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Dev Diary: Turkey

Greetings, salutations, and merhaba - we now return to your regularly scheduled programming with the reveal of Turkey! Its going to be a long one, so settle in with a dish of kfte and a glass of rak and then lets get into it!
So, lets address the obvious - Turkey did not formally enter the Second World War until 1945, and never participated in any active fighting, yet as a nation they consistently held the dubious honour of being able to fundamentally alter the wars trajectory with their own participation throughout almost the entire conflict. They were courted by every alliance but maintained and leveraged their position of strength so that they could maintain their neutrality while still winning all the favours of courtship from the Allies, the Comintern, and the Axis. The other factor in considering Turkey for a rework was well, a lot of people love to play it. Turkey, to this day, remains the most played non-reworked minor in Hearts of Iron IV! So, it was very important that playing Turkey felt like playing a country with a potentially winning hand, but in a scenario where if they lost theyd lose everything.
The Turks had some prior experience with wars where theyd have everything to gain by winning, and everything to lose by failing. When the Ottoman Empire exploded, the Entente imposed one of their signature devastating treaties on the Turkish people by carving up the new Ottoman state into a small rump state in Anatolia. This state of affairs didnt sit too well with many of the Turkish people, so an alliance of revolutionaries set to work - the most prominent of which was the legendary Mustafa Kemal Atatrk (more on him in a bit!). The Turkish revolutionaries repulsed the Entente and the encroaching Greeks (who we discussed two weeks ago), and cast down the Ottoman Sultanate in favour of the nascent Republic of Turkey. Of course, Turkey was not totally let off the hook as a former Central Powers member, but compared to their former comrades-in-arms the Turkish Republic got off relatively light!
By Hearts of Iron IVs start, the Republic of Turkey was a mere twelve years old! Atatrks Republican Peoples Party (the CHP) wasted no time in reforming Turkish society top-to-bottom in order to modernise and westernise (to a degree) the entire nation. Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, Turkeys messianic founding father, was dedicated to the concept of a liberal democratic Turkish state but that doesnt mean every Kemalist figure was. Kemalism was the unique ideology of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk and the framework through which the entire Turkish state was supposed to be moulded, but even though Atatrks own views were unshakeable Kemalism itself was very flexible as an ideology. Kemalism, all at once, had elements of socialism, western liberalism, and Italian fascism - and these elements could be enhanced or obliterated at the snap of the Atatrks finger. It could be (and has been) argued that it was the dynamism of Kemalism that shielded the Republic of Turkey from the worst of the Great Depression.
Turkey would remain a one-party state under the CHP until May of 1950, where under the leadership of smet nn the Kemalists received a thumping in the elections and gave the conservatives a majority until they were couped out by the Kemalist officers. However, there were attempts to hold multi-party elections during Atatrks lifetime - but when these opposition parties were inevitably taken over by Islamic Conservatives the opposition parties would be banned and the elections called off. Now, I love my history but I do not belabour my points for the sheer fun of it - Turkeys very recent history all plays a part in the Turkish rework, which we should waste no more time in getting into.
Compared to many of the Balkan nations, Turkeys position looks surprisingly stable - but that strength is very tenuous. The Kemalist system of governance seems infallible with Mustafa Kemal Atatrk in charge, but once the Father of the Turks passes away things consistently become much more uncertain. Lets have a look at what makes Turkeys position so fragile, and why a Turkish government might have good cause not to rush headlong into war
Something the recently collapsed Ottoman Empire left behind for the Turkish people as a little present was its insurmountable debt. The Ottoman Public Debt Administration was restructured into the Debt Council: an organisation chaired by Entente victors. However, Turkey was not Greece - the Allies had very little interest in bullying Turkey to the point of alienation, and the whole situation is much easier for Turkey to deal with in general. The Debt Council, as one of the only controlling interests in the Turkish economy, occupies Turkeys starting Industrial Concern as an unremovable spirit. Is it crippling? No, but youre probably going to want to reorganise the entire entity into a more distinctly Turkish entity so you can actually get rid of it!
Even though the elite of the Turkish armed forces was in an excellent state, the army was absolutely ruined after the exceptionally brutal and hard-fought War of Independence. With a centrally managed economy, Turkey has had to be particularly picky with how it allocated its resources during its intricate processes of nation-building. With Atatrks mantra of Peace at Home, Peace in the World, the armed forces - and the army in particular - has fallen a little behind the curve compared to the rest of the world. But dont count the Turkish Armed Forces out just yet, because as the 1920s proved the Turkish forces can show their greatest qualities in a time of crisis.
The best of the Turkish Armed Forces can be found in its dedicated, experienced, and loyal officer corps. Well theyre loyal most of the time it really does depend on just how committed you are to the ideals and principles of Kemalism! Stay true to the vision of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk and youll enjoy some healthy buffs, but straying from the path may lead to some adverse effects for your country
Speaking of adverse effects, lets look at Turkeys unique internal situation. The verdict: its not good. Kurdish rebels to the east, hardcore traditionalists in the hinterlands, and Kemalists in the west and north. Turkey is not fractured along ideological lines like Bulgaria and Greece, rather its divisions are all of an ethnic or religious element. Whats more, these divisions are not drawn along party lines, but rather by geography. So, lets take a look at Turkeys own faction system.
