadeye: Added Projectile Speed modifier
    • Chaff Gun: Added Attack Range modifier
    • Bomba Bow: Added Projectile Speed stat
    • Crown of Elation: damage increased
    • Slipshot Wristwrap: Reduced Attack Speed scaling
    • Viperfists: Increased base Attack Speed stat
    • Matadors Mandoletinas: Increased Evasion Multiplier
    • Redoublers, Golden Fingernail, and Third Eye: now have only a positive damage modifier stat
    • Third Eye: Attack Count scales with every level now
    • Zaba Staff: attack shorter but much more consistent, power move improved
    • Longsword: Power move improved a lot
    • Runic Staff: Power move is larger and moves faster, and bounces instead of seeks
    • Spiked Knuckles: added Poise Damage stat
    • Shortbow: Power move attack size and damage increased
    • Dagger: Added Critical Strike Bonus stat
    • Showmans Bow: Power move spread narrowed
    • Dart Gun: Darts are more visible. Power move shoots more darts and they knockback more
    • Swift Bow: Power move is far more impressive, and added Projectile Speed stat
    • Club: Reduced damage
    • Cretins Poker: Make attack effect more clear
    • Thunders Staff: Increased Lightning Chains on power move
    • Hooked Claws: Added Poise Damage stat, reduced power move cost
    • Stardust Staff: Power move significantly improved
    • Wo Mur Ran: Base speed increased, power move fixed
    • Increase base controller dead-zone
    • Renamed Quality to Refinement Level (Amarok709)
    • Crown of Arrogance is quieter and less annoying
    • Cost to access The Craftsman has been reduced
    • Sharpened Pole rebranded as the Shillelagh
    • Removed Spear Length property
    Big balance update today. The tldr is that builds that create tons of projectiles are less powerful, but melee overall is more powerful. Remember, it's still a work in progress so feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks for everything

    [ 2024-02-09 20:01:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/7/2024


    • Xbox controllers now work over Bluetooth
    • On larger monitors, the right-most stash slots are no longer inaccessible
    • Lightning Size stat no longer applies to projectiles chained off of lightning
    • Reduced minimum joystick dead-zone
    • Monsters Guide no longer applies to bosses
    • Reduced scaling on Exploding Heart Technique
    • Coins can stack up to 1,000 now
    • Extend discard range on controller

    [ 2024-02-08 01:01:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/6/2024


    • Item Quality can no longer be a fractional value
    • Craftsman Blueprints no longer shows a fractional value
    • Watcher health bonus now matches the displayed bonus
    • DPS now calculates correctly for weapons with extra attacks or sequence
    • The correct number of saws now appear from the Links of Carnage
    • Links of Carnage with the Grenadier Gloves no longer leave ghost explosions everywhere
    • XBox Controller glyphs should show up properly (making progress on Bluetooth issues)
    • Most attack sequence and attack count modifiers are properly additive now
    • Wall of Suffering damage reduced
    • Increase Execution chance on Executioners Axe (Evarika)
    • The Coward will no longer accept Collectible items or Embers when trading
    • Only 20 active items will be rendered at once on the Potion Belt
    • Steam Cloud Save enabled for Windows and Linux/SteamOS
    • Praying to The Father now shatters all the Hopestone pots
    • 1 new Helmet (Evarika)