But before we do that, lets just take a quick detour to look at the reworked states and provinces for Turkey! State lines and categories have been corrected to be closer to the real deal, and those unsightly mega-states have been carved up into smaller states. Istanbul is now also a separate state, so any would-be conqueror who wants their own occupied Regime of the Straits can now make that a reality without taking all of Edirne with it! Whats more, the Turkish provinces have been corrected to be closer to reality: in short, the centre of Turkey is no longer one gigantic desert! It should be noted, this relationship - the one between a developer and a player - its a give-and-take relationship. I know this might be contentious to some people, but for DLC owners none of the Kurdish core states in Turkey will start as a core of Turkey. So lets talk about that, lets look at the Kurdish role in the faction system.
But before we do that, lets just take a quick detour to look at the reworked states and provinces for Turkey! State lines and categories have been corrected to be closer to the real deal, and those unsightly mega-states have been carved up into smaller states. Istanbul is now also a separate state, so any would-be conqueror who wants their own occupied Regime of the Straits can now make that a reality without taking all of Edirne with it! Whats more, the Turkish provinces have been corrected to be closer to reality: in short, the centre of Turkey is no longer one gigantic desert! It should be noted, this relationship - the one between a developer and a player - its a give-and-take relationship. I know this might be contentious to some people, but for DLC owners none of the Kurdish core states in Turkey will start as a core of Turkey. So lets talk about that, lets look at the Kurdish role in the faction system.
I dont think its much of a stretch to say that the quest for Kurdish statehood inside of Turkey is a somewhat controversial issue. The thing is its always been pretty controversial. There were a number of Kurdish rebellions between the Republic of Turkeys foundation and the beginning of Hearts of Iron IV, and there was another rebellion that took place during Hearts of Iron IVs timeframe. Instead of hard-scripting that event, I wanted to make it more dynamic, and the new resistance mechanic introduced in La Rsistance seemed an excellent medium to interact with in this regard. Kurdish state modifiers ensure that governing Kurdish areas feels like a constant tug-of-war between the national government and the people in the states. The modifiers can scale up, getting worse in their intensity, or they can be brought down to the point where they cease to be a problem. Many of the ahistorical paths encourage the whittling down of resistance and the building up of compliance for the purposes of getting a core on the states, but I hope for reasons that dont need to be explicitly stated its understandable why the historical path focuses more on the placation of these states rather than their coring.
Remember how I mentioned the give-and-take relationship? Heres some more of that take. Yes, Turkey is treated to an abundance of redrawn and recategorised states, but many of them also have an issue with the government. One of the most divisive elements of Kemalism was its staunch and unfaltering commitment to secularism and separating religion from state. Funnily enough, not all of the Turkish people were so hot on the idea of Islam being split from their government and being stowed into their private affairs. Traditionalist modifiers, like the Kurdish modifiers, scale: and they can get worse or they can get better. If your government isnt a Kemalist government, they can get WAY better! But that might not necessarily be a strat to depend on, because if we take a look over at the Kemalist states
Yeah, theyre really good. Kemalist modifiers arent plentiful, and spreading them can be an expensive affair, but the Kemalist modifiers can be found in most of Turkeys most urbanised and industrialised regions of the country. It creates the desired effect that the player, even though they can build anywhere in the country, is encouraged (like the historical government) to invest in these richer regions due to the added boons and ease of access. Kemalist regions also give additional recruitable population to help offset the loss of those Kurdish non-cores.
Not every state starts aligned on game start, and the player might find themself in a race against time to apply as many of their own state modifiers as possible while the A.I. applies opposing state modifiers. But enough about these peripheral features, lets get to the meat of the rework: the focus tree! I know, I know, I took my time getting here but were in it now!
Turkey was in a very unique situation in 1936, and I really wanted the player to feel like they were playing a pivotal part in Turkeys nation-building process. All the paths are there: two non-aligned paths, two fascist paths, two democratic paths, and a communist path. Lets dissect it a little!
The tree is broken up in a way that should feel rather interconnected, and thats because of Turkeys unique political situation. All the paths in the political tree save for one are not about conjuring a fascist party out of the thin air or a magical communist revolution, but about redefining what the ideology of Kemalism is and what it means for the state. On the left, you can see the liberal and democratic paths - tied in with Turkeys little industry tree which for the most part is actually built into the decision tab. In the centre are Turkeys historical action focuses, and yes - Hatay is a state that has been added to the game! To the right you have the wide-sweeping authoritarian government forms, in which youll find the historical path starting down from Peace at Home.
Everything starts with the Montreux Convention, which kicks off an event chain where Britain, Turkey, and the Soviet Union start a quarrel over the Bosporus and permissions to them. Try to be deft with your approach, and do not underestimate the Bolshevik hunger for your Turkish Straits - it may just come to war
Survive the first crisis, and you can side with Cell Bayar and his liberal-democratic minded ilk by integrating the Bank and its political sponsors into your government, or maintain the one-party state by continuing the state economic policy of Etatism as sponsored by future historical president smet nn. Etatism is a powerful boon that can help rapidly industrialise the mostly empty Turkish state, but if you try to juggle your centrally managed economy with a war economy you might find that you get more than you bargained for.
Here we have the two likeliest successors to the Kemalist legacy after the Father of the Turks passes away: smet nn and Fevzi akmak. smet nns left-wing non-aligned path is accessible through Peace at Home where you try to juggle and appease all sides while never making anybody truly happy. Fevzi akmaks right-wing non-aligned path is accessible through Reinvigorate Turkish Nationalism, and focuses on appeasing the Traditionalists without totally shirking your Kemalist ideology. Fevzi akmak can additionally take the role as a Francisco Franco-like fascist dictator through Fatherland First!
Next, weve got the more radical Kemalist candidates: Recep Peker and evket Sreyya Aydemir. The fascist and communist paths are not about fully tilting Turkey into any particular ideological mould, but rather about remodelling Kemalism along their more radical lines. To that end, both paths are free to intervene in the Spanish Civil War, and put a focus on clamping down on Traditionalist sedition while uplifting the Kurdish people into a position where they are equals in the Turkish state.
On the other end of the tree, we have the democratic path featuring Cell Bayar, whos batting for the Kemalists, and Adnan Menderes, whos pitching for the Conservatives. Once you open up the floodgates of a free and fair election, there is no going back.
So, the election goes down and either the Kemalists are provided a democratic mandate to rule, or their reign is cut short by Menderes and his Demokrat Parti. If the latter course of events takes place, then what youve done is essentially fast-tracked Turkish history, and you shouldnt expect the end result to differ too much from reality. One should be weary of old ghosts returning to haunt the state when you pander to their views and topple their enemies
So, youve established your state of choice and now its time to stop looking inwardly and time to start looking at the rest of the world at lar- [Troy GIF on fire] Alright, so the worlds in a bit of trouble! Looks like the whole Peace in the World aspect of Kemalism isnt working out so hot, and maybe its time to directly intervene in matters. Or alternatively why not just bask in the love of your secret admirers in Berlin, London, Rome, and Moscow? The foreign policy branch lets you play the historical route of letting things play out until 1945 without getting involved (which the historical A.I. should do), or you can beeline straight for your faction of choice so you can jump into the action!
Some of the favours you can garner from your gallant sponsors are pretty neat, and can be very useful to a Turkish state trying to build up to preparedness for total war. Every faction path has a way for Turkey to expand either peacefully or through more traditional means. Join up with the Allies, and see if they might be willing to sponsor your hegemonic aims in the Middle East (I know, how uncharacteristic of Turkey). Join the Axis and cause chaos in the Middle East by sponsoring the Golden Squares coup in Iraq, or ready your troops for the long winter march to Moscow through the Caucasus. Align with the Comintern and ditch your phoney Turkish socialism for some honest-to-Stalin Turkish Bolshevism by lifting the Turkish Communist Partys exile! Or perhaps the normal factions arent cutting it, perhaps a more independent route is warranted. Well, you can do that too - form the Covenant of the Mediterranean with Italy, or invite Republican Spain to the Anti-Bolshevik Accord.
Or cut the major powers out of the picture entirely for a truly independent route. Under a Kemalist government, the player will be free to continue the governments long-standing foreign policy aims of a stable and free Balkans. Extend the Balkan Pact into a formal Balkan Entente, and stand tall as the paragon of the Balkans - ready to stand up to any threats whether they come from the north, east, south, or west. Although, perhaps you dont want to play the good guy maybe youre invested in this to cause a little chaos...
...well, we have you covered. Of course, no Turkish rework was going to be complete without some sort of Ottoman restoration path. Yes, topple the Kemalists in the election and you can wager theyll use their clout in the military to try and take you down, and when they do thats when the Faustian Bargain can be struck.
Root the Kemalists out of their cities one-by-one and prepare the weakened nation for the return of the Sultan. The glorious Sultan: the one who will restore the Empire, the one who shall conquer the world, the one who shall make the Western Imperialist hounds kneel to kiss his royal scepter, th-
-oh, he was actually a pretty gentle guy. Well, thats okay - because his court is absolutely clogged with vengeful former exiles who have been restored to the Ottoman Sultanate frothing for a second chance to right the humiliating end of the Great War which saw their prestige and identity annihilated.
Should they exist, you can get the old band back together and link up with the Central Powers! If they dont but the Austro-Hungarians do, then you can still reform the Central Powers. If youre alone, thats alright, press the Austro-Hungarian claim for them and cause some mayhem in the southern Balkans in their name. When the Sultanate has been cemented, the option to make a bid to reclaim your empire and the title of Caliph will become available once again. But conquering territory in the Middle East is thirsty work! That place is real hot, and theres so much sand! Good news, weve got you covered.
Introducing the camelry unit! Theyre more reliable and resource efficient than cavalry, but theyre slower, tougher to train, and they cost more equipment. Cavalry is also good in a variety of environments, while Camelry is great in a select few environments but not so good in most others. However, with an even higher level of suppression than cavalry they make fantastic garrisons in a pinch. Well, thats about everyth-
Oh no, wait, theres more! Hearts of Iron IV can be an unpredictable game, you never know which way it might go! The world post-WW2 might be left in a state unpalatable to your senses, so following any branch to the end in the Reconfigure Turkish Foreign Policy lets you take on the role of a rogue state trying to serve its own interests against the wills of the major powers. Mind you, a sudden heel turn in Turkish foreign policy isnt always going to be received positively by every major faction leader, and you might find yourself thrown out on your ass if you cause too much of a ruckus.
Of course, if youre going to play the role of a rogue state then why not go all the way and become the ultimate pariah state? Well, thats all for this week! Before signing off, Id love to give a special thanks to our beta testers for all their hard work testing the pack, Indyclone77 for his help with many of the art assets (including the portrait double-ups in this diary!), and withche.07 for his prolific Turkish suggestions forum thread! Farewell, and see you soon for the first stream!