    [ 2024-02-07 00:22:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/5/2024


    • Coward should no longer alter Rarity or Type when upgraded. Instead, if there are no available items, he will start giving items you already have.
    • Seal of Arrogance no longer shows the wrong help text
    • Balor Mask now properly spreads fire between enemies, the distance scales, and will no longer kill you or your allies.
    • Seeking projectiles now work on the Boss
    • Fixed interaction between Ice Shards and Projectile Forks
    • The Ice Pillars from the Black Ice Charm now properly emit shards of ice
    • Clicking Continue Journey multiple times no longer loads the game multiple times
    • Resource/Interact prompts are hidden on death
    • Execution Chance on Executioners Axe has been lowered
    • Damage Gain on the Deadeye bow now scales
    • Increased Damage Gain on Avalanche Gloves
    • Potion Effect stat no longer applies to Blessings/Curses (but dont worry, Mystic farmers)
    • Rune of the Phoenix is now Unique
    • Links of Carnage is now additive with attack count, not multiplicative
    • The Innocent and The Exile no longer drop common rarity items
    • Reduced forks from mirrored locket
    • Mirrored Locket damage now scales
    • Dying adds significantly more Despair
    • Improved scaling on the Harlots Amulet (Evarika)
    • Projectile Fork Depth capped to 3
    • Ice Pillars produce fewer, but more damaging ice shards
    • Test of Might will no longer drop Common items
    • Forge now shows stat upgrades for melded items
    • Small numbers of stragglers in a level will be automatically killed (I will keep tuning things to prevent backtracking to find that one last enemy)
    • Fix typo in Monsters Guide
    • The Campfire now provides a blessing
    • Embers can now be combined at the forge, increasing their quality. Tier 5 will roll over into a higher rarity Ember
    • Training Dummy replaced with Malingerer
    • Destitute will now respond differently after you rob him
    • Power is now represented with a Green color
    • 1 new Rune
    • 1 new Book
    • 1 new Glove

    [ 2024-02-05 23:15:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/3/2024


    • Game should no longer Stack Overflow if it cant find an item of the correct type and rarity
    • Handful of Null Reference errors have been fixed
    • Enemy Adds in the Ronan & Roarke boss fight have been slowed, and dont start immediately
    • Despair now grows as the difficulty increases
    • Coward no longer returns an item of the wrong rarity/type if he cant find an item
    • Dash from the Wind Sword and Roarkes Kilt now stack (Waxxy)
    • Dash for Wind Sword and Roarkes Kilt has been increased
    • Dash added to Baylo Blade
    • Barrier values have been reduced
    • Only one Rune of each type will apply. Stacking Runes of the same type no longer works
    • Damage on Tiarnas mantle and Verglas Coat reduced
    • Splenetic Amulet doesnt produce as much power per kill
    • Prince of Thorns provides more power gain
    • Craft instructions are a bit more clear now, that melds are restricted to items of the same slot, not of the same rarity.
    • Weapon stats now only apply to the attacks/projectiles they create. (For instance, equipping a Chaff Gun will no longer cause the Firewalker boots to create thousands of projectiles)
    • You now pray to The Father, instead of The Mother for an item
    • Potion Gobbler is now called Potion Guzzler (Evarika)

    [ 2024-02-04 04:41:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/2/2024


    • Player speed can no longer reach insane levels (joseph)
    • Armory will no longer spawn duplicate items
    • Links of Carnage now works as subordinate item in a meld
    • Damage Gain no longer causes Links of Carnage damage to go infinite
    • Beating the Guardian of Arrogance flips the correct marker on the map
    • The Gardeners fruit, and the Strange Brew now properly give health
    • The Forge will no longer show ? as the upgraded property before reopening the popup
    • Heavy Bracers and Manhandlers now meld correctly
    • Pyromaniacs Choker now displays the burn rate stat correctly
    • Crown of Arrogance damage reduced a bit
    • Links of Carnage damage reduced
    • Item Quality is now capped at Tier 6
    • Projectile Bounce and Damage Gain are no longer an exponential. Instead, they add a % of your DPS every bounce/hit
    • Firewalker boots now do damage
    • The Father has a new form, thanks to Discord member Kharne
    • The Crystal of Hope is no longer a gumball, also thanks to Kharne
    • Projectile speed now makes Links of Carnage spin faster
    • Balor Mask fire spread range now considers attack range modifiers (brendon)
    • You can fight the Guardian of Arrogance more than once (extra loot will be added later)
    • Screenshakes are no longer additive. Multiple screenshakes at once shouldnt be as jarring
    • Links of Carnage no longer emit their own light
    • Sealed off the last 4 Seals

    [ 2024-02-03 05:40:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 2/1/2024


    • Drinking potions no longer alters your Potion Duration stat
    • NPC affection level wont be lost now when leaving the game after upgrading them
    • Draugur Necromancer dead allies will no longer collide with you
    • Innocent can no longer be healed after dying
    • You can no longer trigger the Test of Arrogance before entering the room
    • Potion effects now only count down while in an active level
    • Lowered the cost to access the Craftsman (throwaway)
    • Delve length caps out at difficulty level 50 (DrPhibes)
    • Enemies are more eager to attack the Innocent, instead of you
    • Fools Fount now requires a percentage of your health, not a flat amount
    • Increased the cost of the Wishing Well, and improved the rewards
    • Stash page buttons only visible now when you have a second page
    • Effects that respond to enemy damage are now called Wards (Kang)
    • Moving the mouse no longer puts the game back into Mouse+KB mode (Hopefully solving some of the controller issues)
    • Rune of the Worm and Rune of the Lizard no longer have the same icon
    • Gave enemy spawn points more padding from level edge, hopefully causing fewer instances where the enemy is pushed into the exit chamber
    • River/Halls/Palace door opening cutscene is now as fast as the Dungeon/Ruins one
    • Flags will no longer block the entry chamber in the Palace
    • New Innocent death animation, thanks to Discord member Kharne
    • Aligned Forge upgrade arrow in the UI
    • Aligned doors in the Armory better
    • Added help text for splitting items at the Craftsman (Lutcikaur)

    [ 2024-02-02 01:10:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch Notes - 1/31/24


    • Damage popup numbers are no longer capped at ~four billion
    • Blessing of the Watcher health bonus now effected by Heart of Courage
    • Ice Shards emitted from Ice Pillar no longer sit still
    • Gossamer Hood now properly reduces your health (Ouroboros)
    • Legendary item Links of Carnage is now pretty cool, not trash (Mich)
    • Rare item Heavy Strap has been improved
    • Cleats now provide poise as well as health
    • Coin Value no longer appears for Blessings/Curses
    • Active effects are no longer hidden behind potion bar when using a gamepad
    • Gamepad can now access active potion and blessing effects
    • Navigating down from the Shop menu now goes to the Potion Bar
    • Add Gamepad focus point to the right of the Inventory, allowing you to drop items
    • Secondary projectile sounds are quieter, and do not make an impact sound on walls (looking at you Crown of Arrogance)

    [ 2024-02-01 03:12:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Patch for 1/30/24


    • Crown of Storms now correctly triggers lightning chains
    • Fixed projectile forking
    • Projectile Speed increase no longer shortens projectile lifespan
    • Lightningstrike is now a property of the Thunder Staff, not inherent to lightning
    • Increased range of many bow
    • Decreased range of many staffs
    • Zaba Staff damage increased (this was a bad weapon for a long time. the fact that it accidentally became the most powerful weapon in the game for a while is hilarious. oops).
    • Disable a few incomplete levels (Jack-Pot, Wellspring)
    • Damage popups are now on by default
    • Coins can be picked up more quickly after they drop
    • The Witch has had a makeover, thanks to player Kharne
    • Can no longer trade potions to The Coward
    • 1 new Level
    • 1 new Amulet
    • 1 new Helmet
    • Training Dummy room in the Refuge
    • Doubled potential Stash space

    [ 2024-01-31 01:39:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Bugs, Balance, Misc.

    It's been an amazing month since launch. Oh wait, it's only been three days. Doesn't feel that way. The support, encouragement, feedback, and reviews have been wonderful to see. It feels like a strong wind in my sails, pushing me on to make this game everything it can be. This first week post-launch is dedicated to fixing bugs, balancing, and quality of life improvements. Once I feel things are smoothed out, I can get back to the fun stuff: new items, new levels, new enemies, new challenges. Below is a list of post-launch updates. Thanks for everything, Strangers... Bugs