[ 2020-09-23 09:02:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hearts of Iron IV
Paradox Development Studios
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  • Paradox Interactive
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  • 2016-06-06
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  • Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack
    Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
    Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
    Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2
    Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger
    Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns
    Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance
    Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Music Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus
    Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Music Pack
    Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
    Hearts of Iron IV - Expansion Subscription
    Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone
  • Available DLCs

  • Victory is at your fingertips! Your ability to lead your nation is your supreme weapon, the strategy game Hearts of Iron IV lets you take command of any nation in World War II; the most engaging conflict in world history.

    From the heart of the battlefield to the command center, you will guide your nation to glory and wage war, negotiate or invade. You hold the power to tip the very balance of WWII.

    It is time to show your ability as the greatest military leader in the world. Will you relive or change history? Will you change the fate of the world by achieving victory at all costs?

    Main Features:
    • Total strategic war: War is not only won on land, sea and in the air. It’s also achieved in the hearts and minds of men and women.
    • Authentic real-time war simulation: Let the greatest commanders of WW2 fight your war with the tools of the time; tanks, planes, ships, guns and newly discovered weapons of mass destruction.
    • Assume control of any nation: Choose from the greatest powers striving for victory, or the small nations trying to weather the storm.
    • Turn the world into your battlefield: Experience the full WWII timespan in a topographical map complete with seasons, weather and terrain. Snow, mud, storms can be both your strong ally and a ruthless enemy.
    • Negotiate or force your will: Experience the advanced politics and diplomacy systems, form factions, engage in trade for resources and appoint ministers to your party.
    • Intense Online Combat: Battle in both competitive and cooperative multiplayer for up to 32 players. Featuring cross-platform multiplayer.
    • Give your nation a unique edge: Experience the flexible technology system, where all major powers get their own unique identity. Develop detailed historic tanks and planes through research and army experience.

    Everyone will receive:
    • Poland: United and Ready:
      A Free DLC adds a unique focus tree for Poland, new 3d models for tanks and planes, 2d assets, and extra leader portraits for the ultimate in historical accuracy.
    • Forum Avatar
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    • OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 650 @ 3.20 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5850 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX470 with 1GB VRAM / Latest available proprietary drivers from both manufacturers
    • Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
    • OS: OS: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 with 2GB VRAM / Latest available proprietary drivers from both manufacturers
    • Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard. and speakers are required. / Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer. Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
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