    • The Links of Carnage item dropping no longer crashes the game
    • Opening Difficulty 26 door in the River area no longer crashes the game
    • Small handful of null reference error fixes
    • Fixed the power move on Cleghorns Block
    • Trading with The Coward now correctly follows the parameters listed
    • No longer roll in the wrong direction immediately upon entering a room
    • Chest in The Prison no longer puts the item out of bounds
    • Forge item info popup now properly shows all item stats
    • Coins are no longer taken on a failed meld
    • Closed infinite loop through The Sewers
    • You can no longer attack and roll while praying
    • Reloading the game no longer re-rolls items in The Armory
    • Reloading the game no longer re-rolls the ember in The Forge
    • Flamejet Staff now calculates burning damage correctly
    • Melding the Heart of Courage and Ruddy Chain no longer causes a 5,000% increase in health
    • Merchants Boots rarity bonus now shows up in stats correctly
    • Blessing of the Watcher now applies the correct amount of health
    • Running out of valid items at a rarity will no longer cause a stack overflow
    • Moving between nearby triggers no longer hides the upgrade prompt
    • Power move info now shows Key correctly in info pop
    • Potion Belt can now be accessed with a controller
    • Hope, Power, and Health meters can now be viewed with a controller
    • Items that modify move speed now meld correctly
    • Enemy power scaling is more gradual
    • In the Rats Nest, getting to the end of the level will kill all the rats and stop them from spawning
    • In the Boneyard, enemies will no longer get stuck on the edges of the map
    • In the Atrium level, waves of enemies dont spawn as fast
    • Wo Mur Ran no longer does infinite damage
    • Draugur Summoners can no longer resurrect each other, and their overall resurrect time is slower
    • Fewer allies in The Siege room, but they are more powerful, making the fight less confusing
    • At the Fools Fount, your barrier will no longer absorb the sacrificed health
    • The Warrior Poet book now generates a lot more power
    • The Exile and The Innocent are a bit less tanky
    • Health Globs now heal a % of your health, instead of a flat value
    • Increase hit box size of Slime enemies
    • Bomb throwing enemies in the Hornslack Ruins have a much longer wind-up time
    • Increased difficulty scaling of enemies
    • Items are now more likely to be Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary
    • Increased Spinner hitbox size
    • Remnants (purple guys) in the Ruins are significantly less damaging, and fewer should spawn
    • Saving the Innocent and the Exile now provides hope
    • Crown of Arrogance damage lowered
    • Heart of Courage amulet now scales
    • Range and damage of Zaba Staff reduced. Reliability of hitbox improved.
    • Extended final reach of Zaba staff
    • Cretin Bomb Throwers no longer throw 100 bombs at once and one-shot you
    • Remnant Protectorate (purple guys with two swords in the Ruins) have a longer wind-up time
    • Added Joystick/Trigger threshold values to the Usability Options menu
    • Updated Beggars Hood to provide accurate description
    • The Wraith in the Cemetery will only scold you once now, instead of every time you loot the graves
    • Gauntlets of Despair now shows the Despair Gain in red
    • Screenshake option is now only in Usability Options, not Video Options
    • Doodads will no longer block the exit of The Foundry
    • Contagious Laughter it is now worded more clearly, and shows its stat correctly
    • After your first encounter, the Guardian of Arrogance has a much shorter intro
    • You can no longer run back to the entrance in the Thieves Den
    • When upgrading the Effigy, you no longer automatically use it
    • Cutscene in the Cemetery is now slightly quicker
    • Added Gameplay section to options menu
    • Allow toggling off of feedback reminder
    • Bow sounds are much less annoying
    • Pyromancers Choker stats are more clear now
    • Hopestones have been renamed to Crystals of Hope
    • You can no longer go collect the goodies in the Rats Nest after completing the level
    • Getting an item from praying to The Mother no longer glitches when you have a full inventory
    • Fools Fount, Test of Arrogance, and Undercroft are worded more clearly
    • Health/Power/Hope/Potion popups now appear on top of the inventory

    [ 2024-01-30 03:46:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Welcome to the Necrovale

    Welcome Strangers, Today is the the day Into the Necrovale enters Early Access, a day I've been working towards now for two years. In some ways, this is the real beginning of the game. The small community that's been built around the game has consistently amazed me with the knowledge, ideas, passion, feedback, and humor. I can't wait to share that same experience with a wider audience. This is in some ways on the the beginning. Thank you to everyone who has wishlisted the game, given feedback, expressed interest, or simply tried the demo. If you like the game, and want to see it grow, please consider buying it. The support means so much, and I can not wait to work with the community to make this game everything it should be. I will have a roadmap soon, and together, we will find out just where this road leads. See you soon in the Necrovale.

    [ 2024-01-26 19:55:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

    The Gates of the Necrovale are opening...

    You should be only a little wise, never too wise. It's best not to know your fate beforehand; you'll live happier if you don't. - The Hvaml Welcome, Strangers. It's been two years since I began this project. I only intended to spend a few months on it, but a good friend of mine played an early version and really liked it. With feedback from players, both kind and harsh, I've worked hard to shape it into the game I dreamed about playing back then. With the game now transitioning into Early Access in one weeks time, I hope that I can continue this process. I want to see how far I can take this. I hope this becomes a game that people can get lost in, doing what I've spent so many thousands of hours doing: tinkering and experimenting with builds. I'm glad to have you along on this journey. See you soon...

    [ 2024-01-20 06:59:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Welcome, Strangers...

    Hail to a good host! A guest has come inside, where should he sit? He is impatient, standing on the threshold, ready to try his luck. - The Hvaml Welcome, Strangers... Many new people are joining us, and trying out out the game. It is a great time to be here! Many changes and new things are in the works. Perhaps most importantly, brand new artwork for your avatar in the Necrovale, The Stranger:
    His allies and acquaintances have also had new life breathed into them, take a look:

    I am happy to have you here. For everyone who has submitted feedback: thank you for taking the time to help make this game better. Many more levels, items, events, and secrets are in store.

    [ 2023-09-21 19:15:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

    Into the Necrovale
    Casey Clyde
  • Developer

  • Casey Clyde
  • Publisher

  • Coming soon
  • Release

  • Indie RPG Adventure Singleplayer
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 53  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse
  • Controls

  • Very Positive

    (395 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • http://www.gamuzumi.com/index.php
  • Website

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/1717090 
  • Steam Store

  • [0 B]

  • Public Linux depots

  • The Necrovale has been accumulating miscreants, monsters, and outcasts for a thousand generations. The deeper you go, the thicker and more relentless the swarms will be. You must use every tool you can find, every dirty trick, and every means of destruction if you are to survive.

    The Necrovale is filled with rare and powerful items, relics left behind by those lost souls whose story ended in the depths. Collect increasingly powerful weapons, armor, shields, staffs, jewelry, totems, hats, books, jellyfish, scarfs, and other tchotchkes as you follow in their footsteps. To survive the depressing ravages of the Necrovale, you'll need to find ways to use the items together, creating many unique and powerful builds as you progress.

    Along your journey, you will meet other prisoners. The crimes and failures that brought them to the Necrovale are their own business. Reserve your judgement, however, as you might find yourself depending on these strange and broken creatures to survive.

    The world has grown old and tired. The fires that once burned brightly in the souls of men have dimmed. You, The Stranger, a worthless degenerate and criminal, have been chosen by the All-Father to renew the world by first destroying it. A thousand generations of men and women banished Into the Necrovale will have their say, if you let them.

    Hi, I'm Casey. Thanks for deciding to check out my game, Into the Necrovale. I made this out of my love for games like Diablo, Magic the Gathering, Guild Wars, and Path of Exile. Anything where you can experiment with different skills or items, and put together your own build. In this game, I've created hundreds of strange and powerful items that can interact in unexpected ways. To get through the Necrovale, you will have to collect these items and design many powerful builds. I hope you enjoy the process, and feel free to share any interesting builds you come up with!

    • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
    • Processor: 1.7+ GHz or betterMemory: 100 MB RAMStorage: 100 MB available space
    • Memory: 100 MB RAMStorage: 100 MB available space
    • Storage: 100 MB available space
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